Constitution Test- 25 q's

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The Constitutution creates what type of government?

A Republican form of goverment

When the Constitution was first ratified, how were U.S. Senators elected?

By a vote of the legislatures

The Constitution states that no person may be deprived of:

Life, Liberty, or Property

According to The Constitution who has the right to govern that part of the military employed in the service of the United States?

The Congress

Prior to the passage of the 16th amendment in 1913, income taxes were unconstitutional. How did the federal goverment pay for itself before income taxes were colleted?

import duties, excise taxes and taxes divided among the states by population

The Constitution forbids slavery or involuntary servitude, except:

as a punishment for crime

The powers which are not specifically enumerated in the Constitution as powers of the federal goverment are:

automatically given to the states

According to The Constitution the minimum infraction necessary for the impeachment of a judge is

bad behavior

The Constitution does not allow any bills of attainder to be passed- bills of attainder are:

bills which allow forfeiture of rights or property without trial

To whom does The Constitution guarantee a right to vote?


The Constitution allows the federal government to promote the progress of science and the useful arts by:

giving authors and inventors exclusive rights to their work

The Constitution does not allow the passage of any ex post facto law- ex post facto laws are:

laws which take effect before they are passed

The Constitution states that the people have a right to be secure against unreasonable searches and seizures, and requires that warrants specify:

the place to be searched and the persons or things to be seized

choose the only power in the following list which the Constitution does not give to Congress:

the power to create a Social Security system

choose the only power in the following list which the Constitution does not give to the states:

the power to enter into an agreement with a foreign power

The Constitution states that:

the right of people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringeed

The Senate and the electoral college share a common reason for their existence, which is:

to give a greater voice to the smaller states

The Constitution allows government:

to take private property for public use, but only if the owner is paid a fair price for it

According to The Constitution, a trial by jury cannot be denied if the value of the lawsuit exceeds:


Which of the following phrases does not appear in the Constitution?

... a wall of separation between Church and state

In the form of goveremnt expressed in the Declaration of Independence and defined by the Constitution, power flows:

From God to the people, then to the elected officials

An amendment to the Constitution must pass by what minimum margins?

a 2/3 majority in the House and Senate and adoption by at least 3/4 of the states - a signature by the president is not required

The Constitution allows the president to make treaties and agreements with foreign powers, providing that

a 2/3 majority of the Senate occurs

The Constitution requires Congress to be assembled:

only once per year

How does the Constitution of the United States provide for changes, so that it may be fluid with time and appropriate for future generations?

the Constitution can be amended

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