Content Area 8: South, East, and Southeast Asian Art, Set 1

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With what ruler is the Bayon associated?

The Bayon, at the center of Angkor Thom is dedicated to Buddha. Jayavarman VII built the city of Angkor Thom as well as the Bayon.

What is the significance of Angkor Thom? What symbolism and significance is the Bayon?

Angkor Thom (the ancient royal city) is ten miles long on each side. It is also in the form of a cosmic mountain, but with unique features. The Bayon is considered a sculpture more than a work of architecture, and in addition to being in the form of a cosmic mountain (with the tall towers), it is also like a lotus blossom, with the small towers radiating from the central, tallest tower).

With what ruler is Angkor Wat specifically associated?

Angkor Wat associated the King (Suryavarman II) with Vishnu.

What does the plan of Angkor Wat reveal about its structure?

Angkor Wat is the largest of the many individual temples and monuments constructed, and to many, it is the most impressive, with a harmonious and ordered design. Moving from the outside toward the center, the towers rise higher. And they are covered in bas-relief carvings of Vishnu in his various avatars (forms), along with the king who built this temple, Suryavarman II. The central five towers represent the five peaks of Mount Meru, the center of the cosmos in Hindu mythology.

What sphere of the cosmos is represented by the three circular platforms and the large stupa at the very top of the temple?

Arupadhatu, which is formlessness where there is no longer either name or form OR desire. The arupadhatu is represented by the three circular platforms as well as the large stupa at the very top of the temple.

What purpose did the over 1,000 sculptures at Borobudur serve?

As the worshipers circumambulated each terrace, they could read these relief sculptures and sculptures in the round to understand increasingly more complex ideas from the teachings of Buddhism.

Who was the leader who began work on the Great Stupa, and who was instrumental in spreading the practice of Buddhism, and what is the identifying information for the Great Stupa?

Ashoka was the leader who was instrumental in spreading Buddhism. The Great Stupa was built in Madhya Pradesh, India, through the Maurya through late Sunga Dynasty. c. 300 B.C.-100 A.D.

During what dynasty and time period was Borobudur constructed, and what materials were used, and where is it located?

Borobudur Temple is located in Central Java, Indonesia during the Sailendra Dynasty. c. 750-842 A.D of volcanic-stone masonry.

What does each of the four gateways (toranas) contain? What do the spirals (volutes) and the Yakshini on the toranas symbolize?

Each of the toranas contains relief sculptures of scenes from the Buddha's life. The spirals (volutes) on the ends of the horizontal beams (architraves) represent a scroll unrolling, revealing the stories inside. Sculptures of Yakshini (female nature spirits rooted in pre-Vedic folk beliefs) rest on brackets supporting a cantilevered architrave

How are the terraces and circumambulatory paths at Borobudur designed?

Each terrace is surrounded by a parapet, covered with sculptures and niches filled with additional sculptures. On each side of the monument is a separate set of stairs leading to each level of terraces. From below, those who are walking along the paths of each terrace cannot be seen from below, and cannot see below them, but only the walls and the sky.

What religious symbolism is present in Lakshmana Temple, and is it a typical northern or southern style temple?

In northern Hindu temples, like this one, the tallest beehive-like tower (shikara or mountain peak) is capped by a ribbed, cushion-like form called an amalaka that was symbolic of the amala fruit.

What is the size and shape of the interior of the the Taj Mahal, and what is unique about the resonance of sound in this structure?

Inside, the echoing of sound reverberates for a very long time—longer than in almost any other building. This interior hall (tomb chamber, shown here) is octagonal, 24 feet to a side, with two tiers of eight radiating niches.

What is the significance of Lakshmana Temple, and with what materials is it constructed?

It houses an important relic, a sacred image of Vaikuntha-Vishnu brought from Tibet. The temple is one of the oldest in the Khajuraho fields as well as being one of the most exquisitely decorated, covered almost completely with images of over 600 gods in the Hindu Pantheon. It is made from sandstone.

What information is correct about the religious background of the Great Stupa? How many relief carvings are seen in the different areas of the Great Stupa?

It is a Buddhist structure, and it is made of stone masonry with sandstone on dome. The stupa is a model of the cosmos in terms of Buddhist understanding. The stupa dome symbolizes the world mountain, with gateways (toranas) at each of the cardinal points, and it is worshiped through circumambulation, or walking around the stupa clockwise. There are over 600 relief carvings covering the different areas of the stupa.

What is the scale of Borobudur?

It is colossal, with over 1500 stupas and 1500 sculptures, including 500 life-sized statues of Buddha. It is 400 feet on each side, and 98 feet tall. It was built over a small hill, and an outside platform had to be added at the base because the weight of the millions of stone blocks had caused the hill to begin to collapse.

What dynasty created the sculpture of Shiva as Lord of Dance, and what is its significance?

It is from the Chola Dynasty. c. 11th century A.D. The Chola dynasty in southern India is known for its development of bronze statuary, generally solid metal and quite heavy.

From what material is Shiva as Lord of Dance made, and what is the symbolism of this work?

It is made from cast bronze, and in this depiction, Shiva spins on one leg, stepping on a dwarf that symbolizes ignorance, which is literally stamped out. Shiva is shown creating the universe to the beat of this drum. His lower right hand is raised in a gesture that means not to fear, and his lower left hand points to his raised foot, which indicates this is the place where devotees can find enlightenment.

What is the basic shape and design of the Taj Mahal?

It is octagonal in design, and follows the plan for Iranian garden pavilions, except that it sits at the end of the garden instead of the center. It is a dome-on-cube design, and (not counting the minarets), is as tall as it is wide, and the dome and the façade are the same height.

What is the identifying information for Jahangir Preferring a Sufi Shaikh to Kings?

Jahangir Preferring a Sufi Shaikh to Kings, c. 1620 A.D. Watercolor, gold, and ink on paper, Bichitr, the artist who painted this work, was the court artist of Jahangir, who was the son of the Akbar the Great, the most prestigious of the Mughal rulers.

Who are the subjects depicted in the miniature painting, Jahangir Preferring a Sufi Shaikh to Kings, and what is their significance in the ways they are portrayed?

Jahangir is portrayed with a nimbus—and one of the inscriptions emphasizes this by stating that Jahangir is "the light of the faith." There are four figures in the lower left of the image, including a Sufi Shaikh (a mystic saint), who is at the top of the group and receives a gift from Jahangir, and some kings (a Turkish sultan and King James I of England). At the lowest point is a small portrait of the painter, Bichitr, holding the painting he has made for Jahangir. This portrayal of Mughal rulers choosing their faith over worldly power is a theme in other miniature paintings as well. It was considered a testament to their worthiness to lead their people and their dedication.

What sphere of the cosmos is represented by the base of the Borobudur temple?

Kamadhatu, which is the sphere of suffering and desires where people are bound to their desires. Kamadhatu is represented by the base of the temple.

What do the towers of the Bayon depict?

On each of the over twenty towers of the Bayon are four faces, one looking in each direction. The look is a compassionate, gentle one, and it has been said that they keep their eyes on the whole world. Jayavarman VII had changed the religion from Hinduism to Buddhism, and it is thought that the faces are either a compassionate bodhisattva or even Jayavarman himself as Buddha, but nothing is known for certain of their meaning,

What does the plan of the city of Angkor Thom reveal about its structure?

On the left the large square is the 100 square mile section that is the city of Angkor Thom. The smaller rectangular area in the lower left is the temple of Angkor Wat. The moats of both can be seen as the wider gray line that surrounds them.

What sphere of the cosmos is represented by the five square terraces on Borobudur?

Rupadhatu, in which desires are abandoned but are still bound to name and form. The rupadhatu is symbolized by the five square terraces.

What symbolism is prominent in the structures of Angkor?

Some of the structures are symbolic of the temple mountain (based on the concept of Mount Meru), and others are temples dedicated to an individual Khmer king's ancestors. The temple mountains include a central shrine at the top for a major deity (Shiva, Vishnu, Buddha), and were reserved for use by the King and royalty/elite members of the community.

From where did the cultures of Southeast Asia receive religious influence, and what was the nature of the influence from India on Southeast Asia?

Southeast Asia received both Hinduism and Buddhism from India. The influence was all religious and artistic, a by-product of trade.

What other animal symbolism is present in Lakshmana Temple?

The Lakshmana Temple is the only temple in Khajuraho with a row of elephants that peep out of the base, which makes them seem as though they were carrying the weight of the cosmos on their stable shoulders. Between the elephants are warriors protecting the temple. This is reminiscent of the Great Stupa elephants that seem to hold up the toranas. There are also depictions of Ganesha, the son of Shiva who has the head of an elephant. Additionally, there are mythical vyala creatures that have the body of a lion and the head of another animal, from an elephant to a boar.

How is the structure of Lakshmana Temple unique in Khajuraho?

The Lakshmana Temple, like other Hindu temples, uses the symbolism of the temple as a mountain, with the interior representing a cave. Within this framework, Lakshmana follows the same traditional approach, yet its four subsidiary shrines at the four corners of its rectangular platform make it unique in Khajuraho. Each Subsidiary shrine has a small porch and a band of sculpture along the exterior walls.

What is the function of the Taj Mahal, and for whom was it made?

The Taj Mahal is a mausoleum constructed by Shah Jahan for his favorite wife, Mumtaz Mahal, and the shah was buried there after his death, as well.

What is depicted in the bas-relief panel of Churning the Sea of Milk, and where is it located?

The bas-relief panel of Churning the Sea of Milk is found at the East gallery (panel 4) of Angkor Wat. It depicts the Hindu myth of creation, in which Vishnu (the central figure with four arms) leads the demons and deities in pulling the great serpent, Vasuki (who volunteered to help with this endeavor) back and forth to churn the sea of milk in order to regain the lost elixir of life.

What does the lion sculpture at Lakshmana temple represent?

The depiction of the lion fighting the man (who is much smaller—almost like a child) is a symbol of the Chandella dynasty.

What significance does the erotic sculpture of Lakshmana temple and other the temples in the Khajuraho fields have?

The erotic imagery of this temple, as well as the others at the site of Khajuraho, are consistent with earlier religious imagery in India, symbolizing fertility and the propagation of life.

What does the site of Angkor include, where is Angkor located, and what dynasty and time period is represented?

The site includes the temple of Angkor Wat and the city of Angkor Thom, which contains additional temples. Cambodia. Angkor Dynasty. c. 800-1400 A.D.

What is the symbolism of the harmika and the stupa dome?

The square harmika in the center top of the stupa is a stone fence that encloses the square area on top of the stupa, symbolizing one of the Buddhist heavens. In the center of the harmika is the yasti, a pole that symbolizes the axis of the universe.The stupa dome symbolizes the world mountain.

What do the stone wheel and elephants symbolize on the toranas?

The stone wheel protruding from the top of the center of the top architrave is symbolic of the Buddha's 'first sermon' after his enlightenment (preaching was often likened to turning a wheel). There are numerous elephants portrayed as well, which often symbolize mental strength in Buddhism.

What is the identifying information for the Taj Mahal?

This is the Taj Mahal. It is located in Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India, and was built in 1632-1653 A.D. the artists included masons, marble workers, mosaicists, and decorators working under the supervision of Ustad Ahmad Lahori, architect of the emperor. Stone masonry and marble with inlay of precious and semiprecious stones; gardens.

What is one of the most enduring ideas in symbolism of Southeast Asian art and architecture, and in what shapes is Borobudur designed, and why are they significant?

The symbolism of Mount Meru is very important, which in Hindu mythology is the seat of the gods, while in Buddhism is the seat of the world guardian was very important in Southeast Asian architecture. Borobudur is in the shape of a lotus flower, the sacred flower of Buddha. It is also designed as a cosmic mountain, with four square terraces and three circular ones. The Buddhist philosophy of the cosmos is represented in the form of Borobudur, in which the cosmos is divided into three superimposing spheres.

How is Lakshmana Temple designed?

The temple is built on a high plinth (platform) that is also covered in sculptures (royal processions, Court scenes), which can be seen before ascending the temple stairs. Hindu temples also use the tradition of moving in a clockwise direction (in pradakshina with the right shoulder nearest the temple wall). When following this direction, the band of sculptures are like a picture scroll, unfolding in sequence.

Who are the figures helping Vishnu in the bas-relief panel of Churning the Sea of Milk?

There are 91 demons on the left (the figures with the angry-looking faces), and 88 deities on the right (with the peaceful faces), who work together to accomplish this task. The demon king and Monkey god also assist (not shown). Some archaeologists propose that these numbers represent the time between the winter and summer solstices, with 91 asuras (demons) marking the 91 days between the winter solstice and spring equinox in March, while the 88 devas (deities) represent the 88 days to the summer solstice after the equinox period.

What is the significance of the toranas at the Great Stupa?

They are gateways (toranas) at each of the cardinal points around the outer fence, which stands between 9 and 11 feet high and encircles the entire stupa. The four ornately decorated toranas allow pilgrims to enter from the four cardinal directions and are gateways built into the stone fence.

What is significant about the style and location of the Buddha sculptures at Borobudur?

This image shows one of the 72 life-sized Buddha sculptures on the circular terraces, each accompanied by a stupa (over 10 feet high), and portraying the wheel-turning gesture. This section of the temple would represent the highest of the three tiers, in which formlessness is achieved. It is sculpted in the Gupta-style, which is characterized by the long earlobes and curly hair, and which flourished in the 8th-9th centuries on Java.

What does this sculpture of Shiva as Lord of Dance depict, and from what culture?

This portrays Shiva as Lord of Dance (Nataraja). It depicts this Hindu deity and was made in India (region of Tamil Nadu—in southern India).

What does the sculptures of Buddhas at Borobudur represent?

This shows the Buddha sitting on a wheeled wagon with disciples on either side. The wheel is representative of the teachings of Buddha, the wheel of the law, which he set in motion in his sermon.

What is the identifying information for Lakshmana Temple?

This temple is called Lakshmana Temple, in Khajuraho, India. It is from the Chandella Dynasty. c. 930-950 A.D.

What material is used for most of the structures in Angkor?

What major religions are represented? It is made of stone masonry and sandstone. Many of the structures, including Angkor Wat, are Hindu, while some of the other later structures are Buddhist, showing the influence of both these religions on the art and architecture of this amazing location.

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