Cultural Diversity

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7. Which of the following is NOT a commonly held health belief model that is prevalent across different cultures?

Reason: This is the correct answer because no such health belief model exists. A. Cross-cultural interaction model.

1. Which of the following is a barrier to accessing oral health care?

Reason: This is the correct answer because of each of these are cultural and linguistic related factors that limit access to oral health care. E. All of the above are barriers to accessing oral health care.

5. Other than English, which of the following languages is most frequently spoken in U.S. homes?

Reason: This is the correct answer because according to the U.S. Census Bureau, Spanish comprises the language most frequently spoken in U.S. homes other than English. C. Spanish

4. What is culture?

Reason: This is the correct answer because culture is defined by the HHS Office of Minority Health as the "integrated patterns of human behavior that include the language, thoughts, beliefs, values, and institutions of racial, ethnic, religious or social groups." D. All of the above.

3. Which of the following is an example of a high cultural competency activity?

Reason: This is the correct answer because high cultural competency generally involves positive and welcoming reactions to different cultures, including advocating for the causes of different cultural groups B. Advocating for better language access services for culturally diverse patients.

2. True or False? Linguistic competency is the ability to read, write and speak in a language that is different from one's native language.

Reason: This is the correct answer because linguistic competency is more than being able to read, write and speak in another language. It is the ability to communicate effectively with patients at every point of contact, whether orally or in writing, in a way that is easily understood by diverse groups. B. False

7. What is oral health literacy?

Reason: This is the correct answer because oral health literacy has been defined by the Institute of Medicine (IOM) and the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR) as "the degree to which a patient has the capacity to obtain, process and understand health information and services needed to make appropriate health decisions in a particular language." A. How well a patient obtains, processes, and understands oral health information and services needed to make oral health decisions.

5. Which office strategy helps you comply with federal regulations such as Title VI of the Civil Rights Act, as implemented through Executive Order 13166?

Reason: This is the correct answer because providing appropriate communication and language assistance to patients is only one of the options listed that is specifically noted in Executive Order 13166. A. Providing communication and language assistance to your patients.

9. Which of the following is a benefit of providing culturally and linguistically appropriate services in oral health?

Reason: This is the correct answer because providing culturally and linguistically appropriate services in oral health helps to attract new business, decrease clinical errors, deliver a better quality of care and reduce administrative and other business costs. E. All of the above.

10. What are proxemics?

Reason: This is the correct answer because proxemics is the way individuals use space to communicate nonverbally. C. A type of nonverbal communication focused on the space between individuals.

4. Which of the following activities could most involve the use of social media?

Reason: This is the correct answer. One exciting up-to-date way of gathering feedback from staff and patients (both current and potential) is to use social media/networking to reach and communicate with these individuals. D. Gathering patient feedback.

6. True or False? Oral health service access is not the same as oral health service availability.

Reason: This is the correct answer. Oral health access is a patient's ability to enter, navigate and exit appropriate services and supports as needed. Oral health availability is having sufficient services and supports available to meet the needs of the populations that you serve. A. True

10. What is an oral health disparity?

Reason: This is the correct answer. The HHS Office of Minority Health defines a health disparity as a particular health difference that is closely linked with social, economic and/or environmental disadvantage A. A health difference that is closely linked with social, economic and/or environmental disadvantage

8. Which one of the following individuals is at highest risk of having low oral health literacy?

Reason: This is the correct answer. The Institute of Medicine (IOM) and the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR) note that individuals over 65 years are among those at highest risk of having low oral health literacy. E. A 70-year-old male.

8. What are social determinants of health?

Reason: This is the correct answer. The World Health Organization defines social determinants of health as those conditions in which people are born, grow, live, work and age that affect a wide range of health outcomes. D. The conditions in which people are born, grow, live, work, and age.

3. True or False? There are no free resources available to help you prepare to provide culturally and linguistically appropriate oral health care and services.

Reason: This is the correct answer. There are several free resources available to help you prepare to provide culturally and linguistically appropriate oral health care and services. For example, there is the State and County QuickFacts website available to help you understand your community's demographics, and there are several free resources available on the HHS Office of Minority website. B. False

6. What does it mean to provide understandable oral health services?

Reason: This is the correct answer. Understandable services are those that are clear, and in a format (e.g., visual, written, verbal, tactile, etc.) that can easily facilitate learning. The other options describe effective (a), equitable (b), respectful (d) and responsive (e) oral health services. C. Providing oral health services that are clear and in a format that can facilitate learning.

2. Which of the following is the most basic role that an interpreter usually adopts?

Reason: This is the correct answer. When acting in a conduit role, the interpreter conveys information in one language literally (without additions, omissions, editing or polishing) what has been said in another language. E. A conduit.

1. Which of the following is a reason to conduct a self-assessment of your current knowledge and practices?

Reason:This is the correct answer because conducting a self-assessment, no matter how simple or extensive, should help identify gaps and areas of expertise in your and your colleagues' and/or staff's knowledge and practices. E. To help identify gaps between my cultural knowledge and practices.

10. True or False? Providing culturally and linguistically appropriate services is primarily the front desk staff's responsibility since they see the patient first.

Reason:This is the correct answer because providing culturally and linguistically appropriate services should be a goal and the responsibility of everyone at your office, from the front desk staff, to administrators, to dental assistants, to dental hygienists, to dentists. B. False

2. Which is NOT a primary focus in developing office protocols to support a culturally and linguistically appropriate environment in your dental practice?

Reason:This is the correct answer because the focus in developing a culturally and linguistically appropriate environment is to provide effective, equitable, understandable, respectful and responsive care. C. To provide economical care.

9. Why is it useful to review community demographics (e.g., family types, racial/ethnic breakdown, etc.) in understanding the community you serve?

Reason:This is the correct answer because understanding about the diversity in your community can help you figure out which groups to target - it does not necessarily prove how diverse the community is, nor does it mean that you have to learn a new language. D. To help me determine which groups to target.

7. Which is NOT an example of ways we might communicate nonverbally?

Reason:This is the correct answer, because this involves the use of communicating with other person orally, or verbally, through spoken words. D. Through swearing at someone when we are angry.

3. What is effective communication?

Reason:This is the correct answer. Effective communication requires a two-way process (expressing and receiving) where messages are negotiated until the information is correctly understood by both individuals. B. Talking and listening in a manner so that information is correctly understood by you and the individual with whom you are interacting.

6. All of the following are barriers to communication, except:

Reason:This is the correct answer. Respecting a patient would facilitate communication, not act as a barrier. A. Respecting a patient.

8. What is tertiary prevention?

Reason:This is the correct answer. The Institute of Medicine defines tertiary prevention as taking steps to monitor and treat the progression of diseases that already exist. C. Taking steps to monitor and treat the progression of disease.

5. Which acronym represents the core principles of Motivational Interviewing?

Reason:This is the correct answer. The core principles of Motivational Interview are "Resisting the 'righting reflex'," "Understand your patients' motivation," "Listen to your patient," and "Empower your patients" or RULE. D. RULE.

9. Which of the following is an example of positive feedback?

Reason:This is the correct answer. This statement is an example of positive feedback because it focuses on what the patient is doing well in his or her oral health care. B. "I can tell you've worked on making some of the changes we discussed during your last visit."

4. True or False. Translation is the same as interpretation.

Reason:This is the correct answer. Translation is the conversion of written text into corresponding written text in a different language; interpretation is the process of understanding and analyzing a spoken or signed message and re expressing that message faithfully, accurately and objectively in another language, taking the cultural and social context into account. B. False

1. If you are considering using pictures and symbols to help improve your communication with your LEP patients, you should first:

Reason:This is the correct answer. Using tools such as pictures and symbols can be a useful strategy to improving communication as long as the symbols and pictures are culturally relevant to the subpopulation(s) with which you work. Consulting with colleagues from different cultural and linguistic subpopulations can help ensure that the symbols and pictures are meaningful and inoffensive. A. Speak with a bilingual colleague or staff member to help you understand the cultural relevance of pictures and symbols.

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