DC Anatomy Midterm

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Identify the type of epithelial tissue shown in the figure. a. pseudostratified ciliated columnar b. transitional c. simple squamous d. stratified squamous e. simple cuboidal


During active-site exposure, calcium ions bind to which of the following? a. actin b. the sarcoplasmic reticulum c. the sarcolemma d. troponin e. myosin


The layer of serous membrane that covers the surface of the lungs is the ________. a. mediastinum b. parietal pleura c. pleural fluid d. surfactant e. visceral pleura

visceral pleura

The most inferior portion of the sternum is called the a. sternal groove. b. sternal angle. c. manubrium. d. body. e. xiphoid process.

xiphoid process

Tenderness in which region(s) may be an indication of gallbladder or liver problems? a. 3 b. 1 c. 3 & 4 d. 2 e. 4


The pollex is located in which region? a. 14 b. 18 c. 16 d. 23 e. 12


Which number identifies the tarsal region? a. 16 b. 9 c. 29 d. 10 e. 20


At which location are new lipids and proteins added to the plasma membrane? a. 3 b. 5 c. 4 d. 2 e. 1


The connective tissue fiber type that can be stretched, and then returns to its original length, is called a. fibrin. b. elastin. c. actin. d. collagen. e. myosin.


When a protein is synthesized on fixed ribosomes, it is threaded into the lumen of which structure(s)? a. transport vesicles b. secretory vesicles c. nucleoli d. endoplasmic reticulum e. the Golgi apparatus

endoplasmic reticulum

The presence of an epiphyseal line indicates a. growth in bone diameter is just beginning. b. epiphyseal growth is just beginning. c. epiphyseal growth has ended. d. the bone is fractured at that location. e. The presence of an epiphyseal line does not indicate any particular event.

epiphyseal growth has ended

Which of the following muscles functions to maintain an erect spinal column and head? a. erector spinae b. biceps femoris c. triceps brachii d. rectus femoris e. biceps brachii

erector spinae

The movement of substances from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration by interacting with a carrier molecule is an example of a. diffusion. b. osmosis. c. active transport. d. facilitated diffusion. e. filtration.

facilitated diffusion

A muscle ________ contains a sarcolemma, sarcoplasm, myofilaments, and myofibrils. a. fiber b. myofibril c. intercalated disc d. T-tubule e. motor end plate


The process that occurs when hydrostatic pressure pushes materials through a membrane is called a. diffusion. b. osmosis. c. facilitated diffusion. d. active transport. e. filtration.


Which type of burn appears inflamed and feels tender but has no blisters? a. second-degree b. fourth-degree c. third-degree d. first-degree e. full-thickness


Identify the polysaccharide in the following list of molecules. a. sucrose b. glycogen c. glucose d. lactose e. fructose


The term used to describe muscular growth in response to usage is a. hypertrophy. b. myopathy. c. muscular dystrophy. d. multiple sclerosis. e. atrophy.


The stage of the cell cycle during which DNA replication and synthesis of histones occur is called ________. a. interphase b. prophase c. metaphase d. telophase e. anaphase


Smooth muscle tissue is known as ________ muscle. a. cardiac b. striated voluntary c. nonstriated involuntary d. striated involuntary e. nonstriated voluntary

nonstriated involuntary

The atomic number of an atom is determined by the a. number of protons b. number and arrangement of electrons. c. mass of the atom. d. number of neutrons. e. size of the atom.

number of protons

Drugs suspended in ________ or ________ can be carried across the plasma membranes of the epidermal cells. a. sebum; water b. water; lipids c. oils; lipid-soluble solvents d. water; blood e. oils; alcohol

oils; lipid-soluble solvents

An abnormal lateral curvature of the spine is termed a. kyphosis. b. cyanosis. c. lordosis. d. gomphosis. e. scoliosis.


The type of epithelium that is found in the exchange surfaces of the lungs is a. simple squamous. b. stratified squamous. c. transitional. d. simple cuboidal. e. stratified cuboidal.

simple squamous

The muscle tissue that contains very large, multinucleate cells is ________ muscle. a. cardiac b. multinucleate c. skeletal d. smooth e. voluntary


A layer of collagen fibers that surrounds an entire muscle is called a. sarcolemma. b. endomysium. c. sarcomere. d. epimysium. e. perimysium.


Bones encased within the temporal bone that are involved in sound detection are called a. optic bones. b. external acoustic meatus. c. auditory ossicles d. internal acoustic meatus. e. crista galli.

auditory ossicles

The nail ________ covers the nail bed. a. root b. body c. cuticle d. lunula e. eponychium


The enzyme acetylcholinesterase causes acetylcholine to a. synthesize. b. bond to actin. c. form cross-bridges. d. break down e. be secreted.

break down

The peroxisome a. produces proteins. b. is responsible for cellular transport through the Golgi apparatus. c. breaks down fatty acids and other organic compounds d. functions in macromolecular biosynthesis. e. is responsible for the formation of microtubules.

breaks down fatty acids and other organic compounds

Choose the correct statement regarding motor units. a. During a sustained contraction, all motor units are activated simultaneously. b. A motor neuron may control two or three muscle fibers of the eye. c. When muscles contract for sustained periods, maximal tension is maintained. d. Most motor neurons control fewer than five muscle fibers. e. Muscle fibers of each motor unit are not mingled with those of other motor units.

a motor neuron may control two or three muscle fibers of the eye

Substrate molecules bind to enzymes at the a. reaction sites. b. allosteric sites. c. modification sites. d. active sites. e. ionic sites.

active sites

A process that requires ATP energy to move a substance independently of its concentration gradient is called a. osmosis. b. active transport. c. facilitated transport. d. diffusion. e. passive transport.

active transport

Which connective tissue type provides insulation? a. dense irregular connective tissue b. areolar tissue c. adipose tissue d. fluid connective tissue e. dense regular connective tissue

adipose tissue

A resting muscle generates most of its ATP by a. glycolysis. b. aerobic respiration c. conversion of creatine phosphate. d. anaerobic respiration. e. heat loss.

aerobic respiration

Which of the following would have a negative charge? a. a proton b. a molecule c. a neutron d. an atom e. an electron

an electron

Mary, who is six months pregnant, goes to her obstetrician for a test to check the development of her fetus. She uses a device that employs sound waves to produce an image of the fetus. This technique is known as a. radiography. b. an ultrasound. c. an X-ray. d. an MRI. e. a CT scan.

an ultrasound

Milk production from mammary glands is an example of what type of secretion? a. serous b. merocrine c. apocrine d. holocrine e. endocrine


Smooth muscle cells a. are multinucleate. b. are larger than cardiac muscle cells. c. are innervated by motor neurons. d. contain intercalated discs. e. are spindle-shaped.

are spindle-shaped

The subcutaneous layer consists of a. epithelium and loose connective tissues. b. skeletal muscles and adipose tissue. c. epithelial and adipose tissues. d. dense connective and loose connective tissues. e. areolar and adipose tissues.

areolar and adipose tissues

Exposure of the skin to ultraviolet light a. can slowly increase melanocyte activity. b. can result in increased numbers of melanocytes forming in the skin. c. can result in decreased melanin production by melanocytes. d. can cause destruction of vitamin D3. e. has no effect on the skin cells.

can slowly increase melanocyte activity

The muscle tissue that contains intercalated discs is ________ muscle. a. multinucleate b. skeletal c. cardiac d. voluntary e. smooth


Contractile protein fibers of the heart are considered to belong to which level of organization? a. organism b. organ c. chemical d. cellular e. tissue


The branch of science that investigates matter and its interactions is a. pathology. b. chemistry c. geology. d. botany. e. biology.


Compared with the pectoral girdle, the pelvic girdle is a. comprised of more massive bones, which are adapted for weight bearing b. more flexible and freely movable. c. composed of more separate bones. d. not as firmly anchored to the axial skeleton. e. structurally identical.

comprised of more massive bones, which are adapted for weight bearing

The tissue type in the body that stores energy is ________ tissue. a. epithelial b. contractive c. connective d. nervous e. muscle


The most diverse tissues of the body are a. adipose tissues. b. epithelial tissues. c. connective tissues. d. nervous tissues. e. muscle tissues.

connective tissues

The skin is also called the ________ membrane. a. mucous b. serous c. cutaneous d. synovial e. peritoneal


The intracellular fluid inside a cell is known as a. cytosol. b. a colloidal gel. c. protoplasm. d. cytoplasm. e. extracellular fluid.


Damaged skin cells are usually shed in sheets because the cells are held together by a. junctional complexes. b. tight junctions. c. intermediate junctions. d. desmosomes. e. gap junctions.


Atoms that are of the same element but contain different numbers of neutrons are called a. cations. b. isotopes. c. anions. d. isomers. e. None of these are correct.


What is the primary function of any serous membrane? a. It minimizes friction between the opposing surfaces when an organ moves or changes shape. b. It attaches muscles to the skeleton. c. It lines cavities that communicate with the exterior, including the digestive, respiratory, reproductive, and urinary tracts. d. It covers the outer surface of the body. e. It lines joint cavities and produces fluid within a joint.

it minimizes friction between the opposing surfaces when an organ moves or changes shape

What is the function of melanin? a. It protects DNA from the damaging effects of ultraviolet radiation. b. It is converted by the kidneys into the hormone calcitriol. c. It provides water-resistant properties to the integument. d. It continuously divides to replace cells that are lost or shed at the epithelial surface. e. It is required for the normal maintenance of epithelial cells.

it protects DNA from the damaging effects of ultraviolet radiation

Simple squamous epithelium would be found a. lining the urinary bladder. b. at the surface of the skin. c. lining the trachea. d. lining blood vessels. e. lining the stomach and small intestine.

lining blood vessels

Which substances can pass directly through the plasma membrane? a. lipid soluble b. lipid insoluble c. iron soluble d. carbohydrate-bound e. water soluble

lipid soluble

Which structure(s) is/are a component of the digestive system? a. arteries b. urethra c. liver d. ligaments e. pituitary gland


Which is the anatomical term for a passageway through a bone? a. meatus b. fossa c. sulcus d. trochlea e. sinus


In albinism, ________ is lacking. a. collagen b. carotene c. keratin d. melanin e. keratinocytes


The observed differences in skin color reflect the levels of ________ production. a. carotene b. keratin c. melanin d. melanocyte e. keratinocyte


Tissue that contains large amounts of actin and myosin is ________ tissue. a. nervous b. epithelial c. areolar d. muscle e. osseous


Muscles whose names contain the root cervi- would be found in the a. chest. b. neck. c. head. d. abdomen. e. groin.


The uncharged subatomic particles are called a. molecules. b. atoms. c. neutrons. d. protons. e. electrons.


The movement of water across a membrane from an area of higher water (lower solute) concentration to an area of lower water (higher solute) concentration is known as a. active transport. b. diffusion. c. osmosis. d. filtration. e. facilitated diffusion.


Two hormones that work together to elevate calcium levels in the body are ________ and ________. a. vitamin A; vitamin C b. parathyroid hormone; calcitonin c. parathyroid hormone; calcitriol d. growth hormone; calcitonin e. vitamin D3; growth hormone

parathyroid hormone

The inner surface of the abdominal body wall is lined by which serous membrane? a. visceral pericardium b. parietal peritoneum c. visceral pleura d. visceral peritoneum e. parietal pleura

parietal peritoneum

Studying all the superficial and internal features in one specific area of the body is called a. gross anatomy. b. systemic anatomy. c. surgical anatomy. d. surface anatomy. e. regional anatomy.

regional anatomy

Functions of the skin include a. synthesizing antibodies. b. release of large amounts of hormones. c. synthesizing digestive enzymes. d. producing adipose tissue. e. regulating body temperature.

regulating body temperature

Botulism a. is a viral illness. b. results from the loss of acetylcholine receptors at the motor end plate. c. is the result of an attack on acetylcholine receptors by the immune system. d. is usually tied to a genetic predisposition. e. results from a bacterial toxin that prevents the release of acetylcholine at the axon terminals.

results from a bacterial toxin that prevents the release of acetylcholine at the axon terminals

Which of the following statements describes how muscles help maintain homeostasis? a. Skeletal muscles support the weight of some internal organs. b. Skeletal muscles are responsible for guarding the openings of the digestive and urinary tracts. c. The contractions of skeletal muscles pull on tendons and move elements of the skeleton. d. Skeletal muscles are responsible for the pumping action of the heart. e. Skeletal muscle contractions help maintain body temperature.

skeletal muscle contractions help maintain body temperature

Flattened cells on the surface of an epithelial tissue are characteristic of ________ epithelia. a. transitional b. ciliated c. columnar d. cuboidal e. squamous


The suture that forms the articulation of the parietal bone with the temporal bone is the ________ suture. a. rostral b. sagittal c. coronal d. squamous e. lambdoid


The epidermal layer whose cells have stopped dividing and started to produce large amounts of keratin is the a. stratum granulosum. b. stratum basale. c. stratum lucidum. d. stratum corneum. e. stratum spinosum.

stratum granulosum

A person lying face up in the anatomical position is said to be in the ________ position. a. prone b. supine c. sagittal d. lateral e. coronal


Amino acids are carried to the ribosomes to be incorporated into polypeptide chains by which molecule? a. rRNA b. snRNA c. DNA d. tRNA e. mRNA


The muscle that adducts and medially rotates the shoulder is the a. infraspinatus. b. trapezius. c. teres minor. d. teres major e. deltoid.

teres major

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