Defining Leadership
- administer - maintain - control - have a short-term view - ask how and when - imitate - accept the status quo
- effective leaders differ from their followers and from ineffective leaders on elements such as personality traits, cognitive abilities, skills, and values - leaders are generally calm and are not prone to emotional outbursts
What are some aspects of followers that affect the leadership process?
- expectations - personality traits - maturity levels - levels of competence - motivation
Glass cliff
- female candidates for an executive position are more likely to be hired than equally qualified male candidates when an organization's performance is declining - reflects a greater willingness to put women in unpredictable situations
Leadership myth #4: the only school where leadership is learnt from is the school or hard knocks
- formal study and experiential learning complement each other - formal study of leadership provides students with a variety of ways of examining a particular leadership situation
Why is the leader/follower relationship so important?
- increased pressure to function with reduced resources - trend toward greater power sharing and decentralized authority in organizations - increase in complex problems and rapid changes in an organization creating the demand for more people to solve them
Leadership myth #2: leaders are born, not made
- innate factors and formative experiences influence behavior and leadership - there is a genetic component to intelligence, but a leader might require advanced education in specialized fields as well
- innovate - develop - inspire - have a long-term view - ask what and why - originate - challenge the status quo
the situation
- leadership makes sense in the context of how the leader and followers interact in a given situation - most ambiguous part of the leadership framework
Leadership myth #3: Research shows cognitive abilities and personality traits are partially innate
- natural talents or characteristics may offer certain advantages or disadvantages to a leader - different environments can nurture or suppress different leadership qualities
Leadership includes actions and influences based on:
- reason and logic - inspiration and logic
Leadership myth #1: Good leadership is all common sense
- the term common sense is ambiguous - if leadership were simply common sense, then there would be fewer workplace problems
Successful managers
- those promoted quickly - spend more time socializing and politicking - spend less time on traditional management responsibilities
Leaders may need to respond to:
- various followers differently in the same situation - same followers differently in different situations
Other follower info:
- workers who share a leader's goals and values, and who feel intrinsically rewarded for performing a job well may be more motivated - factors that have significant implications: 1. the number of followers reporting to a leader 2. followers' trust and confidence in the leader
Followers may respond to:
-various leaders differently -each other differently with different leaders
What are some ways followers can take on new leadership roles and responsibilities in the future?
1. being proactive in stance toward organizational problems by playing an active and constructive role collaborating with leaders in solving problems 2. staying flexible and open to opportunities
What are the different definitions of leadership?
1. process by which an agent induces a subordinate to behave in a desired manner 2. directing and coordinating the work of group members 3. interpersonal relation in which others comply because they want to, not because they have to 4. Process of influencing an organized group toward accomplishing its goals 5. actions that focus resources to create desirable opportunities 6. creating conditions for a team to be effective 7. the ability to engage employees, the ability to build teams, and the ability to achieve results 8. a complex form of social problem solving
What are some factors that explain the shift toward more women in leadership roles?
1. women have changed 2. leadership roles have changed 3. organizational practices have changed 3. culture has changed
interactive leadership
A leadership style characterized by values such as inclusion, collaboration, relationship building, and caring.
True or false: There is no overlap between leadership and management.
False, considerable overlap exists between the two
Leadership must be assessed in the context of what?
The leader, the followers, AND the situation
True or False: Leadership is BOTH rational and emotional
What is leadership?
a complex phenomenon involving the leader, the followers, and the situation
Effective managers
make real contributions to their organization's performance
According to the interactinal framework for analyzing leadership, leadership is a function of what 3 elements?
the leader, the followers, and the situation
Which leaders might have less credibility and get less loyalty?
those appointed by superiors
Which leaders are viewed as more effective?
those elected or emerging by consensus from ranks of followers
constructionist approach
views leadership as combined acts of leading and following by different individuals, whatever their formal titles or positions in an organization may be