Countries of South America SMCHS

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What is Bolivia's status with minerals?

Bolivia has many minerals, but the best ores have already been mined.

What is something that Bolivia lacks?

Bolivia is landlocked, without coastal ports or factories.

How have recent government reforms benefited the people of Paraguay and Uruguay?

Both countries have moved away from repressive governments Both countries have held free elections

Guyana and Suriname are what former colonies?

British and Dutch COLONIES(:

Who owns the farmlands of Columbia?

Most farmland is owned by a few wealthy families who rent out small amounts of land at high prices to campesinos, or tenant farmers.

Where are most of Chile's cities and factories?

Most of Chile's cities and factories are in the Central Valley.

What does most of Peru's population work for? What do they grow?

Most of the population either works for low wages in factories or on plantations growing cotton, sugar cane, and rice.

What does Peru's population consist of? Where do they live?

Most other Peruvians are mestizos who live in urban areas or near the coastal plain.

Where is the coastal plain located?

Narrow plain between mountains and ocean stretches along entire Pacific coast of South America.

Where was oil discovered in Ecuador?

Oil was discovered in the selva lowlands in the 1960s and has become the country's most important export.

What major product does Columbia depend on?


What country contains the remains of Machu Pichu?


What countries make up the southern grassland countries?

Paraguay Uruguay Argentina

Itaipu Dam

Paraguay and Brazil cooperated to build the Itaipú Dam on the Paraná River


Parallel mountain ranges of the Andes that begin in Columbia

What does climate depend on and where does Venezuela lie?

Venezuela lies in the tropics, but climate depends more on elevation.

What is "interesting" about Venezuelan farmers?

Venezuelan farmers grow different crops at different elevations.

What country is one of the top oil producers?


How are the economies of Ecuador and Peru similar?

*A minority of the people of European descent control most of the wealth. *Mestizos farm or work low-paying factory jobs. *Most Indians are subsistence farmers of herders. *Petroleum is a major export in Ecuador. *Peru's export economy is based on cotton, sugar cane, and rice.

*What are the chief economic activities of Venezuela? *In which parts of the country do they take place?

*The most profitable economic activity is oil and gas production in the eastern llanos, the Orinoco delta, the lowlands near Lake Maracaibo, and offshore. *Cattle ranching in the llanos, is another important activity, as is the growing of crops such as coffee in the tierra templada.

What patterns of migration are reflected in the Guianas?

*They brought Africans and Asians to South America as slaves to work on their plantations.

How have the people of the Andean countries adapted to their environment?

*Vertical trade between people from different villages at different elevations. *Physical adaptations such as larger hearts and lungs, that let them live and work in the thin, oxygen-poor air.


A broad river mouth

How have political conditions in Paraguay changed?

A democratically elected government replaced a military dictatorship.


A mineral used in making aluminum

The economies of Ecuador and Peru share what specific and substantial characteristic?

A minority of people of European descent control most of the country's wealth.

Who controls most of the wealth in Peru?

A minority of people of European descent control most of the country's wealth.


A person that lives in a rural village - subsistence farmers. tenant farmers

What is Patagonia useful for?

A region well suited for raising sheep and with rich deposits of oil and bauxite.


A wide grassland, or savanna located on either side of the Orinoco River

How does South America's distinct countries relate in reference to ancestry?


How do Colombia's exports differ from those of Venezuela and the Guianas?

ANY OF THE FOLLOWING: *The exports of Venezuela and the Guianas are more diverse than those of Colombia. Colombia has one main export: Coffee. Colombia also has a large illegal drug trade. *Venezuela grows crops, has cattle ranching and produces oil and gas. *Guianas harvest large quantities of fish and shrimp and in the lowland areas farmers from sugar cane and rice. There is some mining of bauxite in the hills of Suriname and Guyana.

Where does alpine tundra grow?

Above the timber line

What did the Europeans bring over to South America?

Africans, and later Asians, to work on sugar plantations. DERP

What is Paraguay's economy based on?


How are the political histories of the grassland countries similar?

All were ruled by military dictators, replaced by democratic governments.

How might geographic factors such as natural hazards and changing climatic conditions affect an economy that is based on only one crop?

An economy dependent on one crop is vulnerable to natural hazards and climatic conditions such as flooding or drought that could cause the crop to fail.

The Gran Chaco

An interior lowland of savanna and dense shrub in parts of Paraguay, Argentina, and Bolivia with mild temperatures and seasonal rain.

Where are the Andean highlands, location wise?

Andean highlands stretch across northern Venezuela, and southern Venezuela is dominated by Guiana Highlands.

How do physical characteristics divide southern South America into several regions?

Andean region is mountainous Gran Chaco is a tropical lowland Pampas are temperate grasslands Patagonia is a cold and dry plain

Where are the highlands located?

Andes rise inland from the coastal plain, and highland valleys and plateaus lie between cordilleras.

What have archaeologists found in the coastal plains?

Archaeologists have found perfectly preserved ancient artifacts in the Atacama Desert because its so dry

What mineral makes aluminum? Where are major exports of this mineral found?

Bauxite BISHH From the hills of Guyana and Suriname; Guyana is the world's largest exporter of bauxite.

Why do campesinos struggle to grow enough food for their families?

Because of their focus on growing coffee.

Which region is home to most of Chile's economic activity?

Central Valley

Where is Chile located?

Chile is a narrow ribbon along the west coast of South America.

Why does Chile find good markets for its agricultural produce in the United States?

Chile's productive summer season comes during the Northern Hemisphere's winter

What is an unusual characteristic about Uruguay's politics?

Citizens are required to vote.

How do physical characteristics divide the Andean nations into three environments?

Coastal Plains Highland valleys and plateaus Tropical forests

What has Columbia suffered from most?

Colombia has suffered from a long history of civil strife and continues to struggle with the challenges that result from social inequality.




Desolate, dry, cold plain in southern Argentina.

What countries make up the andean countries?

Ecuador Peru Bolivia Chile PEB-C AHAH GET IT

What dominate the economy in the northern tropics?

Fishing and farming


Foothills region

Why are llanos important?

For grazing cattle


Forested region of Ecuador

What is produced for exports in Chile?

Fruits, vegetables, and wine grapes are produced in the Central Valley for export to the United States and Europe.

What other products does Columbia export other than coffee?

Growing and exporting illegal crops of marijuana and cocaine is extremely profitable for a small minority of Colombians. bad columbia

What makes up the Guianas?

Guyana Suriname French Guyana

Compared with the other countries in southern South America, what is significant about Argentina?

Has the highest per capita GNP.

A large number of people in Guyana come from which region?


What does most of Bolivia's population consist of?


Where are the tropical forests located?

Inland from the Andes are forested tropical lowlands.

Rio de la Plata

Is an estuary that is fed by four rivers: the Uruguay, the Pilcomayo, the Paraguay, and the Paraná.

Although Paraguay is landlocked, what benefits it?

It has ocean access through the Plata River system.

What is French Guiana a department of?

It is a department of FRANCE

What accurately describes the climate of Bolivia?

It ranges from humid and tropical to cold and semiarid

What is the climate like in Columbia?

Like Venezuela, Colombia has mountains, highlands, and llanos, and most people live in the valleys between cordilleras.

Atacama Dessert

Located in the coastal plains, the driest place on earth, and occupies the coastal plain of northern Chile.

What does Ecuador's population mainly consist of?



People of African and other mixed ancestry

What race makes up half of Guyana's population? What languages do they speak?

People of Asian descent make up half the population of Guyana, many speaking the languages of India.

Who own the largest farms and factories in Ecuador?

People of European background

What product dominates in Venezuela?

Petroleum dominates the economy of Venezuela, which is one of the top 10 oil producers in the world.

Why are the grasslands essential to Argentina?

Produce most of Argentina's grains and meats.

What countries contain many mulattoes? HAHA sounds like late

Suriname and French Guyana


Temperate grasslands of Argentina and Uruguay

What is an accurate statement about the relationship between the geographic landscapes of Ecuador, Peru, Chile, and Bolivia and the economies of these countries?

The Andes provide a rich source of natural resources in each country.

What are people doing in response to Columbia's illegal trade exports?

The Colombian and United States governments are working together to stop the drug trade and associated violence.

What countries make up the northern tropics?

The Guianas Venezuela Columbia

What element of physical geography binds the countries of southern South America together?

The Plata River system

Timber Line

The boundary above which continuous forest vegetation cannot grow

How do conditions in Buenos Aires, Argentina, demonstrate both the attractiveness and the problems of city life?

The city is vibrant and sophisticated Attracts people seeking jobs and better lives The harbor are filled with freighters from around the world There is heavy air pollution

What has most greatly affected the economy of Ecuador?

The discovery and export of oil.


The high plains of Ecuador


The high plans in Peru and Bolivia

Where do indians practice subsistence farming?

The highlands.. duh They herd aplacas and llamas

Why is it difficult for small farmers in Colombia to produce enough to feed their families?

They focus their efforts on a single cash crop.... COFFEE

What jobs do the mestizos in Ecuador have?

They work in urban factories or on plantations in the coastal lowlands growing bananas, cacao, and coffee for export.

Where does most of Chile's population live?

Three fourths of the population live in the Central Valley between the Andes and coastal ranges.

he Andes have had all of the following effects on the people who live in the area except: Select one: a. Mining is the main economic activity because of the rich mineral resources. b. Some native Indians have developed unusual physical characteristics that make it easier for them to live at high altitudes. c. Trade and interaction with other groups are often limited. d. Different crops are grown at different elevations.

a. Mining is the main economic activity because of the rich mineral resources.

Climatic conditions in Chile affect the population in which of the following ways? Select one: a. The climate and soil of the Central Valley are well suited to growing wine grapes and other fruits and vegetables. b. Most people live in the Atacama Desert, where the climate is temperate. c. The harsh climate at higher elevations has allowed the Indian population to remain largely isolated from the rest of the world. d. The economy relies on traditional activities such as herding and modern industries not affected by weather because the climate is ill-suited to growing most crops.

a. The climate and soil of the Central Valley are well suited to growing wine grapes and other fruits and vegetables.

Venezuela's economy relies most heavily on which of the following? Select one: a. oil reserves in places such as the eastern llanos b. coffee plantations in mountainous areas c. cattle ranching in the grasslands d. fertile farmland in the Andean Highlands

a. oil reserves in places such as the eastern llanos

Oil is found in all of the following sections of Venezuela except the Select one: a. Orinoco delta. b. Guiana Highlands. c. lowlands near Lake Maracaibo. d. eastern llanos.

b. Guiana Highlands.

The countries of Guyana, Suriname, and French Guiana all share which of the following? Select one: a. a largely Roman Catholic population b. a large Asian population c. a French colonial heritage d. a large Quechua-speaking population

b. a large Asian population

In what way have the physical characteristics of the Andean countries affected the population of the area?

c. Indian tribes who have lived for centuries at high altitudes have larger hearts and lungs.

All of the following are problems associated with Colombia's dependence on a single crop except: Select one: a. A drop in demand for coffee would affect the whole economy. b. A few wealthy families own most of the coffee plantations. c. Most of the coffee is exported illegally. d. If disease strikes the coffee trees, it would affect the entire economy.

c. Most of the coffee is exported illegally.

In which of the following countries is English the official language? Select one: a. Suriname b. Uruguay c. Chile d. Guyana

d. Guyana

What physical characteristic of the region binds the different countries together?

the Río de la Plata river system

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