Database Concepts Ch. 1 - Ch. 9

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When both criteria must be true for the compound criterion to be true, the _______________ operator is being used.


_________________________ describes the large volume of data produced by every digital process, system, sensor, mobile device, and even social media exchange.

Big data

In SQL, you can use the _______________ clause to enforce legal-values integrity.


Access has a tool called the ____________________, which allows you to easily print detailed documentation concerning any table, query, report, form, or other object in the database.


. In SQL, you use the VERIFY clause to enforce legal-values integrity.


. Stored procedures do not accept parameters, and must be queried in a manner similar to tables.


A WHERE and a HAVING clause cannot be included in the same query.


A client is an example of an attribute.


A column whose value uniquely identifies a given row in the table is the secondary key.


A spreadsheet is a screen object used to maintain and view data from a database.


A trigger is stored and compiled on the client computer.


A valid name for a table might be tbl$Student.


An attribute is known as a row in most databases.


Computed fields are existing fields in the database that you can perform computations with.


Each table in a database represents two or more entities.


Fields will appear in alphabetical order in the query results of a SELECT clause.


In a SELECT statement, the WHERE clause is mandatory.


In a relation, the order of rows is important.


In an AND criterion, the overall criterion is true if either of the individual criteria is true.


Increased complexity is one advantage of database processing.


Instead of listing all the field names in the SELECT clause, you can use the @ symbol.


Microsoft Access uses the != version of the "not equal to" operator.


One disadvantage of using views is that they are data dependent so that if the database structure changes in any way, the view can no longer be used.


Programs created with Visual Basic, Java, Perl, PHP, or C++ can interact with the database directly.


SQL uses an on-screen form to create tables, update tables, and retrieve data from tables.


The BETWEEN operator is exclusive; it includes all numbers between the lower and higher numbers, but excludes the lower and higher numbers themselves.


The command DEL INDEX CustList; would remove the index named CustList.


The concept of grouping means that statistics will be calculated for individual records.


The field on which records are sorted is called the composite primary key.


The primary key of a table is the row or rows that uniquely identify a given column in that table.


The relational operators are +, *, %, and /.


The two tables involved in a join operation must have the same structure.


There is a greater impact of failure in a nondatabase, file-oriented system.


There is no difference between the COUNT function and the SUM function.


To select data from more than one table at the same time, you need to perform a make-table query.


When you connect simple conditions using the AND operator, only one of the simple conditions must be true for the compound condition to be true.


When you create a query that involves a view, the DBMS immediately executes the query you created.


You can change the structure of a table using the CREATE VIEW command.


You can use the SQL CREATE TABLE command to insert rows into a table.


You use the WHERE clause on groups and the HAVING clause on rows.


Views cannot be used to examine table data.


You use the __________ statement to give users privileges to the database.


Within relational model systems on both mainframes and personal computers, the main mechanism for increasing the efficiency with which data is retrieved from the database is the ____________________.


Transmission Control Protocol/____________________ Protocol is the standard protocol for all communication on the Internet.


You can take away user privileges to the database using the ____________ statement.


In a system catalog, the ____________________ table contains information about the tables known to SQL.


. Indexes can increase the efficiency with which data is retrieved from the database.


A compound condition includes either or both of the AND and OR operators.


A database will not only hold information about multiple types of entities, but also information about the relationships among these multiple entities.


A query is a question represented in a way that the DBMS can recognize and process.


A relational database is a collection of tables.


An entity is a person, place, object, event, or idea for which you want to store and process data.


CHAR data types can be used to store numbers that will not be used in calculations.


In Access, a parameter query allows you to enter criterion when you run the query.


In relational database shorthand, the structure of a relational database is written with the name of the table followed by the columns in the table listed within parentheses.


In the Access Query window, the upper portion of the window contains the design grid.


Information about tables in the database is kept in the system catalog.


One advantage of a view is that different users can view the same data in different ways.


Preceding a condition by the NOT operator reverses the result of the original condition.


Redundancy makes changing data more cumbersome and time-consuming.


Redundancy wastes space because you are storing multiple copies of the same data.


Referential integrity is specified using the FOREIGN KEY clause in the CREATE TABLE command.


The attributes of an entity become the fields or columns in a table.


The following command will enable Jones to retrieve data from the Customer table, but not to take any other action: GRANT SELECT ON Customer To Jones


To correct anomalies in a database, tables must be converted into various types of normal forms. a. True b. False


To create a view in Access, you create and then save a query.


When rows are grouped, one line of output is produced for each group.


When you create an index whose key has a single field, you have created what is called a single-column index.


You can combine values in character fields using the & operator.


You can use the GROUP BY clause and the ORDER BY clause in the same SELECT statement.


users never interact with a database directly; database interaction is always through the DBMS.


What is a nonkey column? a. A column that is not part of the primary key. b. A column that has a null value. c. A column that is part of a repeating group. d. A column that contains a numeric value.

a. A column that is not part of the primary key.

If B is functionally dependent on A, what can you also say? a. A functionally determines B b. A functionally determines another attribute in the table c. B functionally determines A d. B does not determine any other attribute

a. A functionally determines B

Which of the following DBMS evaluation categories does the following question relate to: What is the unit that may be locked and are exclusive locks the only ones permitted? a. Concurrent update b. Data recovery c. Data dictionary d. Security

a. Concurrent update

Which rule for distributed databases states that the performance of functions such as adding sites, changing versions of DBMSs, creating backups, and modifying hardware should not require planned shutdowns of the entire distributed database? a. Continuous operation b. Local autonomy c. Location transparency d. Fragmentation transparency

a. Continuous operation

Which of the following is a characteristic of a table that is in first normal form? a. It doesn't contain repeating groups. b. It has at least two foreign keys. c. It doesn't have a primary key d. There are no alternate keys.

a. It doesn't contain repeating groups.

When users interact with an RDBMS, they use transactions. What are these types of systems called? a. OLTP b. ODBMS c. OLAP d. ODBC


Which of the following contains a repeating group where the primary key is OrderNum? a. Orders (OrderNum, OrderDate, (ItemNum, NumOrdered) ) b. Orders (OrderNum, OrderDate, ItemNum, NumOrdered ) c. Orders (OrderNum, OrderDate) d. Orders (OrderNum, ItemNum, NumOrdered )

a. Orders (OrderNum, OrderDate, (ItemNum, NumOrdered) )

Suppose you have the following two tables where EmployeeNum is the primary key in both tables. What can you say about the EmployeeBuilding table?Employee (EmployeeNum, LastName, FirstName)EmployeeBuilding (EmployeeNum, BuildingName)FK EmployeeNum -> Employee a. The EmployeeBuilding table is a subtype of the Employee table. b. The EmployeeBuilding table is a supertype of the Employee table. c. The Employee table is a subtype of the EmployeeBuilding table. d. BuildingName is a subtype discriminator.

a. The EmployeeBuilding table is a subtype of the Employee table.

What does it mean when an entity has a minimum cardinality of one? a. The entity is required in the relationship. b. The entity is not required in the relationship. c. The entity should not be in the relationship as an attribute. d. The entity must be listed with all ones in the data fields.

a. The entity is required in the relationship.

After the information-level design is completed, what is the next step? a. The physical-level design b. The top-down design c. The bottom-up design d. The logical-level design

a. The physical-level design

What is an entity that can serve as the relationship between other entities called? a. composite entity b. complex entity c. complicated entity d. circular entity

a. composite entity

Which DBA role manages or supervises the construction of large and comprehensive databases? a. data architect b. database programmer c. data administrator d. data operations manager

a. data architect

Which type of data integrity constraint states that the value entered for any field should be consistent with the data type for that field? a. data type b. legal value c. format d. secondary

a. data type

Which of the following contains a multipart primary key, each part of which is a foreign key to the surrounding dimension tables? a. fact table b. primary table c. dimension table d. star table

a. fact table

The crucial issue in making the determination between a single many-to-many-to-many relationship and two (or three) many-to-many relationships is the ____. a. independence b. primary key c. redundancy d. primary index

a. independence

Which of the following is an advantage of distributed databases? a. local control of data b. easier updates of replicated data c. more complex query processing d. more complex treatment of concurrent updates

a. local control of data

What is the term used in an E-R diagram that specifies the maximum number of entities that can participate in a relationship? a. maximum cardinality b. maximum entropy c. highest ratio d. highest entropy

a. maximum cardinality

Second normal form can be defined as a table that is in first normal form but that contains no ____. a. partial dependencies b. alternate keys c. nonkey columns d. interrelation constraints

a. partial dependencies

After the database designers complete the information-level design, what design level does the DBA do next? a. physical b. information c. logical d. graphical

a. physical

Which process returns the database to a state that is known to be correct? a. recovery b. concurrent update c. encryption d. batch processing

a. recovery

Which type of key is usually an automatic numbering data type, such as the Access AutoNumber data type? a. surrogate b. artificial c. natural d. logical

a. surrogate

The formula for message transmission time is: communication time = access delay + (data volume / X). What does X represent in the formula? a. transmission rate b. length of transmission c. lag time d. seek time

a. transmission rate

Which of the following is a set of requirements that is necessary to support the operations of a particular database user? a. user view b. user table c. user attribute d. user field

a. user view

When used after the word SELECT, which symbol indicates that you want to include all fields in the query results in the order in which you described them to the DBMS when you created the table? a. * b. & c. # d. $

a. *

The compound criteria (conditions) are created by using which of the following two keywords? a. AND, OR b. AND, NOR c. OR, NOT d. NOT, ONLY

a. AND, OR

Which function calculates the number of entries in a table? a. COUNT b. SUM c. MAX d. MIN


What command do you use to add new data to a table? a. INSERT b. APPEND c. ADDTO d. SELECT


Which of the following statements is correct? a. In a nondatabase, file-oriented environment, data is often partitioned into several disjointed systems with each system having its own collection of files. b. User data cannot be combined and shared among authorized users. c. Database users should not have access to the same information. d. Controlling redundancy is easier with the nondatabase approach.

a. In a nondatabase, file-oriented environment, data is often partitioned into several disjointed systems with each system having its own collection of files.

Which operator do you use in the WHERE clause when you want to include a wildcard? a. LIKE b. AS c. BETWEEN d. UNION


To create the primary key clause for the Customer table on the CustomerNum field, which statement should you use? a. PRIMARY KEY (CustomerNum) b. PRIMARY KEY (Customer, CustomerNum) c. KEY (CustomerNum) d. PRIMARY (CustomerNum)

a. PRIMARY KEY (CustomerNum)

Based on the code shown, which query lists the number, name, and balance of all customers with balances greater than or equal to $2,000 and less than or equal to $5,000? Customer ( CustomerNum, CustomerName, Street, City, State, PostalCode, Balance, CreditLimit, RepNum ) a. SELECT CustomerNum, CustomerName, Balance FROM Customer WHERE Balance BETWEEN 2000 AND 5000 ; b. SELECT CustomerNum, CustomerName, Balance FROM Customer WHERE Balance > 2000 ; c. SELECT CustomerName, Balance FROM Customer WHERE Balance BETWEEN 2000 AND 5000 ; d. SELECT CustomerNum, CustomerName FROM Customer WHERE Balance BETWEEN 2000 AND 5000 ;

a. SELECT CustomerNum, CustomerName, Balance FROM Customer WHERE Balance BETWEEN 2000 AND 5000 ;

Which of the following is true if two tables have the same number of columns and their corresponding columns represent the same type of data? a. They are union compatible. b. They are intersection compatible. c. They are difference compatible. d. They are product compatible.

a. They are union compatible.

Which command creates a table containing all rows that are in either or both of two tables? a. UNION b. SUBTRACT c. JOIN d. INTERSECT


What SQL feature can you use if you want to create a view that combines data from more than one table? a. a join b. a trigger c. an index d. a catalog

a. a join

Which of the following is considered a disadvantage of a database system? a. a larger file size b. data dependence c. reduced integrity d. reduced productivity

a. a larger file size

Which of the following is called a field or column in many database systems? a. attribute b. entity c. data file d. relationship

a. attribute

Which aspect of an entity becomes the columns in the database table? a. attributes b. relationships c. data files d. E-R diagrams

a. attributes

How does the use of a database facilitate data consistency? a. by controlling redundancy b. by reducing security c. by eliminating integrity constraints d. by providing data independence

a. by controlling redundancy

Which advantage of database processing makes it easier to make a change in the database structure? a. data independence b. integrity constraints c. redundancy control d. security controls

a. data independence

What feature is available in Access 2016 that offers the functionality of a trigger? a. data macro b. system catalog c. index d. view

a. data macro

What should an administrator use to more easily assign database access permissions to multiple users? a. groups b. classes c. attributes d. clusters

a. groups

Which of the following is the column or collection of columns that uniquely identifies a given row in that table? a. primary key b. secondary key c. foreign key d. minor key

a. primary key

If you are sorting records by more than one field, which field is the more important field? a. primary sort key b. secondary sort key c. maximum sort key d. minor sort key

a. primary sort key

Which term is another word for a row in a table? a. tuple b. field c. group d. relation

a. tuple

What do you call a data inconsistency that results from data redundancy or the use of inappropriate nulls? a. update anomaly b. insertion anomaly c. deletion anomaly d. relational anomaly

a. update anomaly

A(n) ________________ key is a candidate key not chosen ad the primary key.


On a class diagram, the lines joining the classes represent the relationships and are called ____________________.


Which of the following contains information about table relationships, views, indexes, users, privileges, and replicated data? a. Biometrics b. Catalogs c. Workgroups d. Journals

b. Catalogs

Consider the following two tables where EmployeeNum is primary key in both tables. What is the result of combining the two tables?Employee (EmployeeNum, LastName, FirstName, WageRate, SocSecNum, DepartmentNum)Employee (EmployeeNum, LastName, FirstName, Street, City, State, PostalCode) a. Employee (EmployeeNum, LastName, FirstName, WageRate, SocSecNum, DepartmentNum, (Street, City, PostalCode) ) b. Employee (EmployeeNum, LastName, FirstName, WageRate, SocSecNum, DepartmentNum, Street, City, State, PostalCode) c. Employee (EmployeeNum, LastName, FirstName, Street, City, State, PostalCode, WageRate, SocSecNum) d. Employee (EmployeeNum, LastName, FirstName, WageRate, SocSecNum, DepartmentNum, EmployeeNum, LastName, FirstName, Street, City, State, PostalCode )

b. Employee (EmployeeNum, LastName, FirstName, WageRate, SocSecNum, DepartmentNum, Street, City, State, PostalCode)

What type of locks forbid any other user from accessing the data in any way? a. Shared b. Exclusive c. Limited d. Concurrent

b. Exclusive

Which of the following is a federal law that sets a national standard to protect an individual's medical records and other personal health information? a. FCRA b. HIPAA c. FERPA d. IDEA


What is the data communication method used by Web clients and Web servers to exchange data on the Internet? a. UML b. HTTP c. URL d. IIS


Which rule for distributed databases states that no site should depend on another site to perform its database functions? a. Distributed transaction management b. Local autonomy c. Operating system independence d. Network independence

b. Local autonomy

Which of the following DBMS evaluation categories does the following question relate to: Does the DBMS support encryption, password support, and authorization rules? a. Concurrent update b. Security c. Integrity d. Limitations

b. Security

What does it mean when an entity has a minimum cardinality of zero? a. The entity has a mandatory role in the relationship. b. The entity is not required in the relationship. c. The entity should not be in the relationship as an attribute. d. The entity must be listed with all zeros in the data fields.

b. The entity is not required in the relationship.

In Microsoft Access, what do you need to decrypt an encrypted database? a. 128-bit decryption software b. a password c. an administrator account d. backup software

b. a password

If there is more than one possible choice for the primary key, and one of the possibilities is chosen to be the primary key. What are the others called? a. canceled keys b. alternate keys c. nonkey attributes d. contributory keys

b. alternate keys

What technique is used to identify the person who is attempting to access the DBMS? a. encryption b. authentication c. authorization d. viewing

b. authentication

In which procedure does the DBMS read the log for the problem transactions and apply the before images to undo their updates? a. concurrent update b. backward recovery c. authentication d. batch processing

b. backward recovery

When a DBMS cannot enforce data and access restrictions, how should they be enforced? a. by users when they are entering data using the DBMS b. by peripheral programs written to access the database c. by the operating system used to run the DBMS d. by technicians who monitor database usage

b. by peripheral programs written to access the database

What is each key that meets the criteria for a primary key called? a. alternate key b. candidate key c. functional key d. normal key

b. candidate key

Which of the following is a column or collection of columns on which all columns in the table are functionally dependent? a. index key b. candidate key c. major key d. special key

b. candidate key

In IDEF1X terminology, what is a subtype called? a. catalog b. category c. entity d. discriminator

b. category

What does a DBMS do to break a deadlock? a. rolls back all transactions involved in the deadlock b. chooses one deadlocked user to be the victim c. closes the database and restores from the last backup d. erases the records involved in the deadlock and reschedules the transactions

b. chooses one deadlocked user to be the victim

As you design the user view, which aspect of the table are the properties of the entities you choose? a. rows b. columns c. data d. DBMS

b. columns

Which process converts a table that is in third normal form to a table no longer in third normal form? a. conversion b. denormalizing c. normalization d. replication

b. denormalizing

If the client, in a client/server system, performs the business functions (calculations, etc.), what is this type of client known as? a. external client b. fat client c. virtual client d. thin client

b. fat client

Which type of DDBMS has at least two sites at which the local DBMS are different? a. homogeneous DDBMS b. heterogeneous DDBMS c. holistic DDBMS d. DDBMS

b. heterogeneous DDBMS

If an entity represented in a supertype table is not represented in the subtype table, what is this called in IDEF1X terminology? a. foreign key b. incomplete category c. subtype anomaly d. supertype discriminator

b. incomplete category

What type of key is also called a logical key? a. surrogate b. intelligent c. secondary d. synthetic

b. intelligent

Which of the following is true about distributed databases? a. it is preferable to send a large number of short messages rather than a small number of lengthy messages b. it is preferable to send a small number of lengthy messages rather than a large number of short messages c. it is preferable to send a large number of lengthy messages rather than a small number of short messages d. it is preferable to send a large number of short messages rather than a small number of short messages

b. it is preferable to send a small number of lengthy messages rather than a large number of short messages

In order to accomplish serial processing of updates, what technique do many DBMSs use? a. backups b. locking c. encryption d. biometrics

b. locking

On an E-R diagram, what does the number closest to the relationship represent? a. maximum entropy b. minimum cardinality c. midvalue ratio d. highest entropy

b. minimum cardinality

In which type of system are the data and actions encapsulated? a. relational b. object-oriented c. network d. parallel

b. object-oriented

If each employee works in a single department and each department has several employees, what is the relationship between departments and employees? a. one-to-one b. one-to-many c. many-to-one d. many-to-many

b. one-to-many

Which of the following is a log of all database maintenance, with dates, license keys, issues or updates, involved personnel, and resolutions? a. system journal b. run-book c. system catalog d. DBMS log

b. run-book

What type of environment do database programmers use to develop new programs and modify existing programs? a. live b. sandbox c. production d. virtual

b. sandbox

When implementing the physical-level design, for secondary keys, you must ensure that it is possible to retrieve data rapidly based on a value of which key? a. primary b. secondary c. alternate d. foreign

b. secondary

What type of primary key is system-generated and is usually hidden from users? a. weak entity b. surrogate key c. natural key d. artificial key

b. surrogate key

If you convert a collection of tables to an equivalent third normal form collection of tables, what problems do you remove? a. those arising from multivalued dependencies b. those arising from functional dependencies c. those arising from inappropriate null values d. those arising from incomplete deletions

b. those arising from functional dependencies

With respect to the definition of data warehouse, which of the following means that data in a data warehouse represents periodic snapshots of the data, such as at the end of each month? a. nonvolatile b. time-variant c. subject-oriented d. integrated

b. time-variant

Where does a user send a message to execute steps in a method? a. to the method b. to the object c. to a class d. to a subclass

b. to the object

Which arrangement of client/server architecture uses thin clients to perform only presentation functions while a single server performs database and business functions? a. single-tier architecture b. two-tier architecture c. three-tier architecture d. multi-tier architecture

b. two-tier architecture

What is a table that contains a repeating group called? a. normalized relation b. unnormalized relation c. nominal relation d. non-nominal relation

b. unnormalized relation

It is possible for local DBMSs to commit updates at some sites and undo updates at other sites. How can this inconsistency be prevented? a. using a two-step rollback b. using a two-phase commit c. using a two-phase rollback d. using a two-phase transaction

b. using a two-phase commit

To insert a new field in a table, which keyword should be used with the ALTER TABLE command? a. INSERT b. ADD c. INCLUDE d. ALTER

b. ADD

Which SQL command should you use to delete the Storehouse field from the Item table? a. ALTER TABLE Item DELETE Storehouse ; b. ALTER TABLE Item DROP COLUMN Storehouse ; c. ALTER Item DELETE Storehouse ; d. ALTER TABLE DELETE Storehouse ;

b. ALTER TABLE Item DROP COLUMN Storehouse ;

Which statement removes the table Category from a DBMS? a. DELETE TABLE Category ; b. DROP TABLE Category ; c. REMOVE TABLE Category ; d. RID TABLE Category ;

b. DROP TABLE Category ;

Which of the following are screen objects used to maintain, view, and print data from a database? a. Fields b. Forms c. Data files d. Entities

b. Forms

Based on the table below, which command creates a new table named CustState containing the fields CustomerNum and State? Customer (CustomerNum, CustomerName, Street, City, State, PostalCode) a. JOIN Customer WITH (CustomerNum, State) GIVING CustState b. PROJECT Customer OVER (CustomerNum, State) GIVING CustState c. SELECT Customer OVER (CustomerNum, State) GIVING CustState d. MAKE-TABLE CustState FROM Customer WITH (CustomerNum, State)

b. PROJECT Customer OVER (CustomerNum, State) GIVING CustState

Which query will return the number of rows where the State field is 'AZ' from the table Customers? a. SELECT FROM Customers WHERE State='AZ' COUNT(*); b. SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Customers WHERE State='AZ'; c. SELECT FROM Customers COUNT(*) WHERE State='AZ'; d. SELECT COUNT(*) WHERE State='AZ' FROM Customers;

b. SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Customers WHERE State='AZ';

Based on the table below, which command lists all information from the table concerning the customer with CustomerNum 260? Customer (CustomerNum, CustomerName, Street, City, State, PostalCode) a. SELECT Customer 260 RESULTS Answer b. SELECT Customer WHERE CustomerNum=260 GIVING Answer c. SELECT Customer GIVING Answer WHERE CustomerNum='260' d. SELECT Customer WHERE CustomerNum='260' RESULTS Answer

b. SELECT Customer WHERE CustomerNum=260 GIVING Answer

Based on the code shown, which query lists the number, name, credit limit, and balance for all customers with credit limits that exceed their balances? Customer ( CustomerNum, CustomerName, Street, City, State, PostalCode, Balance, CreditLimit, RepNum ) a. SELECT CustomerNum, CustomerName FROM Customer WHERE CreditLimit>Balance ; b. SELECT CustomerNum, CustomerName, CreditLimit, Balance FROM Customer WHERE CreditLimit>Balance ; c. SELECT CustomerNum, CustomerName, Balance FROM Customer WHERE CreditLimit>Balance ; d. SELECT CustomerNum, CustomerName, CreditLimit, Balance FROM Customer ;

b. SELECT CustomerNum, CustomerName, CreditLimit, Balance FROM Customer WHERE CreditLimit>Balance ;

Based on the code shown, which query lists the number, name, and complete address of every customer located on a street that contains the letters "Oxford"? Customer ( CustomerNum, CustomerName, Street, City, State, PostalCode, Balance, CreditLimit, RepNum ) a. SELECT CustomerNum, CustomerName, Street, City, State, PostalCode FROM Customer WHERE Street LIKE "?Oxford" ; b. SELECT CustomerNum, CustomerName, Street, City, State, PostalCode FROM Customer WHERE Street LIKE "%Oxford%" ; c. SELECT CustomerNum, CustomerName, Street, City, State, PostalCode FROM Customer WHERE Street LIKE "@Oxford@" ; d. SELECT CustomerNum, CustomerName, Street, City, State, PostalCode FROM Customer WHERE Street LIKE "Oxford" ;

b. SELECT CustomerNum, CustomerName, Street, City, State, PostalCode FROM Customer WHERE Street LIKE "%Oxford%" ;

Which database property lets you change the structure of the database without requiring you to change the programs that access the database? a. database design b. data independence c. integrity constraint d. data dependence

b. data independence

Which operation is performed by the SUBTRACT command in relational algebra? a. union b. difference c. product d. intersection

b. difference

When you use a name containing a space in Access SQL, what must you do to specify the table or column name? a. enclose it in quotation marks b. enclose it in square brackets c. enclose it in asterisks d. enclose it in question marks

b. enclose it in square brackets

The normalization process is a series of steps that will automatically restructure your database to resolve design flaws. a. True b. False

b. false

Which type of rule ensures that changes made to the database do not result in a loss of data consistency? a. redundancy constraint b. integrity constraint c. conflict requirement d. security requirement

b. integrity constraint

In SQL, what type of integrity are you enforcing by using the CHECK clause? a. referential b. legal-values c. entity d. structural

b. legal-values

What type of query creates a new table using the query results? a. new-table b. make-table c. create-table d. merge-table

b. make-table

In versions of SQL other than Access, which character is used as a wildcard to represent any collection of characters? a. asterisks (*) b. percent sign (%) c. underscore (_) d. hash tag (#)

b. percent sign (%)

Which term can be described as the duplication of data and storing it in multiple locations? a. data independence b. redundancy c. data integrity d. security

b. redundancy

Where can you save a query if you anticipate running it often? a. index b. stored procedure c. system catalog d. view

b. stored procedure

Which of the following is an action that occurs automatically in response to an associated database operation such as an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE command? a. stored procedure b. trigger c. view d. index

b. trigger

What is the correct order of steps in the information-level design method?1. Normalize the tables.2. Represent the user view as a collection of tables.3. Merge the result into the cumulative design.4. Represent all keys. a. 1, 3, 2, 4 b. 2, 4, 3, 1 c. 2, 1, 4, 3 d. 1, 4, 2, 3

c. 2, 1, 4, 3

What is the difference between a third normal form and fourth normal form table? a. A 4NF table has no alternate keys. b. A 4NF table has no foreign keys. c. A 4NF table has no multivalued dependencies. d. A 4NF table has no primary dependencies.

c. A 4NF table has no multivalued dependencies.

Which rule for distributed databases states that users should feel as if the entire database is stored locally? a. Fragmentation transparency b. Replication transparency c. Location transparency d. Distributed query processing

c. Location transparency

Which of the following DBMS evaluation categories does the following question relate to: What types of files can you import or export? a. Cost b. Future plans c. Portability d. Performance

c. Portability

What can organizations use in their computer systems that allow the system to continue to process database transactions after a hard drive failure? a. UPS b. backup c. RAID d. surge suppressor


What characteristic of a computer system allows it to continue to function well as utilization of the system increases? a. Reliability b. Adaptability c. Scalability d. Polymorphism

c. Scalability

Which normal form has an additional condition that the only determinants the table contains are candidate keys? a. First b. Second c. Third d. Fourth

c. Third

Which of the following is a metalanguage and is designed for the exchange of data on the web? a. UML b. URL c. XML d. HTTP

c. XML

If performance testing shows that queries based on frequently accessed fields are taking a long time to complete, what can the DBA do that might improve performance? a. increase the number of columns b. delete foreign keys c. add indexes d. add alternate keys

c. add indexes

What is a column that you create for an entity to serve solely as the primary key and that is visible to users? a. synthetic key b. weak entity c. artificial key d. natural key

c. artificial key

What type of rules specify which users have what type of access to which data in the database? a. encryption b. authentication c. authorization d. privacy

c. authorization

Which of the following is NOT one of the nine functions of a DBMS? a. catalog services b. security services c. automatic table design d. support data replication

c. automatic table design

If users access only certain fields in a table, how can you improve performance? a. by splitting the table into two or more tables and removing the primary key b. by combining the table with another table that performs better c. by splitting the table into two or more tables that each has the same primary key as the original d. by adding indexes to each column and deleting the primary and alternate keys

c. by splitting the table into two or more tables that each has the same primary key as the original

What is an alternate key? a. foreign key b. primary key c. column that could be a primary key but was not chosen d. row that could be a primary key but was not chosen

c. column that could be a primary key but was not chosen

In a two-phase commit, what is the site that initiates the update known as? a. director b. initiator c. coordinator d. leader

c. coordinator

Which DBA role organizes metadata, and acts as a liaison between the database administrator and the rest of the database staff? a. data architect b. database programmer c. data administrator d. data operations manager

c. data administrator

What occurs when two or more users are waiting for the other user to release a lock before their transaction can proceed? a. commit b. timestamp c. deadlock d. transaction

c. deadlock

What type of diagram uses arrows to indicate all the functional dependencies present in a table? a. interrelation diagram b. functional diagram c. dependency diagram d. index diagram

c. dependency diagram

Which of the following contains a single-part primary key that serves as an index for the fact table and also contains other fields associated with the primary key value? a. primary table b. fact table c. dimension table d. star table

c. dimension table

What is it called when a database is divided into segments and the segments are stored on different computers? a. converged database b. centralized database c. distributed database d. virtual database

c. distributed database

What is a relationship that is necessary for identification? a. objectifying relationship b. merging relationship c. identifying relationship d. referential relationship

c. identifying relationship

What is an entity that does not require a relationship to another entity for identification? a. alternative entity b. foreign entity c. independent entity d. single entity

c. independent entity

With respect to the definition of data warehouse, which of the following means that the data is read-only? a. time-variant b. integrated c. nonvolatile d. subject-oriented

c. nonvolatile

What do key integrity constraints consist of? a. smart card limitations b. primary and alternate key constraints c. primary and foreign key constraints d. authorization permissions

c. primary and foreign key constraints

Which of the following can be defined as a column (or collection of columns) A such that all other columns are functionally dependent on A and no subcollection of the columns in A has this property? a. functional key b. composite key c. primary key d. declared key

c. primary key

Which term's definition also defines a candidate key? a. functional key b. repeating group c. primary key d. nonkey column

c. primary key

When users are unaware of the steps taken by the DDBMS to update the various copies of data, what is this characteristic of the DDBMS called? a. location transparency b. fragmentation transparency c. replication transparency d. location site license

c. replication transparency

Which of the following is an authentication method in which information used to identify a user is stored on a plastic card? a. biometrics b. sign-in c. smart card d. password

c. smart card

What is the overall structure of the fact table and dimension tables called? a. class schema b. data model c. star schema d. object model

c. star schema

In a centralized database design, what should you try to minimize to increase data access speed? a. the speed of the disk drive b. the number of network messages c. the number of disk accesses d. the amount of memory used

c. the number of disk accesses

What is the main purpose of data fragmentation? a. to make it easier for users to access remote data b. to place data at the location where the data is least often accessed c. to place data at the location where the data is most often accessed d. to make data access faster, whether it is local or remote

c. to place data at the location where the data is most often accessed

How do you refer to a column named State in a table named Client? a. State.Client b. State(Client) c. Client.State d. Client(State)

c. Client.State

What clause do you use in a query to save the results of the query as a table? a. UPDATE b. INSERT c. INTO d. DELETE


To create the primary key clause for the OrderLine table on the OrderNum and ItemNum fields, which statement should you use? a. PRIMARY KEY (OrderLine, OrderNum, ItemNum) b. KEY (OrderNum, ItemNum) c. PRIMARY KEY (OrderNum, ItemNum) d. PRIMARY (OrderNum, ItemNum)

c. PRIMARY KEY (OrderNum, ItemNum)

Using Access, which command will create a new table named NewClients from an existing table named Clients? a. CREATE NewClients FROM Clients; b. SELECT * FROM Clients CREATE NewClients; c. SELECT * INTO NewClients FROM Clients; d. SELECT * MAKE NewClients FROM Clients;

c. SELECT * INTO NewClients FROM Clients;

Based on the code shown, which query lists the number, name, street, and credit limit of all customers? The records are ordered by customer name within descending credit limit. Customer ( CustomerNum, CustomerName, Street, City, State, PostalCode, Balance, CreditLimit, RepNum ) a. SELECT CustomerNum, CustomerName, Street, CreditLimit FROM Customer SORT BY CreditLimit DESC, CustomerName ; b. SELECT CustomerNum, CustomerName, Street, CreditLimit FROM Customer SORT BY CreditLimit ASC, CustomerName ; c. SELECT CustomerNum, CustomerName, Street, CreditLimit FROM Customer ORDER BY CreditLimit DESC, CustomerName ; d. SELECT CustomerNum, CustomerName, Street, CreditLimit FROM Customer ORDER BY CreditLimit ASC, CustomerName ;

c. SELECT CustomerNum, CustomerName, Street, CreditLimit FROM Customer ORDER BY CreditLimit DESC, CustomerName ;

Based on the code shown, for each sales rep, which query lists the rep number, the number of customers assigned to the rep, and the average balance of the rep's customers? The records are grouped by rep number and ordered by rep number. Customer ( CustomerNum, CustomerName, Street, City, State, PostalCode, Balance, CreditLimit, RepNum ) a. SELECT RepNum, AVG(Balance) FROM Customer GROUP BY RepNum ORDER BY RepNum ; b. SELECT RepNum, COUNT(*), AVG(Balance) FROM Part GROUP BY RepNum ORDER BY RepNum ; c. SELECT RepNum, COUNT(*), AVG(Balance) FROM Customer GROUP BY RepNum ORDER BY RepNum ; d. SELECT RepNum, COUNT(*) FROM Customer GROUP BY RepNum ORDER BY RepNum ;

c. SELECT RepNum, COUNT(*), AVG(Balance) FROM Customer GROUP BY RepNum ORDER BY RepNum ;

What is a potential problem, if any, if you design a database in which the last name of a consultant functionally determines the consultant's address? a. There is no problem with this design. b. There could be two consultants living at the same address. c. There could be more than one consultant with the same last name. d. The address will automatically functionally determine the consultant's last name.

c. There could be more than one consultant with the same last name.

Which of the following is NOT true about a relation in a two-dimensional table? a. The entries in the table are single-valued. b. All values in a column are values of the same attribute. c. Two or more columns can share the same name. d. The order of rows is immaterial.

c. Two or more columns can share the same name.

In database terms, what is the analogy to an ordinary paper file you might keep in a file cabinet or an accounting ledger? a. database b. spreadsheet c. data file d. attribute

c. data file

During which process does a database expert determine the structure of the required database? a. data security b. database integrity c. database design d. database selection

c. database design

How are multiple entities stored in a database? a. each entity is stored as a row b. each entity is stored as an attribute c. each entity is stored as a table d. each entity is stored as a column

c. each entity is stored as a table

Which database term is a person, place, object, event, or idea for which you want to store and process data? a. attribute b. DBMS c. entity d. DBA

c. entity

What tool can you use to visually represent and analyze a database? a. multi-sheet workbook b. DBMS table identifier c. entity-relationship diagram d. DBA column analyzer

c. entity-relationship diagram

Which of the following is descriptive information about the data in a database? a. backup b. hyperdata c. metadata d. rollback

c. metadata

What value can you set a field to that is similar to not entering a value in it at all? a. N/A b. nil c. null d. 0

c. null

How many lines of output are produced when rows are grouped? a. one line for each group member b. two lines for each group c. one line for each group d. no output is produced

c. one line for each group

What uniquely identifies a row in a table? a. attribute b. column c. primary key d. field

c. primary key

Which operator is used to concatenate every row in the first table with every row in the second table? a. union b. difference c. product d. intersection

c. product

Which rule uses a foreign key in Table B to ensure that the field matches a primary key field in Table A? a. legal-values integrity b. structural integrity c. referential integrity d. entity integrity

c. referential integrity

Which factor can mitigate the problems of increased complexity that come with using a DBMS? a. writing complex access rules b. using large file sizes c. sound database design d. using no integrity constraints

c. sound database design

What type of query changes data? a. addition b. update c. update d. select

c. update

____________________ refers to the number of items that must be included in a relationship.


The relationships between tables are implemented through common ____________________.


In IDEF1X, _______________ categories are represented by two horizontal lines below the category symbol.


A ______________ primary key is composed of more than one column so that the row is unique.


A(n) ____________________ is essentially both an entity and a relationship and is represented in an E-R diagram by a diamond within a rectangle.

composite entity

In a LAN, support for ____________________ update is very important because many users might be updating the database at the same time.


An interrelation ____________________ is a condition that involves two or more relations.


As soon as you have completed Steps 1 through 3 for a given user view, you can merge the results into the __________________ design.


An alternative to the primary key of a table is listed with which abbreviation in DBDL? a. SK b. FK c. PK d. AK

d. AK

Convert the following table to first normal form:Branch (BranchNum, BranchName, (BookCode, Title, OnHand) ) where BranchNum is the primary key a. Branch (BranchNum, BranchName) where BranchNum is the primary keyBook (BookCode, Title) where BookCode is the primary key b. Branch (BranchNum, BranchName) where BranchNum is the primary key c. Book (BookCode, Title) where BookCode is the primary key d. Branch (BranchNum, BranchName, BookCode, Title, OnHand ) where BranchNum and BookCode make the primary key

d. Branch (BranchNum, BranchName, BookCode, Title, OnHand ) where BranchNum and BookCode make the primary key

Which of the following DBMS evaluation categories does the following question relate to: How many files can you open at the same time? a. Concurrent update b. Security c. Integrity d. Limitations

d. Limitations

What strategy can programs employ to minimize the occurrence of deadlocks? a. Only unlock records at the end of the day. b. Unlock records in the reverse order in which they were locked. c. Use a random order record-locking strategy. d. Lock records in the same order.

d. Lock records in the same order.

When users access a data warehouse, their queries usually involve aggregate data. What type of software is used to perform these queries? a. XSLT b. XSL c. OOXML d. OLAP


When evaluating and selecting a DBMS, in which category is the DBA most concerned with benchmarks? a. Cost b. Security c. Integrity d. Performance

d. Performance

Which of the following DBMS evaluation categories does the following question relate to: Does the DBMS allow partial copies and how does the DBMS handle updates to the same data from two or more replicas? a. Backup and recovery b. Security c. Integrity d. Replication and distributed databases

d. Replication and distributed databases

In a three-tier system, what type of computer performs the business functions and serves as an interface for clients? a. database server b. fat client c. network server d. application server

d. application server

Which of the following refers to the association of an operation to actual program code? a. attaching b. matching c. linking d. binding

d. binding

Which authentication method identifies users by physical characteristics such as fingerprints, voiceprints, handwritten signatures, and facial characteristics? a. smart cards b. data dictionaries c. authorization d. biometrics

d. biometrics

If a many-to-many-to-many relationship is created when it is not appropriate to do so, how can the problem be corrected? a. by converting to 1NF b. by converting to 2NF c. by converting to 3NF d. by converting to 4NF

d. by converting to 4NF

With the table Orders (OrderNum, OrderDate, (ItemNum, NumOrdered) ) where OrderNum is the primary key, how would you convert the table to first normal form? a. by creating a second table with just the columns ItemNum and NumOrdered b. by changing the primary key to OrderDate c. by making ItemNum a foreign key d. by making the primary key a combination of OrderNum and ItemNum

d. by making the primary key a combination of OrderNum and ItemNum

What type of database update occurs when multiple users make updates to the same database at the same time? a. batch b. random c. sequential d. concurrent

d. concurrent

Which property of a DBMS lets you change the database structure without requiring you to change the programs that access the database? a. field independence b. data integrity constraints c. key integrity constraints d. data independence

d. data independence

What is the process of uncovering new knowledge, patterns, trends, and rules from the data stored in a data warehouse known as? a. fragmentation transparency b. replication transparency c. polymorphism d. data mining

d. data mining

Which DBA role makes sure the data gets from one place to another with integrity and security? a. data architect b. database programmer c. data administrator d. data operations manager

d. data operations manager

Which of the following is an example of an enforcing restriction? a. ensuring each row has a primary key b. verifying there are no null values c. verifying there is at least one secondary key in each table d. ensuring values in foreign keys are legitimate

d. ensuring values in foreign keys are legitimate

In DBDL documentation, what element of a table is followed by an arrow pointing to the table identified by the element? a. columns b. alternate keys c. secondary keys d. foreign keys

d. foreign keys

Which of the following is used to improve performance in frequently used columns by maintaining a sort order but does not enforce constraints? a. surrogate key b. unique index c. artificial key d. nonunique index

d. nonunique index

Which group performs additional testing of the database program after the programmers complete their testing? a. customers b. accounting c. users d. quality assurance

d. quality assurance

What is it called when the data is organized by entity rather than by the application that uses the data? a. table-oriented b. row-oriented c. column-oriented d. subject-oriented

d. subject-oriented

What is it called when a 2-step identity verification procedure is used to grant users access to the system? a. smart card authorization b. multilayer security c. security in depth d. two-factor authentication

d. two-factor authentication

What can be described as a snapshot of certain data in a database at a given moment in time? a. encryption b. authentication c. authorization d. view

d. view

When are nulls used? a. when a numeric value is zero b. when a character value is blank c. when a string contains a space d. when a value is inapplicable

d. when a value is inapplicable

When is a 1NF table automatically a 2NF table? a. when two or more columns make up the primary key b. when there are no interrelation constraints c. when there are only nonkey columns d. when the primary key contains only a single column

d. when the primary key contains only a single column

Which of the following statement fragments will only allow a CreditLimit of $5,000, $7,500, or $15,000? a. (CreditLimit IN (5000, 7500, 15000)) b. CHECK ((5000, 7500, 15000)) c. CHECK (CreditLimit LIKE (5000, 7500, 15000)) d. CHECK (CreditLimit IN (5000, 7500, 15000))

d. CHECK (CreditLimit IN (5000, 7500, 15000))

18. To create an index named RepBal with the keys RepNum and Balance and with the balances listed in descending order, which command should you use? a. CREATE INDEX RepBal ON Customer (RepNum, Balance) ; b. CREATE INDEX RepBal Customer (RepNum DESC) ; c. CREATE INDEX ON Customer (RepNum, Balance ASC) ; d. CREATE INDEX RepBal ON Customer (RepNum, Balance DESC) ;

d. CREATE INDEX RepBal ON Customer (RepNum, Balance DESC) ;

Which command will create an application program's or individual user's picture of the database? a. CREATE INDEX b. SELECT INDEX c. SELECT VIEW d. CREATE VIEW


What type of software programs are Access, Oracle, DB2, MySQL, and SQL Server? a. E-R diagrams b. DBAs c. data files d. DBMSs

d. DBMSs

Which part of the SQL query specifies the table or tables that contain the data you wish to display in the query results? a. SELECT clause b. WHERE clause c. WITHIN clause d. FROM clause

d. FROM clause

Which command contains all rows that are common in two tables? a. UNION b. SUBTRACT c. JOIN d. INTERSECT


Based on the tables below, which command creates a new table named CustSales that combines the Customer and SalesPerson tables based on SalesPersonNum? Customer (CustomerNum, CustomerName, Street, City, State, PostalCode, SalesPersonNum) SalesPerson (SalesPersonNum, LastName, FirstName) a. PROJECT Customer SalesPerson WHERE Customer.SalesPersonNum=SalesPerson.SalesPersonNum MAKING CustSales b. UNION Customer SalesPerson WHERE Customer.SalesPersonNum=SalesPerson.SalesPersonNum MAKING CustSales c. SELECT Customer SalesPerson JOIN Customer.SalesPersonNum=SalesPerson.SalesPersonNum GIVING CustSales d. JOIN Customer SalesPerson WHERE Customer.SalesPersonNum=SalesPerson.SalesPersonNum GIVING CustSales

d. JOIN Customer SalesPerson WHERE Customer.SalesPersonNum=SalesPerson.SalesPersonNum GIVING CustSales

Which operation will allow you to extract data from more than one table? a. Select b. Merge c. Project d. Join

d. Join

In relational algebra, what command causes only certain columns to be included in the new table? a. SELECT b. DELETE c. PROGRAM d. PROJECT


19. Which statement will take away user privileges to the database? a. SELECT b. INDEX c. DEL d. REVOKE


Which query will return the number of rows where the State field is 'AZ' from the table Customers and provide a total of the Payment field? a. SELECT COUNT(*) WHERE State='AZ' SUM(Payment) FROM Customers; b. SELECT FROM Customers COUNT(Payment) SUM(*) WHERE State='AZ'; c. SELECT FROM Customers SUM(Payment) WHERE State='AZ' COUNT(*); d. SELECT COUNT(*), SUM(Payment) FROM Customers WHERE State='AZ';

d. SELECT COUNT(*), SUM(Payment) FROM Customers WHERE State='AZ';

Based on the code shown, which query lists the number, name, and available credit for all customers with credit limits that exceed their balances? Customer ( CustomerNum, CustomerName, Street, City, State, PostalCode, Balance, CreditLimit, RepNum ) a. SELECT CustomerNum, CustomerName AS AvailableCredit FROM Customer WHERE CreditLimit>Balance ; b. SELECT CustomerNum, CustomerName, CreditLimit AS AvailableCredit FROM Customer WHERE CreditLimit>Balance ; c. SELECT CustomerNum, CustomerName, Balance AS AvailableCredit FROM Customer WHERE CreditLimit>Balance ; d. SELECT CustomerNum, CustomerName, CreditLimit-Balance AS AvailableCredit FROM Customer WHERE CreditLimit>Balance ;

d. SELECT CustomerNum, CustomerName, CreditLimit-Balance AS AvailableCredit FROM Customer WHERE CreditLimit>Balance ;

Which of the following is a disadvantage of using an index? a. You can only add an index when the table is created. b. You can't use indexes with foreign keys. c. Record retrieval is less efficient. d. The index must be updated whenever the data in the database changes.

d. The index must be updated whenever the data in the database changes.

What command do you use to make changes to existing data in a table? a. MODIFY b. CHANGE c. SELECT d. UPDATE


What type of functions are Count, Sum, Avg, Max, and Min? a. accumulation b. allowed c. primary d. aggregate

d. aggregate

Which of the following is true about big data? a. unstructured big data doesn't contain metadata b. a Twitter tweet is an example of structured big data c. all big data can be handled with traditional DBMS tools d. big data may be structured or unstructured

d. big data may be structured or unstructured

When a new table is added or deleted, or the structure of a table is changed, where does the DBMS record these changes? a. procedure b. views c. indexes d. catalog

d. catalog

20. What database rule states that no field that is part of the primary key may accept null values? a. legal-values integrity b. structural integrity c. referential integrity d. entity integrity

d. entity integrity

Which advantage of using a DBMS frees programmers who write database access programs from having to engage in mundane data manipulation activities, such as adding new data and deleting existing data? a. controlling redundancy b. referential integrity c. data independence d. increased productivity

d. increased productivity

In Access SQL, which character is used as a wildcard to represent any individual character? a. underscore (_) b. hash tag (#) c. asterisks (*) d. question mark (?)

d. question mark (?)

While not always required, how should you end an SQL command? a. with a comma (,) b. with a period (.) c. with a colon (:) d. with a semicolon (;)

d. with a semicolon (;)

Methods are defined during the ___________________ process.

data definition

A program, or collection of programs, through which users interact with a database is known as a(n)_________________________ management system.


In Access, a(n) ____________________ enables you to add logic to table events such as adding, changing, or deleting data.

date macro

When you normalize a table by breaking down the relations into progressively finer levels of detail, it is called_____________________.


When the existence of one entity depends on the existence of another related entity, there is an existence ____________________.


On an E-R diagram, ____________________ entities have rounded corners.


A table that contains a ________________ that is not a candidate key indicates the table is not in third normal form.


Any column or collection of columns that determines another column is called a(n) ___________________.


The data ____________________ is the catalog, but it often contains a wider range of information, including information about tables, fields, indexes, programs, and users.


The ____________________ recovery plan specifies the ongoing and emergency actions and procedures required to ensure data availability if a disaster occurs.


A subtype ____________________ is the specific attribute that determines the subtype-supertype relationship.


A DDBMS is a DBMS capable of supporting and manipulating ____________________ databases.


A(n) ____________________ is the set of values that are permitted for an attribute.


____________________ means that you define an object to contain both the data and its associated actions.


In an E-R diagram rectangles represent _________________________.


A rectangle represents each _____________ in an E-R diagram.


In the object-oriented representation of a database, each _______________ is represented as an object rather than a relation.


When the primary key cannot be null, this is known as ____________________.

entity integrity

A characteristic of a DDBMS that states that users do not need to be aware of the location of the data in a database is known as replication transparency.


A column is a nonkey column when it is part of the primary key. a. True b. False


A commit is a record of what the data in a row looked like before an update.


A design that supports all user views is called a constructive design.


A homogeneous database is one where there are at least two sites at which the local DBMSs are different.


A local deadlock involves one transaction that requires a record held by a second transaction at one site, while the second transaction requires a record held by the first transaction at a different site.


A relational database handles entities, attributes, and relationships by storing each entity in its own row.


A subclass inherits the structure of a class but not its methods.


A surrogate key is a primary key that consists of a column that uniquely identifies an entity.


Accessing data using messages over a network is substantially faster than accessing data on a disk.


After you have completed the first two steps for a given user view, you can merge the results into the cumulative design.


All database users need full access to all tables and fields in the database.


An advantage of a distributed database is that the database can handle more complex query processing.


Any row that determines another row is called a determinant. a. True b. False


Authentication refers to techniques for decrypting data when it accessed by authorized users.


Converting to third normal form always avoids the problems related to dependencies. a. True b. False


Functional dependencies can always be determined by looking at sample data. a. True b. False


If a user is authorized to access database data, the user will always be able to make changes to the data.


If a user is granted the use of the SELECT statement on a table, the user is also authorized to use UPDATE statements even if the user was not specifically granted that permission.


If column B is functionally dependent on column A, you can also say that column B functionally determines column A. a. True b. False


If data is loaded into a data warehouse periodically, but users cannot update a data warehouse directly, the data is said to be volatile.


If each employee works in a single department, and each department has only one employee, the relationship between employees and departments is a one-to-many relationship.


If no unique identifier is available for an entity, you can go without one.


If the primary key of a table contains only a single column, the table is automatically in third normal form. a. True b. False


In a one-to-many relationship, the primary key of the "many" table becomes the foreign key of the "one" table.


In an entity-relationship diagram, rectangles represent foreign keys.


In updating and retrieving data, users need to know how data is physically structured on a storage medium.


One of the nine functions of a DBMS is to provide disk management services.


Programmers monitor database usage to detect potential security violations.


QBE is an example of a procedural language.


The ability of a DBMS to allow multiple computers to share access to data and software by running multiple instances of a single, shared database is called a serial database system.


The command 'REVOKE REFERENCES ON Customer to bsmith' prevents the bsmith user from using the ALTER TABLE statement to change a table definition.


The data architect sets data-handling policies and assigns data entry.


The first step in creating a user view is to normalize the collection of tables.


The first substep in representing the user view as a collection of tables is to determine entities and create a table for each.


The main purpose of data fragmentation is to place data at the location where the data is least often accessed.


The server in a client/server system is also known as a front-end processor.


The term domain refers to the general structure of an object.


When a DBMS uses journaling, the update log is part of the same file in which the database is stored.


When converting a non-first normal form table to first normal form, the foreign key will usually include the original foreign key concatenated with the key to the repeating group. a. True b. False


When selecting a DBMS, the only database model choice available to the DBA is the relational model.


When the DBMS locks more rows and releases none of the locks, this is called the contracting phase.


When you combine third normal form tables, the result will always be in third normal form.


When you use thin clients in a two-tier architecture, you have a potential client maintenance problem.


You can minimize the occurrence of deadlocks by making sure all programs lock records in random order whenever possible.


For each table, you must identify the primary key and any alternate keys, secondary keys, and ____________________ keys.


____________________ key restrictions determine the relationships between tables.


You can recognize entity subtypes by the fact the primary key is also a(n) ____________________.

foreign key

To obtain information about ____________________ dependencies you might ask users questions such as: "If you know a particular employee number, can you establish other information, such as employee name?"


A column B is ____________________ on another column A if each value for A in the database is associated with exactly one value of B.

functionally dependent

The relationship between a superclass and a subclass is called a ____________________.


A(n) ____________________ DDBMS is a database that has the same local DBMS at each site.


A(n) ____________________ site is a backup site that an organization can switch to in minutes or hours because the site is completely equipped with duplicate hardware, software, and data.


An OODBMS must provide a way to ____________________ objects; that is, the OODBMS must provide a way to distinguish between one object and another.


A good DBMS provides data _________________________, which is a property that lets you change the structure of a database without requiring you to change the programs that access the database.


The subclass ____________________ the structure of the class as well as its methods.


It is through foreign keys that you can create relationships among tables and enforce certain types of ____________________ constraints in a database.


____________________ constraints are rules that the DBMS must be follow in order to update data accurately and consistently.


An ____________________ is an internal company network that uses software tools typically used on the Internet and the World Wide Web.


____________________ involves maintaining a log of all updates in the database.


____________________ integrity constraints consist of primary key constraints and foreign key constraints.


An entity with a minimum cardinality of one plays a(n) ____________________ role in the relationship.


A database file requires a large amount of disk space and internal ____________________.


To execute the steps in a(n) ____________________, the user sends a message to the object.


____________________ indicates the number of objects that can be related to an individual object at the other end of the relationship.


A table is in fourth normal form when it is in third normal form and there are no ________________ dependencies.


The ____________________ process enables you to identify the existence of potential problems in the design of a database.


A value of ________ is used when a value is missing, unknown, or inapplicable.


A(n) ____________________ is a special value that represents the absence of a value in a field.


In a(n) ____________________ relationship between two entities, an entity is associated with multiple other entities such as when a consultant is associated with multiple clients.


The database ____________________ manager is concerned with the ongoing maintenance of established databases.


A query ___________________ is a DBMS component that analyzes queries and attempts to determine the most efficient way to execute a given query.


An entity in a relationship with minimum cardinality of zero plays a(n) ____________________ role in the relationship.


A ____________________ query in Access allows you to enter criterion when you run the query, as opposed to placing it in the design grid.


Database ____________________ deals with the ability of the production system to serve users in a timely and responsive manner.


A user's ____________________ specify what kind of access the user has to objects in the database.


During the ____________________-level design, designers must consider the characteristics of the particular DBMS that the organization will use.


Late binding lets you use the same name for different operations, which is called ____________________ in object-oriented systems.


____________________ key constraints are governed by entity integrity and enforce the uniqueness of the primary key.


A column is a nonkey column if it is not a part of the ____________________.

primary key

The type of field for which you should never allow nulls is the ____________________.

primary key

When the ____________________ of a table is a single column, the table is automatically in second normal form.

primary key

With ____________________ visibility, only the class itself can view or update the value.


DBAs should have an understanding of information legislation such as the Data ____________________ Act.


With ____________________ visibility, any other class can view or update the value of an attribute.


The problem of inconsistency in data is a direct result of ____________________.


In SQL, you specify _____________ integrity using a FOREIGN KEY clause in either the CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE commands.


____________________ integrity is a relational database concept stating that table relationships must be consistent and follow integrity constraints.


A(n) ____________________ database is a collection of tables.


In an E-R diagram, lines represent


The E-R model (also called ERM) uses diagrams to represent the high-level abstract and conceptual representation of data, along with entities, attributes, and ____________________.


Multiple entries in tables are often called ____________________.

repeating groups

The steps taken by the DDBMS to update the various copies of data should be done behind the scenes; this is called _____________________ transparency.


_________________________ allows users at different sites to use and modify copies of a database and then share their changes with the other users.


A backward recovery is also called a(n) ____________________.


Columns that are of interest strictly for the purpose of retrieval are known as ____________________.

secondary key

____________________ is the prevention of unauthorized access, either intentional or accidental.


To list the records in a query's results in a particular order, you need to ____________________ the records


Web pages that display the same content for all Web clients are called ____________________ Web pages.


When one class is a subclass of a second class, you call the second class a ____________________ of the first class.


When designing a database, you might find it helpful to design a ____________ form to obtain the required information from users.


A(n) ____________________ is a set of steps completed by a DBMS to accomplish a single user task.


A DDBMS effectively contains a local DBMS at each site.


A distributed database is a single logical database that is physically divided among computers at several sites on a network.


A foreign key is a column or collection of columns in one table that is required to match the value of the primary key for some row in another table, or be null.


A shared lock permits other users to read the data in the database.


A table is in fourth normal form (4NF) when it is in third normal form and there are no multivalued dependencies. a. True b. False


A table that is in first normal form may contain problems that will require you to restructure it. a. True b. False


A weak entity is an entity that depends on another entity for its own existence.


Access delay refers to the fixed amount of time that is required for every message.


Access to a data warehouse is accomplished through the use of OLAP software.


An advantage of using the database approach to processing is that it facilitates consistency.


An interrelation constraint is a condition that involves two or more relations. a. True b. False


DBMSs must manage multiple copies of the same data at multiple locations.


Encryption converts the data in a database to a format that is indecipherable to unauthorized users who attempt to bypass the DBMS.


If the database has been destroyed, you can use a rollback to recover the database to a valid state by undoing problem transactions.


If you find that more than one table in your cumulative design has the same primary key, you should combine the tables to form a new table.


In two-phase locking, the second phase is where the DBMS releases all locks and acquires no new locks.


One guideline for writing programs for concurrent updates in a PC-based DBMS states that if an update transaction must lock more than one row in the same table, the whole table must be locked.


Systems that are record-at-a-time-oriented can create performance problems in distributed systems.


Tables that are in second normal form can still contain redundancy problems. a. True b. False


Tables without repeating groups are said to be in first normal form. a. True b. False


The DBA determines the access privileges for all users and enters the appropriate authorization rules in the DBMS catalog.


The DBA is responsible for DBMS maintenance, data dictionary management, and training.


The DBMS must successfully complete all transaction steps or none at all for the database to remain in a correct state.


The actions defined for a class are known as methods.


The basic relationships among entities are: one-to-many, many-to-many, and one-to-one.


The beginning of a URL specifies the data communication method used by clients and servers to exchange data on the Internet.


The data architect designs, builds, and deploys databases.


The information-level design methodology is completed independently of any particular DBMS that the organization will ultimately use.


The relationship between different entities (in different tables) is handled by their common columns.


The simplest way to implement a one-to-one relationship is to treat it as a one-to-many relationship.


The use of a three-tier architecture can help solve the scalability problem of the two-tier architecture.


Third normal form is sometimes referred to as the Boyce-Codd normal form. a. True b. False


Timestamping avoids the need to lock rows in the database and eliminates the processing time needed to apply and release locks and to detect and resolve deadlocks.


To manage problems that arise from using a DBMS, companies appoint a DBA to manage both the database and the use of the DBMS.


When combining third normal form tables, the resulting table will not be in third normal form when a column A in one user view determines a column B in a second user view, yet column A is not a column in the second user view.


When determining the primary key of a table you must decide what properties are required to uniquely identify an entity.


When relational databases store complex objects, these special data types are known as BLOBs.


When selecting a DBMS and evaluating the concurrent update category, you should determine whether the DBMS resolves deadlock.


When selecting a DBMS and evaluating the data definitions category, you should ask if the DBMS supports views.


When the user views are not clearly defined, you should consider each stated requirement as a separate user view.


You can improve the performance of the recovery program by having it first scan the log and then apply the last after image.


You create a many-to-many relationship by creating a new table whose primary key is the combination of the primary keys of the original tables.


When some of the entries in a structure contain repeating groups and thus are not single-valued, the structure is called a(n) ____________________.

unnormalized relation

_________________________ data is not organized or easily interpreted by traditional databases or data models.


A(n) ______________ query makes a specified change to all records satisfying the criteria in the query.


A DBMS provides a number of ____________________ services that assist in the general maintenance of the database.


On a class diagram, a(n) ____________________ symbol precedes each attribute.


A(n) ____________________ site is a backup site that is equipped with duplicate hardware and software but not data


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