Contemporary American Indian Voices

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Which piece of dialogue from Leslie Marmon Silko's story "The Man to Send Rain Clouds" best illustrates that Christian rites are not important to Leon or his community? A "Thank God for that. Teofilo is a very old man. You really shouldn't allow him to stay at the sheep camp alone." B "No, he won't do that any more now." The priest dragged a chair out of the kitchen and offered it to Leon. "No thank you, Father. I only came to ask you if you would bring your holy water to the graveyard." "'Why didn't you tell me he was dead? I could have brought the Last Rites anyway." C Leon smiled. "It wasn't necessary, Father." Leon put on his green cap and pulled the flaps down over his ears. "It's getting late, Father. I've got to go." D When Leon opened the door Father Paul stood up and said, "Wait."

C. "No thank you, Father. I only came to ask you if you would bring your holy water to the graveyard." "'Why didn't you tell me he was dead? I could have brought the Last Rites anyway."

The priest walked away slowly. Leon watched him climb the hill, and when he had disappeared within the tall, thick walls, Leon turned to look up at the high blue mountains in the deep snow that reflected a faint red light from the west. He felt good because it was finished, and he was happy about the sprinkling of the holy water; now the old man could send them big thunderclouds for sure. —"The Man to Send Rain Clouds,"Leslie Silko Based on the final sentence of the story, what can you infer about Leon's beliefs? He understands why the Catholic priest needs to perform the ceremony, but he will not compromise his own beliefs. He is pleased that he convinced the priest to water the ground for Teofilo's afterlife. He believes in Pueblo cultural traditions, but he is willing to participate in the Catholic tradition as well.

He believes in Pueblo cultural traditions, but he is willing to participate in the Catholic tradition as well.

"No thank you, Father. I only came to ask you if you would bring your holy water to the graveyard." ..."Why didn't you tell me he was dead? I could have brought the Last Rites anyway." Leon smiled. "It wasn't necessary, Father." The priest stared down at his scuffed brown loafers and the worn hem of his cassock. "For a Christian burial it was necessary." His voice was distant, and Leon thought that his blue eyes looked tired. "It's O.K. Father, we just want him to have plenty of water." The priest sank down into the green chair and picked up a glossy missionary magazine. He turned the colored pages full of lepers and pagans without looking at them. "You know I can't do that, Leon. There should have been the Last Rites and a funeral Mass at the very least." Leon put on his green cap and pulled the flaps down over his ears. "It's getting late, Father. I've got to go." When Leon opened the door Father Paul stood up and said, "Wait." —"The Man to Send Rain Clouds,"Leslie Silko What inference can you make about why Father Paul decides to go with Leon? He hopes that they will still allow him to perform the last rites. He hopes to integrate his beliefs with their culture as much as they will allow him to. He decides to go pray for Teofilo without the people knowing about it.

He hopes to integrate his beliefs into theirs as much as possible.

Read the following excerpt from Leslie Marmon Silko's story "The Man to Send Rain Clouds." His fingers were stiff, and it took him a long time to twist the lid off the holy water. Drops of water fell on the red blanket and soaked into dark icy spots. He sprinkled the grave and the water disappeared almost before it touched the dim, cold sand; it reminded him of something—he tried to remember what it was, because he thought if he could remember he might understand this. He sprinkled more water; he shook the container until it was empty, and the water fell through the light from sundown like August rain that fell while the sun was still shining, almost evaporating before it touched the wilted squash flowers. What inference can be made about Father Paul's motives for going with Leon to sprinkle holy water on Teofilo's grave? He hopes that Teofilo's family will allow him to hold a funeral Mass. He hopes to integrate his beliefs into theirs as much as possible. He is performing last rites for Teofilo without the knowledge of Teofilo's family. He is curious about the funeral customs of the Pueblo people.

He hopes to integrate his beliefs into theirs as much as possible.

"It's O.K. Father, we just want him to have plenty of water." The priest sank down into the green chair and picked up a glossy missionary magazine. He turned the colored pages full of lepers and pagans without looking at them. "You know I can't do that, Leon. There should have been the Last Rites and a funeral Mass at the very least." Leon put on his green cap and pulled the flaps down over his ears. "It's getting late, Father. I've got to go." When Leon opened the door Father Paul stood up and said, "Wait." —"The Man to Send Rain Clouds,"Leslie Marmon Silko What inference can you make about Father Paul's feelings in the beginning of the passage? He is discouraged because he thinks that the people are nonbelievers like the ones he sees in the magazine. He is discouraged because Leon sees the holy water as only water rather than as a holy symbol. He is determined to fully convert the people to Christianity so that they will forget their cultural practices.

He is discouraged because Leon does not view the holy water as a holy symbol.

"It's O.K. Father, we just want him to have plenty of water." The priest sank down into the green chair and picked up a glossy missionary magazine. He turned the colored pages full of lepers and pagans without looking at them. "You know I can't do that, Leon. There should have been the Last Rites and a funeral Mass at the very least." Leon put on his green cap and pulled the flaps down over his ears. "It's getting late, Father. I've got to go." When Leon opened the door Father Paul stood up and said, "Wait." —"The Man to Send Rain Clouds,"Leslie Marmon Silko What does the last sentence suggest about Father Paul's attitude and motivation? He is inspired by Leon's interest in holy water and is willing to go to the burial. He has given up on a Christian burial but wants to observe a traditional Pueblo burial. He sees compromise as the only way to perform the Catholic burial. He has decided to adopt the practices of the Pueblo to make them trust him.

He sees compromise as the only way to perform the Catholic burial.

What is the effect of this personification? It shows the complexity of the priest's thoughts. It shows the movement of the robe, which exaggerates the effect of the wind. It creates imagery that allows readers to feel the wind.

It creates imagery that allows readers to feel the wind.

"No thank you, Father. I only came to ask you if you would bring your holy water to the graveyard." ..."Why didn't you tell me he was dead? I could have brought the Last Rites anyway." Leon smiled. "It wasn't necessary, Father." The priest stared down at his scuffed brown loafers and the worn hem of his cassock. "For a Christian burial it was necessary." His voice was distant, and Leon thought that his blue eyes looked tired. "It's O.K. Father, we just want him to have plenty of water." The priest sank down into the green chair and picked up a glossy missionary magazine. He turned the colored pages full of lepers and pagans without looking at them. "You know I can't do that, Leon. There should have been the Last Rites and a funeral Mass at the very least." Leon put on his green cap and pulled the flaps down over his ears. "It's getting late, Father. I've got to go." When Leon opened the door Father Paul stood up and said, "Wait." —"The Man to Send Rain Clouds,"Leslie Silko Why might the author have included the detail about Father Paul picking up the magazine? It illustrates the constant conflict Father Paul faces in trying to communicate with Leon. It establishes Father Paul as a well-read intellectual. It suggests that similar missionary work was causing conflict in other places as well. It shows that he was trying to remind himself that he did not agree with the people's beliefs.

It suggests that similar missionary work was causing conflict in other places as well.

Read the following excerpt from Leslie Marmon Silko's story "The Man to Send Rain Clouds."Leon watched him climb the hill, and when he had disappeared within the tall, thick walls, Leon turned to look up at the high blue mountains in the deep snow that reflected a faint red light from the west. He felt good because it was finished, and he was happy about the sprinkling of the holy water; now the old man could send them big thunderclouds for sure. What does the holy water symbolize for Leon? It symbolizes his ties to the Catholic Church. It symbolizes his love and affection for Teofilo. It symbolizes his Pueblo traditions and hope for rain. It symbolizes his strong rejection of Pueblo traditions.

It symbolizes his Pueblo traditions and hope for rain.

EXAM 100% Read the following excerpt from Leslie Marmon Silko's story "The Man to Send Rain Clouds."The priest stared down at his scuffed brown loafers and the worn hem of his cassock. "For a Christian burial it was necessary."His voice was distant, and Leon thought that his blue eyes looked tired."It's O.K., Father, we just want him to have plenty of water."The priest sank down into the green chair and picked up a glossy missionary magazine. He turned the colored pages full of lepers and pagans without looking at them."You know I can't do that, Leon. There should have been the Last Rites and a funeral Mass at the very least."Leon put on his green cap and pulled the flaps down over his ears. "It's getting late, Father. I've got to go." Which of the following statements best describes the thematic significance of this dialogue? This dialogue emphasizes the ongoing personal conflict between Leon and Father Paul. This conversation between Leon and Father Paul makes it clear that they will never come to an agreement. Leon's and Father Paul's differing perspectives of the situation reflect their larger cultural conflicts. Leon's hasty exit from Father Paul's house reflects his discomfort with the priest and Christianity.

Leon's and Father Paul's differing perspectives of the situation reflect their larger cultural conflicts.

Leon knocked at the old carved door with its symbols of the Lamb. While he waited he looked up at the twin bells from the king of Spain with the last sunlight pouring around them in their tower. —"The Man to Send Rain Clouds,"Leslie Marmon Silko In the Catholic tradition, the Lamb represents Jesus. What does the image of the Lamb above the priest's door symbolize? The Lamb symbolizes the sheep raised by the Pueblo people. The Lamb symbolizes the gentle nature of the priest in his interactions with the people. The Lamb symbolizes the traditions of the Catholic Church in contrast to Pueblo traditions.

The Lamb symbolizes the traditions of the Catholic Church in contrast to Pueblo traditions.

Leon knocked at the old carved door with its symbols of the Lamb. While he waited he looked up at the twin bells from the king of Spain with the last sunlight pouring around them in their tower. —"The Man to Send Rain Clouds,"Leslie Marmon Silko What do the bells from the king of Spain symbolize? The bells symbolize the end of the old man's life. The bells symbolize the Spanish influence on Pueblo traditions. The bells symbolize the Pueblo gods by reflecting sunlight. The bells symbolize silence, which matches the tone of the scene.

The bells symbolize the Spanish influence on Pueblo traditions.

Read the following excerpt from Leslie Marmon Silko's story "The Man to Send Rain Clouds."His fingers were stiff, and it took him a long time to twist the lid off the holy water. Drops of water fell on the red blanket and soaked into dark icy spots. He sprinkled the grave and the water disappeared almost before it touched the dim, cold sand; it reminded him of something—he tried to remember what it was, because he thought if he could remember he might understand this. He sprinkled more water; he shook the container until it was empty, and the water fell through the light from sundown like August rain that fell while the sun was still shining, almost evaporating before it touched the wilted squash flowers.Which statement best describes the significance of the holy water in this excerpt? The priest hopes that the holy water will provide the Pueblo people with the water they need. The Pueblo people embrace Christianity as the holy water is sprinkled on Teofilo's grave. The holy water becomes a symbol of Pueblo traditions and loses its significance as a Christian symbol. The holy water is important to both the priest and Leon, but it is important for different reasons.

The holy water is important to both the priest and Leon, but it is important for different reasons.

How does Silko use symbols, such as holy water, and literary devices to explain the cultural differences between the Catholic priest and the Pueblo in "The Man to Send Rain Clouds"? Include evidence from the story to support your response.

The symbols in the story "The man to send rain clouds" reveal differences in culture between the catholic priest and the pueblo. For instance, the holy water. For the priest, this symbolizes a more somber reason. But for the pueblo, they used it for their tradition. They think that the dead might get thirsty. The holy water was important for both but with different reasons.

The holy water in the story is symbolic. How does the meaning differ for the priest and Leon? Use examples from the text as you explain how both men view the holy water. The symbols in the story "The man to send rain clouds" reveal differences in culture between the catholic priest and the pueblo. For instance, the holy water. For the priest, this symbolizes a more somber reason. But for the pueblo, they used it for their tradition. They think that the dead might get thirsty. The holy water was important for both but with different reasons.

The symbols in the story "The man to send rain clouds" reveal differences in culture between the catholic priest and the pueblo. For instance, the holy water. For the priest, this symbolizes a more somber reason. But for the pueblo, they used it for their tradition. They think that the dead might get thirsty. The holy water was important for both but with different reasons.

Which excerpt from Leslie Marmon Silko's story "The Man to Send Rain Clouds" contains an example of personification? The priest approached the grave slowly, wondering how they had managed to dig into the frozen ground. . . . His fingers were stiff, and it took him a long time to twist the lid off the holy water. The wind pulled the priest's brown Franciscan robe and swirled away the corn meal and pollen that had been sprinkled on the blanket. He felt good because it was finished, and he was happy about the sprinkling of the holy water. . . .

The wind pulled the priest's brown Franciscan robe and swirled away the corn meal and pollen that had been sprinkled on the blanket.

Read the following excerpt from Leslie Marmon Silko's story "The Man to Send Rain Clouds."The priest sank down into the green chair and picked up a glossy missionary magazine. He turned the colored pages full of lepers and pagans without looking at them."You know I can't do that, Leon. There should have been the Last Rites and a funeral Mass at the very least."Leon put on his green cap and pulled the flaps down over his ears. "It's getting late, Father. I've got to go."When Leon opened the door Father Paul stood up and said, "Wait." He left the room and came back wearing a long brown overcoat.What does the outcome of this discussion reveal about the priest? He decides to surrender himself wholly to the traditional beliefs of the Pueblo people. He realizes that he can provide a Catholic burial for Teofilo by sprinkling holy water on the grave. Though he wants to spread his religion, his friendship with Leon overshadows this desire. Though he wants to promote his religious beliefs, he is willing to make some sacrifices.

Though he wants to promote his religious beliefs, he is willing to make some sacrifices.

Drops of water fell on the red blanket and soaked into dark icy spots. [Father Paul] sprinkled the grave and the water disappeared almost before it touched the dim, cold sand; it reminded him of something — he tried to remember what it was, because he thought if he could remember he might understand this. He sprinkled more water; he shook the container until it was empty, and the water fell through the light from sundown like August rain that fell while the sun was still shining, almost evaporating before it touched the wilted squash flowers. —"The Man to Send Rain Clouds,"Leslie Marmon Silko What does the holy water symbolize for Father Paul? the Pueblo burial tradition ✔ the Catholic burial tradition What does the holy water symbolize for Leon? ✔ the Pueblo burial tradition the Catholic burial tradition

What does the holy water symbolize for Father Paul? ✔ the Catholic burial tradition What does the holy water symbolize for Leon? ✔ the Pueblo burial tradition

The wind pulled at the priest's brown Franciscan robe and swirled away the corn meal and pollen that had been sprinkled on the blanket. —"The Man to Send Rain Clouds,"Leslie Marmon Silko Which type of figurative language is included in this passage? metaphor simile personification hyperbole


Leon turned to look up at the high blue mountains in the deep snow that reflected a faint red light from the west. He felt good because it was finished, and he was happy about the sprinkling of the holy water; now the old man could send them big thunderclouds for sure. —"The Man to Send Rain Clouds,"Leslie Marmon Silko What other red item or element might be connected to the red light in the west?

red blanket

Which of the following did you include in your answer? Check any of the boxes that apply. the importance of water to both the priest and the people, but for different reasons identification of the cultural conflicts specific symbols from the story the difference in beliefs about death

select all

Which of the following did you include in your answer? Check any of the boxes that apply. the meaning of holy water in Catholic tradition the meaning of water in Pueblo tradition the contrast between the two cultures why the water was meaningful to both groups

select all

Which elements of traditional Pueblo spirituality are present in "The Man to Send Rain Clouds"? Check all of the boxes that apply. sprinkling corn meal honoring ancestral spirits accepting death as rebirth dancing in a kiva having a Roman Catholic Mass

sprinkling corn meal honoring ancestral spirits accepting death as rebirth

Read the following excerpt from Leslie Marmon Silko's story "The Man to Send Rain Clouds."The sky in the west was full of pale yellow light. Louise stood outside with her hands in the pockets of Leon's green army jacket that was too big for her. The funeral was over, and the old men had taken their candles and medicine bags and were gone. She waited until the body was laid into the pickup before she said anything to Leon. She touched his arm, and he noticed that her hands were still dusty from the corn meal that she had sprinkled around the old man. When she spoke, Leon could not hear her.Which detail in this excerpt indicates that Leon and his family still carry out traditional Pueblo practices? the funeral service and the candles the sky in the west and the pale yellow light the body in the pickup and the army jacket the medicine bags and the sprinkled cornmeal

the medicine bags and the sprinkled cornmeal

Read the following excerpt from Leslie Marmon Silko's story "The Man to Send Rain Clouds.""We found him under a cottonwood tree in the big arroyo near sheep camp. I guess he sat down to rest in the shade and never got up again." Leon walked toward the old man's bed. The red plaid shawl had been shaken and spread carefully over the bed, and a new brown flannel shirt and pair of stiff new Levi's were arranged neatly beside the pillow. Louise held the screen door open while Leon and Ken carried in the red blanket. He looked small and shriveled, and after they dressed him in the new shirt and pants he seemed more shrunken.What detail from this excerpt best symbolizes traditional Pueblo culture? the cottonwood tree the new brown shirt the old man's bed the red blanket

the red blanket

Read the following excerpt from Leslie Marmon Silko's story "The Man to Send Rain Clouds."Before they wrapped the old man, Leon took a piece of string out of his pocket and tied a small gray feather in the old man's long white hair. Ken gave him the paint. Across the brown wrinkled forehead he drew a streak of white and along the high cheekbones he drew a strip of blue paint. He paused and watched Ken throw pinches of corn meal and pollen into the wind that fluttered the small gray feather. Then Leon painted with yellow under the old man's broad nose, and finally, when he had painted green across the chin, he smiled.The actions of Leon and Ken indicate that they are overwhelmed with grief at the old man's death. they still value the traditional beliefs of the Pueblo people. they did not care much for the deceased man. they have abandoned the traditional practices of the Pueblo.

they still value the traditional beliefs of the Pueblo people.

What does "the wind pulled at the priest's brown Franciscan robe" mean? ✔ The priest's robe is blown by the wind. The priest is running. The priest's beliefs are blown in the wind.

✔ The priest's robe is blown by the wind.

Drops of water fell on the red blanket and soaked into dark icy spots. [Father Paul] sprinkled the grave and the water disappeared almost before it touched the dim, cold sand; it reminded him of something — he tried to remember what it was, because he thought if he could remember he might understand this. He sprinkled more water; he shook the container until it was empty, and the water fell through the light from sundown like August rain that fell while the sun was still shining, almost evaporating before it touched the wilted squash flowers. —"The Man to Send Rain Clouds,"Leslie Marmon Silko Which type of figurative language is included in this passage? ✔ simile X personification hyperbole Based on the figurative language, what object is being used as a symbol? ice sand ✔ water

✔ simile ✔ water

Which common element do the cultures share at Teofilo's burial?

sprinkling the ground

What does the "faint red light from the west" symbolize? the spirit of the old man in the red blanket the end of the old man's life, indicated by the setting sun the comfort that Leon feels from the red wool blanket

the spirit of the old man in the red blanket

Drops of water fell on the red blanket and soaked into dark icy spots. [Father Paul] sprinkled the grave and the water disappeared almost before it touched the dim, cold sand; it reminded him of something — he tried to remember what it was, because he thought if he could remember he might understand this. He sprinkled more water; he shook the container until it was empty, and the water fell through the light from sundown like August rain that fell while the sun was still shining, almost evaporating before it touched the wilted squash flowers. —"The Man to Send Rain Clouds,"Leslie Marmon Silko Based on this passage, which object is most likely a symbol in the story? sundown sand rain water


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