Conceptual Physics Chapter 15

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Heat energy travels from an object with a high A) internal energy to an object with a lower internal energy B) temperature to an object with a lower temperature C) Both of these, for they say essentially the say the same thing D) None of the above choices are true

B) temperature to an object with a lower temperature

If the specific heat of water were lower than it is, ponds in the cold of winter would be A) more likely to freeze. B) less likely to freeze. C) neither more nor less likely to freeze

A) more likely to freeze.

Can a sample of water possibly have the same volume after being warmed by several Celsius degrees? A) sometimes B) always C) never

A) sometimes

The temperature at the bottom of Lake Tahoe, high in the Sierra Nevada Mountains in California, at this moment is A) below 4 degrees C. B) 4 degrees C. C) above 4 degrees C. D) uncertain.

B) 4 degrees C

A temperature difference of 10 degrees Celsius is also equal to a temperature difference of 10 on the A) Fahrenheit scale. B) Kelvin scale. C) both of these D) neither of these

B) Kelvin scale.

Consider a metal ring with a gap cut in it. When the ring is heated, the gap A) becomes narrower B) becomes wider C) retains its size

B) becomes wider

Place a kilogram block of iron at 40 degrees C into a kilogram of water at 20 degrees C and the final temperature of the two becomes A) less than 30 degrees C. B) at or about 30 degrees C. C) more than 30 degrees C.

A) less than 30 degrees C.

The fact that desert sand is very hot in the day and very cold at night is evidence that sand has A) a low specific heat B) a high specific heat C) no specific heat

A) a low specific heat

Aluminum has a specific heat capacity more than twice that of copper. Place equal masses of aluminum and copper wire in a flame and the one to undergo the fastest increase in temperature will be A) copper. B) aluminum. C) both the same

A) copper

Consider a closed, sealed can of air placed on a hot stove. The contained air undergoes an increase in A) mass B) pressure C) temperature D) all of these E) two of these. . Consider a metal ring with a gap cut in it. When the ring is heated, the gap A) becomes narrower B) becomes wider C) retains its size B) becomes wider

E) two of these

A substance that heats up relatively quickly has a A) high specific heat B) low specific heat C) high conductivity D) low conductivity

B) low specific heat

Which of the following normally warms up fastest when heat is applied? A) water B) iron C) glass D) wood E) all of the above choices are equally true

B) iron

Microscopic slush in water tends to make the water density A) greater. B) less. C) no change

B) less.

When you touch a cold piece of ice with your finger, energy flows A) from your finger to the ice B) from the ice to your finger C) actually, both ways

A) from your finger to the ice

If you stake out a plot of land with a steel tape on a very hot day, the actual amount of land you will have will be A) smaller than measured. B) larger than measured. C) correct.

A) smaller than measured.

The fact that thermometer "takes its own temperature" illustrates A) thermal equilibrium B) energy conservation C) the difference between heat and internal energy D) the fact that molecules are constantly moving

A) thermal equilibrium

Before ice can form on a lake, all the water in the lake must be cooled to A) zero degrees C B) 4 degrees C C) minus 32 degrees C D) none of the above are true. Ice can form at the surface regardless of the water temperature below.

B) 4 degrees C

Pour a liter of water at 40 degrees C into a liter of water at 20 degrees C and the final temperature of the two becomes A) less than 30 degrees C. B) at or about 30 degrees C. C) more than 30 degrees C.

B) at or about 30 degrees C.

As a piece of metal with a hole in it cools, the diameter of the hole A) increases B) decreases C) remains the same

B) decreases

Consider a sample of ice at 0 degrees C. If the temperature is decreased, the volume of the ice A) increases B) decreases C) stays the same

B) decreases

Consider a sample of water at 0 degrees C. If the temperature is slightly increased, the volume of the water A) increases B) decreases C) remains the same

B) decreases

If glass expanded more than mercury, then the column of mercury in a mercury thermometer would rise when the temperature A) increases. B) decreases. C) neither of these

B) decreases.

When water at 4 degrees C is heated it expands. When water at 4 degrees C is cooled, it A) contracts. B) expands. C) neither contracts nor expands.

B) expands.

Some molecules are able to absorb large amounts of energy in the form of internal vibrations and rotations. Materials composed of such molecules have A) low specific heats B) high specific heats C) none of the above

B) high specific heats

Compared to a giant iceberg, a hot cup of coffee has A) more internal energy and higher temperature. B) higher temperature, but less internal energy. C) a greater specific heat and more internal energy. D) none of these

B) higher temperature, but less internal energy.

When an iron ring is heated, the hole becomes A) smaller B) larger C) neither smaller or larger D) either smaller or larger, depending on the ring thickness

B) larger

When we enlarge a photograph of an iron ring, the image of the hole becomes A) smaller B) larger C) neither smaller or larger

B) larger

On a very hot day the pendulum on a clock swings to and fro A) more frequently. B) less frequently. C) at the same rate.

B) less frequently.

When ice floats in water, a small part of it extends above the surface. Interestingly enough, the volume of ice that extends above the surface is equal to the volume of the A) water the ice displaces. B) vast number of open spaces in the hexagonal ice crystals. C) both of these D) neither of these

B) vast number of open spaces in the hexagonal ice crystals.

During a very cold winter, water pipes sometimes burst. The reason for this is A) the ground contracts when colder, pulling pipes apart. B) water expands when freezing. C) water contracts when freezing. D) the thawing process releases pressure on the pipes. E) none of these

B) water expands when freezing.

Room temperature on the Kelvin scale is about A) 100 K B) 200 K C) 300 K D) 400 K E) more than 400 K

C) 300 K

Heat energy is measured in units of A) joules. B) calories. C) Choices A and B are both true. D) Choices A and B are both false.

C) Choices A and B are both true

When a bimetallic bar made of copper and iron strips is heated, the bar bends toward the iron strip. The reason for this is A) iron gets hotter before copper. B) copper gets hotter before iron. C) copper expands more than iron. D) iron expands more than copper

C) copper expands more than iron.

Between 0 degrees C and 8 degrees C a red-dyed-water-in-glass thermometer would A) be especially suitable B) always be wrong C) give ambiguous readings D) explode E) implode

C) give ambiguous readings

The moderate temperatures of islands throughout the world has much to do with water's A) poor conductivity. B) vast supply of internal energy. C) high specific heat. D) high evaporation rate. E) absorption of solar energy.

C) high specific heat.

Which of the following contracts most when temperature is increased? Equal volumes of A) iron B) wood C) ice water D) helium E) none of these contract when heated

C) ice water

The white hot sparks that strike your skin from a 4th of July type sparkler don't harm you because A) they have a low temperature B) the energy per molecule is very low C) the energy per molecule is high, but little energy is transferred because of the few molecules in the spark

C) the energy per molecule is high, but little energy is transferred because of the few molecules in the spark

Which of the following contracts most when the temperature is decreased? Equal volumes of A) iron B) wood C) water D) helium E) all contract the same

D) helium

Which of the following expands most when the temperature is increased? Equal volumes of A) iron. B) wood. C) ice water. D) helium. E) All expand the same.

D) helium.

Ice has a lower density than water because ice A) sinks. B) molecules are more compact in the solid state. C) molecules vibrate at lower rates than water molecules. D) is made of open-structured, hexagonal crystals. E) density decreases with decreasing temperature.

D) is made of open-structured, hexagonal crystals.

Which of the following expands when the temperature is lowered? Equal volumes of A) iron. B) wood. C) helium. D) water at 4 degrees C. E) None expands when the temperature is lowered.

D) water at 4 degrees C.

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