Declaration of Independence

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How many people signed the declaration of independence?


What did Thomas Jefferson explain in the Declaration of Independence?

A body of people has the right to change governments if that government becomes oppressive(unfair and controlling)and that the governments fail when they no longer have the consent of the governed


A governmental body primarily responsible for the making of laws.


A person authorized to represent others, in particular an elected representative sent to a conference

Second Continental Congress

Adopted the Declaration of July 4, 1776

When was the declaration of independence officially adopted by the Continental Congress?

It was officially adopted on July 4, 1776.

What was John Locke's important idea about the power of state?

It was up to the people not to the king

When was Common Sense published?

January 15, 1776

When did congress adopt the resolution of independence?

July 2, 1776

When did congress adopt the Declaration of Independence?

July 4, 1776

The Declaration of Independence was adopted on_________________

July 4th, 1776

When did the people of Philadelphia gather to hear the Declaration read?

July 8, 1776

When was the Declaration of Independence adopted by congress and when did it become official?

July the 2nd But was official on July 4th

When did the Second Continental Congress create the American Army?

June 15th just after they met. The war has already started and the 13 colonies needed an army to protect themselves

When was the final draft of the Declaration of Independence presented to Congress?

June 28, 1776

When did Virginia's representative introduce a resolution on independence to congress?

June 7, 1776

When and where did Richard Henry Lee voice a resolution that the US out to be completely free of England's influence and that all political ties between the 2 countries should be resolved?

June 7, 1776 at independence hall in Philadelphia

What did Jefferson attempt to put in the final draft of the Declaration that did not succeed?

Language attacking slavery

The declaration could be compared to a birth certificate because it eventually...

Led to the birth of our country

What are the three basic "unalienable rights of man"?

Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness

"All men are created equal" means

Everyone deserves equal rights

What are the characteristics of a tyrant?

Forceful power and cruelty towards the people

Governments are formed for the purpose of

Guaranteeing our rights(instituted among men) security, and safety

How did Jefferson describe King George the third in the Declaration of Independence?

He described him as "a prince whose character is this marked by every act which may be define a tyrant".

What did Benjamin Franklin do? Why was it important?

He helped to edit the Declaration of Independence then went to France for help in the war. He was successful in getting help from the French because the French hated the British

What did John Locke do? Why was it important?

He helped to write the Declaration of Independence and his ideas influenced it(his ideas were about human rights) he contributed his ideas to the Declaration of Independence which he called natural rights

Who was Richard Henry Lee and why was he important?

He introduced the resolution of Independence to congress(giving them the idea of Independence so we could take that extra step)

Why was Washington's army able to win the war?

He kept his army sustained no matter what. He cared for them and kept them safe. He didn't make bad decisions.

What are a few grievances against the king stated in the Declaration of Independence?

He refused his assent to laws the most wholesome and necessary for the public good he has obstructed the administration of justice, by refusing his assent to laws for a establishing judiciary Powers he has made judges dependent on his will alone, for the tenure of their offices, and the amount of payment of their salaries

Why did Thomas Jefferson think that Americans had the right to rebel?

He thought that George III was an unjust king and that we had the rights to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness"

What did George III do? Why was it important?

He was the British king during this time and he declared the colonists as rebels. This was important because he declared us as rebels officially and pit the idea of our independence into words

What did John Adams do? Why was it important?

He was the Delegate to the Continental Congress and he helped to make the Declaration of Independence and it was important because he helped to make the Declaration of Independence

The colonists felt that the courts of the king failed to establish justice because...

He was the one appointing all the judges

What did Thomas Paine do? Why was it important?

He wrote Common Sense and inspired us to fight for our independence. Common sense said the colonists should rebel. This took place after blood was shed at Lexington and Concord. He also made fun of George III calling him the "Royal Brute of Great Britain"

What did Thomas Jefferson do? Why was it important?

He wrote the Declaration of Independence. He was a founding father and one of the main authors of the Declaration of Independence

When and where was the Declaration of Independence presented to Congress?and what are some extra facts about it

In Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on July 2, 1776. It was approved with a few minor changes. John Hancock of Massachusetts was the first to sign it of 56

When did the Liberty Bell crack?

It cracked and then was repaired multiple times but it cracked and wasn't fixed on George Washington's Bday in 1846 and it hasn't been rung since

Why was Parliament no longer legitimate

It lacked the consent of the American colonists to govern them

National archives

Location of Declaration today

Where is the Liberty Bell?


Who introduced the resolution of independence to congress?

Richard Henry Lee

What caused congress to agree and begin plans to publish a formal Declaration of Independence and to appoint a committee of 5 members to draft the Declaration?

Richard Henry Lee voiced a resolution that the US out to be completely free of England's influence and that all political ties between the 2 countries should be resolved

Who were the others that were part of a committee to help Thomas Jefferson to write the Declaration of Independence?

Roger Sherman, Robert Livingston, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams

Independence Hall (state house)

Site where the dec,station was signed


loyalty or commitment of a subordinate to a superior or of an individual to a group or cause.

What document formally announced that the colonies were no longer controlled by Great Britain?

The declaration of independence formally announced that the colonies were no longer controlled by Great Britain.

How did the colonists initially attempt to address British oppressions?

They petitioned against it but it only ended in injury.

Why did some members of the continental Congress refused to sign the Declaration of Independence?

They refused to sign the declaration of independence because they knew they would become traders of Britain and would be hung if they lost the war-example John Dickinson who thought that there was hope between their relationship with Britain


Unable to be taken away from or given away by the possessor

Richard Henry Lee

Virginia representative who proposed the independence resolution to congress

What did Common Sense State?

We should try to go for independence because many died at Lexington and Concord

Thomas Paine

Wrote Common Sense pamphlet criticizing the British king

Thomas Jefferson

Wrote the first draft of the Declaration of Independence

Are you going to re-read the Declaration of Independence?


How long did it take for Thomas Jefferson to write the Declaration of Independence?

a single day

Who wrote common Sense?

Thomas Paine


An unjust act or occurrence

What are natural rights?

Natural rights are rights that are guaranteed at birth.

Did the Liberty Bell crack when the Declaration of Independence was read?


When did the British burn the town of Portland, Maine?

October 18, 1775

These governments formed by men derive or receive their power from

The consent of the governor

When and where did the Second Continental Congress come together?

10th of May in 1775 in Philadelphia

If a government does not fulfill its purpose of protecting the rights of the people they govern, these people may...

Alter or abolish it and institute a new one

When did the war break out between Britain and the colonies and was everyone fighting?

April 1775. Not everyone was fighting because the back country didn't care because it didnt affect them

When was the official Declaration of Independence document signed?

August 2, 1776

When did the British King officially declare the colonists as rebels?

August 23, 1775

George III

British King who declared the colonists rebels

Who was made commander in Chief of the American army?

George Washington

The declaration of independence separated the colonies from ___________________ and...

Great Britain/it told the world we were independent

John Adams

Massachusetts representative who was on the declaration committee

When did Congress recommend that the rest of the colonies should set up independent governments?

May 15, 1776

New Hampshire

One of the first colonies to establish an independent government

British Parliament

Passed an act stopping trade with the colonies

What did the Declaration of Independence establish?

The Independence of the American colonies

What did The Common Sense Pamphlet argue?

The colonists should separate from Great Britain


The fact or state of being independent

Who is supposed to protect the rights of citizens?

The government is supposed to protect the rights of citizens.

New York

The last colony to accept the Declaration

What natural rights were identified in the declaration of independence?

The natural rights that were identified in the declaration of independence were life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

What was going on when the Declaration of Independence came about?

The revolutionary war had already begun, several major battles had already taken place, the American colonies had already cut most major ties with England and had established their own congress, currency, army, and post office


The supreme legislative body of Great Britain/ House of Commons - House of Lords

Who wrote the Declaration of Independence and where was he from?

Thomas Jefferson from Virginia

Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?

Thomas Jefferson wrote the declaration of independence with the help of Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, Roger Sherman, and Robert R. Livingston.

What was the main purpose of America's Declaration of Independence?

To explain to foreign nations why the colonists had chosen to separate themselves from Great Britain or to explain and to justify why we rebelled/to defend our position


To formally put to an end

According to the declaration of independence, what did the colonies become known as when they declared independence?

When they declared independence, the colonies became known as free and independent states called the USA

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