CompTIA Linux+ Ch 10

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The System Log Daemon, rsyslogd, creates a socket for other system processes to write to. What is the path to this socket?


Which file contains default information such as UID and GID ranges and minimum password length to be used at user creation?


What is the name of the file that contains a listing of all users on the system and their home directories?


In which file can you configure rules for logging on a Linux system?


In which of the following directories can you place files that will be copied to new user directories when new users are created?


What is the path to where the journald.conf file is located?


Most log files on the system are found in which directory?


Which of the following files stores information about failed logins on a Linux system?


Which of the following is the log file where the Debian Package Manager writes entries for actions taken and packages installed?


When referring to the /etc/rsyslog.conf file, ______ specifies information from a certain area of the system, whereas ______ is the level of importance of that information.

facility, priority

Along with a listing of user accounts, the /etc/passwd file contains information on account expiry. True or False?


UIDs and GIDs are unique to the system and, once used, can never be reused. True or False?


Which of the following commands can a user run to display the groups that they are a member of?


What command can you use to view journald log entries on a system that uses Systemd?


Which of the following commands can you use to view events within the journald database?


Which of the following log files contains information and error messages generated by the Linux kernel?


Which of the following two commands can be used to add custom log file entries to the journald database? (Choose two.)

logger systemd-cat

What is the name of the utility used to rotate log files?


Which command can be used to send a print job to the default printer named Printer1? (Choose all that apply.)

lp file lp -d Printer1 file

Which of the following commands can be used to set the default printer for all users on a Linux system where printer1 is the name of the printer?

lpoptions -d printer1

Which of the following commands can you use to send a print job to printer1? (Choose all that apply.)

lpr -P printer1 mydocument.txt lp -d printer1 mydocument.txt lpr command (part of the legacy printing system) has -P option to specify the printer; lp command (part of the CUPS printing system) can use the -d option to set the destination printer followed by filename

Which of the following commands will display the print jobs in the print queue for printer1 only?

lpstat -o printer1

Which command can be used to temporarily alter the primary group associated with a given user?


Which command would you use to unlock a user account?

passwd -u username

The process of sending print jobs from the print queue to the printer is called _____.


When a printer is disabled, ______.

the print queue accepts jobs into the print queue and holds them there until the printer is enabled again

When a printer is rejecting requests, ______.

the print queue does not accept jobs and sends a message to the user noting that the printer is unavailable

You can clear a log file simply by redirecting nothing into it. True or False?


You can lock a user account by changing the default login shell to an invalid shell in /etc/passwd. True or False?


Which of the following commands can be used to delete a user account?


Emily accidentally created a new user account on the wrong server. Which of the following commands could she use to delete the account she created? (Choose all that apply.)

userdel deluser

Which command is used to delete a user account?

userdel username

Which command can you use to lock a user account?

usermod -L username

Which of the following commands can be used to set the number of days until user account jsmith with an expired password is disabled?

usermod -f 15 jsmith

Which of the following is the first field of the /etc/passwd file?


Which of the following is a special group that provides its members with the ability to run the su and sudo commands?


Which of the following entries could be added to the rsyslog.conf configuration file to have all syslog messages displayed to console 10?

*.* /dev/tty10 the *.* means the line will apply to all syslog messages

Which of the following options can be used with the usermod command to change the description of the user account that is stored in the GECOS field?


Which of the following environment variables can you change the value of to set the default printer on a Linux system? (Choose two.)


Which of the following commands can be used to remove a group from a Linux system? (Choose all that apply.)

delgroup groupdel

Which of the following commands can be used to pause a printer named Printer1?

cupsdisable Printer1

What is the term used to describe a user providing a user name and password to log in to a system?


You use lpstat and determine that a user named User1 has placed two large print jobs in the queue for Printer1 that have yet to start printing. They have print job IDs of Printer1-17 and Printer1-21, respectively. Which command would you use to remove these two jobs from the print queue?

cancel Printer1-17 Printer1-21

Which of the following will display the contents of the /etc/shadow file? (Choose all that apply.)

cat /etc/shadow getent /etc/shadow

Which of the following will show account aging information for a user such as the date of the last password change, when the password expires, and the number of days of warning before the password expires?

chage -l jsmith

Which of the following is the log file where Dandified YUM writes its log entries?


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