Coursea Week 1 - 12

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A fundamental difference between Indigenous and Western worldviews is the assumption of:

Hierarchy versus interdependence in the natural world

The National Statement of Apology happened in:


Chief Toghestiy gave an eagle feather to the Apache Corporation as:

A warning to trespassers.

The NWC began as:

An informal group of traders

Indigenous feminism is a return to:f

Indigenous sovereignty

The iconography on the commemorative medals for Treaty 6 symbolizes:

Two sovereign nations making peace and sharing the land forever

The Gwaii Haanas National Park Reserve was the first:

cooperative management agreement between Indigenous peoples and the Canadian government.

The fundamental critique of the engagement with social media is that activism in cyber space might unintentionally discourage activism in the street. Why?

Activists might feel a false sense of accomplishment.

In Sharon McIvor's court case which of the following is not one of her three positions?

Authority over land claims

Which of the following materials was not a large part of the North American trading networks?

Bentwood cedar boxes

Who was not part of the PNIAI?

Brian Jungen

The displacement of Aboriginal peoples from their territories exacerbated by increased settlement brought about by:

Canadian Pacific Railway

The Idle No More Movement of 2012-2013 formed as a result of:

Concern over the environment and Indigenous rights

The desired outcome of a sharing circle is:


What improvement could be made to organizations to better foster urban Indigenous governance?

Create permanent subcommittees "attached" to existing councils

In Indigenous contexts, how were gender roles determined?


Why are Halloween costumes like 'Pocahontas' dangerous to Indigenous women?

Damaging stereotypes

Within the colonial project, Indigenous women were relegated to what gendered domain?


Some Inuit chose to relocate in order to:

Enjoy the benefits of a settled lifestyle

Within an Indigenous context, 'community' does NOT include:


What do many urban Indigenous peoples consider the most important element for creating informal networks in urban centres?

Extended family

What type of community was created in the Indigenous climate activism that culminated in the People's Climate March in 2014?

Figurative Social Community

The main challenge to co-management and community-based management is the:

Lack of recognition of traditional Indigenous knowledge.

In Matrilineal societies Indigenous men were:

Leaders - chosen by Clan mothers

What characteristic does not describe Haudenosaunee society:


Which one of the following impacts of resource development is specifically tied to the loss of Indigenous people's connection to land?

Mental and spiritual health

Which one of the following is not representative of Indigenous responses to the impacts of resource development?

Monitoring by the federal environmental agency

This event triggered and energized Indigenous claims to Kanienkehaka sovereignty.

Oka Crisis

From a colonial perspective, the numbered treaties were used primarily to:

Open up lands for European settlement and resource extraction

This NYC event in 2014 is a great example of how environmental activism can form communities.

People's Climate March

Mythic communities create a sphere of commonality that does NOT stem from similar forms of:

Racial qualities

In what ways did the sketch "Indian Store" by the 1491s comment on the legacy of colonialism?

Satire is effective at highlighting racist norms

Hall argues that identity is often thought to contain an underlying "essence". Which of the following examples does Hall list as examples of this essence?

Shared Culture

How long has colonial patriarchy challenged Indigenous feminism?

Since 1492

What is not a contemporary expression of "traditional" Indigenous art?

Stained glass

What impact did Residential Schools have on Indigenous conceptions of gender and sex?

Taught children gender specific Western roles according to their sex

What piece of Canadian legislation does Nadia Myre bead to make a political statement?

The Indian Act

The Unist'ot'en Camp arose as a resistance community as a response to:

The Pacific Trails Pipeline

The MMIW social movement does NOT include:

The creation of a tribal community

A major economic shift for traditional communities was:

The switch to wage-based labour

What is a distinctive element of urban Indigenous protests as compared with other Indigenous protests?

The use of social media to facilitate marches, round dances, etc.

How might Indigenous poverty be different from that endured by First Nations residents living on their First Nation?

There is a higher level of prejudice endured by urban Indigenous residents

One of most persuasive arguments for Indigenous language revitalization is that:

There is a loss of meaning when words are translated into English.

Which of the following accurately describes Aboriginal rights?

These collective, Constitutional rights reflect the Indigenous legal system and include duties that limit government power

Dr. Peter Bryce made the horrific discovery that an estimated:

42% of children in residential schools died

The legal challenge brought by the Musqueam Indian Band against the Department of Indian Affairs resulted in:

A finding that the federal government owed the Musqueam damages

Native People's Caravan is a good example of:

A grassroots organization

The Fur Trade has been interpreted by scholars of Indigenous history as:

A partnership between European and Indigenous groups

Settler officials understood the Douglas Treaties (1850-1854) as:

Abolishing Indigenous land title in exchange for protection, while Indigenous leaders understood them as peace treaties

The Indian Act contributed to assimilation by:

Abolishing traditional forms of governance

A specific system of government used by the Teslin Tlingit to validate Aboriginal rights and traditions through the effective control of traditional lands and resources.

Aboriginal Nation Model

For the Mi'kmaq the word Angugamwe'l indicates how they saw treaties:

Adding to our relations

Section 35 amended Canada's Constitution to:

Affirm existing Aboriginal and treaty rights.

What kind of economy replaced the fur trade after its demise?


Indigenous activism in Canada can be partly attributed to what 1970s US movement?

American Indian Movement

The Northwest Resistance of 1885 heralded a new era of relationship for the Indigenous people of the northwest with the Canadian state. This meant:

An end to the possibility of a nation to nation equal partnership with the Canadian state

What was Chief Pitikwahanapiwiyin's (Poundmaker) reaction to treaty 6:

Angry at the government for possessing the land

Community-based education arose:

As an innovative context for cultural renewal.

Indigenous women had key roles in the fur trade, these roles did NOT include:

Building forts

The explorer who kidnapped Chief Donnaconna and other Stadaconans was:


An example of inductive discipline would be:

Cautionary tales about bad behavior

How do many First Nations peoples regard Treaty Days today:

Celebration of Indigenous Sovereignty

Indigenous peoples often see the learning process following the life stages, which are:

Childhood, adolescence, adulthood, maturity

Which of these is NOT an organized political Indigenous entity.

Civil Rights Movement

Indigenous laws can be characterized as:

Coercive and Centralized

Métis were often sent to residential schools because they:

Could fulfil the pupil quota for a school

Residential schools:

Created settler-style gender divisions by teaching domestic skills only to girls.

Who was the leader of the Manitoba Indian Brotherhood during the White Paper?

Dave Courchene

Traditional Denésƍliné knowledge of caribou movements provides insight into:

Decision making about managing herds

Who negotiated the signing of Treaties 9-11:

Duncan Campbell Scott

Some Indigenous elders have referred to education as "the new buffalo." Why might that be?

Education is seen as a means to better oneself and one's community.

An amendment to the Indian Act included empowering the Superintendent General to:

Enfranchise people against their will.

The HBC established their position in the fur trade by:

Establishing trading forts at the mouths of the rivers that drain into Hudson's Bay

Indigenous men enlisted in the First World War, in part, to:

Experience warrior ethics and warfare exploits.

Elders are valued in an educational context because they have much:


Reconciliation includes:

Formal recognition of Indigenous knowledge

The military commander of the Northwest Resistance was:

Gabriel Dumont

Describe the resulting actions after Cardinal's response to the White paper?

Galvanization of Indigenous political will and leadership

Indigenous peoples' involvement in the fishing industry was adversely effected by:

Government regulations

The fosterage practice of the Navajo means that:

Grandchildren live with grandparents to exchange physical assistance for care and knowledge

The Haudenosaunee Two Row wampum belt is called:


The Two Row Wampum belt called Gusweñta was made between: 1 / 1 point

Haudenosaunee and the Dutch

Cross gendered or third and fourth gender Indigenous people were not:

Highly promiscuous

Farming in the west was an assimilation tactic primarily because:

Hunting and gathering practices decreased, or had to be abandoned

Campaigns like "Be a Witness" and "Project of Heart" address:

Improving the lives of Indigenous children

Which Indigenous women's group formed in the the early 1970s?

Indian Rights for Indian Women and the Native Women's Association of Canada

Community-based monitoring means that:

Indigenous communities monitor their own lands in their own unique way.

Storytelling serves as important function in terms of non-interference because:

Individuals to derive their own meaning from the stories to inform how they might act

The Van der Peet case underlines that protected rights are those:

Integral to a distinctive culture.

Amiskwaciy Academy is different from other urban-based schools in that it:

Integrates cultural practices and lessons in a manner that supports both the survival and growth of traditional activities

Which law is often used to describe legally binding agreements of treaties?

International law

The most significant advantage of Indigenous activists using social media is the:

International reach.

How did Rebecca Belmore engage with community in her piece called, "Trace"?

Invited community to create clay beads.

Contemporary feminism is generally described as:

Issues that deal with gender, race, economic and social injustices

The Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples (RCAP) lead to the creation of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission largely because:

It articulated the truth about the injustices, making it possible for survivors to file a civil lawsuit against the federal government

Which of the following is NOT an Indigenous activist or scholar?

Jean Chretien

What is the importance of a Seven Generation paradigm for raising children:

Knowledge transfer by looking forward and back seven generations

One of the best known features of the Great Peace of Montreal is:

Laid the groundwork for peace and cooperation

The European conceptions of civilization...

Linked colonialism to a civilizing mission

The concept of Seven Generations means that we:

Look seven generations in the past and the future when making a decision

Indigenous peoples would primarily trade furs for:

Metal goods (e.g., needles, cookware, knives)

Which Indigenous nations signed the Peace and Friendship Treaties from 1725-1779?

Mi'kmaq, Malliseet, Passamaquoddy

Which of the following best describes the relationship fostered by the Royal Proclamation of 1763 between Indigenous peoples and the British Crown?

Military Alliance

The imposition of a hydro-electric dam in the James Bay area initiated the first:

Modern land claims agreement

The following compensation was included in the Indian Residential School Settlement:

Monetary Payment

Offspring between French men and Indigenous women in the fur trade were known as:


Governmental policies of assimilation provoked Indigenous activism, what group presented the Red Paper to the federal government.

National Indian Brotherhood

The creation of the Office of Native Claims in 1973 allows the government to:

Negotiate new land claims and agreements

Which Indigenous worldview is embodied by the phrase, "all my relations"?


What Indigenous group developed a modern governing body called Eeyou Istchee to represent their rights to self determination and economic development?

Nehiyawak (Cree)

The correct chronological order of Europeans coming into contact with Indigenous peoples in the land now known as Canada is:

Norse, European (French and Basque), British

Indigenous education relies heavily on the nexus between:

Observational learning and role modelling

Indigenous and Métis women contributed to their family's finances by altering old practices to fit the new economy, such as:

Preparing bison robes for transport and market

Which of the following principles best describe Indigenous legal traditions?

Prioritization of the collective and cooperation

The Robinson Treaties in 1850 introduced something new to Indigenous-settler agreements. What was it?

Provisions for creating reserves

Residential schools incorporated:

Reading, Writing, and Manual Labour

The Numbered Treaties followed the formula of the:

Robinson Treaties

The Royal Proclamation of 1763 was violated by:

Settlers taking land for homesteading

The Calder Case recognized the existence of Aboriginal title. Which was the first land claims case thereafter where Aboriginal title was granted?


Kanien:keha'ka worldview concepts began with:

Story of Sky Woman

Which of the following statements is NOT true:

Storytelling is restricted to elder knowledges

What do the ethics of non-interference hope to accomplish:

Teach children self-reflection and discover answers

Confederation affected the treaty-making process because:

The Canadian government sought westward expansion

What was the European interpretation of the spirit of Treaty 6:

The Crown allows rights and privileges to Indigenous people for ever in perpetuity

What land base did Indian Commissioner Edgar Dewdney exclude from Treaty negotiations:

The Cypress Hills

What specific governmental strategy contributed to the loss of status for First Nation status women who married non-status men?

The Indian Act

Indigenous women often left reserves as a result of:

The Indian act enfranchisement policies

This Indigenous entity uses the Aboriginal Nation Model for its system of government.

The Teslin Tlingit

What was the primary motivation for Harold Cardinal to write the Citizens Plus document?

The White Paper

The Red Power movement can be described as:

The mobilization of Indigenous people's activism

The phases of Indigenous restorative justice occur in which order?

The offender pleads guilty; those involved or impacted are consulted; and all discuss appropriate consequences

Western conceptions of land do not include:

The spiritual realm

TEK stands for:

Traditional Ecological Knowledge

How have early historical demographers represented Indigenous populations of pre-contact North America:

Underestimated populations

The Aboriginal Healing Foundation focused on:

Victims of physical and sexual assault

Freemen or Otipemisiwak did not:

Work for HBC

Which Indigenous nation acted as the most prominent middleman during the early fur trade?

Wyandot (Huron)

The export of pemmican was banned by the Selkirk governor in 1814 to help:

exercise his authority over the Métis.

One aspect of Indigenous storytelling that is significant to culture is:

linking the past to present and future generations

Indigenous and settler legal traditions differ in that settler laws tend to focus on:


Nehiyawak, Dene, and Inuit legal traditions address misbehaviour by such means as:

shaming wrongdoers

Pre-colonial Indigenous laws can be characterized as:

Heterogeneous, informed by local customs and practices

Pre-contact trade was largely for:

Luxury Items

The potlatch was seen as a threat to the Western value of:

Private property

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