CSC 115

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parallel processing

-multiple processors can sometimes be utilized to share the computational load -there are costs associated with coordinating the processors and dividing the work, so not well suited for all tasks -understanding when parallel processing can be used effectively is a common task for computer architects


A Boolean variable that is used to control a loop is called a


A circular form of repetition in which each stage of a problem is executed as a subtask of the precious stage. A method or function calls itself.

programming language

A collection of primitives along with a collection of rules stating how the primitives can be combined to represent more complex ideas constitutes a

Analog data

A continuous representation of data that is analogous to the actual information it represents.

lossless compression

A data compression technique in which there is no loss of information is said to be a

Digital data

A discrete representation of data that breaks the actual information up into separate elements.

counter-driven loop

A loop whose test is based on a counter is called a

object-oriented paradigm

A paradigm in which software is viewed as a collection of units each of which can be capable of performing the actions that are immediately related to itself as well as requesting actions of other objects.


A set of instructions for performing a task that can be used as an abstract tool by other program units.


A simple but effective way to identify logic errors is to utilize diagnostic

stepwise refinement

A technique of solving a problem by not attempting to conquer the entire problem at once, but by viewing the problem at hand in terms of several subproblems.

function library

A text file that contains the definition of one or more functions.


A variable that records the number of occurrences of some event is known as a


A while loop resembles an if statement in that its behavior is dependent on a Boolean condition, but the statements inside a while loop's curly braces are executed repeatedly as long as the condition remains true.


Actual parameters and formal parameters are two names for the same thing.


All data knows and remembers what type of data it originally was before converted to binary and is able to tell the program using it.


All of the following are examples of primitive data types EXCEPT:


All of the following are functions available in JavaScript EXCEPT:

control statement

An if statement that is used to control the execution of other JavaScript statements is


An instance of a class.

Indirect addressing allows the same instruction to be used to perform the same operation on different items of data by changing the value of the pointer referenced in the instruction.

In a machine language, what advantage does indirect addressing offer over immediate and direct addressing?


In the binary number system, all values are represented using only the two binary digits, 0 and 1; these digits are called


JavaScript comments begin with


JavaScript has no built in functions.


JavaScript has three basic data types: strings, numbers, and Booleans.

reserved words

Keywords that have special meaning in a program and can not be used by the programmer for other purposes within the program.

1. Plan the problem solving 2. devise the plan. 3. carry out the plan 4. evaluated the plan

List the 4 phases in the problem solving process.


Loading a function library and functions directly defined in an html file can be contained in the same script tag.


Programmers can construct new abstractions by defining functions of their own design.


Suppose a binary tree contained the nodes W, X, Y, and Z, and each node had at most one child. How many terminal nodes would be in the tree?


Suppose a binary tree contained the nodes W, X, Y, and Z. If W and X were children of Y, and Z had no children, which node would be the root?

Each terminal node in the tree is always at the end of a path that is as least as long as any other path in the tree.

Suppose a binary tree is implemented as a linked structure in which each node contains both a left child pointer and a right child pointer. Which of the following statements is false?


Suppose you were going to retrieve items of data that you would later need to process in the opposite order from that in which they were retrieved. Which of the following would be the best structure in which to store the items?


The MP3 format reduces the size of sound files by using a variety of techniques, such as filtering out sounds that are beyond the range of human hearing or are drowned out by other, louder sounds.


The floating point representation of a real number keeps track of the sign, mantissa, and exponent.

global variables

Variables whose scopes are not restricted to a particular part of a program are called


We refer to applying a function to inputs as _______ that function.

Direct adressing allows the address of the data to be manipulated is included in the instruction. indirect addressing allows the location of a pointer to the data to be manipulated is included in the instruction.

What is the distinction between direct addressing and indirect addressing?


When an assignment statement is executed, the expression on the right-hand side is evaluated first, and then the resulting value is assigned to the variable on the left-hand side.

A module that only records deposits to checking accounts

Which of the following appears to be the most functionally cohesive?


Which of the following is a FIFO structure?


Which of the following is a LIFO structure?

Basis path testing

Which of the following is a form of glass-box testing?


Which of the following is a stronger form of cohesion?

Better late than never.

Which of the following is least related to the Pareto principle?

DataFlow Diagrams

Which of the following is not a feature of UML?

Null pointer

Which of the following is not a means of locating an entry in a linked storage structure?

Class diagram

Which of the following is not related to the others?

The number of instances each class will have

Which of the following is not represented in a class diagram?

Number of rows in the array

Which of the following is not used when determining the location of an entry in a two-dimensional array stored in row-major order?

To keep it from crawling through memory unchecked.

Why is a queue normally implemented as a circular queue


a mapping from some number of inputs to a single output.


a notational system in which ideas can be expressed informally during the algorithm development process.


a repetitive structure in which a collection of statements is executed in a repetitive fashion under the direction of some control process.


a single building block from a well-defined set of building blocks from which algorithm representations can be constructed.

Data compression

is reducing the amount of space needed to store a piece of data.


is the process of encoding a message so that it is decipherable only by its intended recipient (Caesar cipher is an example of private-key )


is the process of ignoring minutiae and focusing on the big picture.

applications software

all other programs, which perform a wide variety of tasks (e.g., web browsers, word processors, games)


are individual dots used to represent a picture. It is a shortened version of the term picture elemens.


are variables that appear in the parentheses (separated by commas) following the function name.


loop is one in which the loop condition is always true.


refers to the physical components of a computer and its supporting devices


refers to the programs that execute on computers


statement in a function contains a keyword and the expression to be returned from the function.

Operating Systems and Networks

subfield concerned with mechanisms to control the hardware and software components of computer systems


subfield concerned with methods of organizing hardware components into efficient, reliable systems

Algorithms and Data Structures

subfield that involves developing, analyzing, and implementing algorithms for solving problems

Scientific notation

the form of floating-point representation in which the decimal point is kept to the right of the leftmost digit.


theoretical computer scientists strive to understand the capabilities of algorithms and computers (deeply rooted in math and formal logic)


Even though they look similar, while loops and if statements are very different control statements -- an if statement executes the statement(s) it controls either once or not at all, whereas a while loop can execute its statement(s) repeatedly.


From a programming point of view, a function can be seen as a unit of computational abstraction.


Functions are program units that are similar to procedures except that a value is transferred back to the calling program unit as "the value of the function."


Functions can be used to create random banner ads that appear on a dynamic web page.

All of these are correct reasons for the use of functions

Functions(methods) are useful to the programmer for which of the following reasons?


If a function does not require any inputs, you may leave off the parentheses when attempting to call it.

y, z, r

If a queue contained the entries w, x, y, z (from head to tail), which of the following would be the contents after two entries were removed and the entry r was inserted?

r, y, z

If a stack contained the entries w, x, y, z (from top to bottom), which of the following would be the contents after two entries were removed and the entry r was inserted?


If the longest path in a binary tree contained exactly four nodes, what is the maximum number of nodes that could be in the entire tree?

2^(n + 1) - 1 nodes

If the number of nodes in a binary tree is 2n (where n is a positive integer), then the entire tree would contain at least

The entry X[1,2] would appear before X[2,1].

If the two-dimensional array X were stored in row-major order, then in the block of main memory containing X, which of the following would be true?

Indirect Addressing

In a machine language, the technique in which an instruction contains the location of a pointer to the data to be manipulated is called

Immediate addressing

In a machine language, the technique in which the data to be manipulated by an instruction is included within the instruction itself is called

to allow authors to distribute their work while maintaining certain ownership rights

Copyright laws were established


Descriptive names used to refer to memory locations. Examples are Price, ShippingCharge, and TotalCost.

1. hypothesis 2. design 3. experiment 4. analyze

Scientific Method


The minimum number of times that a while loop can executes the body of the loop is:

functional paradigm

The paradigm in which a program is viewed as an entity that accepts inputs and produces outputs.

declarative paradigm,

The paradigm that asks a programmer to describe the problem to be solved rather than an algorithm to be followed.

imperative or procedural paradigm

The paradigm that describes the programming process to be the development of a sequence of commands that, when followed, manipulate data to produce the desired result.


The portion of a program in which a variable can be referenced is called the scope of the program.


The random.js JavaScript library provides use functions for generating random values. Which of the following function is not one of the random generators included in this library?


The random.js library defines functions for generating random numbers, random integers, random characters, and random items from a list.

loop body

The statements inside the curly braces are known as the

local variables

The variables declared to be used inside a function are called


of the function is its return value.

development software

programs that are used as tools in the development of other programs (e.g. Microsoft.NET, Java SDK)

systems software

programs that directly control the execution of hardware components (e.g., operating systems)

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