Democratic Revolutions

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According to the picture on the right who in French society supported the majority of the tax burden?

The Third Estate

What phrase belongs in the partial outline above?

The Ways People Change their Governments

Which of the following effects of the Napoleonic Wars was a positive one?

The abolition of serfdom and similar reforms spread from France to other parts of Europe.

What conduct was Robespierre trying to justify in this speech?

The use of violence against political opponents

What influence did the American and French Revolutions have on Simón Bolívar?

They inspired him to end foreign rule of Latin America.

What impact did the Magna Carta and English Bill of Rights have on the development of contemporary political systems?

They showed that the power of the monarch could be limited.

How did the Glorious Revolution (1688) contribute to both the American and French Revolutions?

Locke and other thinkers concluded that the purpose of government should be to protect the rights of citizens.

Who was responsible for introducing the ideas of the French Revolution to other countries, ending feudal restrictions and serfdom outside of France, and stimulating the growth of nationalism across Europe?

Napoleon Bonaparte

The significant impact of unfair taxes on the citizens of France and the colonists in America resulted in

People rebelling against their government

How did the Third Estate respond to the king's proposal during the Estates General?

Representatives of the Third Estate form the National Assembly.

Which leader had the dream of creating a federation among all the newly independent republics of Latin America similar to the United States, with a government established solely to recognize and uphold individual rights?

Simón Bolívar

How did these events in Europe affect Latin America?

Spanish colonists enjoyed relative independence while Spain itself was at war.

Based on the excerpt, with which statement would Gentz most likely agree?

The American revolutionaries wanted to preserve their existing rights, while the French revolutionaries demanded new rights.

How did the American and French Revolutions differ?

Americans cut their ties to a distant monarch; the French overthrew their monarch at home.

How did Burke's view of the social contract differ from that of John Locke and Thomas Jefferson?

Burke argues that the social contract involves many generations, so that one generation should not change it simply for its own convenience.

Based on this exchange, what was one effect of the Napoleonic Wars?

European leaders saw a need for greater international cooperation.

Why did the events shown on this timeline differ from those of the American Revolution?

French leaders felt they needed to adopt a "Reign of Terror" to secure political and social change.

Why did Louis XVI call a meeting of the Estates-General in 1789?

He hoped to find solutions to France's economic crisis

Which of the following identifies an immediate consequence of the Napoleonic Wars?

Lands taken from Napoleonic France were mainly distributed to smaller states rather than to the Great Powers.

Which individual successfully fought to end the slave trade?

William Wilberforce

In which form of government do ordinary citizens participate most actively in the making of political decisions?

democratic republic

Which best completes the table above?


Which of the following was one of the rights of citizens listed in the French Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen (1789)?

freedom from arbitrary arrest

Simon bolivar, Jose de San Martin, and Toussaint l'Ouverture were important individuals in Latin American history because they were -

leaders in the struggle for independence

The system described by Bolívar in this excerpt is most similar to the

relationship of North American colonists with Great Britain before 1776

A historian might use Robespierre's speech in support of the view that

some French revolutionaries believed they had a moral duty to build a better world

The Congress of Vienna met from September 1814 to June 1815. What was the main goal of this meeting?

to settle issues arising from the conclusion of the Napoleonic Wars

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." Which of the following would best meet the description of civic responsibility presented by the author of this statement?

vote regularly in elections

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