COSC-1435: EXAM 1

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Binary Digits

(bits) on and off states

Selection structure

(decision logic) you ask a question and, depending on the answer you take one of two courses of action. -execute an operation if a condition is true

Repetition structure

(loop logic) execute a block(set) of operations multiple times until a certain condition is met. -EX: Shampoo Algorithm

logica operaters

-AND, OR, and NOT -combining conditions

What is the CPU composed of(2)?

-Arithmetic & Logic Unit -hardware optimized for high speed numeric calculation and logic comparisons; true/false, yes/no decisions -Control Unit -retrieves and decodes program instructions -coordinates activities of all other parts of the computer

What are the problem solving techniques(4)?

-Ask Questions: about the data, the process, the output, error conditions -Look for Familiar Things: certain situations arise again and again -Solve By Analogy: it may give you a place to start -Overcome Mental Block: by rewriting the problem in your own words

What is inside the black box(2)?

-Data Representation -Data Prosessing

Ways to combine conditions....

-If (condition 1 AND condition 2) -If (condition 1 OR condition 2) -If (NOT condition 1)

Main Hardware Component Categories (five)

-Input devices (keyboard, camera) -Output devices (screen, speakers, printer) -CPU:central processing unit -RAM (main memory) -Secondary storage devices

What are the data types and their data sets(5)?

-Numeric: Integer (all whole numbers +&-) EX: -397874, 3637 -Numeric: Real (all real numbers (whole+decimal)) EX: -28377.80, 0.01298, 83764 -Character (surrounded by quotations: all letters numbers and special symbols)EX: =, -, +, A, c, 1 -String (surrounded by quotations: combined of more than one character) EX: 48386, milk -Logical(True, False)

What is the machine cycle?

-fetch: retrieve the next instruction from memory and then increment the program counter(PC) -decode: decode bit pattern in the instruction register -execute: preform the action required by the instruction of the Instruction Register(IR)

Main Memory (RAM)

-is the main component of a computer in witch data is stored for quick access by the computers processor. -it is volatile. Main memory is erased when program terminates if computer is turned off -Random Access Memory

What is a program made of(5)?

-key words -programmer defined identifiers -operations -punctuation -syntax

What are the types of non-volatile memory(4)?

-magnetic -solid state -optical -flash drives

What kinds of data do we need to represent(6)?

-numbers -text -images -sound -logical (true, false) -video

What two conditions do computers recognise?

-presence of a voltage(short circuit) - state 1 -absence of a voltage (open circuit) - state 0

What are the three decision logic structures?

-straight through logic -nested if/else -if/else if/else (else if ladder)

What is the difference from real code vs pseudocode?

-the designer focuses on the LOGIC of the algorithm without being distracted by details of language syntax (real code)

What should the control unit control(2)?

-which operation to preform -which data to be operated on

Volts of 0

0 - 0.5

What are the byte values?

0000 0000 = 0 1111 1111 = 255 = 2^8-1

2^2 (binary)

00001111 (by fours)

2^1 (binary)

00110011 (by twos)

2^0 (binary)

010101010101 (by ones)

What are three steps that a program typically preforms?

1) GATHER IMPUT DATA -from keyboard -from files on disk drive 2)PROCESS IMPUT DATA 3) DISPLAY THE RESULTS AS AN OUTPUT -send it to the screen -write to a file IMPUT --> PROCESS --> OUTPUT

What are the fundamental control structures(3)?

1) Sequential logic structures 2) Selection structure (decision logic structure) 3)Repetition structure (loop logic structure)

Volts of 1

2.4 - 2.9


8 consecutive bits (bytes have addresses)

What is the maximum decimal number of 3 digits?

999 = 10^3-1

Flowchart: Decision Logic Structure

A (oval) false If (diamond) true Instruction (rectangle) Instruction (rectangle) B (oval)

What is a variable?

A named memory location that can store a value



What is in a decision logic structure?


What is returned to the user?


What does MAR stand for?

Memory Address Register

What does MDR stand for?

Memory Data Register

Flowchart: Sequential logic structure

Module name (oval) Instruction (rectangle) Instruction (rectangle) Exit (oval)

Write pseudocode that asks the user to enter a number. The algorithm will find and display the sum of all the even numbers up to the value entered by the user.

Print "Enter a number: " Get given number<--2 sum<--2 While (number<= given) sum<--sum +number number<--number +2 End while Print sum End

Write pseudocode that tells a user that the number they entered is neither a multiple of 5 nor a multiple of 6.

Print "Enter a number: " Get number byfive <-- number/5 bysix <-- number/6 If (byfive= 0) Print "The number you entered is a multiple of 5." Else if (bysix = 0) Print "the number you entered is a multiple of 6 Else Print "The number you entered is not a multiple of 5 or 6." End if

Write pseudocode that performs the following: a) Ask the user to enter a number. b) If the number is between 0 and 10 (inclusive), print the word 'Blue'. c) If the number is between 11 and 20 (inclusive), print the word 'Red'. d) if the number is between 21 and 30 (inclusive), print the word 'Green'. e) If it is any other number, print that it is not a correct color option.

Print "Enter a number: " Get x If (x >= 0 AND x <= 10) Print "Blue" Else if (x >=11 AND x <=20) Print "Red" Else if (x >= 21 AND x <= 30) Print "Green" Else Print "That is not a color option." End if

Write pseudocode that will perform the following. a) Read in 5 separate numbers (in 5 separate variables). b) Calculate the average of the five numbers. c) Find the smallest (minimum) and largest (maximum) of the five entered numbers. d) Write out the results found from steps b and c with a message describing what they are.

Print "Give me 5 numbers: " Get numone Get numtwo Get numthree Get numfour Get numfive average <-- (numone + numtwo + numthree + numfour +numfive)/5 If (numone > numtwo) maxnum <-- numone Else maxnum <-- numtwo End if If (maxnum < numthree) maxnum <-- numthree Else maxnum <-- maxnum End if If (maxnum < numfour) maxnum <-- numfour Else maxnum <-- maxnum End if If (maxnum < num five) maxnum <-- numfive Else maxnum <-- maxnum Print "The max number is : " maxnum If (numone < numtwo) minnum <-- numone Else minnum <-- numtwo End if If (minnum > numthree) minnum <-- numthree Else minnum <-- minnum End if If (minnum > numfour) minnum <-- numfour Else minnum <-- minnum End if If (minnum > num five) minnum <-- numfive Else minnum <-- minnum Print "The minimum number is : " minnum Print "The average is: " average

Write pseudocode that reads three numbers, multiplies them together, and prints out their product.

Print "Give me three numbers: " Get numone, numtwo, numthree total <-- numone* numtwo* numthree Print total End

What does PC stand for?

Program Counter

What is syntax?

The arrangement of words and phrases to create well-formed sentences in a language; Sentence structure

Low level programming languages

Used for communication with computer hardware directly. Often written in binary machine code (0's/1's) directly. -Machine language -Assembly Language

What is in a repetition structure?


Flowchart: decision

a diamond

Flowchart: input/output

a paralellogram

Flowchart: a process

a rectangle


a step-by-step procedure for solving a problem; well-defined procedure that allows an agent to solve a problem

What is a sentinel value?

a value to be typed in to stop a loop


abstract logical steps describing a computer programming algorithm

What is a logic gate?

an electronic component whose output voltage depends on the input voltage

What is 0 usually called in a loop?

an indicator, flag, sentinel, or trip value

Machine Instructions

an instruction (or command) encoded as a bit pattern recognizable by the CPU

Flowchart: start/end

an oval

Flowchart: arrows

arrow : a relationship

Instructions and data are composed only a series of what?


High level programming language

closer to human language -C++, Python, Java, ect.

Flash Drives

connected to USB port

Write pseudocode to print all multiples of 5 between 1 and 100 (inclusive).

count <-- 1 While (x <= 100 AND x >= 1) x <-- count * 5 Print x count <--count +1 End while

non-volatile memory

data retrained when program is not running or computer is turned off.


data stored in chips, no moving parts SSD

How many bits form a byte?


What is a nested if?

if statement within an if statement

What do you call the amount of voltage in between 0 and 1?


What does IR stand for?

instruction register


instructions in computer memory to make it do something

What is straight through logic?

multiple if statements outside of each other

Do computers understand pseudocode?


10d is....

number ten

10b is....

number two

What do computers only recognize?

on and off states (like a light switch)


person who writes instructions (programs) to make computer perform a task

The sequential logic structure

preform an action or task, and then you preform the next action, in order


programmable machine designed to follow instructions

pseudocode primitives and conventions

pseudocode often asks for user input assigns variables and prints an output. variables constants

Machine Language (Machine Code)

set of all instructions recognized by a machine


smallest piece of memory. HAs a value of 0(off, false) or 1(on, true)


traditional hard drives that use a moveable mechanical arm to read/write HDD

What is a compiler?

translates high level language to machine language -When you run compiled code; the machine language instructions will be loaded to memory and executed

What must a variable name be(2)?

unique and a single word


uniquely identifies on byte in the computers main memory(RAM)

Data is...

unorganized facts that are processed by the program

What is a for loop?

use when you know, in advance, the number of times the loop will be executed

What is a constant?

variable that stays the same EXAMPLE: pi

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