dissection 11

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Articulations between unpaired laryngeal cartilages include: thyroid - cricoid thyroid - epiglottic cricoid - arytenoid A & B are correct but not C A & C are correct but not B


The middle constrictor of the pharynx: lies inferior to the stylopharyngeal muscle attaches to the pterygomandibular raphe is innervated by the hypoglossal nerve A and B above B and C above


Which muscle(s) open the rima glottidis? posterior cricoarytenoid lateral cricoarytenoid transverse arytenoid thyroarytenoid B, C, & D are correct


Which statement regarding the walls of the tympanic cavity is true? The tegmental wall separates the tympanic cavity from the floor of the middle cranial fossa. The jugular wall forms the roof of the tympanic cavity and abuts against the internal jugular vein. The labyrinthine wall forms the lateral wall of the tympanic cavity and separates the tympanic cavity from the internal jugular vein. The carotid wall forms the inferior boundary of the tympanic cavity and inferiorly supports the opening of the pharyngeotympanic tube.


Sensory nerve supply to the larynx above the level of the vocal folds is provided by the: external laryngeal nerve. internal laryngeal nerve. superior thyroid nerve. recurrent laryngeal nerve. glossopharyngeal nerve.


The muscle that would be more active during forced respiration than during phonation or whispering is the: lateral cricoarytenoid posterior cricoarytenoid vocalis transverse arytenoid cricothyroid


The true vocal cords extend between which cartilages? arytenoid and cricoid arytenoid and thyroid arytenoid and epiglotic cricoid and thyroid cricoid and epiglotic


Which of the following statements regarding the pharyngotympanic tube is NOT CORRECT? connects the tympanic cavity to the nasopharynx is entirely cartilaginous is entirely lined by mucous membrane functions to equalize air pressure in the middle ear with atmospheric pressure contraction of the levator veli palatine and pulling of the tensor veli palatine opens it


Which phryngeal muscle receives its nerve supply from the glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX)? salpingopharyngeus stylopharyngeus superior constrictor middle constrictor inferior constrictor


Concerning the pharynx, all of the following muscles receive motor innervation from the pharyngeal plexus EXCEPT the: salpingopharyngeus stylopharyngeus palatopharyngeus superior constrictor middle constrictor

b; from CN9

The motor innervation to all of the following muscles is by way of the vagus branch of the pharyngeal plexus EXCEPT, the: palatopharyngeus stylopharyngeus superior constrictor middle constrictor inferior constrictor

b; glosspharyngeal nerve

A muscle that does NOT function to elevate the larynx is the: palatopharyngeus salpingopharyngeus sternothyroid stylopharyngeus stylohyoid


All of the following muscles receive their nerve supply from the pharyngeal plexus EXCEPT the: superior constrictor. inferior constrictor. stylopharyngeus. palatopharyngeus. middle constrictor.


Regarding the cricoid cartilage, all of the following are correct EXCEPT, it: comprises the only complete cartilaginous ring of the airway articulates with the arytenoid cartilages attaches to the vocal ligaments connects via a ligament to the thyroid cartilage connects via a joint to the thyroid cartilage


Regarding the innervation of the larynx, which of the following statements is CORRECT? The external laryngeal nerve provides motor innervation to all of the intrinsic muscles of the larynx. As a branch of the glossopharyngeal nerve, the internal laryngeal nerve provides sensory innervation to all of the intrinsic muscles of the larynx. The recurrent laryngeal nerve controls the tone and degree of apposition of the vocal folds. The recurrent laryngeal nerve innervates the cricothyroid muscle. The gloospharyngeal nerve provides motor innervation to the salpingopharyngeus muscle.


The aditis: connects the nasopharynx and the tympanic cavity connects the external ear to the inner ear connects the tympanic cavity with the mastoid air cells articulates with the stapes provides a pathway for the chorda tympani


The muscle (s) that elevate (s) the pharynx and larynx during swallowing include the: tensor veli palatini levatory veli palatini salpingopharyngeus A & B are correct but not C A, B & C are correct


The only pharyngeal muscle that attaches to the stylohyoid ligament is the: stylopharyngeus salpingopharyngeus middle constrictor inferior constrictor tensor tympani


The pharyngeal muscle(s) responsible for elevation of the pharynx at the beginning of deglutition includes the: superior constrictor inferior constrictor stylopharyngeus A, B, and C above are all correct B and C above are correct


The three pharyngeal constrictors attach anteriorly to all of the following EXCEPT, the: sphenoid bone mandible maxilla hyoid bone thyroid cartilage


Unilateral damage to the recurrent laryngeal nerve will result in: denervation of the cricothyroid muscle inability to close the rima glottidis a partial loss of sensation in the larynx below the vocal folds A & B but not C A, B, & C are correct


You are removing a tumor in the left middle ear cavity by entering through the external auditory meatus with the head upright. You would be careful not to injure the facial nerve which would lie: superior and deep (medial) to the cavity posterior and superficial (lateral) to the cavity Posterior and deep (medial) to the cavity inferior and superficial (lateral) to the cavity inferior and deep (medial) to the cavity


A muscle responsible for relaxation of the vocal fold is the: posterior cricoarytenoid transverse part of the arytenoid cricothyroid thyroarytenoid lateral cricarytenoid


All of the following are correctly matched EXCEPT: posterior cricoarytenoid - abducts vocal fold thyroarytenoid - relaxes the vocal fold lateral cricoarytenoid - adducts vocal fold transverse arytenoid - relaxes vocal fold cricothyroid - tightens vocal fold


All of the following nerves pass through or innervate structures in the middle ear (tympanic cavity) EXCEPT, the: V3 VII chorda tympani VIII IX


All of the following statements are correct, EXCEPT: contraction of the tensor veli palatini muscle helps open the pharyngotympanic tube the tendon of the tensor tympani muscle enters the middle ear adjacent to the pharyngotympanic tube the pharyngotympanic tube projects anteriorly and medially from the middle ear the opening of the pharyngotympanic tube into the tympanic cavity is called the aditus the mucous membrane of the pharyngotympanic tube is continuous with that of the nasopharynx


Damage to the ninth cranial nerve would affect the: salpingopharyngeus stylopharyngeus elevation of the wall of the pharynx B and C are correct A, B, and C are correct


In operating on a tumor near the floor of the middle ear cavity, you must be careful not to: puncture the anterior wall of the cavity where the internal carotid artery is located punture the inferior wall of the cavity where the jugular bulb is located damage the chorda tympani nerve running along the floor of the cavity Both A and B All of the above


The aditus is the opening between the: tympanic cavity (middle ear) and cochlea pharynx and pharyngotympanic tube external ear and tympanic cavity (middle ear) tympanic cavity (middle ear) and mastoid antrum tympanic cavity (middle ear) and semicircular canals


The primary function of the cricothyroid muscle is to: widen the laryngeal inlet by pulling the aryepiglottic folds apart adduct the vocal cords by rotating the arytenoid cartilages close the posterior part of the rima glottidis by approximating the arytenoid cartilages tense the vocal cords by rotating the thyroid cartilage inferiorly abduct the vocal cords by rotating the arytenoid cartilages


The stapedius muscle _____ the vibrations of the _____ and receives its nerve supply from the _____ nerve. augments, incus, facial. dampens, stapes, mandibular division of the trigeminal. augments, malleus, mandibular division of the trigeminal. dampens, stapes, facial. augments, incus, dhorda tympani of the facial.


Which of the following muscles does NOT act to alter the shape of the vocal folds? cricothyroid thyroarytenoid posterior cricoarytenoid tensor veli palatini vocalis


Which of the following statements regarding the cricoid cartilage is INCORRECT? forms a complete ring around the airway is the only laryngeal cartilage that forms a complete ring around the airway is shaped like a signet ring with its band facing posteriorly has no ligamentous attachments at its inferior border the posterior portion is referred to as the lamina


Which pair is incorrectly matched? malleus - crossed by the chorda tympani tensor tympani muscle - innervated by mandibular nerve (V3) pharyngotympanie tube - connects to the middle ear internal carotid artery - passes in the epitympanic recess stapedius muscle - innervated by facial nerve (VII)


Following a bilateral lesion of the recurrent laryngeal nerve, which of the following laryngeal movements could still be voluntarily performed by the patient? relaxing the vocal fold relaxing the posterior vocal ligament increasing tension in the anterior part of the vocal ligament tensing the vocal fold abducting the vocal folc

d; CRICOTHYROID muscle is the only laryngeal muscle supplied by the branch of the vagus nerve known as the external branch of the superior laryngeal nerve (rather than the recurrent laryngeal nerve).

Air can leave the middle ear by passing through the: aditus to the mastoid antrum round window pharyngotympanic tube A, B, and C are correct A and C are correct


All of the following are part of the medial wall of the tympanic cavity (middle ear) EXCEPT, the: foot plate (base) of the stapes promontory tympanic nerve lesser petrosal nerve chorda tympani


All of the following associations are correct, EXCEPT, the: posterior cricoarytenoid muscles - widen (open) the rima glottidis cricothyroid muscles - raise pitch of voice thyroarytenoid muscles - lower pitch of voice lateral cricoarytenoid - adduct vocal folds transverse and oblique arytenoid muscles - abduct the vocal folds


All of the following muscle - motor innervation pairs are correct EXCEPT: cricothyroid - external laryngeal posterior cricoarytenoid - recurrent laryngeal superior constrictor - pharyngeal branch of the vagus stylopharyngeus - glossopharyngeal salpingopharyngeus - mandibular division of the trigeminal


Concerning the middle ear, all of the following are correct EXCEPT, the: internal corotid is in the anterior wall internal jugular vein is in the inferior wall (floor) facial nerve passes in the posterior wall chorda tympani passes on the lateral wall great petrosal nerve passes on the medial wall


In relationship to the auditory (Eustachian) tube, the tensor tympani muscle lies: inferior and medial superior and medial inferior inferior and lateral superior


Laryngeal cartilages that are in contact with the thryoid cartilage include the: epiglotic arytenoid cricoid A, B, and C are correct A and C are correct


Regarding the anatomy of the middle ear, which of the following statements is NOT correct? The tympanic membrane is located on the lateral wall. The chorda tympani crosses the neck of the malleus. The opening of the pharyngotympanic tube is located anteriorly. On the medial wall, the stapes rests against the oval window. It contains the tendons of two muscles innervated by the facial nerve - the tensor tympani and the stapedius.


Stretching and tensing the vocal fold is accomplished by which muscle? thyroarytenoid vocalis posterior cricoarytenoid lateral cricoarytenoid cricothyroid


The auditory tube is: inferior to the tensor tympani muscle. superior to the internal jugular vein. anterior to the geniculate ganglion. anterior to and above the chorda tympani. all of the above.


The external and internal walls of the pharynx are composed of all of the following muscles EXCEPT, the: palatopharyngeus middle constrictor salpingopharyngeus stylopharyngeus palatoglossus


The muscle responsible for closure of the posterior portion of the rima glottidis by bringing together the arytenoid cartilages is the: posterior cricoarytenoid. lateral cricoarytenoid. thyroarytenoid. cricoarytenoid. transverse arytenoideus.


The pharyngotympanic (auditory) tube is opened by the: levator veli palatini tensor tympani tensor veli palatini palatopharyngeus A & C are correct


The pharyngotympanic tube is opened by the action of the: salphingopharyngeus levator veli palatini tensor veli palatini A and B above are correct A, B, and C above are correct


Which of the following events might cause breathlessness (dyspnea)? bilateral section of the external laryngeal nerves bilateral section of the internal laryngeal nerves unilateral section of the right recurrrent laryngeal nerve unilateral partial section of the recurrent laryngeal nerve bilateral partial section of the recurrent laryngeal nerves


All of the muscles acting on the pharynx receive their nerve supply from the pharyngeal branch of the vagus nerve EXCEPT, the: superior constrictor middle constrictor inferior constrictor salpingopharyngeus stylopharyngeus

e; glossopharyngeal nerve

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