Conflict Terminology

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Interest Conflicts

Are conflicts caused by competition over perceived incompatible needs. Conflicts of interest result when one or more of the parties believe that in order to satisfy his or her needs, the needs and interests of an opponent must be sacrificed.

Intractable conflict

Are intense, deadlocked, and resistant to de-escalation or resolution. They tend to persist over time, with alternating periods of greater and lesser intensity. The conflict pervades all aspects of the parties' lives, and they see no way to end it short of utterly destroying the other side. Each party's dominant motive is to harm the other.


The established right of a recognized government to determine internal policy and law of its country without any interference from outside states or bodies.

Interpersonal Conflict

A conflict among two or more individuals (for example, an argument between a boyfriend and girlfriend, or between a student and her/his teacher, or child and parent, or between friends/colleagues).

Intergroup Conflict

A conflict between two or more groups (for example, between two different youth gangs, or between students and the school faculty).

Intragroup Conflict

A conflict within a group (for example, between members of the same work or football team).

Intrapersonal Conflict

A conflict within the individual (for example, a person who cannot make decisions).

National Identity

A sense of a nation as a cohesive whole, as represented by distinctive traditions, culture, and language.

Deep Rooted Conflict

Conflict, originating largely within states, which combines two powerful elements: potent identity-based factors, based on differences in race, religion, culture, language and so on, with perceived imbalance in the distribution of economic, political and social resources.

Identity Conflicts

For an "identity" or inter-group conflict to occur, the opponents must assign an identity to themselves and their adversaries, each side believing the fight is between "us" and "them." Conflicts where the antagonists seem to be fighting about their identities are called identity-based conflicts or inter-group conflicts.


In international conflict, the understanding that the decisions of one country have an impact on other countries through various kinds of formal and informal relationships.

Religious Affiliation

Is the self-identified association of a person with a religion, denomination or sub-denominational religious group.

Intrastate/Intranational Conflict

Refers to a conflict occurring or existing within a single nation. It describes sustained political violence that takes place between armed groups representing the state, and one or more non-state groups. Violence of this sort usually is confined within the borders of a single state, but usually has significant international dimensions and holds the risk of spilling over into bordering states

International/Global conflicts

Refers to conflicts between different nation-states and conflicts between people and organizations in different nation-states.

Partisan View

Something or someone is prejudicial towards a particular point of view. An example in U.S. politics .— of politicians who seem to be completely devoted to the agendas of their own parties.

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