Crucible Act II Possible Test Questions

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When Elizabeth is arrested she is willing to go because ___ ?

(Fill in the blank) She is brave and has confidence in Proctor that he will save her.

What was found on the poppet when Cheever inspected it?

A needle

What was found in the poppet?

A needle was found in the poppet.

What was in the Poppet made by Mary?

A needle was in the Poppet.

Who accused Elizabeth of stabbing them


Who charged Elizabeth with witchcraft?

Abigail Williams.

Who accused Elizabeth and why?

Abigail accuses Elizabeth because she wants to get rid of her so she can be with John Proctor.

Who accused Elizabeth in court

Abigail accuses Elizabeth.

Who framed Elizabeth for being a witch?

Abigail framed Elizabeth.

What does Mary Warren mean when she says, "I saved her life today!"?

Abigail has accused Elizabeth of witchcraft, but Mary claims that she has never seen any indication of it. Because of her claim, the court dismisses the accusation.

Who was responsible for accusing Elizabeth?

Abigail is responsible for accusing Elizabeth

What did Abigail reveal to John Proctor?

Abigail revealed that the girls' sickness had nothing to do with witchcraft.

What does Abigail reveal to John Proctor?

Abigail reveals that they made up the story of witchcraft

Who stabbed Abigail with a needle?

Abigail stabbed Abigail with a needle.

What extreme measures does Abigail take to destroy Elizabeth and her marriage, and how does Elizabeth allegedly perform the act?

Abigail straight up stabs herself with a pin in the belly then goes on to say it was one of Elizabeth's spirits that she had sent out the form of a doll.

Who told John Proctor the children's sickness had nothing to do with Witchcraft?

Abigail told John Proctor that the children's sickness had nothing to do with witchcraft.

Why did Abigail accuse Elizabeth Proctor?

Abigail wants to get rid of Elizabeth and John to herself.

Why is Mary Warren afraid to go to the court with John Proctor?

Abigail will kill her for being a traitor.

Who stabbed themselves with a needle?


According to Mary Warren is Abigail innocent?

According to Mary Warren Abigail is not innocent, but Mary is not willing to turn her in because she is scared of her.

What has Parris done to make Proctor dislike him so much?

After Parris complained about the church's candlesticks not being gold, Proctor believes Parris is insatiable and may not have the church's best interest.

How much power do the girls have over the town?

All the girls hold a significant amount of power over the town.

Hale came to the Proctor ́s to take with John about how one of his children where not baptized. Why is was his kid not baptized?

Because John did not believe he saw god in Parris.

Why is it surprising that Rebecca is in jail?

Because Rebecca is a good person who helps the community.

Why does Proctor think the court won't believe him?

Because everyone believes what the girls are saying

Whos is the clerk for the court?


Who has a warrant for Elizabeth?

Cheever has the warrant.

Who is Cheever talking about when he says the girl, "screamed a scream that a bull would weep to hear. And he goes to save her, and, stuck two inches in the flesh of her belly, he draw a needle out,"?

Cheever is talking Abigail Williams.

Why was Elizabeth assumed guilty by Cheever?

Cheever thinks Elizabeth is guilty because he found a poppet with the needle in it.

Who gets put in jail?


Who admitted they don't believe in witches?

Elizabeth admitted that she doesn't believe in witches.

What does Elizabeth find out when she ́s accused?

Elizabeth finds out that Abigail wants her dead and wants to take her spot.

Who gets arrested at the end of act two

Elizabeth is arrested

What does Elizabeth thinks is "the promise made in bed"?

Elizabeth thinks that once you sleep with a woman, you have to marry her.

Why do you think that Elizabeth willingly goes with Herrick to court?

Elizabeth trusts John with her life and she knows he'll help her

What does Elizabeth urge John to do?

Elizabeth wants John to confront Abigail and tell her she's a wh0re.

What does Elizabeth want John to do in act 2?

Elizabeth wants John to confront Abigail.

What does Elizabeth want to do and why was it hard for Proctor to do it?

Elizabeth wants Proctor to call Abigail a ***** and to stop seeing her

Why was Elizabeth accused?

Elizabeth was accused of using a poppet on Abigail.

Why is Elizabeth suspicious about Proctor when he explained to her why he was late?

Elizabeth was suspicious when Proctor came home late because of his past affairs with Abigail in Salem.

Why did Elizabeth go with the warden to jail?

Elizabeth went with the wardens because she trusted John would get her out.

Why did Elizabeth go with the wardens to jail?

Elizabeth went with the wardens because she trusted John would get her out.

What is Proctor willing to do to save Elizabeth?

Expose that he had an affair with Abigail

Towards the end of Act 2 which two men had their wives arrested?

Francis Nurse and Giles Corey's wives were taken

Who made the "Golden Candlesticks" in the church?

Francis Nurse made the "Golden Candlesticks" in the church.

Who runs to John Proctor that his wife was taken to jail?

Giles runs to John Proctor to tell him his wife has been taken to jail.

What is Proctor willing to do to save Elizabeth?

Go to court and confess that Abigail has been lying to everyone.

What has Hale asked Proctor to do?

Hale asked Proctor to repeat the 10 Commandments.

When Hale is told Elizabeth has been doing witchcraft he doesn't automatically assume it is the truth without evidence. What does this say about Hale?

Hale is investigative

What does Reverend Hale tell Proctor to do?

Hale tells Proctor to recite the 10 commandments

Why does Reverend Hale Visit the Proctor's?

Hale visits the Proctors to test the Christain character of the home. He is investigating the stories and rumors heard in the court. Earlier, he was at the Rebecca Nurse's house. Hale is the investigator trying to find the truth.

What does Proctor confesses to in order to save Elizabeth?

He comes out and confesses about having an affair with Abigail.

Why didn't Proctor baptize his third son?

He didn't baptize his third son because he sees no light of God on Paris.

What lie did John Proctor tell to Elizabeth which makes her more suspicious of him?

He didn't tell Elizabeth that he was alone with Abigail when they talked.

Why doesn't Proctor want to tell the court about Abigail's lie

He doesn't want the court to find out about his affair with Abigail.

When Proctor is reciting the commandments, what commandment does he forget?

He forgets the commandment adultery.

What did proctor do to help build the church

He hung the doors up on the church.

Q: Why is Proctor afraid to tell the court about Abigail

He is afraid because he doesn't know what Abigail would say back to the court.

Why doesn't Proctor want to go to the court?

He is afraid that Abigail will confess about the affair they had.

Why hasn't john told the court about Abigail?

He is afraid that the court will find out about what happened when they were alone.

Why is Proctor suddenly so defensive towards the end of the act?

He is defensive because Elizabeth is being charged by Abigail.

Who does Proctor know that can help him prove Abigail wrong?

He knows that Mary Warren can.

Why does hale come looking for Elizabeth?

He looks for Elizabeth to arrest her because she is accused to be a witch when she is found with a doll and needle in her house.

At the end of the act, why do you think John Proctor say what he said?

He said that because he was angry at everyone who lied about what they were doing.

Why does Proctor think the court will not believe him?

He thinks the court will only trust the girls.

Why does John Proctor want Mary Warren to go to court with him?

He wants Mary to go confess the actual truth about Abigail in the court.

What is Hale trying to find out about Elizabeth?

He wants to find out if she is a witch or not.

Why hasn't John Proctor revealed what he knows to the court?

He worries that the girls will accuse him of witchcraft too.

Who takes Elizabeth to jail

Herrick takes Elizabeth.

What is John's Promise to Abigail?

His promise is unspoken, and Abigail perceives it to mean that she will replace Elizabeth.

When is it apparent that the girls have a lot of power?

It is apparent when Rebecca is charged.

Why is the only Commandment that John Proctor forgot ironic?

It is ironic that Proctor forgot adultery because he committed adultery with Abigail.

What did the needle means to Cheever?

It meant that Elizabeth is a witch

What does Proctor refusing to let Elizabeth go show about him?

It shows Proctor loves, cares, and that he remains loyal to his wife.

What qualities does Abigail show about falsely accusing women of witchcraft

It shows that she will do anything to try to help herself and cover her own.

What was an ironic commandment for Proctor not to remember?

It was ironic that Proctor didn't remember the commandment about adultery because that's the one he committed.

Why was it so surprising that Rebecca Nurse was charged?

It was surprising because Rebecca is a well known respected person in Salem, and is known for the good deeds she has done.

Which one of the "Ten Commandments" did John Proctor forget?

John Proctor forget the Commandment of "Adultery".

Who is John Proctor trying to protect / siding with?

John Proctor is siding with Elizabeth Warren.

In the beginning of Act II, what did John Proctor say he would buy Jacob?

John Proctor said "If the crop is good I'll buy George Jacob's heifer."

What did Sarah Good confess to in court?

John Proctor thinks Parris is ungodly.

Who does John Proctor think is ungodly?

John Proctor thinks Parris is ungodly.

What did John Proctor want Elizabeth to do?

John Proctor wanted Elizabeth to go and tell Abigail that there was never a promise made between her and John

Why is the task that Elizabeth wanted John to do, so hard for him to complete?

John is hesitant to confront Abigail because he doesn't want to go into court and confess to the sin of adultery. This may cost him his life.

Who made the poppet found in the proctor home?

Marry Warren made the Poppet found in the proctor home.

Why was Mary Warren afraid to testify against the girls?

Marry Warren was afraid to testify against the girls because she fears them turning against her.

Who is the one who made the pope with the needle in the belly?

Mary Warren

Who brought the poppet home?

Mary Warren brought the poppet home

Why does Mary Warren cry once she starts to talk about the women who have been accused?

Mary Warren cries because Goody Osburn will hang.

What did Mary Warren give Elizabeth Proctor?

Mary Warren gave Elizabeth a doll that she sewed in court,

What did Mary Warren gift Elizabeth and John Proctor?

Mary Warren gifted John Proctor and Elizabeth a poppet.

What does Mary Warren give Elizabeth?

Mary Warren gives her a Poppet or doll.

Who placed the needle in the poppet?

Mary Warren placed the needle in the poppet.

How does Mary Warren's role in court affect her?

Mary believes she's important because she does "God's work" in the role she has in court.

What can Mary Warren not do?

Mary cannot charge Abigail with murder.

What did Mary give Elizabeth?

Mary gave Elizabeth a poppet.

What was Rebecca charged with?


Does Elizebth or Proctor believe in Witches

No they do not believe in witches.

What does Parris want from the people of the church?

Parris wants their trust and money

Why does Proctor not want his third child to be baptized?

Proctor does not see god in Parris

How is proctor being loyal to his marriage with Elizabith.

Proctor doesnt let Cheever take Elizabeth.

What commandment did Proctor forget when he was saying them?

Proctor forgot Adultery

How many commandments did John Proctor forget while talking to Reverend Hale?

Proctor forgot one commandment.

Why hasn't Proctor baptized his 3rd child?

Proctor has not baptized his child because he doesn't believe in the priest.

Why hasn't Proctor baptized his 3rd child?

Proctor hasn't baptized his 3rd child because he doesn't trust Mr. Parris

What is Proctor willing to do in order to save Elizabeth?

Proctor is willing to go to court in order for Elizabeth to come home safely.

What is John Proctor willing to do in order to save his wife, Elizabeth?

Proctor is willing to reveal his affair with Abigail and admit to adultery.

Why did Mary tell the court she stuck the needle into herself.

Proctor makes Mary tell the court to free Elizabeth.

Why does Proctor say "I mean to please you, Elizabeth"

Proctor wants to patch up their relationship.

Why hasn't Proctor's third child been baptized?

Proctor's third child hasn't been baptized because John doesn't think Parris has God within him.

What was Rebecca Nurse accused of?

Rebecca Nurse is accused of working for the devil.

Who is the person that was accused of murder, but her accusation shocked many people due to her kindness?

Rebecca Nurse is the person who was accused and shocked many people.

Who was charged for the murder of Goody Putnams babies?

Rebecca Nurse was charged.

Who else was charged besides Elizabeth?

Rebecca and Giles wife

Who comes to test if the Proctor's are worshipping the devil?

Reverend Hale comes to see if the Proctor's are worshipping the devil.

What is Proctor willing to do to get Elizabeth out of jail?

Risking the court finding out about his affair with Abigail.

Who is pregnant?

Sarah Good is pregnant.

Who does Mary Warren claim tried to kill her many times?

Sarah Good supposedly tried to kill Mary Warren many times.

What did Goody Proctor call Abigail?

She called Abigail a w*&#re.

Does Elizabeth fight for herself when they try to take her away

She doesn't fight at all. (Bella)

When Elizabeth is being sent away, what does she tell John to tell the kids?

She is going to visit someone sick.

What does Elizabeth mean when she tells Proctor "There is a promise made in any bed ...spoke or silent, a promise is surely made. And she may dote it now...and thinks to kill me, then take my place"?

She means that Abigail thinks that John promised her marriage.

What does Abigail reveal to John Proctor?

She reveals to John that there was no witchcraft involved in the woods.

What did Abigail say she saw before she was stabbed

She said she saw Elizabeth's spirit

What news does Mary Warren reveal to John and Elizabeth about the trails?

She said that Goody Osburn will be hanged and Goody good confessed.

What personality trait does Elizabeth show when confronted about being charged? "John--I think I must go with them..."

She shows bravery by being compliant and doing what's best for her family.

What did Abigail do after she talked to john in the forest?

She stabbed herself with a needle and accused Elizabeth of witchcraft.

What does Elizabeth ask John to do?

She wants John to go to Salem and tell the court what Abigail had said to him about the incident in the woods.

Why was Elizabeth getting accused of doing witchcraft?

She was getting accused because Abigail was framing her.

Why did Proctor tell Mary " I will bring your guts to your mouth"?

So Mary would tell the court.

Why was the needle in the poppet?

So it looked like Elizabeth had "stabbed" Abigail. Who stabbed themselves.

What did Proctor tell Mary Warren to do?

Tell what she knows about the poppet and the needle.

What does Elizabeth realize when she finds out that she has been accused?

That Abigail wants her dead

What evidence did they have that Elizabeth stabbed Abigail with a needle?

The Poppet with a needle stabbed in it

Who does Mary Warren work for?

The Proctors.

What could possibly come out of the shadows if Proctor admitted that Abigail had a conversation with Proctor telling him that she is lying about all her accusations?

The affair between Proctor and Abigail could possibly be leaked.

Why wont the court believe Proctor if he tells on abigail?

The court wont believe him because hes had an affair with her.

Why does Proctor think they won't believe him?

The girls have a lot of power and can accuse him of witchcraft and kill him.

What do Proctor and his friends realize at the end of act 2

The girls have too much power and are making things up.

Who is the jailor?

The jailor is Cheever

What "proved" Elizabeth stabbed Abigail?

The needle through the poppet proved it. Bella Walker

Where was the needle stuck in the doll that Mary Warren gave to Elizabeth?

The needle was stuck in the stomach.

What is the court going to use as evidence against Elizabeth's case?

The poppet with the needle in it.

What was the "promise"

The promise was that proctor would divorce Elizabeth and be with Abigail forever

Why were the Proctors nervous?

Their Neighbors wives were being taken because they were accused guilty of witchcraft

What power does the girls have

They are able to convince everyone about anything.

How is Proctor's relationship with Elizabeth?

They are working out their marriage

Who are Elizabeth and Proctor arguing about?

They argued about Abigail

What powers do the girls have?

They can charge anyone with no hesitation

Why did the girls accuse Elizabeth for stabbing Abigail?

They have found a needle in Abigail stomach and Elizabeth had a poppet with a needle in it that Mary Warren had left there.

Why does Cheever and Marshal show up at the Proctor's home?

They show up to arrest Elizabeth.

Abigail Williams told Proctor the children had nothing to do with witchcraft proctor then tells Hale, why did the children lie about the witchcraft and blame innocent people?

They were scared of being burned for denying it so they blamed others to save themselves

What was the reaction on Giles and John Proctor when Rebecca Nurse was accused of witchcraft?

They were surprised since Rebecca Nurse was a good Puritan and did charity.

What does this quote reveal about Parris and the man he is? "Since we built the church there were pewter candlesticks upon the altar;...But Parris came , and for twenty week he preach nothin' but golden candlesticks until he had them... I think sometimes that man dreams cathedrals, not clapboard meetin' houses,"

This reveals that Parris is a very greedy and materialistic man.

Why did Cheever come to the Proctor ́s house?

To take Elizabeth to court.

What does Elizabeth want John to do?

To tell the court that Abigail's accusations of witchcraft are lies.

Cheever does not want to search Proctor's entire house and instead just asks if there are any poppets in the house. What can we infer about Cheever from this?

We can infer that Cheever trusts the Proctors and that he is also sort of lazy.

What does John Proctor do that proves that he still cares about Elizabeth?

When Cheever came to arrest Elizabeth, John was being protective and was not allowing her to leave.

When Mary Warren refuses to go to court because Abigail threatened her what could you infer about her.

You could infer that Mary Warren is a coward and is afraid of Abigail.

What was the alleged promise made between Proctor and Abigail

a life of love and marriage was the alleged promise made between Abigail and Proctor.

what is the connection between the poppet and Abigail?

the connection between the poppet and Abigail is that Abigail was stabbed in the abdomen with a needle and the poppet also had a needle there.

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