Computer Apps Final Essay

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Anita is new to Microsoft Excel 2013. As she uses the application, she is beginning to see that Excel offers many features to help her save time and be more productive. Which of the following Excel features helps Anita be more productive by helping her more easily organize and identify her workbook files?

Document properties

Angela is creating a presentation to give at her company's annual picnic. She knows that PowerPoint 2013 offers new themes she can apply to her presentation to give it a fun and exciting look. Where should Angela look to review different document themes?

in the Themes group on the DESIGN tab

Bavant Publishing needs to find the book reps whose start date is earlier than 1/1/2013. What criteria should Bavant enter in the Start Date column of the design grid?


What are the symptoms of a user with technology addiction?

Symptoms of a user with technology addiction include the following: • Craves computer time • Overjoyed when using a computer or mobile device • Unable to stop using technology • Irritable when not using technology • Neglects family and friends • Problems at work or school

You have finally completed the new product announcement presentation for the next sales department meeting. After reviewing the slides by running a slide show, you decide that the new product photograph on slide 3 does not have the right emphasis. The new product picture on slide 3 has no border. You add one by tapping or clicking the Picture Border arrow on the ____

(PICTURE TOOLS FORMAT tab | Picture Styles group)

Jean is ready to save and print her new presentation. Because she is just learning to use PowerPoint 2013, she is not sure where to find the Print commands. How can Jean preview each of her slides before she prints them?

click the Next Page or Previous Page button in the Print gallery

You have written a novella on your new laptop and now, as you prepare to find a literary agent for your work, you would like to do some formatting of it to make it more appealing to prospective agents. In your novella, you can change the formatting of all of the following EXCEPT ____.

paragraph marks

Your new volunteer position is to work with middle school youth in the computer lab. The Volunteer Coordinator has asked if you would be available to answer student questions during today's lab session. Becky wants to know if it is possible to add effects similar to the effects artists use when they paint. You tell her it is, and direct her to what tool?

the Artistic Effects button

Your friend Julian is applying for his first job and is looking to produce a cover letter that is letter-perfect in its presentation, not to mention its content. Knowing that you are a recently successful job seeker, he comes to you for advice on the preparation of the letter. Julian is concerned that he is forgetting something in the inside address. He has the following information: courtesy title, full name, business affiliation, and full geographical address.

Yes, he is forgetting the job title.

A new colleague of yours has been eyeing your computer skills with envy, as you seem to know all of the shortcuts. He wants to know what your "secret" is. Which of the following keys do you recommend to your colleague for adding a hanging indent?


One form of software theft is the theft of the software from software manufacturers, which is known as piracy. Because this has historically been rather easy to do, the practice has become very common. As a computer instructor you feel it is your responsibility to explain this practice to students through the use of some examples. Which of the following is NOT permissible under a single-user license agreement?

Christine leases her copy of Dreamweaver.

Discuss document properties. Include definitions of these terms: standard properties and automatically updated properties. Be sure to give at least two reasons why document properties are valuable.

Document properties are details about a file that include the author, title, and subject. They help you organize and identify your files. There are two types of document properties: standard properties and automatically updated properties. Standard properties are included in every file created by a Microsoft program. The standard properties are the author, title, and subject. Other properties like the date you make or change a file and the file size are considered automatically updated properties. They automatically change when the file is changed. Document properites are important for many reasons. They help you to find a specific file without having to go through and open different files. You can look at the properties listed and locate the file quickly. It also helps users organize their files if the files have properites of similar description.

Anna is a competitive runner. She wants to improve her performance and decides to keep track of data for six months to determine if the time of day or year she runs affects her performance. Her worksheet contains the following data: start and end time, total time, and distance. After three months, Anna wants to the know the average distance she runs. What should she do to calculate the average distance?

Enter the text =av in a cell at the end of the distance data; then select the AVERAGE function from the Formula AutoComplete list and then enter the function's argument.

Which of the following types of users is the most likely to use accounting software


Explain in detail the utility of freezing worksheet columns and rows.

Freezing worksheet columns and rows is a useful technique for viewing large worksheets that extend beyond the window. Normally, when you scroll down or to the right, the column content in the top rows and the row content in the leftmost columns no longer appear on the screen. When the content of these rows and/or columns helps to identify or define other content still visible on the worksheet, it can make it difficult to remember what the numbers in the visible cells represent. To alleviate this problem, Excel allows you to freeze columns and rows so that Excel displays their content on the screen no matter how far down or to the right you scroll.

Discuss the difference between the way Access saves a record and the way Excel saves a row in a worksheet.

In Access, as soon as you move to another record, the record is saved. No separate save step exists. In Excel, data entered into rows is not saved until the entire worksheet is saved.

Your colleague Frank is editing a friend's novel in Word. To speed up the process, Frank would like to take advantage of the various techniques available for selecting text, and he asks you for help. Which of the following techniques will allow Frank to select an entire sentence?

press and hold down the CTRL key and then click the sentence

Your friend Julian is applying for his first job and is looking to produce a cover letter that is letter-perfect in its presentation, not to mention its content. Knowing that you are a recently successful job seeker, he comes to you for advice on the preparation of the letter. Julian wants to get the letter off to a good start. He has designed a personal letterhead with his name at the very top. What is the first thing he should put immediately below the letterhead, and how far below the letterhead should it appear?

date line, two to six lines below

Explain what circular references, direct circular references, and indirect circular references are.

A formula in a cell that creates a reference back to itself is called a circular reference. Excel often warns you when you create a circular reference. In almost all cases, circular references are the result of an incorrect formula. A circular reference can be direct or indirect. For example, placing the formula =A1 in cell A1 results in a direct circular reference. An indirect circular reference occurs when a formula in a cell refers to another cell or cells that include a formula that refers back to the original cell.

Explain a search tool and include the term index in your response

A search tool is a program that finds files by looking through documents, photos, music, and other files. Certain words contained in the file are entered into the search tool, and the search tool looks through the index to find these words. An index is used to save information about a file like its name or date. The index allows files to be found more quickly because the search tool does not have to go through every file on the computer, it can just look through the list of files in the index. When the search tool finds the file in the index, a link is used to retrieve the file from the computer storage

How can you design a title slide that holds your audience's attention?

A title should prepare your audience for the material they are about to see and hear. If you look for ways to focus attention on the theme and the method in which you plan to present the theme, then developing an effective title slide follows naturally. A unique photograph or graphic can help generate interest. It's also a good idea to introduce the topic with a startling fact, a rhetorical question, or a quotation. Ultimately, you must take your audience, the occasion, and the presentation's purpose into account.

Why is the import feature of being able to adjust the data type of incoming data so important to the efficient acquisition of data from other sources?

Access™ can easily distinguish the difference between numeric data and text data. However, there are other distinctives that are harder to detect. In the example, the numbers given for Quantity in the Orders table must be a whole number (integer), but it was marked to be a double permitting many places right of the decimal. This is a format that is very flexible, but this particular field needs only whole number. The user can make that change before importing the data and therefore save much time and effort. Another example is the importing of zip codes and telephone numbers which are numbers, but have no need to be manipulated mathematically. Therefore to make these fields text enables them to the sorted, but text is much more efficient and accurate. Zeroes are often the first character of a zip code, but they will be dropped in our numbering system unless the field is change to the short text data type.

George runs a mid-size accounting practice and recently upgraded to Excel 2013. He expects sales to grow in the next few months during tax season. After that, he would like to begin upgrading some of the equipment and furniture for the employees in his office. He will start with the Reception area, which has the most visibility. If sales reach a certain amount by the end of April, George will purchase a desk, chair, computer, and software upgrade for the receptionist. Otherwise, George will just purchase the desk and chair. How can George determine the best action to take using a Sales Data worksheet?

Add an IF function formula to his Sales data worksheet

Explain the difference between an inner join and an outer join.

An inner join is a join that finds records from both tables that have identical values in matching fields. An outer join is a join that finds all the records in one table as well as the common records; that is, the records that share the same value in the join field. In a left outer join, all rows from the table on the left are included. In a right outer join, all rows from the table on the right are included.

Bea is the best pie baker around. She has decided to go into business and takes a survey in her town to find out what types of pies are favorites. She decides to record her data in a worksheet she can present to the bank when she seeks a loan for her business startup costs. Bea is new to using Excel, however, and she would like to become conversant in the keyboard shortcuts for the options available in the Paste Options gallery to expedite her work. Bea wants to copy the contents and format of a source area but transpose, or swap, the rows and columns. What keyboard shortcut can she use to do this?


Bavant Publishing needs to find the book reps whose start date is earlier than 1/1/2013. The caption for the Start Date field should be Started when the query results display. How can Bavant change the caption?

He should first go to Design view and click on the top of the field so that the entire field is highlighted. Next, he should go to the Design tab and click the Property Sheet button. On the Property Sheet, he should click the caption box and change it to the new caption.

In general, what guidelines should you follow as you work on projects in Microsoft Office 2013?

Microsoft Office 2013 can help you create excellent projects, but there are some guidelines you should follow to be sure you will be successful. First, you should know the purpose of your project. The reason you are doing this project should be clearly defined. You should draft ideas on paper or whatever helps you best before you begin your project. Next, you should know which kind of audience you are presenting to. You should find out about the people in your audience and learn their interests so you can keep their attention. You should also form a picture of your audience in your mind so you can picture who you will be presenting to. Next, you should gather information. You should get information about your topic from existing files and search the Internet to find other information. You can also read work done by others on your same topic to analyze what approach they took. You could do personal interviews of people who have knowledge of your topic, or watch videos or listen to audio that has to do with your topic to get additional information. Lastly, you should decide which part of all your information you will present to your audience. You should come up with main points that you want your audience to take away from your presentation, and have an idea of the key point that you want to end with. You should consider time factors like how long it will take you to create the project or how long you will present. You should also have an outline of how you will present your project, and your most important points should come at the beginning and the end. These guidelines will help you be successful when creating projects.

Your friend Riley knows that you have a lot of experience with proofreading works cited pages from your time as a graduate student and now as a professional researcher. Her most recent research paper is the first example of a paper on which Riley has worked that will use websites as sources. Can you help her indicate which of the following is a correct and complete citation for a website?

None of these citations are complete. To cite a website, you need to include the author's full name, the title of the website, the website publisher. the publication date (if there is not one, write n.d.), the publication medium, and the date viewed. Citation A includes the most information out of all of the options but it only includes one date. Either the publication date or the date viewed is not included, but you cannot tell which one because if the publication date is not included you are supposed to write n.d., but that is not included either. Also, the publication medium is not included. For web sources, the citation should include the word "Web".

Discuss note taking software and how it is used

Note taking software is designed to replace having a pencil and paper to take notes. . It allows users to type notes or even write them. Users can write on their tablet with a stylus or even their finger to write down notes or sketch drawings. You can even insert pictures or links onto the page and save it to a notebook. The software also allows users to record audio and save it as part of the notebook page. A calendar is also included with some note taking softwares, which makes it easy to save tests or other important dates in the same place as your notes. Note taking software is very convenient for students or people who go to meetings.

In the accompanying figure, book rep names appear more than once in the table. Storing this data on multiple records is an example of redundancy which can cause several problems. What are these problems? What is the solution to the problem?

Redundancy causes the following problems: 1. Wasted storage space. The same name is stored more than once. It should be stored only once. 2. More complex database updates. If the same name is stored more than once and the individual's name changes, then the name would need to be changed in several different places. 3. A possibility of inconsistent data. There is nothing to prohibit a name being changed on one record and not on another. The solution to the problem is to place the redundant data in a separate table.

Why might you want to print a presentation?

Some people prefer proofreading a hard copy of a presentation rather than viewing it on the screen. Copies can be distributed as handouts. Also, a hard copy can serve as a backup reference if your storage medium is lost or becomes corrupted

Explain in detail what it means to synchronize computers and mobile devices. Include at least two strategies for keeping your files in sync in your answer

Synchronizing a mobile device and a computer allows the devices to share the same files. Whatever is on one device will be sent to the other device if they are synced together. For instance, I have my phone synced with my computer, and when I take a picture on my phone, it is automatically uploaded to my computer. One way to keep your mobile device and computer synced is to periodically connect the two with a cable. You can download the appropriate synchronization software so that when you connect the devices with the cable, they will sync. Another method for syncing devices is by using web apps. If you download a web app onto your phone and download the same one to your computer, the apps will be synced with one another and will contain the same information.

Joe has been asked to create a Special Projects database for his company. The database is to track employees and the special projects to which the employees may be assigned. A special project can have between 2 and 5 employees assigned to it. He has determined that he needs the following tables: Employee (Social Security Number, Last Name, First Name, Street Address, City, State, Postal Code, Hourly Pay Rate, Project Code) Project (Project Code, Project Name, Total Hours, Completion Date) Which field in the Employee table should be the primary key and why?

The Social Security Number should be the primary key. It is unique to each employee and it will be easy to identify them by their social security number.

Outline the guidelines for evaluating a website.

The guidelines for assessing the value of a website or webpage before relying on its content are: • Affiliation: A reputable institution should support the website without bias in the information. • Audience: The website should be written at an appropriate level. • Authority: The website should list the author and the appropriate credentials. • Content: The website should be well organized and the links should work. • Currency: The information on the webpage should be current. • Design: The pages at the website should download quickly, be visually pleasing, and easy to navigate. • Objectivity: The website should contain little advertising and be free of preconceptions.

Which field in the Project table should be the primary key and why?

The primary key is the unique identifier for all the records included in the table. In each table, you should determine the unique identifier for that particular table. In the Project table, the unique identifier could be the Project Number.

Why is the data import feature of Access™ so important to the practical use of the database to assemble large amounts of data into readable form?

There is a lot of data that is in Excel™ and other machine readable programs. This allows the information to be assembled in Access, normalized for organizational reasons, and made available for observation much more easily than other methods. In today's world there is much data available, but many time the facts are distorted because the task of organizing the data to get at the truth is very difficult. There are many other methods of importing data in addition to the Excel™ method demonstrated in this module.

In your introductory course on computers, your professor has decided to dedicate a lecture to computer ethics. There is a lot of ambiguity in this topic, and she has presented a range of circumstances for you and your classmates to review. Which of the following is NOT a question of computer ethics?

Users are required to provide a software product's 25-character identification number before installing software.

What is the difference between a form and a report in Access™? Which object is the best to use communicating data?

Whether to use a form or screen depends on the application that is needed. A form is designed to be displayed, but it can be printed. A form gives information usually about a single record or a short list of records. Sometimes these shorter forms need to have a single copy made, but to print all of the records would be wasteful of paper and toner. Reports are designed to be printed, but can be displayed. By putting as many records on the same page as possible, the number of pages needed is minimized. Sometimes a user will see a record on a page and just want to print it. The single page can be printed economically and instantly. For jobs needed a physical record, the paper report is generally the most efficient.

After you create and save a query, you can use it in a variety of ways. Name three of these ways.

You can use a query in the following ways: 1. View the results. 2. Change the design. 3. Print the results.

Under what circumstances should you press the ENTER key when typing in Word?

You should only press the ENTER key: • To insert a blank line(s) in a document • To begin a new paragraph • To terminate a short line of text and advance to the next line • To respond to questions or prompts in Word dialog boxes, task panes, and other on-screen objects

Your friend Rita comes to you for help organizing her files, all of which are currently stored on a USB flash drive. You suggest that she create a folder for each class that she is taking. In addition, you suggest that she create folders within each class folder, one for each topic that the class covers. Rita takes your suggestion and creates a folder called Hist201 for her American history class. Inside the Hist201 folder, she creates folders called CivilWar and Slavery. Rita opens a folder window for the Slavery folder. In which component of the folder window does the folder's path appear?

address bar

Your friend is new to using tables, and he is having a lot of difficulty manipulating them. You offer to help him with some tips for selecting items in the table, for starters. Which of the following allows you to select the entire table?

click the table move handle

Leo, owner of Leo's Bread Company, recently installed Excel 2013 and created a new workbook to track sales of different types of bread. He wants to determine which types of bread are the most popular among his customers. He is particularly interested in sales of rye bread, onion rolls, and bagels. Leo has formatted the sales numbers with the Accounting number format. Leo wants the sales numbers for rye bread, onion rolls, and bagels to look different each time the sales for each exceeds $500. What Excel feature can Leo use to accomplish this?

conditional formatting

Leo, owner of Leo's Bread Company, recently installed Excel 2013 and created a new workbook to track sales of different types of bread. He wants to determine which types of bread are the most popular among his customers. He is particularly interested in sales of rye bread, onion rolls, and bagels. Leo has formatted the sales numbers with the Accounting number format. After Leo enters the sales numbers into the cells, he decides he does not want the fixed dollar sign to appear on the far left of the cell, separated by spaces from the actual value. He would prefer that the dollar sign appear immediately to the left of the first digit of the value. To specify a floating dollar sign, which of the following formats should Leo apply?

currency style

You are taking an economics class, as part of which you are studying the various types of e-commerce. As part of your research, you have learned that vending machines in Japan allow shoppers to hold their cell phones in front of the machine in order to make a purchase using the smartphone. Which of the following types of commerce does this exemplify?


Simone is aware that there are a variety of security tools available for her new computer, but she is not entirely sure which kinds of products she needs for which situations. She asks you for some advice. Simone does her banking with Bank of America and was nervous lately when she began to be the victim of scams in which she was the recipient of official-looking email messages that appeared to be coming from Bank of America but ultimately turned out not to be legitimate. Which of the following can she use to keep this from happening in the future?

phishing filter

Your friends know that you understand a lot about computers, both the technical details of how they operate as well as information about software. Lately, with all of the concerns about copyright infringement, friends have started to ask you about categories of application software and what each kind permits. DeRobb is looking for a spreadsheet program that is available at no cost, but that also puts no restrictions on his use of it. If he wants to share it with a friend, or make copies of it and distribute it, he wants to be able to do so. What kind of software do you recommend he should be looking at?


Perry has recently expanded his business and hired two employees. As a result of this expansion, he is considering carefully how to establish policies and procedures for creating workbooks. Perry decides that before either of his employees creates a new workbook he must give them a ____.

requirements document

You have finally completed the new product announcement presentation for the next sales department meeting. After reviewing the slides by running a slide show, you decide that the new product photograph on slide 3 does not have the right emphasis. You think that rounding the edges of the photograph would enhance its appearance. You round the edges by applying a picture ____.


After doing some research into the replacement of your desktop, you decide that a mobile computer might in fact be a better choice for you. You switch gears and reread the buyer's guide for mobile computer purchases from your Discovering Computers textbook. All of the following are considerations you should make at the time of purchase EXCEPT ____.

bundled software

You have had your desktop for several years and you have decided that it is time for you to purchase a new one. Before heading online to make your purchase, you re-familiarize yourself with a buyer's guide that you found in your Discovering Computers textbook. Which of the following is not a hidden cost to which the buyer's guide refers?

bundled software

List at least five commonly used AutoFormat As You Type options. In your response, provide both what the initially typed text is and what the AutoFormat result is.

• Quotation marks or apostrophes: Changes straight quotation marks or apostrophes to curly ones • Text, a space, one hyphen, one or no spaces, text, space: Changes the hyphen to an en dash • Text, two hyphens, text, space: Changes the two hyphens to an em dash • Web or email address followed by the SPACEBAR or ENTER: Formats web or email address as a hyperlink • Number followed by a period, hyphen, right parenthesis, or greater than sign, and then a space or tab followed by text: Creates a numbered list • Asterisk, hyphen, or greater than sign and then a space or tab followed by text: Creates a bulleted list • Fraction and then a space or hyphen: Condenses the fraction entry so it consumes one space instead of three • Ordinal and then a space or hyphen: Makes part of the ordinal a superscript

The text in a flyer is organized into three areas. List all three and briefly describe each.

• The headline is the first line of text on the flyer. It conveys the product or service being offered, such as a car for sale or personal lessons, or the benefit that will be gained, such as a convenience, better performance, greater security, higher earnings, or more comfort; or it can contain a message such as a lost or found pet. • The body copy consists of text between the headline and the signature line. This text highlights the key points of the message in as few words as possible. It should be easy to read and follow. While emphasizing the positive, the body copy must be realistic, truthful, and believable. • The signature line, which is the last line of text on the flyer, contains contact information or identifies a call to action

Why should you use animation sparingly? What effects of animation must be taken into account when designing a slide?

1) PowerPoint audience members usually take notice the first time an animation is displayed on the screen, so slide designers should be certain the animation will help focus on the practice points being presented during a particular time of the presentation. 2) You should avoid using animation for the sake of using animation. Use it only when it is needed to add emphasis. 3) Animation overuse annoys and desensitizes audience members. 4) You should carefully decide how text or a slide element enters and exits a slide and how it is displayed once it is present on the slide.

Define at least seven of the different types of websites, giving examples wherever possible and defining all relevant terms.

A social network is a website that allows users to share activities from their daily lives and communicate with each other. One example of a social network is Facebook. An informational website is a website that offers facts to users. An example of an informational website is WebMD. A media sharing website allows users to share media like photos, music, and videos. YouTube is an example of a media sharing website. YouTube is a video sharing site because users share videos with other users. Educational websites allow users to get formal or informal teaching and offers resources to help users learn. One example is A blog, or a weblog, is a website that users post to in journal style. The blogosphere is a collection of blogs worldwide. Twitter is an example of a blog. On Twitter, users can only post messages that are between 100 and 200 characters, which makes it a microblog. A wiki is a website that allows users to change the content of the website. One example is Wikipedia. A health and science website is a website that contains information to help users live a healthy lifestyle. One example is ScienceDaily.

Discuss how you should format the various elements of a worksheet.

A worksheet should be formatted in the following manner: (1) format the numbers; (2) format the worksheet title, column titles, row titles, and total rows; (3) format an assumptions table. Numbers in heading rows and total rows should be formatted with a currency symbol. Other dollar amounts should be formatted with a comma style. An assumptions table should be diminished in its formatting so it does not distract from the main calculations and data in the worksheet. Arranging the data in an assumptions table in a smaller font size would set it apart from other data formatted with a larger font size.

You have had your desktop for several years and you have decided that it is time for you to purchase a new one. Before heading online to make your purchase, you re-familiarize yourself with a buyer's guide that you found in your Discovering Computers textbook. Which of the following is not a consideration from that buyer's guide?

Always purchase the least powerful desktop available

How can I use handouts to organize my speech?

As you develop a lengthy presentation with many visuals, handouts may help you organize your material. Print handouts with the maximum number of slides per page. Use scissors to cut each thumbnail and then place these miniature slide images adjacent to each other on a flat surface. Any type on the thumbnails will be too small to read, so the images will need to work with only the support of the verbal message you provide. You can rearrange these thumbnails as you organize your speech. When you return to your computer, you can rearrange the slides on your screen to match the order of your thumbnail printouts. Begin speaking the actual words you want to incorporate in the body of the talk. This process of glancing at the thumbnails and hearing yourself say the key ideas of the speech is one of the best methods of organizing and preparing for the actual presentation. Ultimately, when you deliver your speech in front of an audience, the images on the slides or on your note cards should be sufficient to remind you of the accompanying verbal message.

Anita is new to Microsoft Excel 2013. As she uses the application, she is beginning to see that Excel offers many features to help her save time and be more productive. Which of the following features helps Anita be more productive by automatically reducing the number of misspelled or miss-typed words?


Your friend Rita comes to you for help organizing her files, all of which are currently stored on a USB flash drive. You suggest that she create a folder for each class that she is taking. In addition, you suggest that she create folders within each class folder, one for each topic that the class covers. Rita takes your suggestion and creates a folder called Hist201 for her American history class. Inside the Hist201 folder, she creates folders called CivilWar and Slavery. If the USB flash drive is identified as RITA_USB (E:), which of the following is a possible path for the Slavery folder?

Computer > RITA_USB (E:) > Hist201 > Slavery

What are the questions to ask yourself as you proofread and revise a research paper?

Does the title suggest the topic? Is the thesis clear? Is the purpose of the paper clear? Does the paper have an introduction, body, and conclusion? Does each paragraph in the body relate to the thesis? Is the conclusion effective? Are sources acknowledged correctly? Are all sources acknowledged?

List at least four guidelines for creating strong passwords.

Personal information: Avoid using any part of your first or last name, your family members' names, phone number, street address, license plate number, Social Security number, or birth date. • Length: Use at least eight characters. • Difficulty: Use a variety of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, punctuation, and symbols. Select characters located on different parts of the keyboard, not the ones you commonly use or that are adjacent to each other. Criminals use software that converts common words to symbols, so changing the word, two, to the numeral, 2, or the word, and, to the ampersand symbol, &, is not likely to foil a thief. • Modify: Change the password frequently, at least every three months. • Variation: Do not use the same password for all accounts. Once criminals have stolen a password, they attempt to use that password for other accounts they find on your computer or mobile device, especially banking websites. • Passphrase: A passphrase, which is similar to a password, consists of several words separated by spaces. Security experts recommend misspelling a few of the words and adding several numerals. For example, the phrase, "Create a strong password," could become the passphrase, "Creaet a strang pasword42." • Common sequences: Avoid numbers or letters in easily recognized patterns, such as "asdfjkl;," "12345678," "09870987," or "abcdefg." Also, do not spell words backwards or use common abbreviations. • Test: Use online tools to evaluate password strength.

Describe PowerPoint and list some of its features and components

PowerPoint is a full-featured presentation app that allows you to produce compelling presentations to deliver and share with an audience. A PowerPoint presentation also is called a slide show. PowerPoint contains many features not design, develop, and organize slides, including formatting text, adding and editing video and audio clips, creating tables and charts, applying artistic effects to pictures, animating graphics, and collaborating with friends and colleagues. You can then turn your presentation into a video, broadcast your slide show on the web, or create a photo album.

Your friend Riley knows that you have a lot of experience with proofreading works cited pages from your time as a graduate student and now as a professional researcher. Riley brings to you the research paper on which she is currently working. Which of the following is a correct and complete citation for a book?

Santos, Matthew, and Joshua Lyman. How to Run (and Win) a Presidential Campaign. Houston: GOP Publishing, 2011.

Briefly describe PowerPoint's Slide Sorter and Reading views.

Slide Sorter view allows you to look at several slides at one time. Reading view is similar to Slide Show view because each slide displays individually, but the slides do not fill the entire screen. Using this view, you easily can control the progression through the slides forward or backward with simple controls at the bottom of the window. Switching between Slide Sorter view, Reading view, and Normal view helps you review your presentation, assess whether the slides have an attractive design and adequate content, and make sure they are organized for the most impact. After reviewing the slides, you can change the view to Normal so that you may continue working on the presentation.

discuss the four types of software theft.

Software theft occurs when someone steals software media, intentionally erases programs, illegally registers and/or activates a program, or illegally copies a program. • Physically stealing software: A perpetrator physically steals the media that contains the software, or steals the hardware that contains the media that contains the software. For example, an unscrupulous library patron might steal a game CD/DVD. • Intentionally erasing software: A perpetrator erases the media that contains the software. For example, a programmer who is terminated from a company may retaliate by removing or disabling the programs he or she has written from company computers. • Illegal registration/activation: A perpetrator illegally obtains registration numbers and/or activation codes. A program called a keygen, short for key generator, creates software registration numbers and sometimes activation codes. Some unscrupulous individuals create and post keygens so that users can install software without legally purchasing it. • Illegal copying: A perpetrator copies software from manufacturers. Software piracy, often referred to simply as piracy, is the unauthorized and illegal duplication of copyrighted software. Piracy is the most common form of software theft.

Discuss a virus and related examples of malware, also include definitions of the term payload, and a discussion of how a virus delivers a payload in your answer. Explain a common way through which computers and mobile devices become infected with viruses, and list common types of malware

Student responses will vary, but should be drawn from the following information from the text. Malware, short for malicious software, consists of programs that act without a user's knowledge and deliberately alter the operations of computers and mobile devices. Some malware contains characteristics in two or more classes. For example, a single threat could contain elements of a virus, worm, and Trojan horse. Some websites maintain lists of known malware. Malware can deliver its payload, or destructive event or prank, on a computer or mobile device in a variety of ways, such as when a user opens an infected file, runs an infected program, connects an unprotected computer or mobile device to a network, or when a certain condition or event occurs, such as the computer's clock changing to a specific date. A common way that computers and mobile devices become infected with viruses and other malware is through users opening infected email attachments. Common types of malware include: Virus: A potentially damaging program that affects, or infects, a computer or mobile device negatively by altering the way the computer or device works without the user's knowledge or permission. Worm: A program that copies itself repeatedly, for example in memory or on a network, using up resources and possibly shutting down the computer, device, or network. Trojan horse: A program that hides within or looks like a legitimate program. Unlike a virus or worm, a Trojan horse does not replicate itself to other computers or devices. Rootkit: A program that hides in a computer or mobile device and allows someone from a remote location to take full control of the computer or device. Spyware: A program placed on a computer or mobile device without the user's knowledge that secretly collects information about the user and then communicates the information it collects to some outside source while the user is online. Adware: A program that displays an online advertisement in a banner or pop-up window on webpages, email messages, or other Internet services.

Explain what the World Wide Web is, including several tasks that can be accomplished online. Include definitions of the following terms in your response: webpage, downloading, website, and web server.

The World Wide Web is a collection of information that is accesible to anyone who gets on the Internet. Through the web, people can research a topic, communicate with others through email or social media, or read the news. Users are able to access different webpages on the web. Webpages are electronic documents that contain text, graphics, audio, and video. When you have a bunch of webpages that have similarities, that is called a website. Websites and webpages are all stored in a web server. Web servers send certain webpages to computers based on what the user is searching for. The web also allows users to download things onto their computers. When you download something, you move it from the Internet onto your device.

Briefly explain how to change the order of stacked objects on a slide.

The objects on a slide can be stacked on top of each other, much like individual cards in a deck. To change the order of these objects, you can use the Bring Forward and Send Backward commands. Bring Forward moves an object toward the top of the stack, and Send Backward moves an object underneath another object. When you click the Bring Forward button arrow, PowerPoint displays a menu with an additional command, Bring to Front, which moves a selected object to the top of the stack. Likewise, when you click the Send Backward button arrow, the Send to Back command moves the selected object underneath all objects on the slide.

What is the significance of the primary key and the foreign key in a one-to-many relationship? How do they work in a relational database.

The primary key and the foreign key are the identifiers of the entities that the database tables are designed to store. In the example, the customer has a unique identifier that is listed in sequential order. This quickly identifies the customer for any transaction in the database. In the Customer table there is only one customer per record. However, in the Orders table created because of normalization, there are multiple customer records because many orders may have the same Customer. The primary key of the Customers table is connected to the foreign key of the Orders table so that every order can be identified by Customer. The primary and foreign keys being connected is the basis of the one-to-many relationship, used very often in relational database applications.

Explain in detail what the web is, and include the terms website, web server, and webpage in your explanation.

While the Internet was developed in the late 1960s, the World Wide Web emerged in the early 1990s. Since then, it has grown phenomenally to become one of the more widely used services on the Internet. The World Wide Web (WWW), or web, consists of a worldwide collection of electronic documents. Each electronic document on the web is called a webpage, which can contain text, graphics, animation, audio, and video. Some webpages are static (fixed); others are dynamic (changing). Visitors to a static webpage all see the same content. With a dynamic webpage, by contrast, visitors can customize some or all of the viewed content, such as desired stock quotes, weather for a region, or ticket availability for flights. The time required to download a webpage varies depending on the speed of your Internet connection and the amount of graphics and other media involved. A website is a collection of related webpages and associated items, such as documents and pictures, stored on a web server. A web server is a computer that delivers requested webpages to your computer or mobile device. The same web server can store multiple websites. As web technologies matured in the mid-2000s, industry experts introduced the term Web 2.0 to refer to websites that provide a means for users to share personal information (such as online social networks), allow users to modify website content (such as wikis), and provide applications through a browser (such as web apps).

Describe how to use the Format Painter to copy formatting.

You can use the Format Painter to apply custom formatting to other places in a presentation in three ways: 1. To copy only character attributes, such as font and font effects, select text that has these qualities.. 2. To copy both character attributes and paragraph attributes, such as alignment and indentation, select the entire paragraph. 3. To apply the same formatting to multiple words, phrases, or paragraphs, double-tap or double-click the Format Painter button and then select each item you want to format. You then can press the ESC key or click the Format Painter button to turn off this feature.

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