CRM 331 Quizzes

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Match the element of the Social Bond Theory to its description. 1. Committment 2. Attachment 3. Involvement 4. Belief

1. Amount of energy and effort a person puts into activities with others. People who have invested time and energy in conventional activities must consider the costs of deviant behavior and the risk of losing the investment already made in conventional behavior. Includes education, career, success, and future goals. 2. A person's shared interested with others. Includes a person's sensitivity to and interest in others;. Includes family, friends, and community. 3. Amount of time spent with others in shared activities. Will result in leaving little time for illegal behaviors. Includes school activities, sports teams, community organizations, and social clubs. 4. Involves a shared value and moral system. People who live in the same social setting often share common moral beliefs. Includes honesty, morality, fairness, patriotism and responsibility.

There are 5 elements central to the explanation of the presence of a group tradition. Match the element to its application within "The Family." 1. Usable 2. Triggered by an experienced event 3. Functional 4. Appropriate in terms of group's hierarchy/Appropriate Culture 5. Known Culture

1. An element that was mentionable in the group as Charles Manson emphasized fear and the "fear force," which involved rattlesnakes, "snuff" movies, and "sacrilege." 2. Charles Manson's first acid trip was the impetus for his Jesus Christ identity and the birth of Zero where Charles Manson shaved and used a guitar string in the delivery were crucial. 3. Providing support for the folklore as Charles Manson would encourage "The Family" members to believe that they were chosen and would be saved through the salvation with their continued membership to the cult 4. Referring to Charles Manson with a nickname of "JC," retelling the tale that Charles Manson had already experiences his final death and his ability to outstare a rattlesnake. 5. The Family" had access to a wide range of information, especially Charles Manson, himself, who had become aware of diverse sources of cultural knowledge while in prison, including pimping, magic, warlockry, Masonic lore, the Bible, the Beatles' lyrics, Scientology, ego games, and science fiction.

Match the term to the definition with regards to the variances in Differential Association. 1. Intensity 2. Priority 3. Frequency 4. Duration

1. The importance and prestige attributed to the individual or group from which the definition of crime is learned 2. In reference to the age of the children when they first encounter definitions of criminality 3. Frequent contacts have greater effect than rare contacts 4. Those contacts of lasting duration have greater influence than those who are brief

In the 1970's, shortly after Charles Manson and "The Family" committed their mass murders, the Encyclopedia of American Religions, claimed that there were over _______ cults in existence. 1. 500 2. 50 3. 100 4. 150


According to "When Religion Becomes Deviance" what is a church? 1. A culturally accepted religious movement 2. A revival of traditional religion as an attempt to return to original "pure" religion 3. A group that violates the norms of conventional religion and is therefore considered a deviant religion 4. None of the above

A culturally accepted religious movement

Instrumental cults: 1. transform the everyday empirical personality to better meet demands 2. reflect compromise or accommodation to the existing understanding of the personality. 3. value the individual over society. 4. All of the above

All of the above

Psychiatric evaluations of Charles Manson while in prison revealed which him to have: 1. above-average intelligence 2. schizophrenia 3. passive-aggressive personality 4. paranoid tendencies 5. All of the above

All of the above

Scientology: 1. is a means of improving an individual's chances of success and upward mobility. 2. applies a technique to bring mental healing tempered by an illumination individual. 3. is presented as helping the individual to improve communication and understanding of others and as aiding to control himself to interact effectively with others. 4. All of the above.

All of the above

What is the purpose of using typologies with cults? 1. Typologies of cults are useful in that they can be measured by ability to aid in understanding individual groups. 2. Typologies may assist in predicting behavior by the cults, and the consequences. 3. Typologies can provide a way to distinguish between quasi-religious groups and religious cults. 4. All of the above.

All of the above

Which of the following is a characteristic of a cult? 1. Cults have authoritarian leaders who claim to have special knowledge. 2. The cult will often have "ends to justify the means" logic as they manipulate outsiders. 3. Many times becoming a member of a cult will involve a major transformation of the person's lifestyle. 4. All of the above are characteristics of cults.

All of the above are characteristics of cults.

Which of the following is true regarding the cult violence processes? 1. Cults adopt violent strategies due to the tensions that exist between their beliefs and the external political order. 2. Group dynamics of the cult involve powerful motivations to maintain the social distance between the cult and the "real world." 3. Violence can become an integral part of the cult experience if the leadership attempts to take over the minds and bodies of cult members and use them to perpetuate the pursuit of power and wealth. 4. All of the above are characteristics of cults.

All of the above are characteristics of cults.

Why would a cult leader employ the use of altered consciousness when working with cult members? 1. To destabilize old attitudes and prepare cult members to accept the group's beliefs and potentially in recruitment efforts 2. To enhance the group's cohesiveness 3. To stabilize and enhance the group's beliefs and acceptance of their goals and could legitimize the use of violence 4. All of the above are reasons why the cult leader may use the altered consciousness with the cult members.

All of the above are reasons why the cult leader may use the altered consciousness with the cult members.

Brainwashing: 1. is a means of psychological coercion. 2. is demonstrated when a person is subjected to enough physical and psychological pressure, their brain will be purged of all commitments and values. 3. allows for someone to accomplish mind control. 4 is seen as a means of manipulation that will leave the person disoriented and vulnerable to a new identity created by a leader. 5. All of the above are true regarding brainwashing.

All of the above are true regarding brainwashing.

Which of the following is true regarding reaction formation? 1. It is the process by which individuals reject something they want or aspire to, but they cannot obtain or achieve. 2. It is irrational hostility evidenced by young delinquents, who adopt norms directly opposed to middle-class goals and standards that seem impossible to achieve. 3. For the delinquent boy, it takes the form of irrational, malicious, and unaccountable hostility towards the "enemy." 4. All of the above are true regarding reaction formation.

All of the above are true regarding reaction formation.

Which of the following is true regarding leaders of cults? 1. A cult will typically be led by a charismatic leader who is thought by cult members to have a special talent or an exceptional character. 2. In many cases, the cult leader may be convinced of his / her own talents and will see him / herself as being all powerful, and as possessing the ability to conquer all enemies. 3. Cult members will often believe that their leader has divine or supernatural powers. 4. All of the above are true regarding the leaders of cults.

All of the above are true regarding the leaders of cults.

??Cults: 1. Are small, tightly organized groups that form to alleviate some problem for which it thinks society has no set cure or answer. 2. Are loosely structured and unconventional forms of a religious group, whose members are held together by a charismatic leader who mobilizes the member's loyalty around some new religious cause. 3. Are often viewed as a special type of religious organization who holds a set of beliefs and practices that differ drastically from conventional religious beliefs. 4. All of the above

All of the above its at least 1 and 2

Edwin Sutherland suggests that criminality is learned through a process of _____________________ with others who communicate criminal values and advocate the commission of crimes. 1. Bonding 2. Differential Association 3. Adapting 4. Learning

Differential Association

____________________________ is the view that people commit crime when their social learning leads them to perceive more definitions favoring crime than favoring conventional behavior 1. Cultural goals 2. Social bond 3. Middle class measuring rod 4. Differential association

Differential association

According to Kierkegaard in 1944, which type of anxiety involved the "fear of the unknown" and acknowledged difficulties that could be created by offering the freedom of choice? 1. Extraneous Anxiety 2. Existential Anxiety 3. Extraterrestrial Anxiety 4. Extrapolated Anxiety

Existential Anxiety

Charles Manson taught "The Family" that his mission had been ordained through his music and the Koran. T/F


Cults become more attractive to potential members during times of social stability, when an individual is feeling stagnant and comfortable with their lives, so they are looking for something new and or exciting. T/F


One who is charismatic is often unable to demand obedience and a following of virtue of their own personal mission. T/F


Serial murder involves killing four or more persons at one time. T/F


Charles Manson was found guilty of numerous disciplinary write-ups while incarcerated and has not been assaulted by any fellow inmates. T/F

False he was assalted 2x

Instrumental cults are mystical cults that devalue social relations and focus on detachment from personality and the search for greater individual potential. T/F

False its Illumination

Transcendental Meditation cults emphasize health, happiness, and prosperity, associated with mental healing. T/F

False its New Thought

A "Wisdom of the Soul" cult is a loosely-organized transient group that focuses on the study of meditation. T/F

False its Theosophy

A "Theosophy" cult focuses on the growth of the individual inner consciousness. T/F

False its Wisdom of the Soul

De-washing is the process developed to persuade cult members to desist their cult involvement and to covert back to being conventional. T/F

False its deprogramming

Weimann found in his research on cults and cult participation in the 1970's that fewer than 50% of the respondents in his survey had participated in at least one form of "pawn-cults." T/F

False its over 50%

Fromm recognized in 1971 that man would feel alone if left without much independence and would be driven to a state of submission and irrational activity. T/F

False its too much independence

Generation X Cults either begin or later adopt a goal to deal with the belief that Armageddon or some other cataclysmic event will occur and only cult members will go on to heaven, paradise, or similar place as they die defending against the encroaching evil forces. T/F

False; Millennial or Doomsday Cults

The strength of the cult's "Doomsday" plan is a more important factor in determining a cult's potential for violence than are the beliefs that the cult members hold. T/F

False; the its the presence of a charismatic leader

According to Akers in the Differential Association-Reinforcement Theory, ______________ is when the behavior of others and its consequences are observed and modeled. 1. operant conditioning 2. imitation 3. differential reinforcement 4. reward system


Charles Manson has been discovered having contraband while incarcerated. What item(s) had he not been found to have on his person or in his prison cell? 1. a mail order catalog for hot-air balloons 2. LSD 3. hacksaw blade and nylon rope 4. marijuana


From which board game, did Charles Manson give a prison guard pieces and a note to deliver to the parole board instead of appearing for his won parole hearing? 1. Chess 2. Risk 3. Life 4. Monopoly


A charismatic leader may induce altered consciousness through several techniques when working with the cult members. Which of the following would be a complete list of techniques that have been noted to be used by cult leaders? 1. Physical and sensory deprivation, hallucinatory drugs and time distortion 2. Physical and sensory deprivation, hallucinatory drugs and meditation 3. Physical and sensory deprivation, meditation and time distortion 4. Physical and sensory deprivation, hallucinatory drugs, meditation and time distortion

Physical and sensory deprivation, hallucinatory drugs, meditation and time distortion

When considering Charles Manson and his "Family," which mode of adaptation as identified by the Strain Theory seems to be the best fit for an explanation for their behaviors? 1. Ritualism 2. Rebellion 3. Retreatism 4. Innovation


The adaptation of _______________, according to the Strain Theory, results when the person rejects both the cultural goals and the institutionalized means. 1. Conformity 2. Innovation 3. Retreatism 4. Rebellion


According to the Strain Theory by Merton, _______________ is the adaptation that rejects the cultural goals, yet accepts the institutionalized means. 1. Innovation 2. Ritualism 3. Retreatism 4 Conformity


Which of the theories discussed in lecture fits best with the claims made by Charles Manson that the parents and biological families of his cult members were to blame for them wanting to join him? 1. Delinquent Subculture Theory 2. Strain Theory 3. Social Bond Theory 4. Differential Association Theory

Social Bond Theory

Which theory suggests that successful socialization creates bonds between an individual and the social group and a weakened or broken bond may result in deviance and crime? 1. Strain Theory 2. Differential Association Theory 3. Learning Theory 4. Social Bond Theory

Social Bond Theory

This theory suggests that all behaviors, including crime, are learned in much the same way 1. Theory of Delinquent Subcultures 2. Social Bond Theory 3. Social Learning Theory 4. Strain Theory

Social Learning Theory

_____________________ is a form of culture conflict experienced by lower-class youths because social conditions prevent them from achieving success as defined by the larger society. 1. Delinquent subculture 2. Lower-Class Measuring Rod 3. Differential Association 4. Status Frustration

Status Frustration

Which theory sees delinquency as a form of adaptive, problem-solving behavior, usually committed in response to problems involving frustrating and undesirable social environments? 1. Social Bond Theory 2. Strain Theory 3. Theory of Delinquent Subcultures 4. Labeling Theory

Strain Theory

Charles Manson instilled two core beliefs into his followers. What were they? 1. The he must be obeyed and that with the exception of Charlie, the members of the Family were the most special people on Earth. 2. That he must be obeyed and that the Earth would come to an end at his command. 3. That the Earth would come to an end at his command, and the he and his followers were the most special people. 4. That he and his followers were the most special people on Earth and that all other people were untrustworthy and without value.

The he must be obeyed and that with the exception of Charlie, the members of the Family were the most special people on Earth.

A "Spiritualism" cult includes mediums who believe they believe have a modern form of an ancient mode of communication between this world and the next.


A New Thought Cult believes that "thoughts are things" and they believe that one can control his fate through the controlling of his thoughts. T/F


According to Guinn, the "constant danger for gurus is that they must keep producing new wonders for their followers - they can't let the act get stale or seem to be wrong about something or, worst of all to fail publicly." T/F


According to the article "When Religion Becomes Deviance," a cult represents religious innovation or a new religious movement. T/F


At various times in one's life, people can fall into vulnerable states and during this time, a charismatic leader can have a great deal of influence and promise them a way out of their temporary misery. T/F


Brainwashing is seen as a highly manipulative tactic that will leave a cult member incapable of rationally evaluating their participation in a group. T/F


Charles Manson reports in In His Own Words, that if he couldn't be with his mom during his childhood years, his next favorite place to be was at his Uncle Jess's in Moorehead, KY, where he once got the "beating he would never forget" at the hands of his uncle. T/F


Charlie would remind "The Family" that all things were the same - love and hate, sanctity and sin, life and death. T/F


Cult leaders often have a charismatic, dominant leadership style and will require total allegiance from their followers.


Cults have elicited hostility from church leaders, parents, converts, and mental health workers. T/F


Cults have histories of recruiting lonely college students. T/F


Cults will often involve people who are trying to find spiritual meaning in the world. T/F


Culture is not random, but rather responsive to the social setting. T/F


Doomsday cults are particularly prone to violence. T/F


Group culture is emergent from interaction and cannot be analyzed separately. T/F


Homicide requires an illegal taking of another person's life. T/F


In 1915, Durkeim recognized that the "modern individualized man" would find a means of "religious expression" in the "cult of man." T/F


In the mid to late 1970's, much research focused on the ability of cults to offer "spiritual cures" and to "gratify specific human needs." T/F


Individuals may be persuaded to commit even the most evil acts if they are convinced of the righteousness of their own causes - which has become even more dangerous in a time when they are weapons of mass destruction at the ready. T/F


Instrumental cults offer the individual (cult member) techniques to better himself and his place in the world. T/F


Intense groups, such as "The Family" have traditions of particular significance. T/F


It is a valuable asset when a charismatic leader can focus the cult members' attention in efforts to develop intense social cohesiveness. T/F


Many cults will prepare for a "Day of Reckoning" where powerful forces will be overthrown by the faithful cult members. T/F


Members of "The Family" felt that a few deaths were acceptable sacrifices to a greater good because the spirit was what counted and you couldn't kill anyone's spirit - you just sent it off to a different place. T/F


Members of "The Family" took Charlie's teachings to heart and developed a sense of entitlement; "The Family" was meant to rule the earth after Helter Skelter. T/F


New religious groups reflect tensions in society that make many citizens receptive to ideas or originating outside of the conventional culture. T/F


Service-Oriented Cults are less individualistic, have concerns for others and emphasize aiding others, particularly for spiritual growth. T/F


The charismatic leader of a cult can exert authority simply by virtue of his / her gifts rather than through the process of legitimation bestowed upon them through certificates or official education. T/F


The cult is held together by a shared system of beliefs and values that are taught to them by the charismatic leader. T/F


Those against the medicalization of cults claim that treating cults as deviance and a mental health concern will restrict their religious freedoms that they are afforded. T/F


Typologies are categories that are used by criminologists and criminal justice professionals. T/F


With consideration for internal and external cults, "The Family" would fit the description of an "external cult" since they will find man to be a "pawn in a world dominated by powers outside the individual's control." T/F


Felony murder is a homicide committed during the commission of another felony, such as robbing a bank. T/F

True questioned this 1

An "internal cult," also known as an "origin cult," is one where the members will search for "direct, inner personal experiences of the divine within." T/F

True.. says False

Which of the following is an example of an "origin cult?" 1. Astrology 2. Spiritualism 3. Witchcraft 4. Parapsychology


A ______________________ is a value system adopted by lower-class youths that is directly opposed to that of the larger society. 1. differential association 2. delinquent subculture 3. cultural goals 4. lower-class measuring rod

delinquent subculture

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