CS 332/ 532 Systems Programming Lecture Two Introduction
How do you write hello world in C
#include <stdio.h> int main(){ print("Hello World"); return 0; }
The #includes instructs the compiler to include the contents of the _______ file into the program before it is compiled.
C is what senstive
Are Nest comments allowed in C?
No they would look like this /* /* Another comment */ */
C programming was developed in Bell Lans in the early 1970s. Dennis Riche decided to re write ________ code in another language
what is a variable in c
a variable in c is a memory location that A program uses the name of the variable to access itrs value
gcc -Wall hello.c -o hello
enables all the warnings in GCC
what will gcc hello.c exicute
exicutes the complete compilation process and outputs an exicutable with a.out
gcc hello.c -o hello
produces an output file with the name
The ANSI Standard developed standardized C code called ANSI C or _________
standard C
if the file name is enclosed in brackets <>, _______________________, where system files reside.
the compiler searches in system dependent predefined directories
If it is enclosed in double quotes ""________________
the compiler usually begins with the directory of the source file, then searches the predefined directories
what are some rules for naming variables in c
the name can contain letters digits and undrescore charectors
what does the compilation of C code look like
unix gcc -o hello hello.c