D270 Chapter 3

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Full Democracy (Types of democracy)

- Mature political culture promotes and protects political freedoms and civil liberties - Government discharges responsibility transparently - Effective system of checks and balances regulates politics - The judiciary is independent, its decisions are impartially enforced, and rule of law prevails - Media independent, vigilant, diverse Australia, Austria, Costa Rica, Denmark, South Korea, Norway, US, Uruguay

Not Free Country

Few to no political rights and civil liberties. The gov. allows minimal to no exercise of personal choice, relies on the rule of man as the basis of law, constraints religious and social freedoms , and controls a large share, if not all, of business activity. China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, and Iran.

Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU)

Gauges the electoral process but also assesses the degree that day-to-day life supports political freedom. It evaluates the texture of democracy, in terms of public institutions, political processes, public attitudes, pluralism, civil liberties, political participation, and political culture. For Democracy

Hybrid Regime (Types of democracy)

- Electoral irregularities undermine freedom and justice - Government limits opposition parties and candidates - Judicial bias signals the state corrupting the rule of law - Political culture, public admin, and political participation struggles - Corruption is extensive, civil society fades and media are regulated Bangladesh, Cambodia, Pakistan, Thailand, HK

Authoritarian Regime (Types of democracy)

- Political pluralism is absent or repressed by state - Democratic institutions may exist but have little substance and the state uses them to legitimate single party rule - Elections (if occurs) are neither free nor fair - State systematically disregards civil liberties - There is no independent judiciary and the rule of man prevails - Media are typically state owned or controlled by groups connected to the regime - Censorship suppresses criticism of the state and propaganda promotes state ideology Afghanistan, Nigeria, China, Saudi Arabia, Russia, Kazakhstan

Flawed Democracy (Types of democracy)

- State respects basic civil liberties - Free and fair elections regularly occur but experience fraud or media restrictions - Governance problems and low political participation make for a weak political culture - Leadership and policy change occur frequently Singapore, Brazil, India, Taiwan, Hungary, Mexico, Msia

Prominent Types of Totalitarianism

1. Authoritarianism Tolerates no deviation from state ideology. Day to day life reflects submission to state authority; resistance incurs punishment. Officials control the political environment but pay less attention to the economic and social structure of society. North Korea, Chad, Kazakhstan, and Turkmenistan. 2. Fascism Advocates a single-party state that controls, through force and indoctrination, people's mind, souls, and daily existence. Calls for the merger of state and corporate power, applying corporatist perspectives, values, and systems. Few fascist systems; most at WWII. 3. Secularism A single-party gov. controls elections tolerate dissent as long as it does not challenge the state and suppresses other ideologies. The state does not prescribe an all-encompassing ideology. It grants limited individual freedoms provided one does not contest state authority or disrupt social harmony. China, Vietnam & Venezuela. 4. Theocracy Gov. is an expression of the favored deity. Leaders profess to represent its interests on earth. The State applies ancient dogma in place of principles. Strict social regulation on gender regimentation typically prevails. Iran, Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia.

Prominent Types of Democracies

1. Representative Originates in a constitution that protects individual freedoms and liberties. The law treats all citizens equally. Elected representatives, while ultimately autonomous, act int he people's interest. Officials represent voters and, while mindful of voter's preferences, have the authority to act as they see fit. USA & Japan 2. Multiparty The system whereby >3 parties govern, either separately or as a coalition. A single party cannot legislate policy without negotiating with the opposition parties. Canada, Germany, Italy, and Israel. 3. Parliamentary Citizens exercise political power by electing representatives to a legislative branch, the Parliament. The legislature is the source of legitimacy for various ministers that run the executive branch. Australia, India and Msia. 4. Social Applies democratic means to guide the transition from capitalism to socialism. The government promotes egalitarianism while also regulating capitalism's tendency toward opportunism. Norway and Sweden,

Political ideology

An ideology is an integrated vision that defines a holistic conception of an abstract ideal and its normative thought processes. Eg: Ideal of freedom, the foundation of democratic ideologies, carries with it ideas about related principles, doctrines, goals, practices and symbols. Political ideology stipulates how society ought to govern itself and outlines the methods by which it will do so.


Authoritarian (Confines itself to political control of the state) Fascist (control people's minds, souls, and daily existence) Communist Dictatorship It's an autocratic government Emphasizes different degrees of state control Control and constrains individual's political freedom Subordinates interests of individuals to that of the collective.

MNEs & Totalitarianism

Business Implications 1. Private enterprise, if permitted, supports state control of the economy. 2. State favors local companies at the expense of foreign competitors, providing them with advantageous financing, special tax programs, relaxed work regulations and other benefits. 3. State manipulates markets for political purposes, thus distorting resource valuations and blurring risk-return relationships. Eg: China requires foreign enterprises to accept setting up Communist Party cells in their local op. - Local gov. can insist private companies contribute a share of their payrolls to finance Party activities.

MNEs & Democracy

Business implications: 1. MNEs have the freeodm to invest and operate based on economic, not political, standards. 2. Managers and consumers are free to do as they see fit in a business environment that promotes commerce and encourages trade. 3. Signaling devices of market activities, not bureaucratic regulation, organize resource flows. Others: Stabilizes business environments at home and abroad. Political terms: freedom sanctions rights and liberties. Economic terms: legitimizes profits and prosperity. Eg; Msia, Indeonesia, Thailand, Brazil, Colombia

Political spectrum

By specifying a basic conceptual structure, spectrum analysis guides the assessment of a complex issue -in this case, political ideology. Confuiguring ideologies along the central axis lets us model different ones relative to the others; starting point is specifying reasonable endpoints. Eg: liberalism, feminism, anarchism...

Partly Free Country

Exhibits limited political rights and civil liberties, corruption, weak rule of law, ethnic and religious strife, unfair elections and censorship. Guatemala, Pakistan and Tanzania, Msia

Free Country

Exhibits open political competition, respect for civil liberties, independent civic life, and independent media. They are inalienable freedoms of expression, assembly, association, education, and religion. Australia, Brazil, Indian and USA.


Radical Liberal Conservative Reactionary Eg: Western (USA) To promote and protect individual's political freedom The government protects: 1. personal rights 2. political rights 3. civil liberties 4. fair and free elections 5. independent courts of law


Reduces political freedom and alters the texture of democracy. Hungary, Burkina, Faso, Russia, Lithuania, Thailand, Venezuela, Turkey and Msia. How it got promoted: 1. Political Economy of Growth Modernization hypothesis holds that aspect of economic development -industrialization, urbanization, education, health and income- support democratic governance. Rising wealth of middle incomes = > property rights & individualism = democracy. Eg: India had no improvements with health, education or wealth so China's model of people's democratic dictatorship gains credibility. 2. Rhetoric VS Reality Double standards in foreign policy (eg: so and so autocratic countries can be allies with Arab, then enemies with Venezuela) 3. Economic Problems High unemployment, slow growth, rising debt in many Western democracies erodes effectiveness of democracy.

Political freedom

The fegree to which fair and competitive elections occur, the extent to which individual and group freedoms are guararenteed, the legitimacy ascribed to the rule of law, and the existence of freedom of expression.

Third Wave of Democratization

The shift of totalitarian states of some form developing to democratic governance. It's a global movement that expanded individual freedoms and civil liberties. Causes: 1. Growing failure of totalitarian regimes to deliver prosperity eroded their legitimacy. Aggrieved citizens rebelled (standards of life too low) 2. Improving communications technologies eroded totalitarian regime's power to control information. People were increasingly aware of their rights and the global march to freedom challenged the injustice state of control. 3. Freedom yielded economic dividends, helping people move from poverty to prosperity.

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