D293 Study Guide
Norm referenced assessment
An assessment that compares a student's performance to a sample of that student's peers (bell-curve). Solve Engineering problems. Example: Test graded on a curve.
Ipsative/Force choice assessment
Improved based on prev. knowledge Could be award based. Compare previous work and progress to current work. Example: Compare previous work and progress to current work.
Bloom: evaluate
Justify a stand or decision. Argue, Judge, Support, Value, Select, prioritize, rate, monitoring, critiquing, defend, criticize
Declarative knowledge
Knowing What
Procedural knowledge
Knowing how
Traditional assessment
Learner meets the requirements based on memorization of data and facts, think true false, multiple choice etc. Example: Multiple Choice & True/False.
Bloom: Understanding
Recall facts and basic concepts. Define, duplicate, list, memorize, repeat,
Standards assessment
To see if a learner can meet requirements and have a mastery of knowledge based on a predetermined standard. Example: State Standardized Test.
Competencey based assessment
To see if a learner can perform the kind of skill needed and is usually considered an authentic assessment. Example: Creating a presentation.
Criterion-referenced assessment
To see if a learner has met predetermined milestones and requirements. A test designed to indicate how an individual performs in comparison to a pre-established acceptable criterion, NOT the performance of other students. Example: Advance Placement Test.
Bloom - Applying
Use information in new situations. Solve, use, demonstrate, sketch, operate, execute, carryout,
Descriptive analytics
What happened
Descriptive learning analytics
What happened? Used to inform; based on data from gathered information. business metrics, graphs, storytelling, specify how data is collected and used to inform business decisions
Predictive Learning analytics
What is likely to happen? Use data from the past to predict what might happen in the future. detect FUTURE trends, predict future outcomes, forecast events the will occur at a specific time, regression analysis,
Prescriptive learning analytics
What should be done? Offers recommendations based on possible outcomes and helps identify the best options. automate decisions, recommend actions, automate notifications, determine actions, graph analysis, simulation
Diagnostic analytics
Why did it happen?
Diagnostic learning analytics
Why did it happen? Analyzes past information to find out why something happened. finding anomalies, finding patterns, data discovery, time-series data, drill-down, data discovery, data mining, and correlations
Direct Assessment:
a professional makes a decision regarding what a student learned and how well it was learned. Examples: faculty evaluated papers, tests, or performances.
Item-selection bias
a subcategory of content-validity bias, refers to the use of individual test items that are more suited to one group's language and cultural experiences.
quantitative analysis
based on objective, numerical data, and statistics. is used to determine why something happened based on non-numerical information, such as observations, reflections, and interviews.
Bloom: analyze
draw connections among ideas
Confirmation bias
is a type of mistake that occurs in thinking when information that confirms a pre- existing belief is given priority over information that does not support a preexisting belief. Informally, confirmation bias is sometimes referred to as wishful thinking.
Conditional knowledge
knowing when and why to use declarative and procedural knowledge
Content-validity bias
occurs when the content of a test is comparatively more difficult for one group of students than for others
Bloom - Creating
produce new or original work. Design, develop, author, construct., generating, hypothesizing, plan, devise
Predictive-validity bias (or bias in criterion-related validity)
refers to a test's accuracy in predicting how well a certain student group will perform in the future.
Indirect assessments
the student decides what he or she learned and how well it was learned. Examples: surveys, teaching evaluations.
Construct-validity bias
whether a test accurately measures what it was designed to measure.