Creative Leadership MidTerm

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Identify and describe the five basic styles of followership as suggested by Robert Kelley


What is authentic leadership? What are the characteristics of authentic leaders?

Authentic leadership is based on the notion of "to thine own self be true." Authentic leaders are self-aware and self-consciously align their actions with their inner values. The study of authentic leadership has gained momentum because of the following beliefs: *Enhancing self-awareness can help people in organizations find more meaning at work *Promoting transparency and openness in relationships builds trust and commitment *Fostering more inclusive structures and practices can help build more positive ethical climates

How do leadership behaviors and leadership skills differ? Provide examples to illustrate your response.

BOOK Leadership behaviors are a function of intelligence, personality traits, emotional intelligence values, attitudes, interests, knowledge, and experience.

Discuss two ways to establish and maintain good peer relationships.

Building effective relationships with peers involves: 1. Recognizing common interests and goals 2. Understanding peers' tasks, problems, and rewards 3. Practicing a Theory Y attitude *Theory Y asserts that most people are intrinsically motivated by their work.

What is a competency model? How do organizations benefit from developing competency models?

Competency models describe the behaviors and skills needed for organizational success. All organizational competency models fall into one of four major categories: 1. Intrapersonal skills: adapting to stress, setting goals 2. Interpersonal skills: communicating, interacting 3. Leadership skills: building effective teams 4. Business skills: thinking strategically

Describe what activities a new leader's first day should entail. Also discuss what should occur during each of these activities according to the new leader onboarding roadmap.

Do your homework beforehand. two critical tasks to accomplish the first day on the job: meeting their new boss and meeting their new team first meeting with the boss should happen in the boss's office and be about an hour long. Key topics to discuss include: --Identifying the team's key objectives, metrics, and important projects --Understanding the boss's view of team strengths and weaknesses --Working through meeting schedules and communication styles --Sharing plans for the day and the next several weeks first two weeks should be filled with meeting with many people both inside and outside the team. The key objectives for these meetings are: --Learning as much as possible --Developing relationships --Determining future allies first two months: the leader is gathering more information, determining the direction, and finalizing the appropriate structure and staffing for the team. Tasks to be performed include: --Gathering benchmarking information from other organizations --Meeting with key external customers and suppliers --Meeting with the former team leader, if appropriate third month: should have developed a vision of the future. Things to do now include: --Articulating how the team will win --Identifying the what, why, and how of any needed changes --Defining a clear set of expectations for team members

Discuss expert power and provide examples for illustration. Feel free to draw from personal experience!

Expert power is the power of knowledge. Some people are able to influence others with their relative expertise in particular areas. Expert power is a function of the amount of knowledge one possesses relative to other group members, so followers may have more expert power than leaders at times. If different followers have considerably greater amounts of expert power, the leader may be unable to influence them using expert power alone.

formal mentoring

Formal mentoring involves the organization assigning a relatively inexperienced but high-potential leader to a top executive in the firm. Formal mentoring is often used to accelerate the development of female or minority protégés.

Describe the four qualities of leadership that engender trust according to Bennis and Goldsmith.

Four qualities of leadership engender trust: Vision Empathy Consistency Integrity

The Influence Behavior Questionnaire (IBQ) is designed to assess nine types of influence tactics. Describe at least four of these influence tactics.

Influence is defined as the change in a target agent's attitudes, values, beliefs, or behaviors as the result of influence tactics. Influence tactics refer to one person's actual behaviors designed to change another person's attitudes, beliefs, values, or behaviors. Individuals with a relatively large amount of power may successfully employ a wider variety of influence tactics. Rational persuasion Inspirational appeals Consultation Ingratiation Personal appeals Exchange Coalition tactics Pressure tactics Legitimizing tactics Hard tactics are typically used when: *An influencer has the upper hand *Resistance is anticipated *When a person's behavior violates important norms Soft tactics are typically used when: *They are at a disadvantage or expect resistance *They will personally benefit if the attempt is successful Rational tactics are typically used when: *Parties are relatively equal in power *Resistance is not anticipated *Benefits are organizational as well as personal -Leaders benefit from being conscious of the type of influence tactic to use and its effects. -Influence efforts intended to build others up more frequently lead to positive outcomes than influence efforts intended to put others down.

informal mentoring

Informal mentoring occurs when a protégé and mentor build a long-term relationship based on friendship, similar interests, and mutual respect. Informal mentoring may be more effective than formal mentoring due to longer-term relationships and stronger emotional bonds.

Compare and contrast intrapersonal skills with interpersonal skills. Where would you self-rate yourself on each on a scale of 1-5 with 5 being the highest?

Intrapersonal skills: adapting to stress, setting goals Interpersonal skills: communicating, interacting

Compare and contrast ability-based EQ training programs and mixed model-based EQ training programs.

LOOK IN BOOK Research indicates that EQ moderates employees' reactions to job insecurity and their coping ability toward job-loss related stress. It appears that EQ attributes would be difficult to change as a result of training intervention.

Compare and contrast leadership and management

Leadership: a complex phenomenon involving the leader, the followers, and the situation. It's the process of influencing an organized group toward accomplishing its goals. Managers: administer maintain control have a short-term view ask how and when imitate accept the status quo Leaders: innovate develop inspire have a long term view ask what and why originate challenge the status quo

Write a description of the FFM or OCEAN Model of Personality. Explain each of the five personality dimensions and what aspects of a person's behaviors each dimension most likely affects.

Openness to Experience Conscientiousness Extraversion Agreeableness Neuroticism Behavioral manifestations of personality traits are often exhibited automatically and unconsciously.

Briefly outline the five sources of social power from French and Raven's typology.

Power has been defined as the capacity to produce effects on others, or the potential to influence others. 1. expert power -the power of knowledge. -Some people are able to influence others with their relative expertise in particular areas. -a function of the amount of knowledge one possesses relative to other group members, so followers may have more expert power than leaders at times. -If different followers have considerably greater amounts of expert power, the leader may be unable to influence them using expert power alone. 2. referent power -refers to the potential influence one has due to the strength of the relationship between the leader and the followers. -often takes time to develop but can be lost quickly. -The stronger the relationship, the more influence leaders and followers exert over each other. -Followers with relatively more referent power than their peers are often spokespersons for their units and have more latitude to deviate from work-unit norms. 3. legitimate power -depends on a person's organizational role i.e. formal/official authority. -allows exertion of influence through requests or demands deemed appropriate by virtue of role and position. -Holding a position and being a leader are not synonymous. Effective leaders often intuitively realize they need more than legitimate power to be successful. -Followers can use their legitimate power (job descriptions, bureaucratic rules, union policies) to influence leaders. 4. reward power -involves the potential to influence others through control over desired resources. -The potential to influence others through reward power is a joint function of the leader, the followers, and the situation. -Overemphasizing performance rewards can lead to workers feeling resentful and manipulated. -Extrinsic rewards (praise, compensation) may not have the same behavioral effects as intrinsic rewards (personal growth, development). -Leaders can enhance their ability to influence others based on reward power by: *Determining what rewards are available and most valued by subordinates *Establishing policies for the fair and consistent administration of rewards for good performance -Followers can exercise reward power over leaders by: *Controlling scarce resources *Modifying their level of effort based on the leader's performance 5. coercive power -the potential to influence others through the administration of negative sanctions or the removal of positive events. -Reliance on this power has inherent limitations. -One of the most common forms of coercion is a superior's temperamental outbursts. -Followers that use coercive power to influence a leader's behavior tend to have a relatively high amount of referent power among co-workers. In general: -Leaders can usually exert more power during a crisis than during periods of relative calm. *During a crisis, followers may be more eager to receive direction and control from leaders. -Research indicates that reliance on referent and expert power led to employees who: *Were more motivated *Were more satisfied *Were absent less *Performed better -Four generalizations can be made about power and influence: *Effective leaders typically take advantage of all their sources of power. *Leaders in well-functioning organizations are open to being influenced by their subordinates. *Leaders vary in the extent to which they share power with subordinates. *Effective leaders generally work to increase their various power bases or become more willing to use their coercive power.

Differentiate between single-loop learning and double-loop learning. Which one is more difficult in terms of leadership development? Why?

Single-loop learners seek relatively little feedback that may significantly confront their fundamental ideas or actions. *Individuals learn only about subjects within the "comfort zone" of their belief systems. Double-loop learning involves being willing to confront one's own views and inviting others to do the same. *Mastering double-loop learning can be thought of as learning how to learn.

Knowing that its important for followers to have and beneficial for leaders to have, discuss three ways to improve technical competence

Technical competence concerns the knowledge and repertoire of behaviors one can utilize to complete a task successfully. Followers with technical competence earn greater rewards, exert influence in their groups, and have greater say in decisions. For leaders, technical competence is related to improved managerial promotion rates, better training skills, lower rates of group conflict, and higher motivation levels among followers. Both leaders and followers can improve technical competence by: 1. Determining how the job contributes to the overall mission and success of the organization 2. Becoming an expert in the job through education, training, observation, and teaching 3. Seeking opportunities to broaden experiences by working on team projects and visiting other parts of the organization

Identify and describe the four generations of workers as illustrated by Zemke.

The Veterans (1922-1943) The Baby Boomers (1942-1960) The Gen Xers (1961-1981) Millennials (1982-2005) Gen Xers have a clearly different view of authority than previous generations. *Leadership is viewed as removing obstacles and giving followers what they need to work. *Leaders must "earn their stripes" rather than advance by seniority. Research has found little evidence of a generation gap in basic values. Studies show that Boomers, Xers, and Milliennials in the managerial workforce are more similar than different in their views of organizational leadership.

Discuss how leadership is both an art and a science.

There are ~8,000 studies on leadership cited in Bass & Stogdill's Handbook. Some managers may be effective leaders without ever having taken a course of training program in leadership some scholars in the field of leadership may be relatively poor leaders themselves leadership will always remain partly an art and science Leadership is both rational and emotional. It includes actions and influences based one axon and logic as well as those based on inspiration and passion. Leaders can use rational techniques and/or emotional appeals. aroused feelings can be used either positively or negatively, constructively or destructively.

What is the purpose of development planning? What are the components of an effective development plan?

a process that helps leaders to accelerate the development of their own leadership skills. To make enduring behavioral changes, leaders must provide positive answers to five questions: 1. Do leaders know which of their behaviors need to change? 2. Is the leader motivated to change these behaviors? 3. Do leaders have plans in place for changing targeted behaviors? 4. Do leaders have opportunities to practice new skills? 5. Are leaders held accountable for changing targeted behaviors? Development planning is more than a plan—it is really a process. Good development plans are constantly being revised as new skills are learned or new opportunities to develop skills become available. Development planning provides a methodology for leaders to improve their behavior even as they go about their daily work activities.

Explain how mentoring differs from coaching.

coaching: the "process of equipping people with the tools, knowledge, and opportunities they need to develop and become more successful." --key leadership skill that can help leaders improve the bench strength of the group and retain high-quality followers --two types: informal, formal mentoring: a personal relationship in which a more experienced mentor (usually someone 2-4 levels higher in an organization) acts as a guide, role model, and sponsor of a less experienced protégé. --Mentors provide protégés with knowledge, advice, challenge, counsel, and support about career opportunities, organizational strategy and policy, and office politics. *Mentoring is not the same as coaching because it may not target specific development needs and the mentor may not even be part of the organization.*

Formal coaching

designed for the specific needs and goals of individual executives and managers in leadership positions. -can cost more than $100,000. -may be more effective at changing behavior than more traditional learning and training approaches. -Behavioral changes from coaching tend to be in place one year after the termination of a coaching program, indicating permanent behavioral change. -Coaching candidates tend to have multi-million dollar budgets and thousands of subordinates.

What is the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)? What are its four basic dimension preferences?

measures psychological preferences, or "mental habits." four basic preference dimensions: The extraversion-introversion dimension is concerned with where people get their energy. The sensing-intuition dimension is concerned with how people look at data. The thinking-feeling is concerned with the considerations leaders prefer when making decisions. The judging-perceiving dimension describes the amount of information needed before a leader is comfortable making a decision.

informal coaching

takes place whenever a leader helps followers to change their behaviors. Five Steps: 1. Forging a partnership 2. Inspiring commitment 3. Growing skills 4. Promoting persistence 5. Shaping the environment -can and does occur anywhere in the organization. -Informal coaching is effective for both high-performing and low-performing followers. -Coaching increases in difficulty when it occurs either remotely or across cultures.

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