CSC 301 Test 3
What is the maximum size that can be represented in a field that is 4-bit long?
What is the size, in bytes, of a basic IPv4 header? Meaning, not including any options.
Say an IPv4 packet arrives at a receives and its Internet Header Length field is set to 7, how large is the header (in bytes)?
How many bits is an IPv4 address?
How many bytes is an IPv4 address?
How many theoretical possible IPv4 addresses are there?
A packet arrives with a Total Length field equal to 100 and an Internet Header Length field equal to 5, what is the payload size?
Match the IP characteristic with its delivery method: Does not guarantee that the packet will be delivered fully without errors A. Best Effort B. Media independent C. Connectionless
A. Best Effort
Match the IP characteristic with its delivery method: Packet delivery is not guaranteed A. Best Effort B. Media independent C. Connectionless
A. Best Effort
Which switch packet forwarding mechanism is the fastest? A. Cut through using fast forwarding B. Store and Forward C. Cut through using fragment-free switching
A. Cut through using fast forwarding
Match the IPv4 function with the IPv4 header field to which it belongs: Identifies the IP address of the recipient host A. Destination IP Address B. Differentiated Services C. Time-to-Live D. Protocol E. Version F. Internet Header Length G. Header Checksum H. Total Length
A. Destination IP Address
Match the IP characteristic with its delivery method: Fiber optics cabling, satellites, and wireless can all be used to route the same packet A. Best Effort B. Media independent C. Connectionless
B. Media Independent
Match the IP characteristic with its delivery method: Will adjust the size of the packet sent depending on what type of network access will be used A. Best Effort B. Media independent C. Connectionless
B. Media Independent
Which packet forwarding mechanism provides the best integrity? A. Cut through using fast forwarding B. Store and Forward C. Cut through using fragment-free switching
B. Store and Forward
Which switch packet forwarding mechanism is needed for QoS support? A. Cut through using fast forwarding B. Store and Forward C. Cut through using fragment-free switching
B. Store and Forward
Which field does the traceroute command make use of to report back the different routers between you and a certain destination (e.g., A. Differentiated Services B. TTL C. Header checksum D. Protocol
Match the IP characteristic with its delivery method: Doesn't require additional fields in a PDU header to maintain an established connection A. Best Effort B. Media independent C. Connectionless
C. Connectionless
Match the IP characteristic with its delivery method: No contact is made with the destination host before sending a packet A. Best Effort B. Media independent C. Connectionless
C. Connectionless
Match the IP characteristic with its delivery method: Will send a packet even if the destination host is not available to receive it A. Best Effort B. Media independent C. Connectionless
C. Connectionless
Which switch packet forwarding mechanism provides a balance between forwarding speed and frame integrity? A. Cut through using fast forwarding B. Store and Forward C. Cut through using fragment-free switching
C. Cut through using fragment-free switching
Say a frame arrives to a switch. Upon inspecting the destination MAC address of the arriving frame, the switch realizes that address is not in its MAC Address Table, what does the switch do in this case? A. Sends the frame out of all ports including the one through which it arrived. B. Drops the frame. C. Sends the frame out of all ports except the one through which it arrived. D. Sends the frame to a nearby switch.
C. Sends the frame through all ports, except the one through which it came.
Match the IPv4 function with the IPv4 header field to which it belongs: Commonly referred to as hop count A. Destination IP Address B. Differentiated Services C. Time-to-Live D. Protocol E. Version F. Internet Header Length G. Header Checksum H. Total Length
C. Time-to-Live
How do you calculate the value of the fragment offset field?
Calculate the amount of bits to offset by then divide it by 8.
Match the IPv4 function with the IPv4 header field to which it belongs: Decides the upper layer protocol to be used next A. Destination IP Address B. Differentiated Services C. Time-to-Live D. Protocol E. Version F. Internet Header Length G. Header Checksum H. Total Length
D. Protocol
Match the IPv4 function with the IPv4 header field to which it belongs: Identifies the priority of each packet A. Destination IP Address B. Differentiated Services C. Time-to-Live D. Protocol E. Version F. Internet Header Length G. Header Checksum H. Total Length
Differentiated Services
Match the IPv4 function with the IPv4 header field to which it belongs: Always set to (0100)2 for IPv4 A. Destination IP Address B. Differentiated Services C. Time-to-Live D. Protocol E. Version F. Internet Header Length G. Header Checksum H. Total Length
E. Version
Match the IPv4 function with the IPv4 header field to which it belongs: Identifies the number of 32-bit words in the header A. Destination IP Address B. Differentiated Services C. Time-to-Live D. Protocol E. Version F. Internet Header Length G. Header Checksum H. Total Length
F. Internet Header Length
In a MAC address table, a one-to-one mapping relation exists between ports and addresses. In other words, each port will be mapped to exactly one MAC address, simply because at the other end of the port lies a a computer of some type, which has only one MAC address.
True or False: A Layer 2 (L2) LAN switch inspects the IP addresses of incoming frames.
True or False: A hub is an example of a full duplex communication device.
True or False: A problem that arises with shared memory buffering is head-of-the-line blocking.
True or False: A receiver can tell whether the data in an IP packet is corrupt by computing a CRC value which it compares against one enclosed with the packet itself.
True or False: AB1 and ab1 are different numbers in Hexadecimal
True or False: IP has the ability to recover from undelivered or corrupt packets.
True or False: IP is a best-effort delivery protocol which means it works properly sometimes and does not function well at other times.
True or False: The TTL field of an IPv4 packet is a measure of packet lifetime in seconds/milliseconds.
True or False: Internally, computers represent numbers as either Binary or Hexadecimal.
False, only binary
Match the IPv4 function with the IPv4 header field to which it belongs: Error-checks the IP header - if incorrect, the packet is discarded A. Destination IP Address B. Differentiated Services C. Time-to-Live D. Protocol E. Version F. Internet Header Length G. Header Checksum H. Total Length
G. Header Checksum
Match the IPv4 function with the IPv4 header field to which it belongs: Maximim value is 65,535 bytes A. Destination IP Address B. Differentiated Services C. Time-to-Live D. Protocol E. Version F. Internet Header Length G. Header Checksum H. Total Length
H. Total length
In which mode is the following IOS command issued? mdix auto
Interface sub-configuration mode
How do you convert from Binary to Hexadecimal?
Split the binary number into groups of 4 bytes from left to right, filling in the last group with 0's to make it a group of 4. Convert each group of 4 into denary, write as base 16
In general, an n-digit decimal number will be: More than n-digits long in binary Less than n-digits long in hex
True or False: In packet routing, the source and destination IP addresses remain the same throughout the trip while the source and destination MAC addresses change at each hop.
True or False: In port-based memory buffering, two buffers are associated with each port, one for incoming traffic (input port) and one for outgoing traffic (output port).
True or False: The Total Length field is the length of a data frame including the header.
True or False: The main use of hexadecimal numbers in computing is to shorten lengthy binary values.
True or False: The more fragments field can either be 0 or 1.
True or False: There is a possibility of collision when operating in Half-Duplex mode, while there is no possibility of collision in Full-Duplex.
True or False: Using shared memory buffering, a port is assigned buffer space proportional to its needs, meaning some ports may get more memory allocated than others.