diathesis-stress model of stress illness

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you need a certain person in a certain environment (the combo of personality and environment can make a person stress)

diathesis-stress model of stress illness

gender is not the most important factor of _______

(tend-and-befriend theory of stress and illness)

higher order impulse

(tend-and-befriend theory of stress and illness)

an individual's susceptivity to stress and illness is determined by 2 interacting factors

1. predisposing factors (in the person) 2. precipitating factors (from the environment) (diathesis-stress model of stress illness)

we respond to stressors w behaviors that 1. 2.

1. quiet, nurture and care for offspring (tending) 2. established and maintain social networks (befriending) (tend-and-befriend theory of stress and illness)

people are diff bioligcally

diathesis-stress model of stress illness

across neighbors, family, communities befriending is an ex of

establish and maintain social networking (tend-and-befriend theory of stress and illness)

males more often use_____

fight-or flight

______ are a better predictor of fight-or flight- or tend-and befriend


ex: how you were raised, socialization

moderators of (tend-and-befriend theory of stress and illness)

from the environment

precipitating factors (diathesis-stress model of stress illness )

traumatic expereinces

precipitating factors (diathesis-stress model of stress illness )

acquired behavioral or personality traits

predisposing factors (diathesis-stress model of stress illness )

genetic vulnerability is an ex of

predisposing factors (diathesis-stress model of stress illness )

in the person

predisposing factors (diathesis-stress model of stress illness )

thought to be more common in females than males

tend-and-befriend theory of stress and illness

complementaty to fight or flight

tend-and-befriend theory of stress and ilness



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