CSE 175

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Which of the following sentences does not contain a syntactic ambiguity?

"Include your children when baking cookies."

Which of the following is not a standard propositional attitude?


Consider multiplying a matrix with m rows and n columns by a vector with n elements. What will be the result of this multiplication?

A vector with m elements.

An admissible heuristic function is an evaluation function that ...

... never overestimates the true cost to a goal.

The Sussman Anomaly demonstrates a weakness in ...

... noninterleaved planners.

The Google DeepMind deep reinforcement learning system that was taught to play a variety of Atari 2600 video games exhibited better than human performance ...

... on some games investigated.

The Davis-Putnam Algorithm makes use of the pure symbol heuristic. In this algorithm, a pure symbol is an atomic proposition that, over all of the clauses in a conjunctive normal form sentence, ...

... only appears negated or only appears non-negated.

a constant term may be unified with...

... only the same constant

First-order logic differs from propositional logic primarily in its ...

... ontological commitments

A successfully trained autoencoder can be used to perform ...

... pattern completion

The probability that a conclusion is true, given some evidence, is called a ...

... posterior probability

the rete algorithm addresses the pattern matching problem, as well as the problem of...

... rechecking rule premises.

Partial order planning inserts plan steps into the plan in an order consistent with ...

... regressive planning

GSAT includes a stochastic component. Randomness is used because it increases the likelihood of finding a truth assignment, if there is one, that shows that the sentence is ...

... satisfiable.

Grouping importantly related state variables close together in the artificial genome gives rise to ...

... schemata

Modern convolutional neural networks learn invariances through the use of ...

... shared weights

Using the technique of "unfolding in time" requires the use of ...

... shared weights

Simulated annealing improves on standard hill climbing search by ...

... sometimes reducing the goodness of the current state.

forward chaining over first-order logic definite clauses is...

... sound and complete

Backward chaining in first-order logic is...

... sound but not complete

If automated reasoning is framed as a search problem, the state space encodes ...

... states of knowledge.

What is wrong with the following first-order logic sentence? Desires (Jiang, ∀x∀y Person (x) ∧ Day (y) ⟹¬ Works (x, y)

A sentence is not a term

Which of the following procedural function calls can return a substitution list?

ASK with existentially quantified variables

Which artificial intelligence pioneer first addressed detailed issues in artificial life?

Alan turing

What is the focus of articles published in the journal, Neural Computation?

Both AI and Neuroscience

Where is the leading AI research currently conducted?

Both companies and universities

Why are images sometimes processed by convolving image intensity values with the derivative of a Gaussian function?

Peaks in the results of this convolution capture edges without capturing illusory or spurious edges

What does it mean for a partial order plan to be complete?

The preconditions of every operator are satisfied by causal links.

What kind of inference procedure is naturally used with knowledge bases consisting of diagnostic rules?

forward chaining

in situation calculus, what is the syntactic type of "Result"?


Given two admissible heuristic functions for the same search problem, h-1 and h-2, if h-1 is greater than or equal to h-2 for all nodes, which heuristic function should be used?


Why can't the delta rule be directly applied to multi-layer perceptions?

hidden units have no target values

Local beam search can be seen as, approximately, a parallel version of which of the following methods?

hill climbing with random restarts

The delta rule minimizes the error of an artificial neural network on a set of training examples. This can be described as a kind of search in the space of connection weight values. Which of the following search algorithms is most like the process of applying the delta rule?

hill-climbing search

Which of the following types of sentences are not definite clauses?

integrity constraints

Which of the following is not true of the syntactic theory of mental objects?

it requires predicates that accept arguments that are not terms

Which of the following resolution theorem proving heuristic approaches is complete for general first-order logic knowledge bases?

linear resolution

What class of functions can be learned by perceptrons?

linearly separable functions

What module specifically detects the robot's return to a previously visited location?

loop closure

Roger Penrose argues that an AI system will never be able to do some things that are important parts of being a good human ...


Evolution via natural selection requires competition and variation. Which of the following components of the genetic algorithm provides variation?


A philosopher claims that a computer will never be able to exhibit intelligence because no computer program will be able to produce improvised stand-up comedy. This is an example of ...

the argument from disability

In the delta rule, weights are changed in proportion to the negative gradient of error with regard to the weights. What is the constant of proportionality for this weight change called?

the learning rate

In standard adversarial search in a fully observable environment, which of the following do we typically not know about the opponent?

the opponent's memory capacity

What is the primary application domain of the Paro robot?

therapeutic support

Heuristic search seeks to improve what aspect of uninformed search?

time complexity

Which of the following is a weakness of game tree search using the Minimax algorithm?

time complexity

Which of the following tasks makes important use of feature matching?

tracking camera location and pose

How is the pattern matching problem addressed in backward chaining?

unification is only tested for pairs of atomic senteces.

The "AI Winter" was largely the result of ...


Who invented "The Genetic Algorithm"?

John Holland

What does SLAM stand for?

Simultaneous Localization and Mapping

Are quiz questions "things" or "stuff"?


In a belief network, the Markov blanket of a random variable consists of a collection of other random variables in the network. Which of the following nodes, representing random variables, are not included in the Markov blanket?

the parents of the parents of the random variable

Consider a game of backgammon in which the player controls the black pieces and the opponent controls the white pieces. Consider a game state that passes the terminal test and has a utility function value of +8. Now, consider that exact same state, with the exact same board configuration, with the exception that the player controls the white pieces and the opponent controls the black pieces. What is the standard utility function value of this new state?


In alpha-beta pruning, alpha values are associated with ...

... MAX nodes

When artificial neural networks are used to implement an adaptive critic, connection weights are changed in proportion to the product of the input activation and the ...

... TD error.

In a convolutional neural network trained to perform object recognition, each output unit encodes ...

... a category of objects

The Davis-Putnam Algorithm makes use of the unit clause heuristic. In this algorithm, a unit clause is ...

... a clause that contains exactly one literal.

In this video, a modified version of Big Dog was shown throwing ...

... a concrete block.

in a conjunctive normal form, each clause consists of ...

... a disjunction of literals

The maximum depth of a learned decision tree is ...

... a function of the number of object features

The Weak AI hypothesis claims that ...

... a machine could act as if it were conscious

The Strong AI hypothesis claims that ...

... a machine could be conscious

the occur check causes unification to fail when there is a need to unify...

... a variable to a function whose arguments contain that variable

A function applied to arguments references...

... an object

In first-order logic, a variable can reference...

... an object

in universal instantiation, appearances of universally quantified variable in a sentence are replaced with...

... any ground term.

In existential instantiation, appearances of an existentially quantified variable in a sentence are replaced with...

... any novel constant

When training an autoencoder, the target values for the output layer ...

... are specified by the input vectors provided in a training set of examples.

Some justice systems have used AI predictions of whether or not a person will appear in court to replace ...

... bail.

In common cases, if an admissible heuristic function is used, A* search is ...

... complete and optimal.

According to philosopher Frank Jackson, if Mary the neuroscientist, upon emerging from her room, is surprised by her experience of color, this should be taken to suggest that ...

... consciousness arises from physical processes, including the workings of the brain.

According to philosopher Thomas Nagel, we will never know what it is like to be a bat, even if we acquire complete knowledge concerning the bat's sensory organs and nervous system. He suggests that this means that ...

... consciousness does not simply arise from physical processes, including the workings of the brain.

Efficient deterministic linear time algorithms exist for doing Bayesian inference in all belief networks that ...

... contain no undirected cycles anywhere in them

in backward chaining, the search over possible rules to apply to each step of a proof has the same structure as...

... depth-first search

In a "definition" sentence, the defined predicate is associated with a sentence via ...

... equivalence.

Adding the children of a node to a search tree is called ...

... expanding the node.

When doing repeated state checking, the states of expanded nodes are recorded in the ...

... explored set.

The search conducted in a progressive planner has a similar structure to ...

... forward chaining

The main problem with using A* Search to solve an optimization problem, where the quality of the goal state is being optimized, is that it ...

... has terrible computational complexity

The term "artificial intelligence" first appeared ... The first official use of the phrase "artificial intelligence" to describe this field, marking the "birth of artificial intelligence" as a field, happened ...

... in John McCarthy's proposal for a meeting at Dartmouth College in 1956.

GSAT performs hill climbing when it toggles the truth value of an atomic sentence that has the property of ...

... increasing the number of satisfied clauses by the greatest amount.

Modern work on deep neural networks has been greatly facilitated by ...

... inexpensive and fast GPUs.

Representing properties and relations as constants, rather than predicates, is an example of ...

... inheritance

Autoencoders are able to produce compressed representations of input vectors by ...

... leveraging the regularities and statistical structure of the set of training vectors.

The probability that some evidence will appear, given that a conclusion is true, is called a ...

... likelihood

In this video (automation), it is claimed that existing automation technologies, when fully employed, could produce a level of unemployment that is ...

... much higher than the level of unemployment seen during the Great Depression.

An LSTM memory cell specifies the activation that is maintained over time using ...

... multiplicative gating connections

In general, greedy best-first search is ...

... neither complete nor optimal.

The philosopher John Searle intended the "Chinese Room" thought experiment to primarily support the claim that ... John Searle intended his "Chinese room" thought experiment to be a convincing argument that ...

... symbol manipulating computers are incapable of possessing actual knowledge. ... understanding a natural language is not necessary for true knowledge and intelligence.

In Gibbs sampling, once a random variable has been selected for updating, the probability distribution that is used to sample a new value for that random variable is only dependent on ...

... the Markov blanket of that random variable

Dopamine cells in the basal ganglia of the brain appear to communicate ...

... the TD error

Predictive policing systems are used to predict ...

... the areas in a city where crimes are likely to occur.

The claim that "a machine can never do X", where "X" is something that people can do, is called ...

... the argument from disability

Breadth-first search and depth-first search can be implemented so as to differ only in ...

... the implementation of the frontier.

In the elevator dispatching application of Crites & Barto (1996), a function of the waiting time was used as ...

... the instantaneous reward.

The UNIFY utility function returns...

... the most general unifier

In alpha-beta pruning, the order in which actions are considered can effect ...

... the number of pruned nodes

Knowledge about the effects of actions is captured in ...

... the successor function.

Both the "brain in a vat" thought experiment and the movie The Matrix provide examples of ...

... the symbol grounding problem.

Inference using arbitrary propositional logic sentences is ...

... too slow in the worst case

Resolution theorem proving works by showing that the refutation sentence is ...

... unsatisfiable

When constructing a truth table, if the column for a given sentence contains only "false" entries, then the sentence is ...

... unsatisfiable

Early backpropagation networks were fundamentally limited in depth due to ...

... vanishing unit error values

The action schemata in a refinement planner ...

... vary in their degree of abstractness

You are given the task of processing data on people's internet browsing habits and predicting, based on that data, which of four political parties would prompt the greatest support from each person. You are given a set of 100,000 training examples, of which 25,000 are labeled Democrat, 25,000 are labeled Green, 25,000 are labeled Libertarian, and 25,000 are labeled Republican. What is the entropy of this set of training examples?


Which of the following is true statement about sentences?

A sentence can be both satisfiable and valid

You are given the task of taking data on people's internet browsing habits and predicting, based on that data, which of four political parties would prompt the greatest support from each person. You are given a set of 100,000 training examples, of which 25,000 are labeled Democrat, 25,000 are labeled Green, 25,000 are labeled Libertarian, and 25,000 are labeled Republican. What is the entropy of this set of training examples?

2 bits

Consider a situation in which the world is represented by 5 binary random variables. In the general case, what is the minimum number of probability values that must be specified in order to describe the full join probability distribution over these variables?

31 (n^2 - 1)

In Prolog, which of the following are allowed to appear in a rule?

A body containing multiple positive literals

Which of the following programs depended on machine learning methods?


What is the STRIPS assumption?

Any literal whose truth value is not changed in the effects of an operator is taken to be unchanged.

The "Strong AI" hypothesis is well characterized by which of the following claims?

At least some of the possible machines that act intelligently have real conscious minds.

some inference procedures have linear time complexity, making them tractable. how can the limitations of propositional logic ruin this efficieny?

By requiring an exponentially growing number of propositions and sentences

The first artificial intelligence game-playing program that could improve its performance through learning was built to play ...


Which of the following disciplines was not discussed as a substantial contributor to the development of artificial intelligence as a field?


Which of the following expert systems used an interesting general method for dealing with uncertain knowledge?


What is a good heuristic function for finding the shortest path on a two-dimensional map?

Euclidean distance

Who developed the first correct algorithm guaranteed to play games perfectly?

Claude Shannon

Which of the following statements is true?

Completeness and optimality are independent.

What is the primary limitation of propositional logic?


Consider the various ways in which researchers have characterized the goal of the field of artificial intelligence. Which of the following distinctions is not typically used to capture differences between these goals?

Fabricated versus evolved

A formally described search problem includes a "goal test function". Which of the following problems could not be easily formally described if the "goal test function" was replaced with a "goal state"?

Find the shortest route from the UC Merced campus to the nearest bank.

Which of the following labels applies to the predicate in the following atomic sentence? Battery (MyRobot, Charged, S0)


Which of the following captures a major intended conclusion of the Mary thought experiment?

For a strong AI, no amount of knowledge is sufficient to produce consciousness.

Which of the following is not true of Herbert Simon?

He helped to build the first computer program that could play a strong game of checkers.

Which of the following provides a good description of the representational frame problem?

How can knowledge concerning how actions do not change the world be represented in a reasonable amount of space?

In a world in which there is an "opponent" agent, which of the following questions best captures how our artificial agent's knowledge of the world is characterized?

If I make this move, and my opponent plays as rationally as I do, what will happen?

What is the closed world assumption?

If a literal is not known to be true, it is taken to be false.

Which of the following is true of a sound inference procedure?

If the inference procedure infers a given sentence form a knowledge base, then that sentence is entailed buy that knowledge base

What is the parent organization of the Computational Intelligence Society?

Institution of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

There are artificial intelligence algorithms that can be proven to produce correct outputs but still fail to be of practical utility because they are ...


Hubert Dreyfus argues that GOFAI ...

Is a poor approach when trying to achieve weak AI systems

Which of the following is a benefit of alpha-beta pruning?

It can increase the look-ahead performed in a given amount of time to as much as twice the number of ply.

What is the primary problem with a table-driven agent architecture?

It can require too much memory.

Which of the following could be true of an ideal rational agent? With regard to ideal rational agents, what counts as rational does not depend on ...

It does not have complete knowledge of the task domain. ... the agent's memory capacity.

What is "the alignment method"?

It is an approach to matching 3-D models to known objects

Which of the following is true of a player agent that expands its game tree to terminal states and always chooses the move corresponding to the minimax decision?

It is guaranteed to receive at least the minimax payoff.

Which of the following is not true of AlphaGo?

It mastered the game by playing against expert human players

Given two admissible heuristic evaluation functions, which of the following statements is true of the function that simply adds the two heuristics together?

It might be admissible, depending on the properties of the two heuristics.

Why does repeated state checking tend to speed search algorithms?

It reduces the number of expanded nodes.

Which of the following is a good characterization of the refutation sentence (or contradiction sentence)?

K B ∧ ¬ α

Which of the following topics explored by the philosopher Aristotle has formed the foundation of many artificial intelligence systems?


How could a misidentification produced by an AI system, claiming that a picture is of a particular person when it is not that person, cause serious problems when used by a police force?

Misidentification by an AI system could cause police officers to expect violence from the person when approaching them, encouraging them to use deadly force for no reason.

Which of the following is the name of a leading conference that focuses on machine learning?

Neural Information Processing Systems

Consider the following two claims: (1) All knowledge in a semantic network can be captured in a set of first-order logic sentences. (2) All knowledge in a set of first-order logic sentences can be captured in a semantic network. Which of these claims is true?

Only (1) is true

Which of the following equations is an expression of Bayes's Rule?

P ( y | x ) = α P ( x | y ) P ( y )

Which of the following equations holds when random variable A is independent of random variable B when conditioned on random variable C?

P(A&B | C) = P(A | C) P(B | C)

Which of the following is NOT true of Marvin Minsky

Proved that a complete inference procedure exists for first-order logic

which cognitive architecture was advanced by the work of artificial intelligence pioneer Allen Newell?


In most cases, what makes knowledge acquisition difficult for knowledge engineers?

Some knowledge possessed by human experts is tacit and difficult for the experts to describe.

Which of the following is a defining property of recurrent neural networks?

Some units receive inputs that reflect activation values at pervious steps in time.

In this video, which robot model is shown opening a door for another robot?


What was the first robot model commercially sold by Boston Dynamics?


Where was Shakey the robot designed and studied?

Stanford Research Institute

The "Brain Prosthesis Thought Experiment" comes to what primary conclusion?

Strong AI is possible

When an inference procedure uses forward chaining, which of the following procedural functions has the highest time cost?


What does the ground resolution theorem show?

That the resolution theorem proving is complete

How can machine learning systems incorporate the human biases of police forces?

The historical data used to train such machine learning systems involve only crimes that were caught, and the police are biased in which crimes they catch.

In this video (automation), it is claimed that our economy cannot be sustained by having AI systems do all work except for jobs involving artistic creativity, with virtually all people shifting to jobs involving such creativity. How is this claim justified?

The market for works of artistic creativity is driven by popularity, and only so many people can be popular artists at any one time, leaving the others without sufficient income.

In first-order logic, complementary literals have which of the following properties?

There is a unifier under which the literals cannot both be true

Consideration of the possibility of philosophical zombies is intended to support which of the following conclusions? Philosphical zombies are invoked in order to argue that ...

There is no way for us to tell if an artificial agent has consciousness. ... consciousness cannot exist in non-living systems

If you are a brain in a vat, how could you tell that you are not experiencing the real world?

There is no way to tell

In a sentential knowledge representation, which of the following is not necessarily a property of "facts"?

They are true

Which of the following is not true of Deep Q Networks (DQNs)?

They depend on the use of convolutional layers

Consider the following calculation: P ( e n g i n e b l o c k c r a c k e d | o i l l e a k ∧ g r i n d i n g ) = P ( o i l l e a k | e n g i n e b l o c k c r a c k e d ) P ( g r i n d i n g | e n g i n e b l o c k c r a c k e d ) P ( e n g i n e b l o c k c r a c k e d ) What relationship must hold between oil leak and grinding for this calculation to be correct?

They must be independent when conditioned on engine block cracked.

Which one of the following problem environments is not usually seen as static?

flying a robotic drone steering a driverless car

What was the first digital and programmable robot, according to this video?


What facial features do modern facial recognition systems use to identify a face?

We don't fully understand what features are used, because a machine learning algorithm is used to select features the maximize some measure of performance.

With regard to privacy, how is identification using face recognition different than identification using fingerprints?

You know when you are being fingerprinted, but you don't always know when your picture is being taken.

The philosopher Thomas Nagel asks us to consider if we could ever know what it is like to be ...

a bat

Consider a semantic network which contains a node for the category of "Automobiles" and another node for the category of "Batteries". To represent the fact that cars have batteries, a "HasA" link is included from "Automobiles" to "Batteries". What kind of link should this be?

a double boxed link

The "brain in a vat" thought experiment suggests that the best kind of knowledge that we can expect in any AI system is that which is ...

a true characterization of the world presented to our senses

GSAT is a stochastic optimization search algorithm. What is the nature of a state in the state space of this search?

a truth assignment to each of the atomic sentences

Which of the following is the most substantial challenge for deeps learning approaches to computer vision?

acquiring class labels for digital images to be used as training examples

In this video (automation), any technology that autonomously transports objects from one place to another is called ...

an auto

What does the Ventral-Dorsal Network approach add to standard deep learning computer vision systems?


Which of the following responses to a threat does not involve the insertion of an ordering constraint into the plan?


Which of the following games is typically seen as not fully observable?


Who can add sentences to the set of sentences used for automated reasoning in expert systems?

both knowledge engineers and expert system users

Consider an objective function in which almost all possible states have the same low goodness value, with only one state having a high goodness value. Which of the following optimization search algorithms would perform best on this objective function?

both of these algorithms would exhibit similar performance

For which of the following games did a computer program beat an expert human player earliest in history?


Which of the following quickly leverages feedback to improve performance in "realtime"?

closed-loop control

What must two clauses contain in order to apply the resolution inference rule to them?

complementary literals

Which of the following is not a primary virtue of good knowledge designs?


Which of the following is not a primary virtue of good knowledge representation designs?


Consider the following equation: P ( a | b ∧ c ) = P ( a | c ) What concept is captured by this equation?

conditional independence

Consider the following equation: P ( a ∧ b ) = P ( a | b ) P ( b ) What concept is captured by this equation?

conditional probability

If you think that there is no inherent difference, in an AI system, between any computer data structure and true knowledge, except in the way that an observer characterizes the workings of the AI system, then you are advocating for ...

correspondence theory

What kind of sentences infer hidden causes from observed effects?

diagnostic rules

Which of the following is not a step in converting a first-order logic sentence into conjunctive normal form?

distribute AND over OR

Which of the following is not a step in converting a propositional logic sentence into conjunctive normal form?

distribute and over or

In a GRAPH-SEARCH implementation of A* search, the priority queue used to implement the frontier is sorted by ...


Evolution via natural selection requires competition and variation. Which of the following components of the genetic algorithm provides competition?

fitness function

Is the following sentence valid, unsatisfiable, or neither? ¬ L a z y ⟹ ( S m a r t ∨ ¬ ( S m a r t ⟹ L a z y ) ) You Answered


Which of the following describes the kinds of objects that are assumed to exist in an automated reasoning domain?

ontological comments

When developing a medical expert system, a knowledge engineer decides that it will be necessary to create constants for the various blood types and a function called "BloodTypeOf". In making these decisions, what activity is the knowledge engineer engaged in?

ontological engineering

Which of the following is a problem for hill-climbing search?

plateau local optima

Which of the following approaches to inference in propositional logic is intractable in the worst case?

resolution theorem proving

Which of the following is not a typical approach for determining object shape in an image?

shape from specularity

Which of the following is the best quality of depth-first search?

space complexity

Which of the following is the worst quality of breadth-first search?

space complexity

When designing an admissible heuristic evaluation function, one strategy is to imagine removing constraints from the problem, so that estimates of the path cost to a goal will be optimistic. What is this strategy called?

using a relaxed problem

A substitution list contains pairs of

variables and terms

In an ADALINE, what vector operation can be used to calculate the output of a single ADALINE unit?

vector inner product

When is a utility-based agent most appropriate? In general, utility-based agents are to be preferred over goal-based agents when ...

when the system has multiple goals that vary in importance ... costs and benefits must be carefully weighed.

Consider the following sentence in first-order logic: ∃ y C i t y ( y ) ∧ ( ∀ x P e r s o n ( x ) ∧ L i v e s I n ( x , y ) ⟹ ( ∃ z W i F i ( z ) ∧ H a s ( x , z ) ) ) During Skolemization, which variable in this sentence will be replaced with a Skolem function?


In the generalized delta rule, what are unit error values?

zero minus the partial derivative of network error with regard to unit net input values

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