Comp II Drama Test

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How does Puck prevent Lysander and Demetrius from fighting?

He confuses the would-be combatants until they are hopelessly lost.

What happens when Helena wakes Lysander?

He falls in love with her

Why has Egeus come to see Theseus?

His daughter won't marry the man he wants her to marry.

What is Theseus planning as the play opens?

His wedding to Hippolyta

Who does Blanche start dating while visiting Stella in New Orleans?


What is Robin Goodfellow's other name?


What does Oberon realize when he sees Hermia and Demetrius in the clearing?

That Puck has given the love potion to the wrong man

What does Egeus tell Theseus about the craftsmen's play?

That it is terrible and not worth seeing

What phrase from scene i emphasizes the theme of love's difficulty?

"The course of true love never did run smooth."

What does Puck call the craftsmen when he sees them rehearsing?

"hempen homespuns"

Upon waking, with whom does Titania fall in love?


On what do the craftsmen agree?

Bottom is the wittiest, most intelligent, and best person in all of Athens.

What does Titania kiss as she lays in the grove?

Bottom's "fair large ears"

What household task is Troy supposed to perform for Rose, which takes on symbolic meaning?

Build a fence

How does Quince convince Bottom to play Pyramus?

By appealing to Bottom's vanity

What is the professional field of Troy and Bono?


Before arriving in New Orleans, what was Blanche DuBois' profession?


What happens when the juice of the love-in-idleness flower is rubbed on a sleeper's eyelids?

The sleeper will fall in love with the first living thing he or she sees upon waking.

What is the alarming news that Snug shares with the group?

Theseus has been married, along with a few lords and ladies.

What does Bottom say as he pretends to kill himself?

"[D]ie, die, die, die, die."

How many years pass between the opening of the play and its final act?


What is notable about the craftsmen's performance?

It is clumsy, and full of strange speeches and misapprehensions.

What does Lysander propose to Hermia?

That they run away to the home of Lysander's aunt

What does Titania have that Oberon wants?

an Indian prince

In addition to the Athenian lovers, who else is spending the night in the woods?

A band of fairies and a band of Athenian craftsmen

What object does Oberon, the fairy king, send Puck to acquire?

A flower, with magical juice

Upon realizing that she has been sleeping with the donkeylike Bottom, what does Titania feel?


What does Titania give to Bottom?

An embrace and a group of fairy servants

Where does Blanche go at the end of the play?

An insane asylum

In what sport did Troy miss his opportunity to play professionally, fueling his bitterness?


Why does Quince have trouble conducting the meeting?

Because Bottom keeps interrupting him

Why must the craftsmen not eat onions or garlic before their play?

Because they must be prepared to "utter sweet breath"

Why must the fairy servants keep Oberon and Titania separated?

Because they're very angry with each other

What is the name of Blanche and Stella's ancestral home?

Belle Reve

What has happened to the Athenian youths over the course of the night?

Demetrius and Helena now love each other, as do Lysander and Hermia.

How does Theseus feel about the story told by the Athenian youths?

Disbelieving, because darkness and love have a way of exciting the imagination

What does Titania accuse Oberon of?

Falling in love with Hippolyta

On what day of the week does Fences begin?


What does Bottom wish to eat?


How does Bottom react to Titania's behavior?

He accepts it as perfectly natural

What do the craftsmen fear has happened to Bottom?

He has been felled by a terrifying ass-headed monster.

What mistake does Puck make?

He squirts the juice on the wrong man.

What does Puck do to Bottom?

He transforms Bottom's head into that of an ass.

What does Hermia think Helena used to lure Lysander?

Her height

Why are Lysander and Hermia sleeping apart?

Hermia wants to respect custom and propriety.

Where is the play set?

In and around Athens

What does Puck declare as he squeezes the love potion onto Lysander's eyelids?

In the morning all will be well.

What does Stella get from Stanley that makes her happy to leave the social pretensions of her background behind her?

Sexual gratification

Why does Oberon undo the spell on Titania?

She agrees to give him the Indian child.

How does Helena react to Lysander's exclamations of love?

She fears that he is mocking her.

What will happen to Hermia if she refuses to obey her father and marry Demetrius?

She will be forced to enter a convent and possibly be executed.

What is the name of the play to be performed?

The Most Lamentable Comedy and Most Cruel Death of Pyramus and Thisbe

Why can't Bottom tell his friends about his adventure in the forest?

The craftsmen have to go perform their play.

Why has a group of laborers gathered at Peter Quince's house?

They're rehearsing a play that the men hope to perform at Theseus"s wedding.

Why are the laborers worried?

They're worried that the lion will upset the ladies in attendance.

What does Puck ask the audience to do to demonstrate its enjoyment of the play?

To applaud

What is the purpose of the prologue written by the craftsmen for their play?

To explain that the lion isn't really a loin, the sword isn"t really a sword, and no one really dies

What does Oberon ask Puck to do?

To find an Athenian youth being pursued by a lady

At the end of the play, what does Puck urge the audience to do?

To remember the play as if it had been a dream

What does Demetrius tell Helena?

that he doesnt love her

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