CS360 Final Exam

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How much did Sokty make a month at her job in US dollars?


What monthly wage in US dollars were workers in Cambodia protesting for?


What is the average income per year of a pimp in the US?


What is the size and value of the hair care product industry?

$9 billion industry Relaxers are $35 million industry

What are the 4 roles of the consumer?

(1) boycott, buycott and advocate consumer practice to promote (2) support companies investing in human rights and environmental practices (3) pressure visible brands to improve practice (4) shift power alliances

What is the Conflict Free Gold Standard - what are some of its limitations?

- "there is no such thing as clean gold, unless its recycled or vintage" Alan Septoff, communications managers for the No Dirty Gold Campaign - Conflict Free Gold Standard - only deals with human rights and security (no environment mentioned) - need enforcement and transparency

How much is the US spending on deportations? How much does it cost to jail detainees per day versus alternatives, and what are alternatives?

- $2 billion/year - $119/d/detainee compared to 17 cents - $17.78/d for alternatives (scheduled visits or electronic monitor)

Why is plastic a problem in the oceans?

- 10% of world's 200 billion lb plastic produced each year winds up in the oceans - 90% of garbage floating in ocean is plastic (only 5% of plastic is recycled) - Impacts marine life

What proportion of Americans are food insecure? What regions of the US have more or fewer food insecure? How does food insecurity affect children by race?

- 14% of Americans are food insecure - 1 in 6 caucasian children is food hungry, but 1 in 3 african-american children is food hungry. - More food insecurity near the south (California, Texas, southern states, Florida)

What foods use the most water to produce?

- 1500 per pound of beef - 634 for a hamburger - 287 per pound of chicken - 20 per pint of beer

What categories or types of foods utilize the most water to produce? What does this mean for food waste?

- 150g beef = 2,500 liters of water - 1 liter of milk - 1,000 liters of water

How has recycling changed over time in the US and why?

- 1960: 6.4% MSW recycled - Steady increase to 1985: 10.1% - Big increase from 1985 to 1995: 10.1% to 25.7% - Since 1995 steady increase to 34% in 2010 - 65 million tons recycled, 20 million tons composed, 29 million tons burned for energy

What is the composition of municipal solid waste (MSW)?

- 1980: 89% MSW to landfill, 151 tons - 2010: 54% MSW to landfill, 250 tons - Residential waste equals 55-65% of MSW - Institutional and business makes up 35-45% - Containers and packaging 30% of MSW

What are the trends in solid waste in US: overall, peak, pounds per day per person.

- 2005 peak tonnage: 252.7 million tons → 4.43 lb/person/day - 2000 peak per capita: 4.72 pounds/person/day

How much money did the pornography industry generate in the US in 2007? Why have revenues gone down since then?

- 2007 estimates that it is a $20 billion industry globally with $10 billion in the US - Revenues are decreasing because of free sites online


- 209 possible PCBs - used in transformers and capacitors, paint additives, carbonless paper, plastics - exposure causes different liver, blood, and skin problems as well as birth and developmental defects - high level exposure: skin rash, headaches, vomiting - long term exposure: immune, reproductive, skin problems, cancer - Fetal exposure: neural and developmental problem, low birth weight, psychomotor problems, short term memory and spatial learning problems, intellectual impairment - main source in humans is from food, especially fish

How many people are being deported? Who is being deported?

- 316,000 in 2014 - 95% from Central America

What is the average percentage of expenditures spent on shelter by US households?

- 33.6% of expenditures spent on housing - Poorest quintile spend 40%

What is the range of estimates of enslaved people in the world? What countries are most located in? What % of the world's slaves are estimated to be used for sexual exploitation?

- 35.8 million people enslaved - 22% forced sexual exploitation - India 13-14 million, China 3 million, Pakistan 2 million

What percent of solid waste is due to construction and demolition in the US? How is this related to tiny houses?

- 40% from construction and demolition - people can avoid mortgages, use salvage parts to make a tiny home, more options for the homeless

What proportion of food is wasted in the US? What is that in terms of pounds of food per person per month?

- 40% of food is wasted in US - Equivalent to throwing out 20 pounds of food per person per month

How is water used in the US (what sectors use the most)?

- 41% thermoelectric power generation (cooling power plants) - 37% agricultural irrigation - 13% public water use (business, schools) - 5% industrial use

How many residential foreclosures have there been in the US since September 2008? Has the rate of foreclosure increased or decreased? What states are responsible for half of all foreclosures in 2014? What state had the highest rate of foreclosures in 2014?

- 5.5 million foreclosures since Sep. 2008 - 563,000 foreclosures in 2014 - Half of all foreclosures occurred in FL, MI, TX, CA & OH - FL had highest rate of foreclosures in 2014

Who are the homeless according to your reading, what are their characteristics?

- 610,000 on single night in US Jan 2013 (0.2% of US population) - 65% in shelter, 35% unsheltered - 23% are children <18 - 7.7% unaccompanied children (½ unsheltered) - 10% 18-24 years old - 9.5% are veterans

How is incest related to prostitution?

- 65-90% were victims of incest - "Incest is boot camp for prostitution." - Andrea Dworkin, 1997

Where is most of the fresh water located? What proportion of total freshwater does surface water consist of?

- 68.7% of freshwater is icecaps and glaciers - 30.1% of freshwater is groundwater - 0.3% of freshwater is surface water

What are the arrest rates of those involved in prostitution? How do they compare among prostitutes, pimps and customers?

- 70,000-80,000 arrested per year - 70% are female prostitutes - 20% are male prostitutes and pimps - 10% are johns

How has poultry production been affected by trends in chicken processing?

- 8 chicken processors control ⅔ of US market - Chicken producers have contract, much like potato farmers - Chicken producers don't own anything except the manure - must buy all inputs from processor and sell at a fixed price - Average incomes are $12,000 per year

What is the flavor industry and why is it relevant?

- 90% of consumer food expenditures are on processed foods -Processing destroys flavor -Flavor industry is $1.4 billion in NJ -Flavor is really smell, very secretive, don't have to reveal ingredients because they are "generally recognized as safe" -->GRAS

What proportion of ground beef has fecal matter in it? What proportion of chicken is contaminated with fecal matter? (use 2010 data)

- 90% of ground beef is contaminated with fecal matter - 95% of chicken breasts contaminated with fecal matter

How do glass and plastic compare in terms of sustainability?

- A 500ml plastic water bottle weighs about 7.5g - A 500ml glass bottle weighs about 250g - Glass bottles are 33 times heavier (uses more energy to transport and lasts in a landfill much longer)

What continent has the highest prevalence of hungry? What proportion of children under 5 die of nutrition related causes? How many kids is that every year?

- Asia has the most: 500 million people hungry - Africa has the highest prevalence 24.8% hungry - Poor nutrition causes the deaths of 45% of children under 5 worldwide (3.1 million deaths)

Talk about Tonsure, the sacrifice of hair in India, the hair industry and who makes the money.

- Asian people and private Indian weave making companies in India are making money from the Indian hair that is being sold to the African American market. - tonsure is the source of most human hair used for extensions.

Weinstein's 5 Stages

- Awareness - must be aware of the hazard - Relevance to others - believe it can affect others - Relevance to self - acknowledges personal susceptibility - Intention to act - Action

What are some of the social justice issues related to POPs?

- Babies and children at greatest risk - Indigenous polar people vulnerable due to cold climate and traditional diet - Native peoples fishing rights meaningless if near paper mills - Incineration often in poor areas - Pesticide use in developing countries

What is the purpose of requiring an implementation plan for those who have ratified the Stockholm Convention? What kind of information is an implementation plan supposed to contain? (Use UK example).

- Bans use of POPs - Safe management/disposal of wastes containing POPs - Requires control of Dioxin emissions, esp on food - Controls for incineration and emissions

How often are prostitutes typically beaten? How often are they typically raped?

- Beaten: 1/month - Raped: 8-10/year

What is bioaccumulation? What is biomagnification?

- Bioaccumulation: when you accumulate a toxin over time (one species) - Biomagnification: when the toxin increases up the food chain

What is a bipolar vs unipolar scale? How can they affect responses to a survey?

- Bipolar - 2 opposing alternatives with clear midpoint (strongly oppose, mildly oppose, neither oppose nor favor, mildly in favor, strongly in favor) - Unipolar - varying level with no midpoint (never, sometimes, all the time)

What was the film Waste Land about? Who was it about? What happened?

- Brazil's largest landfill (Jardim Gramacho) and the people who work there - Vik Muniz: Brazilian artist, born poor, wants to give back, artist with conscience and no ego - Raise awareness - Largest landfill in Rio, in the world - Where "trash" goes - 70% of Rio's trash

When meat is contaminated, what can the USDA do? What information is provided to consumers?

- Cannot demand a recall, but can suggest a voluntary recall - Can withdraw inspectors which will shut down a slaughterhouse - Withholds Reports Class I recalls, but not WHERE meat was sold

Stages of Change Theory

- Change/New initiative/Crisis - surprise, shock - need facts - Denial - confusion, isolation - need facts - Resistance - anger - need facts - Exploration - bargaining, reframing - need support - Commitment - acceptance - need inspiration - Moving Forward - acceptance - need inspiration ** Can also include valley of despair - need support (near resistance and exploration)

What is the relationship between undocumented workers and meatpacking (and agriculture) in the US? How is it related to wages, line speed, safety, unionization?

- Cheap labor - Won't complain - Can't organize (if they do complain or organize, just call ICE)

What ages of people are most vulnerable to its effects? Why are schools and the military vulnerable?

- Children under 5, the elderly, people with impaired immune systems - USDA chooses meat suppliers for military and schools based on lowest price w/o additional safety standards - Cheapest meat usually the most contaminated and also less real meat: ground spinal cord, bone and gristle

What countries are the two biggest sources of GHG? What countries are the biggest sources of per capita GHG, do they include the two countries that are the two biggest sources?

- China & USA biggest sources - Qatar & UAE top per capita emitters

What is the number 1 fuel used to generate electricity in the US? What percent of electricity is generated with renewable fuels in the US? What is the percent of electricity generated with renewables in Germany?

- Coal 32% - Renewables 7% - Wind 4.4% - Biomass 1.7% - Geothermal & solar 0.4% - 21% renewables in Germany

What are basic psychological needs? Be able to name them and explain them and why they are needs.

- Competence: you feel skilled/valued. practice/provide support - Autonomy: you feel like you have choices/options, need to control to course of your life - Relatedness: you feel connected to others- bring people together/ work together

What is the death rate of prostitutes? How does it compare to other professions?

- Death rate 204 out of 100,000 - 58% more dangerous than that of fisherman, the most dangerous legal profession (129 out of 100,000)

What are the 4 care instructions of sustainability?

- Decrease dependency on fossil fuels & heavy metals - Decrease dependency on pollutants that persist in nature - Decrease destruction of nature - Make sure we aren't stopping people globally from meeting their needs

What are 3 major environmental issues groups?

- Destruction of planet: species, habitats, ozone, etc. - global concerns - Pollution: soil, air, water, food, toxic/nuclear waste - Human Environment: sprawl, population growth, noise, traffic

What is WaterSense certification for toilets?

- EPA certification given to different utilities/consumer products that utilize water - Water Sense certified toilets use no more than 1.28gal/flush

How is meatpacking attracting immigrant workers?

- Easy to find work -Paid (although low wages, they are paid and is consistent work) - Immigrants will work for lower wages, they won't complain, and they can't organize - If they organize or complain, employers can call ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement)

What sectors of the US emit the most GHG?

- Electricity (70% from coal and NG): 34% - Transportation: 27% - Industry: 20% - Commercial and residential (heat and waste handling: 11%

Attitude behavior gap (pro-env behavior but really applies to any change)

- Even those who claim to be environmentalists don't necessarily practice environmental behavior. - Attitudes explain ½ the variation in intention - Intentions only explain ¼ the variation in behavior - So attitudes explain behaviors about 12% of the time.

How is energy saving related to recycling and what recycled materials save the most energy?

- Every ton of mixed paper recycled saves energy equivalent to 165 gallons of gas - Every ton of aluminum recycled saves 1665 gallons of gas

What are the aspects of informed consent?

- Example: Many people exercise regularly, in the past week how often have you exercised? Never, 1-2 times, 3-5 times, every day - Example #2: In the past seven days, how many times have you exercised? 0, 1-2, 3-5, 6-7

What is a sweatshop?

- Extreme exploitation, including the absence of a living wage or long work hours - Poor working conditions, such as health and safety hazards - Arbitrary discipline, such as verbal or physical abuse - Fear and intimidation when they speak out, organize, or attempt to form a union

What are some of the ways/policies to foster basic needs fulfillment?

- Facilitate autonomy, competence, and relatedness - Give people choices, options - Let them practice, provide support - Bring them together, get them to work together - Keep it positive, FUN!

What are some of the organizations that certify Fair Trade?

- Fair Trade Federation - 1994 - World fair Trade Organization - 1989 - Fairtrade Labelling Organization (FLO) 1997

The declaration of Human Rights -- True or False: - Was never ratified by the US - Are binding international standards of social justice - Does not mention the environment - Includes the right to work

- False - False - True - True

Why are babies and children especially vulnerable to POPs?

- Fetal exposure - low birth weight, breast milk (0.5-1.5mg/kg fat) - bioaccumulation - playing in dirt/developing/breath rate higher than adults

What did Chancellor Blank do to the committee in June of 2014? What is the name of the undergraduate student she replaced as chair of the committee?

- Gave voting rights to her staff - STUDENT SHE REPLACED: MELANIE MEYER

What is the relationship between climate change and global warming? What are the effects of global warming on climates around the world?

- Global warming causes climate change - Not everywhere gets warmer: so places wetter and colder, some drier and warmer, some simply more changeable

Personal Care Products

- Government does not test products, FDA doesn't even require approval prior to marketing - No independent testing or monitoring - It is responsibility of manufacturer/brand to identify and report problems

What is the Declaration of Human Rights?

- Guiding principles of international standards of social justice - Expectations of government: to protect and promote, idealistic, not binding (its rather about the common values we have) - Doesn't mention the environment or responsibilities

What are dead zones? How are they caused? Where are there deadzones in the US and why?

- Hypoxic - less than 2 ppm oxygen - Supports less life, kills fish and shellfish - Caused by nutrient overload (nitrogen and phosphorus) - Not enough oxygen can reach the marine life

Why is porn legal when prostitution not?

- If a third party pays two people to have sex while it is recorded, this is a "performance for entertainment purposes." - If the person paying for the performance is also involved in the sex act, it is not at all clear that simply recording the sex act makes it a legal performance versus simple prostitution

What is the Stockholm Convention? What does it do? What is its purpose?

- International agreement by 150 countries to try to mitigate POPs lead by - UN Environmental Program May 2004 - Identified 12 substances to be eliminated for the safety of humans and animals and plants in the environment - Mechanism to add more pollutants to the convention - Non-governmental organizations used to enforce global treaty - Global treaty to protect against chemicals that last a long time, travel far, and have harmful effects on human health and environment

What are some of the ways external motivation can be internalized?

- Introjection - individual controls own behavior based on external rules - Identification - recognize and value behaviors, accepted as own - Integration - behaviors in harmony with self and identity

What is a gyre and what does it have to do with garbage?

- Large circular ocean currents that are caused by winds and Earth's rotation - Because they're circular garbage collects in the gyres

What happens at a solid waste facility? Where does the waste go?

- Mechanical and hand sorting to remove recyclables & compostables - Compactor: 100 tons per hour - 650 tons per day to landfill, cannot decompose

What is the median household income? How many people are in the median household? How many earners?

- Median HH income $5000/mo or $63,784 - 2.5 people, 2 earners

What states emit the most and least GHG per capita in the US? Where does Wisconsin fall?

- Most: Wyoming, North Dakota - Least: Vermont, New York - Wisconsin: below average, right in the middle - USA and Canada both in 10 top for per capita and emitters

What proportion of US energy does agriculture use? How is this related to food waste?

- NRDC: Agriculture uses 10% of US energy - USDA ERS (201) estimates that food system used 15.7% of total US energy

What are 4 categories of answer choices for questions in a survey?

- Open ended: no answer choice, respondent uses own words - Closed - ordered choice: e.g. never, sometimes, often - Closed - unordered - Partially closed: usually unordered with addition of "other ____" option

When is it appropriate to use each question type? What are some of the advantages and disadvantages?

- Open-ended: to allow respondent to express themselves, when you can't anticipate possible responses, when too many options are available, for exploratory study, to avoid leading, to allow respondent to identify most important aspects - Closed questions: reduced cognitive burden on respondent, comparable across all responses, focuses on what researcher is interested in, numerical codes for data entry and analysis - Closed, ordered choice: provides one dimension for evaluation, intensity of feeling, frequency of behavior, less demanding, good for constructing scales - Closed, unordered choices: each response option is independent alternative, good for establishing priorities - Partially closed questions: other option allows for fewer options

Know how Dioxins can result from PVC. Be able to name common consumer products that contain PVC

- PVC + flame (burning) → dioxin - vinyl, siding, flooring, wall coverings, gutters & roofs, cables and wiring, windows, shower curtains, lawn furniture - kids toys

SDT (Self-Determination Theory)

- People have basic psychological needs to realize full potential - When needs are met they are motivated to engage in activities they find interesting with others - They display vitality and mental health

What percent recyclables were trash pickers at Jardim Gramacho able to recover from

- Pickers rescue 200 tons of recyclables a day - Each kilo yields 500g recyclables - ACAMJG: Association of pickers

What are some of the things you can do to reduce your carbon footprint from electricity use? Due to transportation?

- Power down, energy saving mode w/ electronics - Look for energy star products - WALK, BIKE, train, bus

When was the Bangladesh Accord on Fire and Building Safety in Bangladesh proposed? And when did companies start signing on to it (year and circumstances)

- Proposed in 2010, no one signed onto Accord prior to Rana Plaza (2013) - Buyers: more than 150 companies in 20 countries

When is it appropriate to conduct a consumer survey vs. qualitative methods, such as: observation, interviews or focus groups?

- Qualitative research uses: observation, open ended, semi-structured (allows for probing) - Quantitative research uses: closed questions - implies choices

In the US, what are typical quotas that prostitutes required to generate per night? How much of the money are they typically allowed to keep?

- Quotas on the street $500-$1000 per night - Quotes in brothels 6-10 men per night, 7 days a week - Typically allowed to keep $0

What are some of the benefits of walking 30 minutes a day?

- Reduce the risk of coronary heart disease - Improve blood pressure and blood sugar levels - Improve blood lipid profile - Maintain body weight and lower the risk of obesity - Enhance mental well being - Reduce the risk of osteoporosis, breast/colon cancer, non-insulin dependent diabetes, GHG!

What are the effects of POPs on wildlife?

- Reproductive impairment - Birds: eggshells too thin

What can retailers do to reduce food waste? What can consumers do? How is portion size related to food waste?

- Retailers: reduce overstocking, reduce pack sizes, have reduced prices or donate food rather than throw out if imperfect or near expiration - Consumers: increase awareness of food waste & value of food, label dates are not regulated: do not indicate food safety, reduce impulse buys, plan food needs, reduce portion/meal size! - Portion size: excess in every meal, served nearly 2 servings in each meal

What is pink slime? Is it still used in ground beef?

- Scraps that were throw away, treated with ammonia and added to ground beef - In about 5% of ground beef (70% in 2012) - USDA reduced its order from schools from 7 million lb to 1 million lb

What are the 4 goals of questionnaire design?

- Standardized: comparable across people? - Ease of administration: easy to take? - Reliability: are results consistent? Same results if done elsewhere? - Validity: Does instrument measure accurately what it is supposed to?

What is the Collegiate Codes of Conduct? Why does it exist?

- State that brand will ensure it and all its contractors and subcontractors will adhere to labor laws in country of operation - Not use forced or child <15 labor - Provide safe and healthy work environment - Forbids harassment, abuse, discrimination - Freedom of association and collective bargaining

What are POPs? Where do we find them geographically? In the food chain? In the body?

- Synthetic carbon based chemicals - Persistent in the environment - Can travel long distances (global pollution) - Accumulate at the poles - Deposit in fat - Bio-accumulate and bio-magnify - High levels in marine mammals and fish

How much as the average temperature (in Fahrenheit) risen in the past 100 years? How much is it expected to rise in the next 100 years?

- Temperature has risen 1.4F in the past 100 years - Expected to rise 2-11.5F in the next 100 years

Why was the Alliance for Bangladesh Worker Safety proposed and by whom?

- The Alliance was an alternative proposed by Wal-Mart, VF - largest apparel brand - 26 companies in US and Canada - No worker representation in governance structure

What is a CO2 equivalent and why is it used?

- There are different GHGs with different global warming potentials - CO2 equivalent is a way to be able to use a common unit of global warming potential so effects of GHG can be summed

What is the Kyoto Protocol? What does it do? What is the agreed upon target?

- To control GHG emissions such that the temperature increase does not exceed 2 degrees celcius - Defines legally binding targets and timetables to reduce GHG emissions - 192 parties to the Protocol, all have ratified except the US

What are the biggest uses of water in US households?

- Toilet 26.7% - Clothes Washer 21.7% - Shower 16.8%

Why is a global treaty necessary to control POPs?

- Travel by air, water, soil - Cold loving, accumulate in polar regions - Need for global management

How is measuring your carbon footprint related to being able to reduce it? Relate this to a specific theory presented in class.

- You need measurements to understand the impact of different behaviors - Theories: Weinstein, Stages of Change, Alphabet Theory


- colorless, tasteless and almost odorless insecticide. - started in WWII used to control malaria and typhus among troops and civilians - Silent Spring - Rachel Carson: documented impacts of pesticide use on birds, including bald eagle - Linked to liver damage, immune system suppression, neurological damage, reproductive damage, cancers (esp. breast cancer), male genital anomalies, reduced birth weight, shortened lactation

Gold mining is associated with...

- deforestation - water contamination - child labor


- fungicide used in 1945 on seeds - byproduct of industrial chemicals - causes skin and digestive problems, birth defects, death - in Turkey 1954-59 95% of children born - to mothers who ate seeds treated with HCB died.


- insecticide used mostly on cotton - also grain, fruits, nuts, vegetables and to kill ticks on livestock and mites - exposure through food and in arctic air

What was novel about the introduction of the franchise?

- instead of the company paying salesman, the salesman pays the company. - company owns the property (wealth) - risk is transferred to the salesman - Ray Kroc added the concept of the franchise: bought out McDonalds brother and kept it under the name→ build hamburger empire through franchise


- odorless - used to kill ants - bioaccumulates and biomagnifies in fat - main source is food (meat and game)

Where did fast food originate & why?

- originated in Southern california with drive-ins in 1940. The McDonald brothers invested Speedee Service in 1948 to get rid of car hops, busboys, and dishes

Why do Western consumers have more of a role?

- political rights - income - market power - can make a difference

Why is irradiation being used on meat? Does it get rid of fecal matter? Does it kill the bacteria in fecal matter?

- prevents bacteria from reproducing by disrupting their DNA (bacterial birth control) - Doesn't kill bacteria already in meat - Doesn't remove fecal matter

Dr. Shiva discusses the history of property rights - what are some of her key points?

- she examines history of innovation development of social norms and property rights - talking about biotech and biodiversity, but applies conflict minerals and conflict rights

Dioxins & Furans

- similar chemical structure - by-products of incineration of chemicals: hospital municipal waste, coal, peat, and wood - skin and liver problems, immune system suppression, defects of developing nervous, endocrine and reproductive systems

What is Coltan used for?

- stores energy - found in electronics: computers, phones, game consoles, tablets - heat resistant (high temperature turbines) - wireless communication could not exist w/o Colton


- used mainly as insecticide on cotton and grains - also used to kill mice and voles - odorless - half-life is 12 years - volatilized in air, can contaminate water from soil run-off


- used on soil insects and termites, cotton pests - bioaccumulates (fat loving) - food is major source

Sex traffickers use some common techniques to coerce women, men and children to engage in commercial sex, what are they?

- violence, threats, coercion to force women, men and children to engage in commercial sex against their will - lured in with promises of romantic relationship, gifts, promises of high paying job - initial period of gifts, complements and romance are replaced with physical and emotional abuse, isolation, confiscation of money, phones

What is technological determinism?

-Is the idea that technology has important effects on our lives and technology drives the development of its social structure and cultural values.

What does the author claim is the motivation for decentralized hiring for fast food chains?

-franchise system means everyone works for a different employer→ difficult to organize labor -can close franchises that do manage to organize -brand "not responsible" for what happens at different stores: labor practice, accidents, death

What is an ecological footprint and how is it measured?

-unit of land for each human at current consumption levels (pertains to person) -unit of measurement= ha = hectares

What is an ecological rucksack and how is it measured?

-used to measure the amount of resources used to products/manufacture a product -kg

Why do teenagers work at fast food restaurants?

-zero training/experience -obedience -usually not their only source of income (family supports them) -often don't need benefits because family has them -it's dangerous

In the US what percent of research and development funds do we spend on solving social problems?


What are the 10 key principles of Fair Trade?

1. Creating opportunities for economically disadvantaged producers 2. Transparency and accountability 3. Fair Trading Practices 4. Payment of a fair price 5. Ensuring no child labor and/or forced labor 6. Commitment to non-discrimination, gender equality and freedom of association 7. Ensuring good working conditions 8. providing capacity building 9. promoting fair trade 10. respect for the environment

What were the 4 reasons Wal-Mart failed in Germany? Be able to give examples.

1. Flawed acquisition strategy 2. Poor Management 3. Neither everyday low prices nor excellent service 4. Bad publicity because they broke German laws

Be able to name and describe Dr. Shiva's three stages of the history of industrialization.

1. Mechanization 2. Chemicalization 3. Engineering of life processes

Of the 3 Rs of solid waste, rank them in terms of importance and be able to explain why.

1. Reduce - make better choices, compost yourself, don't put hazardous materials/electronics in trash 2. Reuse - use reusable dishes, cups, etc. 3. Recycle - 25% of garbage can be recycled, sort it! Recycling still uses energy

How many people in the world live without clean water?

1.1 billion

Globally what proportion of food is wasted from farm to fork?


_____ of coal is mined underground and ____ is surface or strip mined. Mostly mined in which state?

1/3 2/3 Wyoming

What was the average home size in the US in 2013? In 1983? In 1953?

1953: 1000 sq ft 1983: 1700 sq ft 2013: 2600 sq ft

How many liters of water to produce 1 kg of cotton?

20,000 liters

What country in central Asia uses child labor to harvest cotton?


Value belief norm model - actions reflect values (context free)

Values underlie action without context being a factor

What is a blue water footprint?

Volume of surface and groundwater due production of good or service

Where is most federal land located in the US?

Western States manages 193 million acres: 8.5% of US

What does SDT say about how they relate to motivation for behavior change?

When needs are met, one is intrinsically motivated to do an activity. When one's context is controlling or over-challenging what kind of motivation does one need to do an activity? extrinsic motivation

In "forks over knives," what did the researchers and scientists recommend to reverse heart disease and type II diabetes?

Whole foods plant-based diet

Do men or women identify more as environmentalists?

Women are more sensitive to environmental issues and see issues as practical. Men are more skeptical, more anti-environmental, more cynical, and opposed to paying taxes of any kind

What is the name of the organization that does third party inspections of potential labor rights violations at factories of licensees for UW-Madison?

Workers' Rights Consortium

What are some of the hazards of fast food work?

close late, open early, dangerous, cuts/burns, interferences with school, stealing is common

Perceived Obsolescence

convinced us to throw stuff away that is still perfectly useful by changing the way stuff looks. you're not as valuable as the person next to you because you don't have the latest and greatest thing

The 2008 financial crisis was due to decoupling _______ flow from ______ growth, according to most financial analysts.

credit income

What are the 5 components of the linear economy according to the Story of Stuff?

extraction, production, distribution, consumption, disposal

How does Volpi define a fair wage?

fair price= living wage +respect environment + efficient/competitive + foster social justice & redistribution of profits

Property rights can occur two ways, one is that they evolve as institutional arrangements or social norms, the other is that _________ transfer or regulate property rights


What is the Kimberly Process; what is it supposed to do? Is it working? Why?

international certification scheme for diamonds (hasn't worked)


no real benefit except in toothpaste antibacterial

What fuel makes up the largest percent of electricity generation and what is that percent?

o Coal (39.1%) o Natural gas (27.4%) o Nuclear (19.4%) o Renewables are other sources (12.9%).

What is the lifestyle of the typical fast food worker?

open early, close late, interferes with school schedule, fragmented schedule is stressful

Volpi argues we have moved from a _______ society to a _________ society where everything is viewed as a commodity is viewed as ________

producing consuming disposable

Planned Obsolescence

retailers purposely make products of poor quality so that consumers need to buy new ones within a few years. another word for "designed for the dump". New versions change one little piece so you have to replace the entire product.

Dr. Shiva believes that technology is not predetermined, but is developed to _____________________

serve the interests of those in control

Has the US ratified the Stockholm Convention?

signed, not ratified

What are the three elements sustainability is comprised of?

social, environmental, economic

What is fracking?

source of resource extraction→ recover natural gas by pumping sand and water into the ground to get the gas to come out


used as a preservative


used in plasticizers and to add fragrances

What is culture jamming?

when badgers went against nike logo, taking their marketing campaigns and turning it on their head "just pay it" -"badidas" not fair play without fair pay

What is the common reaction to fast food worker attempts to unionize?

when workers attempt to unionize, the franchise typically just shuts down, opens up a new one close by, and hires new workers

What percentages of water on earth are fresh vs salt?

3% fresh water, 97% saltwater

In 2010 the US spent about ____% of income on apparel


How much water does the average US household use per day?

300 gallons of water per day

Consolidation has occurred in the meatpacking and poultry processing. In 1970 ___ meatpackers accounted for 21% of production, today they account for 84%. Eight chicken processors account for ____ of the US market

4 2/3

Who are the environmentalists, how does it change over generations in the US?

44% of Silent Generation (69-86) 42% of Boomers (50-68) 42% of Gen X (34-49) 32% of Millennials (18-33)

What is the relationship between the number of households and the number of housing units?

5.6% more homes than households

Where are some of the places used clothing might go?

60% donated to places like Saint Vinnies (grader), Goodwill, consignment shops and for profit drop boxes

What percent of the original forests of the earth are gone?


How is porn related to prostitution?

80% of prostitution survivors say that johns showed them porn to indicate what they wanted

How many hungry people are there in the world?

842 million people are hungry - most are in developing countries

What is coal used for in the US?

90% of coal used in the US for generating electricity

What classes of products have high or low levels of recycling in the US and why?

96% of car batteries 72% of newspapers 33% glass 27.5% HDPE plastic - white translucent 21% PET plastic bottles

What percent of things sold are trash within 6 months?


Who is Iqbal Masih and what is his story?

A labor activist who was sold into slavery for $12 to work in what industry? Rug carpet industry. In addition to fighting slavery and freeing child laborers, what did Iqbal want for children like himself? Schools/education.

ABC Theory

ATTITUDES lead to BEHAVIOR when CONTEXT is neutral or facilitating

What are the main differences between the Accord and the Alliance? Which universities have supported either?

Accord - Public list - Worker involvement in governance and inspection - Independent inspections - Repairs required if factories fail inspection - 2-year commitment to factories legally binding - Duke, U Penn, NYU, Temple, Columbia, Penn State, etc. have required licensees to sign onto the Accord (23 in total) - UW Madison licensees that have signed the accord: Adidas, Knights Apparel, Top of the World, Fruit of the Loom (Russell), Zephyr Headwear, New Era Alliance - Not Public list - No role for workers in inspection oversight - In-house inspections - no requirement that repairs must be completed - no commitment to factories - forfeit fee if you want out

What are the 10 hottest years since 1880?

All 1998 and more recent 1. 2010 2. 2005 3. 1998 4. 2013

Who is Van Jones and what does he advocate?

Argues that the manufacture, use and disposal of plastics hurt poor people. He argues that we need to stop seeing both people and goods as disposable, citing the fact that the US has 5% of the world's population and 25% of the world's prisoners and 25% of the world's GHG

How does Slow Food UW illustrate SDT?

Autonomy: 'SFUW is kind of unique, where no one told us we could do what whatever we wanted, but we kind of just did whatever we wanted. And so we were able to get any kind of experience that was needed and kind of make this model and make the best out of it.' Competence: 'I think for me, the most important accomplishment is the satisfaction of serving 200 people in 3 hours. Sometimes you get a feeling of accomplishment by people, by the food that you make' Relatedness: 'The transition my freshman year was really difficult, and I was having trouble finding people that I really fit in with and had the same interests as me. ... You sort of felt like you were part of a big family'

What happened in Chemerical? How does it relate to theories?

Awareness, believe it can affect others, acknowledges personal susceptibility, intention to act, action - both theories apply to the family

What country has been the location of major factory accidents in the apparel industry? Be able to describe two major accidents.

Bangladesh - Tazreen Factory fire: 2012, 112 deaths - Rana Plaza Building collapse: 2013, 1129 deaths, 2515 injured

What countries have the lowest apparel wages per hour?

Bangladesh 13 cents Vietnam 26 cents Indonesia 34 cents

How has apparel manufacturing changed in the US?

Before 1970, we made almost all our clothing, now 97% of apparel is imported

What else does Fair Trade require besides a minimum price?

Better social and environmental standards

How does the blue water footprint of global food waste compare to blue water use of countries? How does it compare to the blue water foot print of the US? Of US households?

Blue water footprint of agricultural production of food waste is 250km^3 (66 trillion gallons) - A bigger blue water footprint than any single country - 3.6 times the blue water footprint of the US - 38 times the blue water footprint of US households

For Fair Trade coffee, what is the minimum price and what other premiums are possible?

Buyers must pay minimum price $1.40/lb for arabica + $0.30 if organic + $0.20 for social and business development projects (to farmer coop) + quality premium

What are some examples of Persistent Toxic Substances (PTS) that may be added to Stockholm Convention.

Cadmium Mercury Lead PBDE (flame retardants)

What does a carbon footprint measure, how is it used?

Carbon dioxide equivalents using 100 years GWP (global warming potential)

Whose health is most affected by lack of access to clean water?

Children: 1.4 million die each year of waterborne illness

Where is apparel sold in the US made? Name the main countries.

China Vietnam Indonesia Mexico Bangladesh

What is the nation's biggest meatpacking complex?


Health Belief model is a cost benefit model

Consumers trade-off perceived threat of disease with perceived benefits minus costs of dietary change

What is consumptive water use? What proportion of fresh water is used for agriculture in terms of consumptive water use? In terms of simply water use?

Consumptive water use is water removed without returning to water resource system 40% of fresh water is used for agriculture (irrigation, livestock & aquaculture) Agriculture uses 80% of freshwater in US??? UGH LYDIA MAKES NO SENSE

Name one brand that paid ex-PT Kizone workers in Indonesia the money they were owed soon after the factory closed _________ and one brand that waited two years after the factory closed before paying the ex-PT Kizone workers _______

Dallas Cowboys Adidas

When & why did the Declaration of Human Rights happen?

December 10th 1948 as a result of WW2 (holocaust), didn't want that kind of conflict to happen again

What is the name of the oil rig that blew up on April 20, 2010 killing 11 workers and causing the largest oil spill in US waters?

Deepwater Horizon

Who started Fair Trade in the US?

Edna Ruth Byler - 1946

T/F Adelino, Schoar and Severino (2015) blame the cause of the 2008 financial crisis on delinquent mortgages by the poor.


T/F Coal is the 2nd largest source of US electricity generation


T/F Cotton production uses about one quarter of all agricultural land


T/F Less than 4 million people have been killed in the DRC conflict


T/F Most coal-fired plants are west of the Mississippi


T/F Natural dyes commonly use mercury as a mordant to bind dye to cloth


T/F Severance pay is used in developing countries in addition to unemployment benefits


T/F The US exports most of its coals


T/F The flavor industry must reveal ingredients


Who is responsible for the manure in chicken production?


Who are the largest employers in the US?

Fast Food

On average, what are the labor costs of a t-shirt in monetary and percentage terms?

For a $14 t-shirt, 12 cents are of labor costs. That is less than 1% of the retail cost

What categories of food have the highest proportion of wastage in the US? With respect to the supply chain, where along it is most of the food in the US wasted?

Fruits and vegetables 52% loss Seafood 50% loss Consumer loss is highest

What is the average age of entry to prostitution by girls? By boys?

Girls: 12-14 Boys: 12

Outsourcing and contracting are increasing common business practices; this has led to companies being called __________ corporations


From 2002 to 2006, delinquent mortgages in the US among the richest income quintile as a percent of total delinquent mortgages (increased/decreased/stayed the same)


How has the meatpacking industry evolved?

In 1970, 4 meatpackers accounted for 21% of production - today 4 meatpackers account for 84%

What are the impacts on livestock producers?

Increased line speed

Which company has the best rating for sourcing conflict-free materials? Which company has the worst rating?

Intel Nintendo


It will happen anyway, so why bother?

E.coli 0157:H7 is a particularly dangerous bacteria found in fecal matter, what does it do?

Kidney failure, anemia, internal bleeding, destruction of vital organs, also seizures, neurological damage, strokes, death, blindness, brain damage

What are some of the pros and cons of LED, CFL and traditional light bulbs.

LED - 50,000 hours of life - 5.7 years of life - $32/yr electricity - $12 cost of bulb CFL - 8,000 hours of life - 333 days of life - $76/yr electricity - $8 cost of bulb Traditional - 1,200 hours of life - 50 days of life - $328/year electricity - $2 cost of bulb

What was the name of the committee that advised the Chancellor on labor licensing policies prior to June 2014?

Labor Codes Licensing Compliance Committee

What types of food products require the most energy to produce? (energy input:protein output)

Lamb 57:1 Beef 40:1 Eggs 39:1 Plant (corn) 2.2:1

What categories of food have relatively higher or lower proportions of wastage?

Meat 23.4% Cereals 36.8% Fruits & Veggies 58.1% Milk 18.4% Fish & Seafood 40.4%

How much more likely are men to look at porn than women?

Men are 543% more likely than women to look at porn

Where are coal-fired plants generally located in the US?

Mostly along the Ohio River

What makes up Coltan?

Niobiumum and Tantalum

Anniken, Ludvig, and Frida are from what country?


How does Madison compare with clothing recycling to rest of the US?

Only 40% of clothing winds up at the dump

How is asthma linked to environmental pollution?

Outdoor air pollution and pollen may also worsen chronic respiratory diseases, such as asthma.

What is the water cycle?

Precipitation Surface runoff - Accumulation, Evaporation, Condensation - Transpiration, Condensation

How have these meatpacking trends affected ranchers?

Prices to farmers have fallen from 63 cents to 46 cents while prices of all commodities have since been climbing

What are the pros and cons of Fair Trade?

Pros - Offers a better solution to the ecological and social problems the world faces - Development opposed to aid approach - Transparent business practices - Sustainability incorporated into daily life of the business Cons - System is based on consumption & growth - products are not a necessity - Attempts to fix the system from within rather than offer a new system - Reactive vs. Proactive - Us .vs Them

What is the Designated Supplier Program? What is the motivation for the program? What is the problem with implementation of the program?

Purpose: to create a fair wage supply chain/protect workers - guarantees at least 3 year contract - Preferential contracts with suppliers who pay living wage - sets targets for universities to source % of apparel through these suppliers Problems: - only one known factory "Alta Gracia" in Dominican Republic - factories produce many different products, so how do they pay different wages for different products?

What is the target for recycling solid waste?

Recycle >70% of waste

How does Fair Trade affect the supply chain? How does it affect prices to the producers?

Reduces the amount of steps in the supply chain for fairer prices

What are the two major types of water rights and in what parts of the US are they prevalent?

Riparian (common in East) Prior Appropriation (common in West)

Why do we have/use theories?

Roadmap, hypothesis, models, structure, different disciplines emphasize different things. Theories can be used to help design research questions

Which countries have diamonds been used to fund conflicts?

Sierra Leone, Liberia & Ivory Coast

Describe what the motivation was behind legislation that required disclosure of franchise terms.

So many people don't know the terms of the contacts they are signing that there has been legislation to disclose terms of franchise contracts

What chemical is the main ingredient in hair relaxant?

Sodium hydroxide

Be able to identify and list common greenhouse gasses.

Sulfur dioxide (SO2) Water vapour (H2O) Carbon dioxide (CO2) Methane (CH4) Nitrous Oxide (N2O) Ozone (O3)

T/F -- In the US, households spend about the same amount on food at home as the do on health care


T/F 90% of US coal is used to generate electricity


T/F Coltan is used cell phones, game consoles, computers and tablets


T/F Cotton production requires about ¼ of all the insecticides


T/F Democratic Republic of Congo has the world's largest coltan reserves


T/F It takes one kilogram of cotton to produce one pair of jeans and a t-shirt


T/F Natural dyes require more land to produce than synthetic dyes


T/F Severance pay is used in developing countries - the longer you work, the more severance pay one accrues


T/F The DRC has the world's highest rate of sexual violence against women


T/F The choice between synthetic and natural materials is complex


T/F The flavor industry ingredients are used to provide smell


What were the motivations of the artist Vik Muniz for the Waste Land project?

Take photos of the pickers → have them make giant collages with the materials they pick. Photograph the collages and have an exhibition, sale, $ for pickers.

How has textile consumption increased since the 1950s?

Textile consumption has increased 36.4 folds since 1950s

Who usually works in the meatpacking industry?

The meatpacking industry is known for hiring a majority of non-english speaking immigrant workers, offering low wages to workers, and having poor working conditions.

What are some of the environmental impacts of wood?

Trees are the lungs of our planet. 1- soil erosion 2- deterioration of watersheds 3- Loss of biodiversity

What country is the largest cotton exporter in the world?


In what country are the majority of child porn sites hosted?


Be able to name two campaigns to reduce food waste that were discussed in class and identify where these campaigns occurred.

UK "Love food hate waste" campaign "European year against food waste"

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