Daddy-Positive Organizational Behavior and Psychological Capital- Ch 7

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(P227 Table 7.2) Which among the following is a descriptor of the positive primary emotion of surprise? a) Wonder b) Zest c) Euphoria d) Infatuation


(p204)In comparison to self efficacy,self-esteem is: a) a global construct of one's evaluation and belie of overall worthiness b) changing overtime as new information and task experiences are gained. c) a current assessment of one's future success at a task d) one's belief about a task-and context-specific capability


(P202) It is the capability for xxxx that serves as the theoretical basis for self-efficacy. a) adaptation b) self-reflection c) behavioral patterns d) learning


(P203) What does Bandura strongly emphasize as being the most pervading and important of the psychological mechanisms of self-influence? a) Optimism b) Self-efficacy c) Resilience d) Hope


(p209) Which of the following indicates whether the magnitude is strong and likely to produce perseverance when difficulties are encountered. a) Motivation b) Strength c) relations d) feedback


In order to be included in positive organizational behavior, a construct must: (p199-200) a) be atheoretician b) have reliable and valid measures c) betraitlike d) be a physiological resource capacity


Essay questions (p199-200) What are the criteria for a construct to be included in positive organizational behavior(POB)

Besides being positive and a psychological resource capacity, to be included in POB, the construct must be based on theory and research have reliable and valid measures be statelike and open to development and must be managed for performance improvement.

(p201) Which among the following is a valued subjective experience according to Seligman and Csikzenmihalyi? a) Altruism b) Perseverance c) Satisfaction d0 Tolerance


(p203) Which among the following statement is true regarding general self efficacy? a) It is highly variable depending on the task b) It is cognitively processed by the individual before any effort is expended. c)It is like a personality traits d) It is statelike


(p205) After the evaluation of the process and the impact of self-efficacy, it is seen that self-efficacy can directly after all these except: a) choice behavior b) motivational effort c) happiness quotients d) perserverance


(p210) Bandura categorized his approach to training and development into three areas. Which of the following areas includes instructive modeling, guided skill perfection, and transfer of training back to the job to ensure self-directed success? a) Development of self-regulatory competencies b) Cognitive mastery modeling c) Guided mastery d) Learned behavior


(p230 Table 7.3) According to Howard Gardner's multiple intelligences, a person who processes analytically, calculates, and qualifies is characterized by: a) intrarpersonal intelligence b) musical intelligence c)logical/mathematical intelligence d) visual/spatial intelligence


(p225) List some of the guideline and activities prescribed by Lyubomirsky for developing and sustaining happiness.

1. Practice gratitude and positive thinking 2. invest in social connections 3. Manage stress hardship and trauma 4. Live in the present 5. Commit to your goals 6. Take care of your body and soul

(P201-202) According to posotive psychologist such as Sonja Lyubomirsky, one's level of H-R-W well-being determined by all of the following EXCEPT: a) a genetic, dispositional " hard-writing" set point b) Life's circumstances c) intentional activity d) personal outlook


(p201) Which among the following is a positive individual trait according to Seligman and Csikszenmihalyi? a) Contentment b) Responsibility c) Hope d) Sensibility


(p209) Among the following variables, deduces through research conducted by Stajkovic and Luthans, this shows a greater average gain than the results from the meta-analyses of other popular organizational behavior interventions a) goal setting b) organizational behavior modification c) feedback d) self-efficacy


(p217) According to C. Rick Snyder, this is termed as goal-directed energy. a) Pathways b)Quotients c) Creativity d) Agency


According to Diener and Biswas-Diener, happiness is linearly related to health and longevity, relationships, and effectiveness at work(P224)


According to the three levels of positive psychology identified by Seligman and Csikszentmihalyi, altruism, responsibility, and tolerance are positive individual traits. (p200-201)


From studies conducted by Judge and colleagues, it can be concluded that people who are satisfied with their lives tend to be more satisfied at work and vice versa. (P225)


General efficacy is statelike (p.203)


Hope is a part mainstream organizational behavior literature(P217)


Howard Gardner found that intelligence is mainly genetic and fixed at birth (p229)


Optimists make external(not their fault), stable, and specific(problem only in this situation) attributions (P213)


Stamina is an example of a cognitive ability(P230)


Successful performance automatically raised the level of efficacy (P206)


The first and most theoretically developed and researched positive organizational behavior construct is optimism. (p202)


The open to development criterion says tat the construct must be traitlike as opposed to statelike in order to be included in positive organizational behavior (P200) -True or False


The self-efficacy process starts after individuals select their choices and initiate their effort(P204)


The shorted version of Seligmans's theory-based Attributional Style Questionnaire(ASQ) has been found to be very easy to fake optimism. (P215-216)


The vast majority of jobs in today's work-space are concerned more with psychical abilities(P231)


(p214) What is meant by the term learned optimism? How can optimism be learned?

Learned optimism says that anyone including pessimists can learn the skills to be an optimist. The social learning process of modeling (i.e observing positive events and outcomes in one's relevant, valuated environment) can contribute to the learning of optimism. By the same token, reducing and coping with bad events and stress can also help sustain optimism.

(207) Explain the role of social persuasion as a source of information for self-efficacy.

People's belief in their efficacy can be strengthened by respected competent others persuading them that they " have what it takes" and providing positive feedback on progress being made on this particular task. On their side of the coin, unkind words and negative feedback can disable and deflate one's confidence. Too often a small negative comment or even nonverbal gesture can have a big impact on one's emotions and efficacy. By being genuine providing objective information and then talking follow up actions to actually set up the individual for success and not failure, social persuasion can be selected and processed for building efficacy. Such social persuasion becomes more useful to fill in gaps when people begins to struggle or doubt themselves while pursuing a task than it is in tying to build one's efficacy for a new task.

(p219) Define psychological capital or PsyCap

PsyCap is defined as " An individual's positive psychological state of development that is characterized by:(1) having confidence(Self-efficacy) to take on and put in the necessary effort to succeed at challenging tasks:(2) making a positive attibution (optimism) about succeding now and in the future: (3) persevering toward goals and when necessary redirecting paths to goal(hope) in order to succeed; and (4) when beset by problems and adversity, sustaining and bouncing back and even beyond (resiliency) to attain success"

(p218-219) Based on the research of positive psychologist Ann Masten briefly explain the factors that influence resiliency.

Resiliency can be developed through enhancing the assets that a person possesses through education, training, and nurturing social relationships, and in general by improving the quality of resources available for the person to draw upon. Risk factors can be manages through appropriate physical and psychological health care. Adaptional processes can be enhanced through developing other positive coping , stress management, problem solving, and goal-setting strategies and practical techniques.

(p232 Tale 7.5) Briefly explain Goleman's dimensions of emotional intelligence

Self-awareness refers to self-understanding i.e. knowledge of true feeling at the moment. Self-management refers to the ability to handle one's emotions to facilitate rather than hinder the task at hand. It is the ability to overcome negative emotions and get back on constructive track for problem solution. Empathy is the ability to understand and be sensitive to the feelings of others. This is includes being able to sense what others feel and want. Social skills refers to the ability to read social situation. It is ability to interact well with others. form networks, and guide others' emotions and the way they act.

Essay -(p2oo - 201) What are the three levels of positive psychology identified by Seligman and Csikszentmihalyi?

Seligman and Csikszentmihalyi summarize the three levels of positive psychology as follows: 1. valued subjective experiences 2. Positive individual traits 3. Civic virtues and the institutions that move individuals toward better citizenship

(p213) What is meant by the term explanatory style? What are the explanatory styles of optimists and pessimists?

Seligman uses the term explanatory style to depict how an individual habitually attributes the causes of failure, misfortune, or bad events. 1. Pessimists make internal(their own fault) stable( will last a long time) and global(will undermine everything they do ) attributions. 2. Optimists make external(Not their fault) unstable (temporary setback) and specific( problem only in this situation) attributions.

Essay(P204) What is the difference between self-efficacy and self-esteem?

The first difference is that self-esteem is a global construct of one's evaluation and belief of overall worthiness, whereas self efficacy is one's belief about a task-and context-specific capability. Second, self esteem is stable and traitlike, whereas self-efficacy is changing over times as new information and task experiences are gained and developed and is statelike. Finally, self-esteem is aimed at any aspect of ones's current self, whereas self-efficacy is a current assesment of one's future success at a task.

(P204-205)Briefly explain the process of self-efficacy

The self-efficacy process starts before individuals select their choices and initiate their effort. First, people tend to weigh, evaluate, and integrate information about their perceived capabilities. This initial stage of the process has little to do with individuals' abilities or resources per se, but rather how they perceive or believe they can use these abilities and resources to accomplish the given task in this context. This evaluation/perception then leads to the expectations of personal efficacy which in turn determines: 1. The decision to perform the specific task in this context. 2. The amount of effort that will be expended to accomplish the task. 3. The level of persistence that will be forthcoming despite problems, discomfiting evidence, and adversity.

(P200) Positive psychology is concerned with xxxxx human functioning instead of xxxxx human functioning a) random, structured b) creative, routine c) optimal, pathological d) intelligent, routine


(p210-211) Briefly explain the three areas of Bandura's approach to training and development

The three area of Bandura's approach to training and development are as follows: 1. Guide mastery includes instructive modeling to acquire a skill or competency, guided skill perfection and then transferring the training back to the job to ensure self-directed success. 2. Cognitive mastery modeling focuses on learning thinking skill and how to apply them by solutions to problems and make effective decisions. 3. Development of self-regulatory competencies involves a variety of interlinked self-referent process such as self-monitoring, self-efficacy appraisal, personal goal setting and use of self-motivating incentives.

(p229) What are essential criteria of Gardner's multiple intelligence approach?

To be considered an intelligence under Gardner's well-known multiple approach, the following three criteria must be met: 1. Measurable 2. Valued by the person's culture 3. A strength that the person defaulted to when challenged to be creative or solve a problem

(P226) Explain the role of personality traits and mood states in emotional processing.

Traditionally in psychology, both personality traits and mood states have separate influences of emotional processing. More recently, however, to represent the more realistic complexity involved, t is suggested that mood states interact with individual differences in emotion-relevant personality traits to influence emotional processing, and/or personality traits predispose individuals to certain mood states, which then influence emotional processing.

According to a research study, PsyCap was found to be postively related to desired organizational citizenship behaviors and negatively to undesired organization cynicism, intentions to quit, and counterproductive workplace behaviors (p220)


As per the concept of learned optimism, anyone, including pessimists, can learn the skills to be an optimist (p214)


Cognitive mastery modeling is the ability to learn thinking skills and how to apply them by observing the decision rules and reasoning strategies successful models use as they arrive at solutions to problems and make effective decisions (p 210)


Emotional labor not only has dysfunctional consequences for the employees doing it, but also detracts from effective customer service(P228)


Giving people positive feedback and pointing out their strengths for successfully accomplishing a task does not seem to be processed by most people with as much impact as negative feedback.(P207)


Magnitude measures the level of task difficulty that a person believes he or she is capable of executing (P209)


Personality traits and mood states have separate influences or emotional processing(P226)


Pessimism is known to lead to passivity, failure, social estrangement, and,in its extreme, depression and mortality(P212)


Positive psychological theory and research prefers to use the more precise and operationally defined tern subjective well-being, or SWB, instead of happiness. (P222-223)


PsyCap is statelie and open to development.(P221)


Psychological capital transcends beyond economics, social, and human capital. (p219)


Resiliency can be developed through enhancing the assets that a person possesses, through education training and nurturing social relationships.(P218)


(P231 Table 7.4) Briefly explain the different kinds of mental abilities

Verbal comprehension is the ability to comprehend what is read or heard and understand what words mean and the relationships to one another. Numerical ability to make fast and accurate arithmetic computations. Spatial visualization refers to the ability to perceive spatial patterns and imagine how an object would look if its position in space were changed. Perceptual speed is the ability to quickly identify visual similarities and differences and carry out tasks needing visual perception. Memory refers to rote memory. It is the ability to retain and recall past experiences. Inductive reasoning involves identifying logical sequences from specific to general.

(P218) In positive psychology, this has been defines as " a class of phenomena characterized by patterns of positive adaption in the context of significant adversity or risk" a) Resilience b) Hope c) Self-efficacy d) Optimism


(p206) According to Bandura, efficacy depends on how the individual interprets and cognitively processes the xxxx. a) success b) objective c) ideology d) information


(p211) A recent meta-analysis evaluation the effects of behavioral modeling training(BMT) found that the greatest impact of BMT was when all these factors were present except: a) practice included trainer-generated scenarios b) trainers were instructed set goals c) trainees' supervisors were also trained d) reward and sanctions were instituted in the trainees' work environment


(p214) In the field of positive organizational behavior, which process can contribute to the learning of optimism? a) Social learning process of modeling b) Social persuasion c) Physiological and psychological arousal d) Mastery experience or performance attainment


(p224) As an important part of the positive psychology movement, xxxx popular it and importance reflect societal trends valuing the good life and what makes people happy. a) subjective well-being's b) social structureing's c) optimism's d) self-efficacy's


(p224) Which of the following statement is true regarding happiness according to Diener and Biswas-Diener? a) Happiness is a process b) Happiness is a place c) There is no such thing as an optimal level of happiness d) Happiness shares a linear relationship with health and longevity


(p230) Applied to the workplace, xxx refers to the aptitudes and learned capabilities needed to successfully accomplish a task a) ability b) experience c) training d) opportunity


(p231 Table 7.4) According to the cognitive abilities related to job performance, which mental ability should a supervisor following organization policy on sexual harassment have? a) verbal comprehension b) memory c) spatial visualization d) perceptual speed


(P219-220) Which of the following statement is true regarding PsyCap? a) it focuses on human capital i.e. knowledge, skills abilities, and experience. b) it is a first-order core construct c) It was found to be positively related to desired organizational citizenship behaviors. d)It was found to be more stable than recognized personality traits


(p207) When Bandura stated that "If people see others like themselves succeed by sustained effort, they come to believe that they, too have the capacity to succeed. Conversely, observing the failure of others instills doubts about one's own ability to master similar activities," what source of efficacy was he talking about a) Mastery experiences and performance attainments b) Social persuasion c) Vicarious experiences and modeling d) Physiological and psychological arousal


(p213) Whenever Hary experiences a setback, he often attributes it to being his own fault and believes that it will last for a long time. He also tends to think that the problem will affect everything else he does. According to Seligman, Harry's explanatory style in interpreting misfortune can be describes as: a) internal, unstable, and global b) external, stable, and specific c) internal, stable, and global d) external, unstable, and global


(p214) Peterson has pointed out the drawback of "realistic optimism" as opposed to "xxxxx" with regard to effective leadership. a) expanded optimism b) group optimism c) false optimism d) Slotted optimism


(p218-219) Based on the established research of positive psychologist Ann Masten and her colleagues, resiliency has been found to be influences and developed by three type of factors: asserts, risks, and adaptational process. As per this research,risk factors can be managed: a) through educational, training, and nurturing social relationships b) by improving the quality or resources available for people to draw upon. c) through appropriate physical and psychological healthcare d) by developing other positive psychological capacities


(p229) Which of the following statement is true regarding the multiple intelligences identified by Gardner? a) They can be equaled with learning style b) They can be equaled with a working stye c) they are based wholly on empirical evidence d) They represent a domain


(p230 Table 7.3) A person uses mental models thinks three dismensionally and pictures how to get places or slove problems is said to possess: a) naturalist intelligence b) existential intelligence c) visual/spatial intelligence d) bodily/kinesthetic intelligence


(p232 Table 7.5) According to Daniel Foleman, which among the following EI dimensions is characterized by the ability to shake off negative emotions and get back on constructive track for problem solution? a) Self-awareness b) social skills c) Self-management d) empathy


(P204) Bandura has argued that xxx attributions are casual beliefs about action-outcome contingencies, wheres self-efficacy is an individuals belief about his or her abilities and cognitive resources that can be marshaled together to successfully execute a s0ecific task. a) resiliency b) general self-efficacy c) self-esteem d) locus of control


(P208 Table 7.1) The key for successful training and transfer to the job with regard to social persuasion is: a) Trainees must learn they are the cause of their performance b) model(s) used should have similar demographic attributes, and the training being done should be similar to what the trainees will be doing back on the job. c) make sure trainees experiencing psychological symptoms interpret them as the nature of the training task and not some personal inadequacy(i.e lack of ability) d) all comments have impact, so feedback must be phrased positively to build trainee confidence


(P225) Which among the following is a guideline prescribed by Lyubomirsky for developing an sustaining happiness? a) Set moderate goal b) Limit one's social connections c) Live for the future d) Practice gratitude


(p201) Which among the following is classified as civic an institutions that move individuals towards better citizenship according to Seligman and Csikszwntmihalyi? a) Spirituality b) Optimism c) Interpersonal skill d) Nuturance


(p205) The evaluation/perception of how individuals believe they can use abilities or resources to accomplish the given task leads to the expectations of personal efficacy which, in turn, determines all these except: a) the decision to perform the specific task in this context b) the aount of effort that will be expended to accomplish a task c) the level of persistence that will be forthcoming despite problems, disconfirming evidence and adversity. d) the kind of relationships formed at the completion of the task


(p214) Although optimism is something portrayed as a stable personality trait, Seligman has led the way in popularizing xxx, which says that anyone, including pessimists can learn the skills to be an optimist. a) learning optimism b) cultivation optimism c) building optimism d) learned optimism


(p215-216) All of the following statement about Seligmans's Attributional Style Questinnaire (ASQ) are true, except: a) it was designed to determine habitual explanatory style b) it contains lie scales c) it has been found to be very difficult to fake optimism d) it requires respondents to interpret 3 good and 3 bad vignettes


(p217) Previously in clinical psychology, this was largely portrayed as a uni-dimensional construct involving an overall perception that one can attain his or her goals ' a) optimism b) Self-efficacy c) Happiness d) Hope


(p222 figure 7.4) According to the Psychological Capital Intervention model, which among the following is a distal outcome? a) Experiencing success B) Developing positive expectancy c) Realistic optimism d) Sustainable veritable performance inpact


(p228) Service personnel are required to display false expressions and positive emotions such as smiling. This concept is known as: a) concealment b) camouflage c) masking d) emotional labor


(p231 Table 7.4) A knowledge manager who draws from his past experiences in order to advise a newly formed project team is utilizing which of the following mental abilities? a) verbal comprehension b) numerical c) spatial visualization d) Memory


(p232 Table 7.5) A manager in the office having understood from the nonverbal cues from his staff members that they were unhappy with the new policy being presented, visited each member to explain how they would benefit from it. Which dimension of EI does this situation represent? a) Self-motivation b) Self-management c) Empathy d) Social skills


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