Digital Photography: Using Your Photos
When preparing an image for web display, it
can be in either landscape or portrait mode.
The maximum dimensions for an image prepared for e-mail is
500 pixels by 375 pixels.
A good starting point for sizing images for use in programs like PowerPoint is
800 pixels by 600 pixels.
To resize an image in a word processing document, hold down the _______ key to preserve the aspect ratio and use the corner handle to resize.
Personal photojournalism has evolved to using _______ sites to publish images.
Programs like PowerPoint offer
brightness and contrast so you can make minor adjustments
An image in landscape mode used for display on the web should have
a width no more than 800 pixels.
Unlike images prepared for the web or e-mail, PowerPoint
allows you to resize your images after they are inserted.
A program like PowerPoint will allow you to
create a slide show of your images.
When you send a photograph by e-mail, it should be displayed in the
e-mail reader window.
To insert an image into a word processing document,
put the cursor where you want the image in the document and use the Insert utility.
One of the reasons you need to scale images for e-mail is
to reduce the file size of the image and shorten download times.