Disease prevention Exam 3

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COVID-19 is an example of a novel pathogen that we never seen in the human population before 2019.


For a pathogen to cause an epidemic, it first must come into contact with humans and then infect humans, and then have the ability to be transmitted from one human to another (spread).


Measles is the most infectious disease of all; It has the highest reproductive rate for 12-18. This is why vaccination is so important, measles vaccines are the reason why the whole world isn't dying of measles currently.


One Health is a collaborative, multisectoral, and transdisciplinary approach—working at the local, regional, national, and global levels—with the goal of achieving optimal health outcomes recognizing the interconnection between people, animals, plants, and their shared environment.


Proteins are macromolecules that consist of amino acids.


Viral load and viral shedding data help determine transmissibility.


Viruses are constantly moving in and out of us, learning about the make-up of our cell membranes proteins that are the pathway into our cells.


When an emerging infectious disease is identified, the public health system (network) is alerted and investigations on how to prevent and control spread goes into action.


Rocky Mountain Fever is characterized by damage to the blood vessels in the skin and those in the major organs and can cause death if it involves the blood vessels of the brain and/or lungs.


Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever was the first recognized tickborne disease of humans in the US.


Scientists estimate that there are 8.7 million animal species around the world, with thousands new species discovered every year.


The American Dog Tick is among the most broadly distributed human-biting ticks that are found primarily in grasslands.


The many different types of proteins in your body can be called your 'body operators' because of the important functions they have in making your body operate correctly.


The pathogen pyramid is a helpful tool to visualize how a pathogen's infection rate can jump to an epidemic level.


The reproductive rate (or Ro) refers to the ability for an infection to cause another infection.


The respiratory virus spreads mainly from person-to-person & via infected surfaces through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs, sneezes, yells, sings, or talks.


There are epidemiologists and lab scientists that are trained to track and prevent emerging infectious diseases.


There are several barriers to rapid advances in tickborne virus research, which include technical issues and environmental constraints.


Tickborne organisms are increasingly being recognized as human disease agents.


Transmission of viral tickborne diseases depends on several ecological factors that are not well understood.


Vaccinations are a way to gain herd immunity at a rapid rate in order to prevent morbidity and mortality.


Vaccinations are to get a disease to a reproductive rate (Ro) to less than 1.


Vector related diseases are either biological (microbes infect and multiple within the vector prior to transmission) or mechanical (microbes do not infect and multiply within the vector, they are simply 'carried').


Viruses need to invade and live in another host to reproduce and spread by the following steps: Step 1 find a host Step 2 get into the hostStep 3 gain access into a cellStep 4 this cell has the necessary machinery and building blocks for the virus to reproduceStep 5 the virus takeovers and command the cell's activity for its benefitStep 6 the new virus clones export themselves out of the cell, known as viral shedding Hint: true


When an infectious disease can infect both animals and humans, or two separate species, it is called a zoonosis.


With a reproductive rate of greater than one (Ro>1), this means that an epidemic or pandemic can occur.


Zoonotic diseases occur when humans are getting some type of exposure to an infected animal.


Which of the following are tick, vector borne diseases?

-Lyme disease -Rocky Mountain spotted fever -Tularemia

For us Temple community members, which tick borne disease is most prevalent in our area? (multiple answers)

-Lyme disease -Babesiosis

Common vectors include mosquitoes, sandflies, and ticks.


If a virus can't get inside a body cell, it is left exposed to be potentially destroyed by the immune cells.


Infectious disease experts state that you must prevent infectious disease in animals in order to prevent the infectious disease in humans.


There are a lot of organizations that are trying to make it more accessible to understand how our human impact on the zoonotic pandemic risks.


When mosquitoes, ticks, fleas, and sandflies spread microscopic organisms, they are called vectors.


Zoonotic disease are transmissible under natural conditions from animals to humans.


Zoonotic disease spread from animals to humans can include being bitten by a vector, such as a tick, mosquito, or flea.


Community engagement is key to stopping the spread of disease, or preventing or controlling the pathogen from reaching or continuing at the Level 4 (epidemic) of the Pathogen Pyramid.


If the reproductive rate (Ro) is less than one, it means that each infection is going to cause less than another human infection; the disease will decline at this point and eventually die out.


Nipah virus can be transmitted from animals to humans or via contaminated food.


Which of the following is (are) a parasite to animals and humans? Please select all that apply.

Mosquitoes Ticks Fleas Sandflies

Transmission of vector diseases are either direct (such as through an animal bite) or indirect (such as through eating contaminated food).


How do you define an emerging infectious disease?

(A)An increased incidence in human disease caused by an existing pathogen. (C) Novel pathogen never seen in the human population

Vector related diseases _____________

(A)Are responsible for up to 20% of all infectious diseases worldwide. (C)Involves small organisms that carry the disease ( flies, mosquitos, fleas, ticks, snails).

What needs to change in a disease to decrease the chance of exposure between zoonotic pathogen and human (or that the change of a pathogen coming into contact with the human)?

(B) Understand that flying animals are usually the animals to pay most attention to because they can travel great distances to meet humans where they are.. (C) Understand that contact points usually entail blood, feces, food/water contamination, or vector

If the reproductive rate equals one (Ro=1), this means that _________________. Please select all that applies.

- For each new infection, there will be one other infection - The disease spread will be stable.

Which of the following are areas that can also be affected by a pandemic? Please select all that applies.

- Nutrition and education - Mental health and substance abuse - Violence - Poor management of other diseases or reproductive health. - Economic and environmental considerations

Emerging infectious disease can emerge in which of the following ways?

- On 'us' as we travel from one location to another - Through a bite from an infected insect - Through contact with a sick animal

Viral transmission can only occur with or after the onset of symptoms.


Viruses are rare.


A virus can replicate on it's own.


A virus is a free-floating RNA strand, so it is easily destroyed by simply soap exposure.


About half of the 84 tick species described in the United States can cause the majority of related human vector borne diseases.


As we change our environment (such as burning down rain forests), we have been able to keep animals further away from humans.


Changes in environmental or animal health does not influence human health.


Diseases carried by vectors have not caused death.


For those living in modern cities, the environment isn't as much of a factor in the corresponding, or 'local,' public health.


Among the 18 known tick borne diseases, 14 are bacterial and are transmitted by five tick genera.


Which of the following is the most common vector-borne disease in the United State the involves a bacterium that is spread through an infected blacklegged tick and causes fever, headache, fatigue, rash, and complications with joints, heart, and nervous system?

lyme disease

All known tickborne infectious diseases are diseases of animals that can be transmitted to humans via a tick vector.


A single species of ticks can carry multiple disease agents; therefore, coinfections will continue to be important for diagnosing and preventing tick-borne illnesses.


'Herd immunity' means that if a large enough portion of a community becomes immune to a disease, it can make the transmissibility of the disease (person to person) unlikely.


'Spillover' refers to when an animal based pathogen are able to jump into human bodies.


'Viral load' refers to how much virus is in 1 mL of bodily fluid.


'Virulence' describes how much harm a virus does.


75% of the emerging infectious diseases in people are of zoonotic origin.


Why are viruses challenging to control?

- Viruses multiply so fast & mutate well - Viruses don't have the same components as bacteria so they cannot be killed by antibiotics - Only antiviral medications or vaccines can eliminate or reduce the severity of viral diseases

Half of emerging or reemerging animal diseases can affect humans.


There are hundreds of zoonotic diseases.


Proteins made in the cell (otherwise known as protein synthesis) will _____________________.

(A)Stay inside the cell and operate cellular functions. (B)Be exported out of the cell to do body functions.

Which of the following is an example of a vector?

(A)mosquito (B) Fleas and ticks (C) Lice and sandflies

Which of the following is true about rabies?

- All mammals can get rabies, including humans, bats, raccoons, skunks, foxes, and dogs - In the USA, most cases come from bats. - Globally, most cases come from dogs or bats.

The rabies disease cycle includes which of the following step?

- An animal is bitten by a rabid animal, and the rabies virus from the infected saliva enters the wound. - Rabies virus travels through the nerves to the spinal cord and brain. - Virus reaches the brain, multiples rapidly, and passes to the salivary glands. - The infected animal usually dies within 7 days of becoming sick.

Coronaviruses are a family of viruses that are responsible for which of the following diseases? Please select all that apply.

- Common colds - Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) - Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)

Which of the following is/are needed to make proteins in your body?

- DNA provides the code, or the instructions, on how to make the proteins of your body. - RNA is needed to copy the DNA code, bring this information to the part of the cell that is involved in the actual manufacturing of the protein. This is called mRNA, or messenger RNA. - tRNA, or transfer RNA is involved with 'reading the code' and then fetching the amino acids from your cell's 'amino acid pool' to build the protein. - Ribosome, the organelle involved with protein manufacturing in the cell.

Which of the following is a modality to prevent the transmission of a respiratory virus? Please select all that applies.

- Handwashing with soap/water; rubbing hands and surface cleaning -Face coverings, such as a mask that covers the nose and mouth. - Physical distancing (6-10 feet) - Contact tracing - Avoid touching eyes, nose, mouth.

Which of the following is true about the 'Reproductive Rate,' or R0, of a virus? Please select all that applies.

- If R0 <1, each infection causes <1 new infection. The disease will decline and eventually die out. - If R0 = 1, each infection causes one new infection. The disease stays stable, but there won't be an outbreak or an epidemic - If R0 >1, each infection causes >1 new infection. The disease is transmitted, and there may be an outbreak or epidemic.

Which of the following can possibly explain the increase in tick borne cases? Please select all that apply.

- Improved diagnostics and clinical recognition - Increased range and population of ticks - Lack of effective prevention strategies, such as a lack of vaccination - Increasing human contact with ticks that comes with landscape changes

Direct spread of zoonotic disease ___________. Please select all that applies.

- Include contact with the saliva, blood, urine, mucous, feces, or other body fluids of an infected animal. - Include contact with areas where animals live and roam, or objects or surfaces that have been contaminated. - Examples include aquarium tank water, pet habitats, chicken coops, barns, plants, and soil, as well as pet food and water dishes. - Examples include petting or touching animals, and bites or scratches.

How does the virus get to a new human host?

- It must overcome a species barrier - It has to enter into a human body system - It has to be able to replicate in the human body, and exit.

Which of the following is true about 'viral shedding'?

- It's the ability for a virus to infect other cells and/or other people (or animals!). - Infected individuals shed viral particles (with or without symptoms) via talking, eating, breathing, etc. - Without antiviral drugs, you can't stop viral shedding.

Which of the following is a current prevention strategy for tickborne infectious diseases?

- Personal protection, such as avoiding tick habitat or using a tick repellant that contains 20-30% DEET - Environmental modification - Tick suppression

How is severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2, or Covid-19) transmitted? Please select all that applies.

- Vector bite - Direct exposure to respiratory droplet (ie from coughing, sneezing, or being within 6 feet of a breathing infected human) - Hand contact to a contaminated surface and then wiping of eyes, nose, or mouth ingestion

Which of the following is/are true about viruses? Please select all that applies.

- Viruses want to/need to get into your cells and insert their own genetic code into the process of making proteins, high-jacking the protein manufacturing operations to make more of themselves instead of the proteins that will operate your body. - Viruses highjack cells to become essentially manufacturers of them. This renders a cell no longer operating to do what it is supposed to do, like helping the respiratory system function normally. - A virus spreads internally by exporting clones of itself outside of the cell to invade surrounding cells.

Which of the following is true about malaria? Please select all that applies.

-It is caused by parasites transmitted through the bites of iinfected female Anopheles mosquitoes. -Prevention includes the use of an insecticide-treated mosquito nets, mosquito mitigation, and antimalarial drugs - Treatment includes a combination of antiparasitic drugs and antibiotics

Which of the following are true about the trends of tickborne diseases?

-The majority of vector borne diseases in the US are tickborne diseases -In recent decades, there have been an increasing number of tickborne diseases -Tickborne disease cases have shown in a greater geographic range than previously seen -There are a number of tickborne agents recognized to cause human disease

Which of the following is (are) true about ticks and pathogen transmission? Please select all that apply.

-Ticks can maintain the pathogens through transmission to their offspring -Ticks can acquire infection through feeding on infectious hosts -Humans are incidental hosts, infected by the bite of infected tick - Humans do not serve as a significant source for infecting other ticks or perpetuating the pathogen's lifecycle.

Which of the following is (are) a way to protect against vector borne diseases?

-Vaccinations -Install screens, such as on windows. -Wear light colored long sleeves shirts and pants. -Use insect repellent -Get rid of stagnant water where mosquitoes breed -Use insect repellent

Which are reasons why you should wear a mask during a respiratory viral outbreak?

-You can be infected without symptoms - Others can be infected without symptoms - Distance, ventilation, other people are hard to control, but you can control wearing a mask.

In public health, we have one effective, widely accepted method for preventing for preventing tickborne diseases and that is through a newly discovered vaccination.


If influenza has an average reproductive rate of 1.5 (Ro=1.5), this means that ______________.

For every person sick with the flu, they have the potential to infect about one to two other people.

In recent decades, the numbers of many notifiable tick-borne diseases have decreased.


It is simple way to determine (1) whether a person is shedding infectious virus or (2) how much.


Once an outbreak (such as Ebola) is stopped, it is forever stopped.


Rashes and other symptoms of Rocky Mountain Fever and Rickettsia parkeri rickettsiosis are remarkably different enabling clear diagnostic protocols.


Throughout recent history, epidemics have caught us by surprise. We need to develop better ways of forecasting epidemics.


Tickborne viral infectious diseases can be deadly and are, fortunately, isolated to the United States.


Ticks are poor vectors of viruses


Ticks can only live for a couple of days, but they reproduce rapidly


An existing pathogen can mutate itself to cause an increase in host susceptibility, pathogen virulence, or a geographical expansion of vector/reservoir, pathogen, or humans.


Animals and humans interact in many ways, enabling diseases to spread between them.


Antibiotics can cure Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever is administered in a timely manner.


Antibodies will latch onto a virus and 'cover up the keys' that would enable a virus to get inside our cell.


Chagas disease (T. cruzi parasitic infection) is spread to animals and people via vectors, otherwise known as "kissing bugs" that bite faces in the night.


Community based research that involved placing tick collars on dogs resulted in a reduction in ticks on dogs and the environment.


Covid-19 has a reproductive rate of 1-4; for every one person sick with Covid-19, they can infect one to four others.


Creating means to educate the public and/or creating opportunities for those who who survived a disease to be health educators, as well as minimizing stigmatization of those who contract a disease, is very important in preventing and controlling an infectious disease outbreak.


Diseases like Lyme Disease and West Nile Virus can infect both animals and humans.


Drinking or coming in contact with water that has been contaminated with feces from an infected animal is a mode of transmission of a zoonotic disease.


Eating or drinking something unsafe, such as raw milk, undercooked meat or eggs, or raw produce contaminated with feces from an infected animal can be a mode of zoonotic disease transmission.


Even though relatively new in modern scientific research, indigenous people, such as those in Alaska, have already using the concept of One Health to prevent infectious disease in humans for thousands of years. Note: We MUST NOT ignore the incredible wisdom of indigenous people around the globe... now more than ever, with the uncertainties of climate change, etc. They have so much wisdom so many levels, and yet many indigenous populations have been forced to live on the fringes of modern society.


In more recent decades, the rate of pathogen discovery has accelerated, with 11 additional pathogens described to cause human disease since 1960 - more than half of those were discovered after 2000 and the majority were associated with black legged ticks.


Infectious disease threats are related to changes in the land (environment) and the animals around people.


It usually is quite a challenge for a new pathogen to jump from Level 2 to 3 on the pathogen pyramid because it must not only infect a person, but multiple and then find it's way out of that human and then be able to jump to another human.


Level 4 of the Pathogen Pyramid is all about how are humans going to stop the spread; what preventative measures can be employed to stop the pathogen from reaching the epidemic level.


One Health is a public health initiative to plan new strategies to protect against the diseases that spread between animals and humans.


One way to ensure we don't have another major pandemic is through changing human behavior.


Over the first 60 years of the 20th century, seven tick borne pathogens were recognized to cause human disease.


Preventative measures for spread, such as wearing a mask, hand washing, using a condom, etc., can stop the reproductive rate.


Public health measures are largely about stopping the spread of disease, stopping Level 4 of the Pathogen Pyramid.


Research in Arizona showed that the brown dog tick emerged as an unexpected vector of Rocky Mountain Fever in this state.


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