Coms Final

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"Fake it until you make it!" is great advice for public speaking


"History is a drama with many acts" is an example of a metaphor


"Silence settled over the audience like a block of granite" is an example of a metaphor.


...lets you know how your message is received


A public speaker need only be concerned about ethics in the conclusion of a speech


A rhetorical question is a question that the audience answers mentally rather than out loud


A well-timed pause is an effective way to give dramatic impact to a statement

Both your main points are properly balanced and you have adequate supporting materials for your main points

According to your textbook, outlining is important to public speaking because an outline helps you judge whether...


Although language changes from culture to culture, the meaning of nonverbal signals is consistent across cultures.


An advantage of using emotional appeal in a persuasive speech is that it frees you from using facts and logic


Appeals to the audience emotions, such as fear, compassion, guilt, or pride are the kinds of appeals that Aristotle referred to as...


Because persuasion is such a complex process, juggling statistics and quoting out of context to maximize your persuasive effect are ethically acceptable in speeches to persuade

Vocal variety

Changes in a speakers rate, pitch, and volume are referred to as...


Copying passages from a few sources and stringing them together to make a speech is a form of unethical behavior called patchwork plagiarism


Critical thinking is a way of thinking negatively about everything you hear in a speech.


Delivery cues on a speaking outline remind a speaker how to say something, rather than what to say.


Each time you practice the same speech extemporaneously, the wording of the speech will be slightly different.


Ethnocentrism is the belief that one's own group or culture is superior to all other groups or cultures


Fortunately, stage fright only affects inexperienced speakers


Good speech delivery conveys a speaker's ideas without calling attention to itself

Establishing Credibility

In the introduction of his speech on the special Olympics


It is inappropriate for a public speaker to say anything so obvious as "in conclusion"


It is overly repetitious to restate the main points in the conclusion of the speech


It is possible to disagree entirely with a speaker's ideas but still support the speaker's right to express those ideas


It is seldom necessary to cite the source of statistics in a speech


It is usually enough to practice your speech just once using your visual aids


Many of the symptoms of stage fright are due to adrenaline, a hormone released into the bloodstream in responses to physical or mental stress


Monroe's motivated sequence is another name for problem-cause-solution order

Hasty Generalization

Name that fallacy: After my son had his vaccine, he developed autism, therefore the vaccine caused autism

Either or

Name that fallacy: You're either with us or against us. One with all the newspapers


Referring back to the introduction in your conclusion is a good way to give the speech psychological unity

When they are 30 to 60 seconds into the speech

Research has shown that the anxiety level of most speakers drops off significantly


Research shows that a speaker's credibility is strongly affected by his or her delivery


Since most people are nervous about public speaking, it is perfectly acceptable to finish a speech by declaring. "Am I glad that's over!"


Speaking from a manuscript allows for greater spontaneity and directness than does speaking extemporaneously


Speaking impromptu and speaking extemporaneously are essentially alike.


Stating main points in a word or two is usually sufficient for a preparation outline


The first thing you should do in the introduction of your speech is to reveal the topic.

Slippery slope

The following statement is an example of what type of fallacy? If we allow the government to require healthy meals in school cafeterias, then it's only a matter of time before the government tells is everything we can and cannot eat.

Slippery slope

The following statement is an example of what type of fallacy? If we allow the government to restrict the sale of semiautomatic weapons, there will be this, this, and this

Appeal to novelty

The following statement is an example of what type of fallacy? If you want the most reliable air conditioner, you always buy the newest model.


The nonverbal messages that listeners send back to speakers are called feedback


The preview statement is usually the last component of the speech introduction and serves as a bridge to the body of the speech


Trying to memorize a speech is a good way to ensure that you'll communicate with your audience with conversational directness and sincerity


Under normal circumstances, the introduction should constitute about 10 to 20 % of a speech


Under normal circumstances, you should work out the exact wording of your introduction after you have finished preparing the body of your speeches


Unlike writers, public speakers can present other people's ideas as their own without being guilty of plagiarism


Using your own knowledge and experience in a speech can help bring the speech to life


Vocalized pauses are an effective way to increase a speaker's credibility

Hasty Generalization

What error in reasoning is exemplified by the following statement? Both of my roommates drink at least three cans of soda every day and neither of them is overweight, so all of those studies that link soda consumption to obesity must be wrong.

Hasty generalization

What error in reasoning is exemplified by the following statement? French movies are all dull. I saw 3 of them last semester in my film class and couldn't stay awake through a single one

Hasty Generalization

What error in reasoning is exemplified in the following statement? A random survey of 20 adults...clearly 80% of Americans don't care about owning cars

Hasty Generalization

What error in reasoning is exemplified in the following statement? My Volkswagen constantly needs repairs, and so does my roommates Mazda. We can see, then, that all foreign cars are unreliable.

Slippery slope

What fallacy is exemplified in the following statement? If we approve a construction permit for this home, the next thing you know other people will want to build in our valley, then this, this, and this


When concluding a speech, it is inappropriate to end with a dramatic statement


When speaking to persuade, you need to think of your speech as a kind of mental dialogue with your audience.


When you agree with the ideas expressed by an author, it is ethical to use them without giving credit to the source.

There are two types of leadership

Which of the following is a correctly worded main point for a speech preparation outline?

A developer urging the city council to build a new convention center

Which of the following is an instance of persuasive speaking


Which of the following is not a part of the speech process.

Selective listening

happens when a listener only attends to information they think is important or relevant to them, rather than the entire message


most of the nervousness a speaker feels internally is usually not visible to the audience

Consciousness raising

refers to the attempt to make others more aware of cultural and political problems and challenges

a volunteer convincing a group of citizens to sign a petition

which of the following is an instance of persuasive speaking?


According to your textbook, emotional appeals are usually inappropriate in persuasive speeches on question of fact

Preview statement

According to your textbook, the following passage from a speech introduction is an example of...Today I would like to share what I have learned about attention deficit disorder by first discussing the effects on people and then looking at the treatments that can be used to help people who suffer from this condition


As a matter of ethics, audience members should listen attentively to and agree with everything the speaker says


As the united states becomes more diverse, speakers no longer need to be sensitive to issues of race, ethnicity, and cultural background in public speaking


Evidence from competent, credible sources is more persuasive than evidence from biased or self-interested sources


Hearing and listening are essentially the same


If your topic is clear in the body of the speech, there is no need to state it in the introduction


In a preparation outline, the specific purpose is usually stated before the introduction

She did not use language appropriate to the audience

In her speech about classical ballet, Kyndra mentioned, but did not explain, the terms entrechat and arabesque. Since most of the listeners were unfamiliar with ballet...

Analogical reasoning

In her speech arguing for the elimination of pennies from the US money supply, Susan demonstrated that her plan will work by showing that a similar plan worked when the US eliminated the half penny in 1857

establish credibility

In the introduction of his speech on the art of digital photography, Terrence mentioned that he works part time at a camera shop


In the most common system of outlining, main points are identified by capital letters.


In the most common system of outlining, main points are identified by roman numerals and subpoints by capital letters


Is the audience's perception of whether the speaker is qualified to speak on a given topic


It is appropriate to establish your credibility in a speech introduction by letting your audience know that your information comes from reading, classes, or other sources.


It is important to maintain strong eye contact with your audience when you are presenting a visual aid


Nonverbal communication is based on a person's use of voice and body, rather than just on the use of words


One function of a speech conclusion is to establish the credibility of the speaker


The action step in Monroe's motivated sequence usually comes in the...of a persuasive speech on a question of policy


The aim of an ethical speaker is to accomplish his or her goals by any means necessary


The burden of...always rests with the persuasive speaker who advocates change

Reinforce your listeners commitment to the central idea

The conclusion of a speech is an appropriate time to...

Ad hominem

The following statement is an example of what type of fallacy? Councilman Stewart's recommendations for a wind farm might work, but do you want to take advice from a man who was caught cheating on his wife?

Appeal to novelty

The following statement is an example of what type of fallacy? Did you hear about the new vacuum cleaner on the market? We should get it, because it has to be better than the older ones.

either or

The following statement is an example of what type of fallacy? Either we all sign organ donor cards or medical facilities will start cloning people just to sell their body parts

Ad hominem

The following statement is an example of what type of fallacy? Hannah makes a good argument in favor of providing economic benefits for same-sex couples but what else would you expect from someone who is openly gay?

Appeal to novelty

The following statement is an example of what type of fallacy? If you're looking for a house, you want to buy the new one. New construction and design techniques have to be better than the old ones.

Ad hominem

The following statement is an example of what type of fallacy? Of course senator Davis opposes serious tax reform. Before going into politics, he was a corporate lawyer who defended several companies that have since been implicated in unethical financial dealings

Slippery slope

The following statement is an example of what type of fallacy? Once society recognizes same sex marriages, all traditional values will be destroyed.

Slippery slope

The following statement is an example of what type of fallacy? Once the city cuts back on trash pickup from twice a week to once a week, it's only a matter of time until we have to take our all our trash to the dump ourselves

Ad hominem

The following statement is an example of what type of fallacy? People who say Barbie dolls are bad for girls' self-esteem are a bunch of liberal do-gooders who don't want anyone to have fun

Ad hominem

The following statement is an example of what type of fallacy? Representative Thompson's school proposal may be the first rate, but don't forget that he never attended college himself

Appeal to tradition

The following statement is an example of what type of fallacy? The travelers insurance company has been in business since the Lincoln administration. That tells you it has to be a top notch insurance company.

appeal to tradition

The following statement is an example of what type of fallacy? The university has been using the same admissions standards for the past 120 years. If they were good enough 120 years ago, they are good enough today

Appeal to tradition

The following statement is an example of what type of fallacy? There is no need to change our company's MFG process. Our assembly line has worked for the past 80 years, and it will work just fine for the next 80 years.

Either or

The following statement is an example of what type of fallacy? We only have two choices. We can either adopt a year-round school system or raise of nation of second-rate intellects.

Appeal to tradition

The following statement is an example of what type of fallacy? We've been using pennies for more than 200 years. We can't get rid of them now!

Either or

The following statement is an example of what type of fallacy? You either double the size of the police department or let criminals run the streets.


The main reason to use inclusive language in your speeches is to avoid being accused of political incorrectness.


The more information you include on each of your PowerPoint slides, the more effective your speech will be


The target audience is that portion of the whole audience that the speaker most wants to persuade.


The two major elements of logos are evidence and emotional appeal


This is an example of the slippery slope fallacy: My dad smoked all his life and hasn't gotten cancer, I don't think smoking can be that bad for you.


To persuade my audience that birds evolved from dinosaurs is a specific purpose statement for a persuasive speech on a question of...

All of these answers are correct 1. explain your expertise on the speech topic 2. Establish common ground with your audience 3. Deliver your speeches fluently and expressively 4. Both explain your expertise on the speech topic and establish common ground with your audience

Which of the following is recommended in your textbook as a way to enhance your credibility in a persuasive speech?

To persuade my audience that the campus library should be open 24 hours a day

Which of the following specific purpose statements is from a persuasive speech seeking passive agreement?


You can usually assume that if the words you use are clear to you, they are also clear to the audience.


You have an ethical obligation to make sure the information present is accurate


a carefully prepared and rehearsed speech that is presented from a brief set of notes is called a(n)...speech

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