damn geoscience again

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How does the use of fossil fuel energy compare to the other energy sources used in the U.S.?

85% of U.S. energy needs are met by fossil fuels, compared to 15% from other sources.

A period of prolonged continental glaciation often indicates which phenomenon?

An ice age.

It is projected that an increase in carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere will MOST LIKELY lead to

higher-than-average sea levels.

The diagram below illustrates examples of how carbon dioxide (CO2) and oxygen (O) cycle throughout an ecosystem. Which of these does NOT return carbon dioxide to the atmosphere?


Large-scale measurements of sea-ice became possible with the development of satellite technology. Scientists have determined that the September Arctic Sea ice cover has decreased between 1973 and 2007 at a rate of about 10% per decade.All BUT ONE factor may be responsible for the gradual decline in sea ice. That is

rising sea level.

Destructive waves erode the coastline in a number of ways. Identify the term that describes when acids contained in sea water dissolves some types of rock such as chalk or limestone.


Prior to the Industrial Era, pre-1780, ____________ affected Earth's climate because they emitted both aerosols and carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.


In recent years the ice season in northern Canada has been about three weeks shorter than usual. Sea ice is the main habitat of polar bears living in northern Canada. Polar bears need sea ice to move around and prey on seals. With a shorter ice season, the time period in which polar bears can hunt for seals has become shorter. The change in the Canadian ice season occurred at the same time that carbon dioxide levels in the air have risen. Which statement best describes the possible link between carbon dioxide and Canada's shorter ice season?

Carbon dioxide traps heat from the sun, causing global temperatures to rise.

What two energy sources combined provide a greater percentage of energy than petroleum alone?

coal and natural gas

Some properties, like boiling point elevation and freezing point depression, change in solutions due to the presence and number of of solute particles dissolved in the solvent. These properties are called ___________ properties.


Which of these events has led to the largest changes in worldwide sea levels?


Fossil fuels are formed from the buried remains of decayed plants and animals that lived hundreds of millions of years ago. Refer to the information above. Which of these is NOT produced when fossil fuels are burned?

Fossil fuels are a nonrenewable resource.

The surface temperature of the world's oceans varies mainly with latitude, with the warmest waters generally near the equator and the coldest waters in the Arctic and Antarctic regions. As the oceans absorb more heat, sea surface temperature increases and the ocean circulation patterns that transport warm and cold water around the globe change. Sea surface temperature increased during the 20th century and continues to rise. Because the oceans continuously interact with the atmosphere, sea surface temperature can also have huge effects on global climate. Increases in sea surface temperature have led to an increase in the amount of atmospheric water vapor over the oceans. Consider the map as well as the key for the map. As indicated, scientists believe most of the change in sea surface temperatures to be significant. What conclusions can you draw about climatic change throughout the world based on this data? All BUT ONE answer is appropriate.

Increased atmospheric water vapor feeds weather systems that produce precipitation, increasing the risk of heavy rain and snow.

Fossil fuels are formed from the buried remains of decayed plants and animals that lived hundreds of millions of years ago. Refer to the information above. Which of the following statements about fossil fuels is false?

Most of the energy used in the U.S. comes from sources other than fossil fuels.

he Great Lakes ecosystem contains various types of habitats: forests, marshes, wetlands, and dune communities. These communities allow for more than 3,500 species of plants and animals to inhabit the basin. The many varieties of mammals, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and fish make the Great Lakes basin a unique and complicated ecosystem. The northern parts of the Great Lakes region are home to dense coniferous and northern hardwood forests, while largely grasslands and prairies cover the southern areas of the region. The marshes, wetlands, and dune communities are located near and along the many lake shores. Yet the Great Lakes ecosystem is in a state of flux. Humans are endangering the Great Lakes ecosystem. Urban sprawl continues to convert forests, agricultural land, and open space into residential and urban areas, depleting wildlife habitat. Wetlands, which are natural filters of groundwater and home to many different plants and animals, have been lost to agriculture, industrial, and residential uses also.How are human activities impacting this model of the carbon cycle as it applies to the Great Lakes ecosystem?

Overall, more carbon would reach the atmosphere as the anthropogenic outputs increase and there is a decrease in vegetation.

Petroleum is a mixture of many chemical compounds, which are separated through a process called fractional distillation. Refer to the information above. Which petroleum product is used to create toys and kitchen utensils?


Among all Michigan tree species, the jack pine is uniquely adapted to exist and reproduce on the hottest and driest sites in Michigan. It thrives on dune sand and on the sandy glacial plains. It is called a fire species because wildfires sweep through jack pine stands, killing the trees and preparing the ground for a new stand, as well as releasing seeds from its cones. Once in a while, lightning would start a fire that would be fanned into a raging fire leaving everything behind it blackened and burned. The destruction was only temporary. Soon the jack pine seeds would fall to the ground, and, in a few weeks, the area would be green with new growth. This process was repeated every 30 to 100 years, and the jack pine continued to dominate these fire prone areas.How did the periodic jack pine wild fires impact the inputs and outputs of the carbon cycle according to this model?

The jack pine fires cause a temporary drop in both photosynthesis and respiration.

A student is constructing a stream table to investigate how erosion by a meandering stream is affected by the slope of the land. The student uses the equipment shown.What should the student vary for the different trials of the experiment?

The number of blocks stacked beneath the tray

Global warming is caused by an increase in the level of carbon dioxide gas in the atmosphere. How has this affected the world's oceans?

The oceans are absorbing the excess carbon, causing the oceans to become acidic.

The climate of a place also depends upon the amount of water in the air. How do the rising temperatures around Earth affect the amount of water in the air?

There is more water in the air because the rate of evaporation increases.

Pourous rocks in reservoirs are called


Petroleum is a mixture of many chemical compounds, which are separated through a process called fractional distillation.Refer to the information above. Which petroleum product is used as a road surfacing material?


If the trend shown by the data continues, predict levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide by 2005.

between 370 and 380 parts per million

Reducing the emissions of which gas will lead to reducing the greenhouse effect?

carbon dioxide

Scientists have used computer models to create a series of maps that show how susceptible coastal cities and island countries are to the sea rising at different levels. The maps show that a 1-meter rise would swamp cities all along the U.S. eastern seaboard. A 6-meter sea level rise would submerge a large part of Florida. Thermal expansion has already raised the oceans 10 to 20 centimeters.The MOST likely cause, directly and indirectly, for such a rise in sea level is

global warming.

There are several models of the carbon cycle. Which model shows the causes and amounts of carbon flux into and out of the cycle?

green grass, navy blue arrows.

The human population reached 6 billion in 1999. In 2002, the rate of human population growth was 1.3 million people per year. Which of these conditions causes stress within the human population?

growth which is more rapid than can be handled by available resources

Petroleum is a mixture of many chemical compounds, which are separated through a process called fractional distillation.Refer to the information above. Which petroleum product is used to create clothing, tents, and umbrellas?

synthetic fabric

The Great Lakes ecosystem contains various types of habitats: forests, marshes, wetlands, and dune communities. These communities allow for more than 3,500 species of plants and animals to inhabit the basin. The many varieties of mammals, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and fish make the Great Lakes basin a unique and complicated ecosystem. The northern parts of the Great Lakes region are home to dense coniferous and northern hardwood forests, while largely grasslands and prairies cover the southern areas of the region. The marshes, wetlands, and dune communities are located near and along the many lake shores. Yet the Great Lakes ecosystem is in a state of change. Climatologists have determined that the climate of the Great Lakes basin will increase by 2 to 4 degrees Celsius. Warmer air temperatures affect lake levels by reducing runoff and increasing evaporation from the lake surface. Studies have shown that the predicted increase in air temperature will drop lake levels by half a meter to two metersConsider the predictions of climatologists. How will the model of the carbon cycle inputs and outputs change if they are correct?

Warmer temperatures may cause an initial increase in photosynthesis as well as cellular respiration until a point is reached where the temperatures are too hot. During this initial time, the arrows will remain reciprocal, but may enlarge..

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