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Intergroup conflict

This occurs between two groups. E.g. 1. The conflict between Nigeria and Cameroun over the Bakassi peninsula which was resolved at the International Court of Justice in Hague, Switzerland in 2013. It was taken to the ICJ by Cameroun. 2. Iran-Iraq war 1980-1988

Interpersonal conflict

This refers to the conflict between 2 individuals. Conflict ensues between individuals because we all have different personalities, beliefs, choices, interest, goals etc. which are usually not compatible with each other.

Human needs theorists

- Abraham Masslo - John Byurton

Former rebels as leaders

- Idi Amin of Uganda - Omar Al-Bashir of Susan - Bashar Al-Assad of Syria - Laurent Gbagbo of Ivory Coast

Youths as instrument of violence

- Kenya's election violence - Ivory Coast post-election violence

Ignorance of leaders

- Mobutu Sese of Zaire - Samuel Doe of Liberia who favoured his Krahn people against the other groups like the Kpelles

Conflicts due to colonialism

- Rwandan genocide of 1994 because of sociopolitical division created between Tutsi and Hutus. - Sri Lanka conflict between Sinhala and Tamil.

Use of power to oppress people

- South Sudan's continued conflict

Examples of Nigerian conflicts

- Tiv/Jukun crisis of Taraba and Benue state - Shagamu riot 1999 - Jos crisis

Bad governance examples

- ignorance of leaders to the needs of his people - youths as instrument of violence - use of power to oppress people - former rebels as leaders


- when conflict is constructively handled, it brings about development and satisfaction of conflicting parties. - a destructive conflict does not consolidate governance process.

Conflict Handling Styles dimensions

1. Assertiveness 2. Cooperativeness

Conflict Handling Styles

1. Domination 2. Avoidance and denial 3. Accommodation 4. Collaboration 5. Compromising 6. Confrontation 7. Joint problem solving

Group conflict

1. Intergroup conflict 2. Intragroup conflict

Types of conflict

1. Intrapersonal conflict 2. Interpersonal conflict 3. Group conflict 4. Communal clash 5. Interstate conflict 6. Global conflict

ingredients of conflict

1. Perceived goal incompatibility. 2. Perceived opportunity for interference or blocking.

Causes of conflict in Africa

1. Proliferation of small arms and light weapons. 2. Resources 3. Bad governance/leadership 4. Colonialism 5. Economic opportunity

Theories of conflict

1. Relative deprivation theory 2. Neo-Malthusian theory 3. Biological theory 4. Frustration and aggression theory 5. Human needs theory 6. Structural conflict theory 7. Resource curse theory 8. Bridged and grievance theory

Causes of conflict

1. Scarce resources 2. Conflicting ideas 3. Perceive goals difference

Conflicts caused becsuse of resources

1. Unequal distribution of resources or perceived deprivation of the Ogoni in the Niger-Delta was the major cause of the Ogoni-shell Crisis. 2. NUPE-Yoruba conflict in June/July 2006 between share & Tsaragi communities in Kwara State was over Fadama land which was very fertile. 3. Chad-Nigeria border conflict was as a result of differential land use between Chad's pastoralist and the Nigerian crop farmers.

Proliferation of small arms and light weapons.

Arms proliferation refers to the increase of a number of deadly weapons. It is the availability or influx of illicit arms and light weapons into unauthorized hands to harm individuals or groups meant to be protected. Small arms have been widely used in many internal conflicts and have contributed to 50% if deaths and injuries in armed conflicts since 1990.

Otite 1999

Conflict arises as a pursuit of divergent interests, goals and aspiration by individuals and groups in defined social and physical environment.

Lewis Coser 1956

Conflict is a struggle over values and claims to scarce status, power and resources in which the aims of the opponent are to neutralize, injure, or eliminate rivals.

Isard 1992

Conflict is an inevitable consequence of human interaction that has the potential for both function and dysfunctional outcome.


Conflict is derived from a latin word "confligere" which means to strife together. Conflict is usually perceived as negative, abnormal, dysfunctional and therefore detestable.

Pruitt and Rubin 1986

Conflict is perceived divergence of interest or a belief that current aspirations cannot be achieved simultaneously i.e. which gives us a zerosum outcome.

Deutsch 1973

Conflict occurs when incompatible activities occur. One part is interfering, disrupting, obstructing or in some way making another party's action less effective.


Diamond mined in ware zones and sold to finance insurgency are referred to as "blood Diamonds". Thus diamonds from Angola, Sierra Leone, Liberia, have been used to finance both rebel groups and government troops by providing not only weapons but also food, clothing and transportation.


Due to colonialism most African States were hastily out together for the same of colonial administration.

Interstate conflict

E.g. 1. Israel - Palestine conflict 2. Nigeria-Cameroun conflict over the Bakassi Peninsula 3. Nigeria-Chad conflict of resources of lake chad 4. Iran-Iraq conflict 1980-1988

Communal clash

E.g. In Ibadan, Oyo state: the conflict between Ife and Modakeke communities, over the location of the local government headquarters.

The former secretary General of The UN, Kofi Annan 2000

He referred to small arms as "weapons of mass destruction". He stated that the death toll from small arms dwarfs that of all other weapon systems and in most years, greatly exceeds the toll of the atomic bombs that devastated Hiroshima and Nagasaki, japan, in August 1945 during the 2nd world war. In terms of the carnage they caused, small arms could be well described as weapons of mass destruction.

Human needs Theory

Human needs include both physical and non-physical elements needed for human growth and development and also those things humans are driven to attain. Unmet basic needs usually forces humans into acts of aggression. The theorists argue that, one of the major causes of protracted conflict is people's drive to meet their needs on individual, group or societal level. E.g. Israel-Palestine conflict


Humans are driven by a natural (desire), will-to-love or will-to-power.

Biological Theory

It explains that our ancestors were instinctively violent beings and since we evolved from them, we too must bear destructive impulses in out genetic make up. This view is supported by the classical theorists Sigmund Freud, Thomas Hobbes, St Augustine of Hippo. It is believed that man is naturally driven by instincts to self-preservation.

Economic opportunities

It has been observed that a lot of countries rich in natural resources are heavens for violent conflicts to thrive. Such countries are engulfed in violent conflict as a result of local actors who have economic motives and seek control of resources.


It involves dialogue and communication. It can be positional or mediational.

Relative deprivation thesis

It is closely related to the frustration and aggression theory. Tedd Roberts Gurr stated that, the greater the discrepancy however marginal between what is sought and what seemed attainable, the greater will be the chances that anger and violence will result. E.g Xenophobia in South Africa, Rwanda civil war


It is the use of a third party that is not interested in the cause of the conflict.

Liberalists explanation

Liberalists like Scarburov, stated that, there would be conflict (if not checked) when existing structures favor one group while putting the others at a disadvantage, when people of a particular culture refuse to acknowledge the right of other people to be different.


Settling a dispute by agreeing to accept the decision of an impartial outsider


Settling a dispute through a formal structure such as a court room.

Mediational negotiation

The use of a third party to resolve a conflict. E.g. Umunevo and Umunkuzu conflict in Imo state 1985

Neo-Malthusians theory

Population growth(geometric) while food production(arithmetic) resulting eventually in food scarcity leading to conflict.

Bridged and grievance theory

Porcollier and Hoefler 2004 explained that civil wars are significantly caused by greedy behavior of rebels to capture and control rent from available natural resources. They concluded in their findings, that loot seeking is one of the major reasons for civil wars. Civil war can also be as a result of grievance by a group of people who 'perceive' they have been marginalized or relatively deprived. E.g. the Niger delta


Resolving the issue legally.

Racals explanation

The radicals are of the opinion that the exploitative nature of capitalism is a cause of conflict. They blame capitalism for creating an unequal relation in the society and the division of the society into the proletariat (lower class) and the bourgeoisie (upper class). Hence, the exploitation to the proletariat by the bourgeoisie creates conflict that could be resolved through a revolution where the upper class will be overthrown in a socialist revolution led by workers which will result into the establishment of a socialist order led by working people.

Faleti in 2006

The "cash cow" should not just be milked and abandoned e.g. the Niger Delta region.

Structural conflict theory

The core assumption of structural conflict theory, is that conflict is built into the particular way(s) societies are structured and organized. This theory explore social problems like political and economic exclusion, marginalization, poverty, inequality, violation or human rights, injustice etc. as sources of conflict.

Relative deprivation theory

The greater the discrepancy for what is sought or needed, the greater the frustration or violence. E.g. the war between the SLA(Sudan Liberation Army) and janja weed rebels.

Structural conflict theorists

The liberal structuralist, - Johan Galtung - Scarburov - Ross Marc The radical structuralists, - Karl Marx - Fredrick Engels - Mao Tsetung - Joseph Lenin

Human needs

The list of human needs include, security and safety, belonginess, self-esteem, identity, cultural security, participation and love. Byurton refers to some needs as basic apart from food and shelter, talks about sex and reproduction. Marlow argues that these are hierarchical whole Burton argues they're not.

Resource curse theory

The term resource curse was first advanced by Richard Auty in 1993. It explains that most violent conflicts in some countries are as a result of high valued natural resources. The resources that should be a blessing becomes a curse as a result of struggle for the control and exploitation of these resources and uneven distribution of proceeds from these resources. E.g. Sierra Leone and ivory coast


This is when parties in a conflict attack each other physically or emotionally. They could insult or threaten each other or generally engage in violent acts such as hitting the other party. There is a degree of lack of understanding of each other's position as each one tries to hold on to his/her point of view. This style may increase the intensity of the conflict.

Light weapon

These are weapons that can be operated with the combined effort of a crew of two or three. E.g. heavy machine guns, bazookas, light mortars, anti-aircraft guns.

Small weapon

They are weapons or instruments that can be easily operated by an individual which can cause harm.


This involves finding an expedient mutually suitable solution which partially satisfies both parties. Parties have to split the differences and make concessions in order to resolve the conflict. It is expedient in situations where positions of the parties are so incompatible that the two cannot be reconciled without one party loosing something in the process. It is unlike collaboration where no one looses. It may succeed in reducing the intensity of the conflict but not totally resolving it. It is a quick way to resolve a problem.

Intrapersonal conflict

This is a conflict that occurs in the mind of an individual or in the psychological dynamics of a person. It is usually characterized by anger, restlessness, depression, confusion, un- easiness, which could lead to suicide.


This is a cooperative and unassertive style of responding to conflict. The party using this style is not competing with the other side. In this, there is a conscious effort to neglect one's needs or interests and focus on satisfying.


This is a style in which people are disposed to assert themselves in conflict situations. There is little or no interest in the well-being of the other person/party involved. Here, one party tries to win while the other party loses. Hence, the assertive party uses strong arguments and behaves in a manner to suppress the position of the other party. This style is assertive and uncooperative.


This is one of the major causes of conflict in Africa. The fact that most resources are not evenly distributed calls for concern. African states contribute to conflict through greed and biased approach to the distribution of resources.

Intragroup conflict

This occurs between individuals in a group. E.g. NURTW conflict of 2007 and 2015 in IBADAN and OSHODI respectively

Joint problem solving

This style allows conflicting parties to constructively listen to each other with the intention of understanding the underlying issues in the conflict and dealing with them. This approach enables parties to show respect for differences and look for ways to solve problems, there is little of no concern for who is wrong or right but consider conflict as a way to improve relationship between them. This leads to lasting solutions.


This style is both assertive and cooperative. Both parties do not avoid or ignore the conflict but work with each other to find satisfactory solutions.

Avoidance and denial

This style is neither assertive nor cooperative. It is pretending as if nothing is happening. It occurs when one party in a potential conflict ignores or denies the significance of the issues in their lives. It is a tactical way of postponing the conflict.

Frustration and aggression theory

This theory was developed by John Dollar in 1939 and later by other scholars like Leonard Berkowitz and Aubrey Yates. Scholars have explained that aggression is the product of the difference between what people feel they want or desire and what they actually get. i.e. the want-get ratio. When people's expectation does not meet attainment, the tendency is for people to confront those they hold responsible for frustrating their ambitions.

Positional Negotiation

When one party wants their needs to be achieved in detriment to the other party.

Global conflict

World War I, II, the cold war between Russia and the United States

Groups that facilitated themselves with illicit goods

i. UNITA- National Union For The Total Independence of Angola. Financed its war largely through encouragement of illicit trade in diamonds from the mid 90's to the end of the war in 2002. ii. RUF- Revolutionary United Front in Sierra Leone. Also financed itself by trading in illicit diamonds. iii. In the DRC (Democratic Republic of Congo), control of diamond and other resources like cotton, contributed to the country's prolonged civil war. The rebellion of Laurent Kabila who overthrew Mobutu Sese Seko in Zaire and that of Dennis Sassou Nguesso's rebel forces in Congo Brazaville, were all assisted by natural resources.

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