Curriculum & Instruction: Primary Reading Final Exam

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Which of the following are methods of teaching children the relationship between graphemes and morphemes

-Directly teach decoding skills -Show students how to use temporary or experimental spellings to sound out words -Model how to pronounce words -Call attention to rhyming words and alliterations

Which of the following are reasons to perform effective assessment of literary development (mark all that apply):

-Encouraging children to take ownership of their own learning -Identification of students that need more academic challenge -Demonstrate job effectiveness to school personnel, parents, and outside community

Which of the following need to occur in order to help children build an extensive vocabulary (mark all that apply)

A Variety of Explicit Instruction Approaches Access to a Bounty of Good Literature and Informational Texts Opportunities to Apply Newly Acquired Words Active Engagement with the Reading Material

In terms of phonemic awareness, the ability to blend means:

A child can put together an onset and a rime given by the teacher

Which of the following areas can a teacher use to control the amount of scaffolding provided in a guided reading activity (mark all that apply):

Amount of text children read at any one time Types of questions asked before reading and during discussion Number of comprehension strategies modeled by the teacher via think-alouds

For children in the early phonetic / early letter name stage, formal instructional strategies should include activities that draw children's attention to the parts of words in which order:

Beginning of Word, End of Word, Middle of Word

Match the appropriate age with the common literacy development as described in emergent literacy theory:

Birth- Oral Language Development 2-3 Years- Produce Understandable Speech in Response to Books 3-4 Years- Rapid Growth in Emergent Literacy 5-Begin Receiving Formal Literacy Instruction

Which of the following characteristics would suggest a kindergartener would need guidance in phonemic awareness (mark all that apply):

Child doesn't recognize that pat and pick start with the same sounds

Which of the following strategies are used by proficient readers (mark all that apply)

Create mental pictures about what they are reading Make calculated hunches on what might happen next Consistently check their understanding by reviewing what they have read Reflect on and form opinions on what they have read

Which type of journal allows students to carry on a written conversation about any topic of interest to the child?

Dialogue Journal

Texts that are used to build academic knowledge K-12, build vocabulary, and for enjoyment are known as

High Quality Trade Books

An informal reading inventory can measure which of the following (mark all that apply):

Independent Level Reading Capacity Level Frustration Level

A tool that can be used to help children better understand the relationships between story characters and see the differences in feelings that one character may have from another is

Literary Sociogram

The conscious awareness of the sound, meaning, and practical nuances of language is known as:

Metalinguistic Ability

Semantic Gradient is an explicit instructional method that helps children enhance their meaning vocabulary in which of the following situations (select the best option)

Moving words into children's speaking vocabularies

In which phase of a guided reading lesson would the teacher work one-on-one with children at an early reading level to check for evidence of directionality and one-to-one matching of spoken word to printed word?

Oral or Silent Reading of the Text

According to the National Reading Panel (NRP), which components are essential to early reading success (mark all that apply):

Phonics Phonemic Awareness Fluency Comprehension Vocabulary Acquisition

According to Gentry, which of the following stages is described as when the child begins to understand the alphabetic principle that letters have certain sounds that forms words?

Prephonetic Stage

Which of the following are characteristics of the reading process (mark all that apply):

Reading is a strategic process Reading is a holistic process Reading is a constructive process

Effective use of classroom-based assessments depends on which of the following (mark all that apply):

Selection of assessments based on instructional goals immediate instructional intervention based on data analysis

Effective use of classroom-based assessments depends on which of the following (mark all that apply):

Selection of assessments based on instructional goals sporadic and systematic amassing of data immediate instructional intervention based on data analysis

Appraisals of a child's ability to name letters, the child's knowledge of concepts of print, or the number of vocabulary words the child knows compared to others his age is what type of assessment?


Which of the following are elements of a guided reading lesson (mark all that apply):

Story Retelling Grand Conversation New Text or Story Orientation Oral or Silent Reading of the Text Follow-Up Activities

Which of the following literacy-related concepts about books should be developed in children (mark all that apply):

Story and book sharing involve a routine Printed words have meaning Illustrations represent real things Reading is enjoyable

Which type of assessment gathering refers to the evaluative assessment or tests that result in a grade or ranking?

Summative Assessment

Which of the following are general recommendations when teaching phonemic awareness (mark all that apply)

Support the self-esteem of children Invite children to experiment with language Make the lessons playful

Which of the following skills need to be acquired at approximately the same time in order to maximize progress of the beginning reader (mark all that apply):

Using letter-sound relationships Gaining meaning from context Acquiring a sight vocabulary

According to Bear, Invernizzi, Templeton, and Johnston, which of the following stages is described as the time when children become aware of long vowels, r-controlled words, and more complex consonant and vowel structures?

Within-Word Pattern Spelling

Which of the following is not considered when assessing a child's fluency level?

comprehension of text

Using the surround information in a portion of text to determine the meaning of an unknown word is known as:

contextual clues

Asking a child to read a passage aloud from the child's basal reader and counting the number of words read correctly per minute is an example of what type of assessment?


In which of the following stages of the writing process does formal writing begin


Prebirth, holographic stage, telegraphic stage, and fluency are all stages described in

emergent literacy

A primary concern of using the new standards of the Common Core State Standards Initiatives is that children will be able to learn reading at their own pace which will cause a higher differential between struggling reads and achieving readers.


Age is a driving factor in the predictor of success in early reading


Assessment should be use to tell what children cannot do so that interventions can be developed.


Children can learn to comprehend text just by doing a lot of reading.


Children's ideas about words are very similar to adults' concepts of words:


Following a reading, teachers should focus on factual-type questions rather than critical and creative questions in which there is no one "correct" answer.


Formative assessments are generally more comprehensive in nature than summative assessments and are designed to include a degree of objectivity and accountability.


Grade-Leveled texts tend to have subtler differences in the difficulty between levels than leveled books.


Having children memorize definitions of predetermined words and asking them to use them in a sentence is the preferred method of teaching new vocabulary.


In order to not overwhelm the children, guided reading activity should use an assortment of "yes" or "no" questions to gauge the children's comprehension of the text.


In terms of phonemic awareness competence, the ability to identify onsets is a precursor skill to the ability to blend.


Most studies suggest that high intelligence may be helpful in both reading readiness and early literacy acquisition.


Norm-referenced achievement tests are beneficial in making judgments about an individual student.


Phonics instruction concentrates on focusing a child's attention on the way sounds are sequenced in a language.


Questions asked before the reading of the text guided reading activity should bring together ideas discovered in the reading and are designed to build relationships among facts and ideas


Questions asked during the reading guided reading activity should guide children's attention to the key concepts or the most important ideas in the piece being read


Reading comprehension activities should only being once children are able to create a written response.


Sound boxes associate different color representations with different letters in a given word


Spoken language places greater demands on children's vocabulary knowledge than does written language.


The alphabetic principle is unique to the English writing system


The greatest communicative skill that separates school-aged children from younger, pre-school age children is their ability to use sentences and phrases.


The instructor never uses direct instruction during a writer's workshop. Instead, instructor time is spent one-on-one while students are writing.


In which phase of a guided reading lesson would the teacher help the children internalize and appreciate the text?

grand conversation

Which term describes letters used to represent the sounds of the English language?


A portfolio is which type of assessment:


A rubric is which type of assessment:


Minilessons on decoding words should approximately last how long:

less than 10 minutes

In the very earliest stages of experimental spelling, children tend to spell the word "matter" as:


When a teacher wants children to focus on a particular word or word part, an ideal way is by using a sliding frame or stick-on notes to call attention to just that part of the word in a technique known as:


Which term describes the ability to hear, identify, and manipulate individual sounds in spoken words?

phonemic awareness

ccording to Gentry, which of the following stages is described as when children continue to use letter names to represent sounds while also using consonant and vowel sounds for each spoken syllable?

phonetic stage

Which of the following terms describes the part of the language system that puts together the proper sounds of words in the appropriate sequence:


Which of the following types of books are ones that allow children to participate in the reading by using rhyme, rhythm, and repetition:


In which of the following stages of the writing process do children think, plan, talk, and take rudimentary notes about something they want to write about?


Observations of a child's actual reading and writing abilities is known as what type of assessment?


When conducting a shared reading activity, a Picture Walk would normally be used in which phase:

rereading the text

Which of the following systems focuses on meaning-making and vocabulary:


Which technique is useful in modeling reading for children by reading a book aloud and ultimately inviting the children to join in with the instructor?

shared reading

By the end of which grade are most children normally able to decode any word in their meaning vocabulary?


During the Sharing Phase of the writing process, children should receive feedback from both the instructor and their peers.


Encouraging children to track while they read is important because it fosters awareness of printed text as well as understanding of grammatical phrases


Generally, children tend to routinely follow the rules they devise about constructing words according to their sounds in experimental spelling


Good readers consider what they already know about a topic before they begin reading


Guided reading is ideal for us in literature-based units


It is extremely important for assessment to take place daily


It is more immediately pressing for children learning English as a second language to get the gist of any passage rather than being able to read it fluently with prosody


One of the major benefits of a criterion-referenced test is that it is instruction-specific


Oral reading practice is an effective method of improving fluency


Oral reading practice is an effective method of improving fluency.


Phonemic Awareness is the most crucial component of emergent literacy, especially in programs where phonics plays a larger role.


Questions asked after the reading in a guided reading activity should be designed to help children internalize narrative text by identifying with the main characters or events in the story.


Questions asked before the reading of the text guided reading activity should bring together ideas discovered in the reading and are designed to build relationships among facts and ideas.


The language experience approach (LEA) is well suited for modeling beginning literacy because it uses children's own language as writing material.


The primary goal of phonics is to make the decoding process almost second nature so that children can focus on the context of the reading material


The primary goal of phonics is to make the decoding process almost second nature so that children can focus on the context of the reading material.


The use of mediated strategy of shared reading is ideal for a teacher wishing to balance meaning-based and skills-based instruction.


Using drama to allow children to recreate portions of books they have read is a good way to enhance their interest in literary materials


Using the surrounding information in a sentence to predict the meaning of an unknown word is arguably the best independent vocabulary-enriching strategy


Using well-crafted picture books with large illustrations for read alouds is beneficial so that children can observe the action as well as hear what is happening.


Utilizing the word structure vocabulary-enriching strategy involves learning the common prefixes and suffixes and their meanings in order to dissect new words.


When learning new vocabulary, children should be encouraged to work collaboratively with each other rather than working individually on new words


When looking at emergent literacy, writing can play a pivotal role in children's learning to read.


Which phase of a shared reading activity uses familiar nursery rhymes, chants, and songs being read and sung, using large print as a guide:

warm up activity

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