Digital Marketing Exam
Which is of the following is TRUE regarding differences in perception of website quality?
- Customers seek value without hassle. - Firms want website design to drive traffic, leads and sales. - Techie designers sometimes make sites too complicated for non-technical users
Digital convergence is illustrated by which of the following?
- Reading the Philadelphia Inquirer on a Kindle - Watching Super Bowl ads on YouTube -Watching a TV show on Netflix
Which of the following is TRUE regarding homepage design?
- The homepage is considered the gateway to the website - The homepage generally gets more traffic than any other page on the website - The conversion of visitors to customers is an important objective of the homepage for most websites
The Internet Backbone
-Foundation for other digital layers -Network infrastructure speed and accessibility
The growth in digital marketing is hurt by which of the following:
-Hacking and security breaches -Hardware constraints -Connection speeds -Bandwith constraints
Emerging technology involves which of the following?
-New digital channels - New digital media -New digital infrastructure -Creative entrepreneurs
-Technological backbone -Network of networks
digital landscape
-google -snapchat -facebook -wechat -instagram -etc
Which of the following is NOT true regarding "Context" in the 7Cs framework?
All high-traffic websites today have a highly aesthetic context. A functional context is no longer relevant.
Which of the following is TRUE regarding the 7Cs framework?
Although websites should enhance future sales, the ability to complete COMMERCE, or financial transactions, is not essential for all websites.
Which of the following is TRUE regarding analog vs digital?
Analog signals are more likely to mix with background noise
How is CTA effectiveness usually measured?
Click through rate
Which of the following is TRUE regarding homepage design?
Clutter is a common problem on the homepage
What advice does Neil Patel give to enhance CTA effectiveness?
Content that identifies a problem and indicates a potential solution is often very effective.
Which is TRUE regarding the STEPPS framework?
Contentment is an example of a low arousal emotion
Network infrastructure
Designed to work even if parts of it collapse (military roots)
What is TRUE regarding the Internet and the WWW?
Firms and governments are debating over the need for increased regulation regarding the Internet
First backbones were research and educational (R&E)
Which of the following is TRUE regarding website design for mobile devices?
Google and other search engines reward websites that are optimized for mobile
How Google determines importance of a page
Digital Strategy
Identify target consumers Analyze client situation Set clear objectives Develop a strategy to meet objectives Implement effectively Evaluate effectiveness
What is TRUE regarding contagious content?
Many firms worry about contagious content that can make the firm look bad
Regarding laws affecting digital marketing, which of the following is NOT true?
Moore - The processing power of a silicon chip will increase for only 10 years
Which of the following is TRUE regarding analog vs digital?
Photos, sounds, letter and numbers can all be stored digitally
Which of the following is NOT true?
Protocols for the exchange of data online are set by law, and require payment to the firm who created the rules or protocols
Referral Traffic
Referrals are visits to the site that come from sources outside of Google's search engine
Organic Search
Reflects natural search terms and behavior
Which of the following is a characteristic of the Internet?
Routing of messages requires a message to be disassembled then reassembled
digital marketing
Technology-mediated exchanges that enable, facilitate, enhance or redesign business transactions
Which of the following is TRUE regarding "Content" in the 7Cs framework?
The content of most websites is too text focused. There is often a shortage of non-text content.
Which of the following is TRUE about the Internet?
There is redundancy and backup of connections between computers
Traffic from search or advertising campaigns Google Ads Email blasts
Direct Traffic
Traffic that Google didn't identify any source information about, e.g.: Visitor typed website address directly into the browser Visitor clicked
Varied amplitude, frequency, or phase in an electronic signal &/or carrier to transmit info
According to Jonah Berger, which of the following is TRUE regarding what makes content more "contagious," "shareable" or "viral"?
Videos are more contagious than photos, and photos are more contagious than text content
What is NOT true regarding contagious content?
WOM can be positive or negative, and is an acronym for Worth of Marketing
What does CTA stand for?
call to action
7 C's Framework
context, content, community, customization, communication, connection, commerce
enabling of 2 way communication
enabling of commercial transactions
enabling of p-p communication
linkage to and from other sites
sits layout and design
tailor to different users
texts, pictures, sound, video