DN Class Final

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_______ is the enzyme involved in metabolizing some of the alcohol in the stomach.

Alcohol dehydrogenase

________ may help delay the absorption of alcohol.


The most abundant substance in the human body is _____?


Water Balance directly relates to?

Water consumed is equal to water lost.

Define weight management and describe why this is important.

Weight management, then, means maintaining your weight within a healthy range. Either extreme—being very overweight or very underweight—can be unhealthy, a red flag for undernutrition of some nutrients, overnutrition of others, and impending health problems. Being overweight, or weighing 10 to 15 pounds more than your healthy weight, tends to be a stepping stone to obesity. A person with 25 to 40 or more pounds of weight above his or her healthy weight is considered obese. With more than 70 percent of Americans overweight and over 37 percent of those obese, the American Medical Association now recognizes obesity as a disease.

Describe recommendations for healthy weight loss:

What is the best approach to lose weight? Reduce daily energy intake and increase daily energy expenditure.

What is the "danger zone" when it comes to food temperatures?

What temperature range is referred to as the "danger zone" of foodborne illnesses: 40°F to 140°F

What are health risks associated with being underweight?

Excessive calorie restriction and/or physical activity, emotional stress, or an underlying medical condition such as cancer or an intestinal disorder can often cause someone to be underweight. Young adults who are underweight often face health challenges, including nutrient deficiencies, electrolyte imbalance, low energy levels, and decreased concentration. Being underweight can increase the risk for osteoporosis and bone fractures later in life.10 For older adults (those over age 65), being undernourished means an increased risk for low body protein and fat stores and a depressed immune system, which makes it more difficult to fight infections as well as weakness and fatigue.

Fat around the hips is as unhealthy as fat stored around the waist.

FALSE: Fat around the belly puts a person at a higher health risk than fat stored on the hips and thighs.

Which of the following is the correct sequence of alcoholic liver disease?

Fatty liver disease, alcoholic hepatitis, cirrhosis

What foods are imported to the U.S., more than any other type of food?

Fish and shellfish

Describe some of the challenges associated with operating a small family farm.

High costs, a demand for low food prices, competition, and a dependence on the cooperation of Mother Nature can all derail a farmer's bottom line. In fact, fewer than one in four farms generates gross revenues (revenue before expenses) of more than $50,000 per year.10 Because land, equipment, facilities, fuel, and fertilizer are all expensive (a combine used for harvest, for example, can cost upwards of $200,000), farmers must depend on a hearty yield to cover their costs and make a profit. farmers are caught in a cycle of having to continually invest in new machines and technology to ensure a hearty and bountiful crop in order to make enough money to pay for the expense of farming.

What is your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) ?

If your liver cannot handle the amount of alcohol all at once, the extra alcohol reenters the blood and is distributed in the watery tissues in your body. Your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is the amount of alcohol in your blood, measured in grams of alcohol per deciliter of blood, usually expressed as a percentage. The more you drink the higher your BAC.

The major site of alcohol metabolism in the body is the _____?

Liver - Once in your blood, alcohol travels to the liver, where the majority of it is metabolized. Enzymes in the liver, most importantly alcohol dehydrogenase, convert the alcohol to acetaldehyde, which is eventually metabolized to carbon dioxide and water. - Most alcohol in the body is metabolized in the liver. A small amount of alcohol is lost in your urine (kidneys) and in your breath (your lungs). Some alcohol is also metabolized in your stomach, though substantially less than in your liver.

What are Major Minerals?

Major minerals (macrominerals): needed in amounts greaters than 100 mg/day. (Sodium, Chloride, Potassium, Magnesium, Sulfur play key roles in fluid balance.) (Calcium, Phosporus, Magnesium work together to strengthen bones and teeth.)

What are minerals?

Minerals are inorganic elements that are essential to human health. -The term organic means the chemical structure contains the element carbon. Minerals do not contain carbon and are, thus, inorganic. Minerals are essential to the nutrition of humans. Like vitamins, minerals do not provide calories, so they are not a source of energy themselves, but they work with other nutrients to enable your body to function properly. HOMEWORK QUESTION: Which of these statements is FALSE? A. Minerals do not provide calories. B. Minerals are essential to human health. C. Minerals are involved in fluid balance inside the body. D. Minerals are organic. Correct answer: D.

What aspect of fitness is defined as "the ability to exert force over a long period of time without fatigue"?

Muscle endurance

The most common cause of foodborne illness in the United States is ___________?

Norovirus The most common cause of foodborne illness in the United States is the norovirus. The virus causes watery diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, and flulike symptoms. It is most commonly spread by contact with minute particles of feces or vomit of an infected person, or by eating food or touching objects contaminated by an infected person. Although it is not serious in otherwise healthy people, it is so common that it is responsible for several hundred deaths annually, usually in people with compromised immunity. - The most common species of bacteria implicated in foodborne illness is Salmonella. Infection can enter the blood, and be fatal. - Staphylococcus aureus is also a leading cause of foodborne illness. Infection causes nausea, abdominal cramps, vomiting, and diarrhea. - Clostridium botulinum produces a toxin that causes a potentially fatal illness that paralyzes the nervous system.

Describe the health benefits of physical fitness?

One of the most obvious ways is that it helps you achieve or maintain a healthy body weight, which in turn helps reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases like type 2 diabetes mellitus and heart disease. In addition, being physically fit can improve overall health in other ways, like helping you get restful sleep and reducing stress.

Can minerals be toxic? How?

Overconsumption of minerals can be toxic

What is physical fitness?

Physical fitness is simply defined as good health or physical condition, primarily as the result of exercise and proper nutrition.

The abnormal craving for nonfood items, such as cornstarch, clay, dirt, or baking soda, is known as ________?


Which term refers to using GPS and other technologies to collect data on soil, pests, and disease within farming?

Precision agriculture

What contributes the most sodium in the diet of Americans?

Processed foods

What are the reported potential health benefits of drinking alcohol?

Some studies suggest that moderate alcohol consumption may reduce the risk for heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and the risk of dying in general for adults, Flavonoids found in red wine increase the heart's ability to distribute blood throughout the body

Overweight people often have less restful sleep compared with people who are at a healthy weight.

TRUE: Overweight people can suffer from a condition called sleep apnea.

What are the major agricultural crops produced in the US?

The top three agricultural food crops grown in the United States are corn, soybeans, and wheat. The United States is the largest producer of corn in the world and produces about 10 percent of the world's wheat. Fifty percent of the world's soybean production occurs on just over 290,000 U.S. farms. Sorghum and rice occupy only a small percentage of U.S. harvested areas.

Why do we need trace minerals? What is the role of most trace minerals?

Trace minerals (microminerals): needed in amounts less than 20 mg/day. Play essential roles as important as major minerals. (Chromium and Iodine help certain hormones.) (Iron maintains healthy red blood cells) (Fluoride protects teeth) (Iron, Zinc, Copper, Manganese, and Molybdenum are cofactors that work with enzymes in critical chemical reactions.)

What causes foodborne illness?

Viruses Bacteria parasites

What is a good description of the functions of water in the body?

Water helps maintain body temperature, Water is a transport medium, Water is a universal solvent. - Water acts as a universal solvent and transport medium. It is a medium for chemical reactions in the body. As part of blood, helps transport oxygen, nutrients, hormones to cells. As part of intertitial fluid, helps transport waste products away from cells fro excretion. - Water helps to maintain body temperature - Water is a lubricant for joints, eyes, part of mucus and saliva. - Water is a protective cushion for brain, organs and fetus.

Define positive energy balance?

When more energy is consumed than expended, energy excess, or positive energy balance, occurs. Routinely consuming more kilocalories than expended will cause the storage of fat, leading to weight gain.

Where is alcohol primarily absorbed and how is it metabolized?

Within seconds of the first sip of the beer, some of the alcohol will be directly absorbed through the stomach and into your blood. Some alcohol is also metabolized in the stomach by an enzyme called alcohol dehydrogenase before it is absorbed. The majority of alcohol is absorbed in the small intestine.

A standard drink is considered _____?

a 5-ounce glass of wine, a 12-ounce bottle of beer, a 1.5-ounce shot of liquor. - A 12-ounce can of beer, a 5-ounce glass of wine, and a 1.5-ounce shot of liquor are all examples of a standard-size drink. Each of these contains about half an ounce of alcohol. The liver can only metabolize about one standard drink in about one to two hours. As more alcohol is consumed, blood alcohol concentration goes up, as does the level of impairment and intoxication.

A major function of selenium is __________?

as an antioxidant - The mineral selenium is often incorporated into a class of proteins called selenoproteins. One function of selenoproteins is as an antioxidant to protect cells from free radicals. The mineral chromium improves the body's response to insulin. Iron is the major component of hemoglobin. Calcium and phosphorous are the major components of hydroxyapatite

What are health risks associated with being overweight?

being overweight can increase your risk of numerous other health problems, including hypertension and stroke; heart disease; gallbladder disease; type 2 diabetes; osteoarthritis; some cancers; and sleep apnea.

What is considered moderate alcohol intake?

moderate drinking as up to four alcoholic drinks for men and three for women in any single day and a maximum of 14 drinks for men and seven drinks for women per week.

Which two minerals combine to form hydroxyapatite?

phosphorus and calcium - Calcium combines with phosphorus to form hydroxyapatite, providing strength and structure in your bones and the enamel on your teeth. The remaining combination of minerals does not form hydroxyapatite.

Which mineral plays a role in lowering high blood pressure?

potassium, calcium, magnesium. - Research from the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet indicates the potassium and magnesium found in abundance in fruits and vegetables and the calcium found in dairy foods all play a role in lowering blood pressure. The DASH diet is low in fat, saturated fat, cholesterol, and sweets and high in whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy products.

The majority of alcohol is absorbed in the _______?

small intestine

The enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase is found in the ________?

stomach and liver

Agribusiness is _____?

the combination of agricultural and business entities that impacts how foods are developed, processed, distributed, and purchased

In addition to alcohol dehydrogenase, what enzyme system is involved in metabolizing alcohol?

the microsomal ethanol-oxidizing system (MEOS): The microsomal ethanol-oxidizing system (MEOS) is the enzyme system in the liver that, in addition to the alcohol dehydrogenase, metabolizes alcohol. MEOS is more active in individuals who consume a lot of alcohol. The more alcohol a person consumes, the better this system becomes at breaking down the alcohol. -- Acetaldehyde is an intermediate by-product of ethanol breakdown.

Iodine is essential for the synthesis of __________?

thyroid hormones - Iodine is an essential mineral for your thyroid, a butterfly-shaped gland located in your neck. The thyroid needs iodine to make some essential hormones. The synthesis of estrogen, progesterone, growth hormone, insulin, and glucagon does not require the element iodine.

Describe the types of fat in the human body.

visceral fat: the fat that surrounds organs in your chest and stomach and above your hips subcutaneous fat: is the fat beneath your skin.

What factors affect(s) the rate of absorption and the metabolism of alcohol?

your gender, your body type, the amount of food in your stomach, and the amount of alcohol you drink, will affect how quickly you absorb and metabolize it.

These are correctly defined for its role in alcohol breakdown in the body?

- Acetaldehyde is an intermediate step between alcohol breakdown in the body and the final products of liver metabolism - The MEOS system can be in a constant state of stimulation if a person drinks a lot of alcohol - The majority of alcohol is metabolized in the liver by the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase

What are symptoms of Overhydration?

- Consuming too much water can cause Hyponatremia: is a condition of too little sodium in the blood. Soldiers in training, endurance athletes are persons who could experience over hydration.

How do diuretics (i.e., caffeine) affect water balance?

- Diuretics are substances that cause the body to lose water. Examples of diuretics are alcohol and certain medications. -

What are symptoms of dehydration?

- Dry mouth due to increased electrolyte concentration in blood: less water available to make salive. As blood volume decreases soduim concentration increases in blood. - Brain triggers thirst mechanism and secreation of antidiuretic hormone (ADH) to reduce urine output. Fluid inside cells moves into blood by osmosis. - Cornerstone method: measure body weight before and after exercise (Weight loss = water loss) - Monitor urine color: Color darkens with concentration, indicating water loss.

What are the major components of extracellular and intracellular fluids?

- Intracellular fluids: Inside cell - Extracellular fluids: Intertitial fluid between cells and fluid in blood - Water is balanced by these fluid compartments

Which of the following are effects of alcohol on the body?

- It results in the release of additional estrogen in the body - It can cause dehydration and electrolyte imbalances - It can affect sleep and the ability to focus the next day

What factors influence mineral bioavailability?

- Mineral absorption depends of bioavailability: (Some minerals compete for absorption: too much of one can decrease absorption of another.) (Some substances bind minerals, making them unavailable for absorption.)

What are the general functions of minerals?

- Minerals function as co-enzymes - Minerals help maintain fluid balance - Minerals assist the body's immune system.

To reduce the risk of foodborne illness, refrigerators should be set at or below ______?


The body of an average healthy adult is at least ____ percent water?

50-60% Water - Average healthy adult is about 60% water, Muscle tissue is 75% water, and fat is up to 20% water.

How many calories does one gram of alcohol provide?

7 kilocalories (kcal) per gram

Adult women should drink about _____, and adult men should drink about _____ of beverages daily? (Not alcohol)

9 cups; 13 cups - Women: 12 cups/day,, about 9 cups of beverages - Men: 16 cups/day,, about 13 cups of beverages - Overall: About 80% from beverages, 20% from foods.

Which of the following is NOT related to being overweight?

A. A depressed immune system and increased cases of infection B. Sleep apnea and decreased overall sleep C. Insulin resistance in the body's cells D. Increased risk for gallstones and gallbladder disease CORRECT ANSWER: A.

Which of the following is NOT considered a benefit of physical fitness?

A. Improved bone health B. Improved oral health and fewer cavities C. Improved mental well-being D. Reduced risk of some types of cancer CORRECT ANSWER: B. Improved oral health and fewer cavities

Which of these organs is NOT involved in the digestion, absorption, or metabolism of alcohol in the body?

A. The small intestine, which absorbs alcohol B. The liver, which metabolizes alcohol C. The stomach, which absorbs alcohol D. The pancreas, which creates metabolizing enzymes

During times of dehydration, which of the following is/are secreted to cause kidneys to conserve water?

Antidiuretic hormone - During dehydration, antidiuretic hormone is secreted to cause kidneys to conserve water. When a person is dehydrated, the blood becomes more concentrated with sodium and other solutes as the fluid volume decreases. The brain detects the increased solute concentration, causing antidiuretic hormone to be secreted from the pituitary gland. This hormone acts on the kidneys, causing them to retain more water by concentrating the urine. This is one of the body's mechanisms to maintain fluid balance.

How does central or android obesity differ from gynoid obesity? How does each of these impact health?

Central obesity: carrying excess fat around the waist (sometimes referred to as an "apple" body shape) versus carrying it around the buttocks, hips, and thighs (a "pear" body shape), has been shown to increase the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and hypertension.Central obesity is caused by storing too much visceral fat (the fat that surrounds organs in your chest and stomach and above your hips) around your waist. gynoid obesity:

What are the roles of antidiuretic hormone (ADH)?

During dehydration, antidiuretic hormone is secreted to cause kidneys to conserve water. When a person is dehydrated, the blood becomes more concentrated with sodium and other solutes as the fluid volume decreases. The brain detects the increased solute concentration, causing antidiuretic hormone to be secreted from the pituitary gland. This hormone acts on the kidneys, causing them to retain more water by concentrating the urine. This is one of the body's mechanisms to maintain fluid balance.

The minerals that play a critical role in maintaining water balance in the body are known as ______?

Electrolytes - The minerals that play a critical role in maintaining fluid balance inside your cells (in the intracellular fluid compartment) and outside your cells and in your blood (extracellular fluid compartment) are called electrolytes. The electrolytes are the minerals sodium, potassium, phosphate, magnesium, calcium, and chloride. There are no minerals known as osmosis minerals, antidiuretic minerals, or hydration minerals.

Define energy balance? Why does energy balance matter? What role does physical activity have in energy balance?

Energy balance is the state at which energy intake and energy expenditure are equal. This will cause weight to be stable.

Which of the following lists only essential trace elements?

Essential trace elements are required in very small amounts, trace elements such as iron, iodine, fluoride, copper, zinc, chromium, selenium, manganese and molybdenum are vital for maintaining body metabolism. They are the part of enzymes and hormones. Hence, the correct option is (a) and (d). a. zinc, iron, manganese, fluoride, molybdenum d. iron, zinc, magnesium, iodine, selenium

Alcohol is transported through the body by _______?


What are the ranges of BMI that are used to define underweight, healthy weight, overweight, and obesity?

- Underweight. If your BMI falls in the first part of the graph. it is below 18.5 and you are considered underweight. Although people who are underweight are at reduced risk for the chronic diseases associated with obesity, they are at increased risk for infection, and their overall risk of mortality is higher than for people of healthy weight. - Healthy weight. If your BMI falls between 18.5 and 24.9 (the green part of the graph), it is considered healthy. - Overweight. If your BMI falls between 25 and 29.9 (the blue area of the graph), you are considered overweight. As the amount you are overweight increases, so does your risk of dying from certain chronic diseases, although research shows that the risk is modest until a person reaches a BMI of closer to 30. - Obese. If your BMI is 30 or over (the purple part of the graph), you are considered obese. Obese individuals have a 50 to 100 percent higher risk of dying prematurely, compared with those at a healthy weight.13

At what BAC level does one experience aggression and balance issues?


The temperature a freezer should be set at is ______?

0°F or below

What is Body Mass Index (BMI)? What are its strengths and limitations?

BMI is a calculation of weight in relationship to height. Limitations: BMI is not a direct measure of percentage body fat, it may not be accurate for everyone. This is particularly true for athletes. a person may be in a healthy weight range, but may have been steadily losing weight due to an unbalanced diet or poor health. This chronic weight loss is a loss of muscle mass and the depletion of nutrient stores in the body, which increases health risks even though the BMI seems healthy. Lastly, because height is factored into the BMI, individuals who are very short—under 5 feet—may have a high BMI, but, similar to athletes, may not be unhealthy. Strengths: BMI is best used to assess overweight and obesity for populations rather than individuals.

What is Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) and what factors affect it?

Basal metabolic rate (BMR) refers to the amount of energy expended by the body to meet its basic physiological needs. The following affects a person's basal metabolic rate (BMR): - Body size - Gender - Age

Which type of pesticide is known to minimize the potential for environmental pollution and can include the bacterium Bt?


________ is the measurement of alcohol in your blood.

Blood alcohol concentration (BAC)

Describe the five basic components of physical fitness and give examples of each.

The five basic components of fitness include cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, and body composition. - Cardiorespiratory endurance is the ability to sustain cardiorespiratory exercise, such as running and biking, for an extended length of time. - Muscle strength is the ability to produce force for a brief period of time, while muscle endurance is the ability to exert force over a long period of time without fatigue. - Flexibility is the range of motion around a joint and is improved with stretching. Athletic performance and joint and muscular function are all enhanced with improved flexibility, which also reduces the likelihood of injury. - body composition is the proportion of muscle, fat, water, and other tissues in the body. Together, these tissues make up your total body weight.

The process in which a person expends more energy (kilocalories) than he or she consumes is termed ________?

The process in which a person expends more energy (kilocalories) than he or she consumes is termed energy deficit or negative energy balance. A sustained negative energy balance will cause a person to lose weight.

What are health risks associated with being overweight?

being overweight can increase your risk of numerous other health problems, including hypertension and stroke; heart disease; gallbladder disease; type 2 diabetes; osteoarthritis; some cancers; and sleep apnea. -Generally, as a person's weight increases, so does his or her blood pressure. Overweight individuals can experience increased retention of sodium, which causes both increased blood volume and resistance in the blood vessels. This and additional demands on the heart all likely contribute to high blood pressure.7 High blood pressure increases the risk of stroke and heart disease. Overweight people also tend to have high blood levels of both fat and the "bad" LDL cholesterol, and less of the "good" HDL cholesterol, which is an unhealthy combination for the heart. High blood cholesterol levels increase the risk for gallstones and gallbladder disease. They are also more likely to contribute to an enlarged gallbladder, impeding its function. Being overweight increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Excess weight causes the body's cells to become insulin resistant. Over time, this resistance causes the pancreas to work harder to produce more insulin and can eventually cause the pancreas to stop producing it altogether. Incidences of cancers of the colon, uterus, and breast (in postmenopausal women) are also higher. Excess weight means extra stress on joints, especially in the knees, hips, and lower back, and contributes to osteoarthritis. Sleep apnea, a condition in which breathing stops for brief periods during sleep, disrupts a person's ability to obtain a restful slumber. The fat stored around the neck, as well as fat-induced inflammation in that area, may contribute to a smaller airway and interfere with breathing.

What is body composition a ratio of?

body composition is the proportion of muscle, fat, water, and other tissues in the body. Together, these tissues make up your total body weight. Your body composition can change without your total body weight changing, due to the fact that muscle takes up less space (per pound) than does body fat. This is why you can lose inches on your body without losing pounds of weight when you increase your lean muscle mass and decrease body fat.

Acetaldehyde is a by-product of the breakdown of ethanol in the liver which is eventually metabolized to ________.

carbon dioxide and water

What four things can be done to prevent foodborne illness?

cleaning, combating cross-contamination, cooking, and chilling

Alcohol is a ________.


To ensure you consume adequate potassium, make sure you eat the MyPlate recommendation for __________?

fruits and vegetables - To meet your potassium recommendation, make sure you consume an abundance of fruits and vegetables. A diet rich in at least 4cups of fruits and vegetables, especially leafy greens, is the minimum amount you should be consuming daily to help meet your potassium needs. Dairy foods, nuts, and legumes are also good sources. There is a minimal amount of potassium in enriched or whole grains or meat, fish and poultry.

In your body, minerals __________?

help maintain fluid balance, function as co-enzymes or "helpers", and work with your immune system. - Although you need only small amounts of minerals in your diet, they play enormously important roles in your body, such as helping to maintain fluid balance, as components of enzymes, and working with your immune system to keep you healthy.

Chromium increases the effectiveness of __________?

insulin - Chromium increases insulin's effectiveness in your cells. Iodine is a mineral needed to make thyroid hormones. Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) is the hormone that directs kidneys to minimize water loss and concentrate urine.

Vitamin C greatly increases the absorption of which mineral?

iron - Vitamin C greatly increases the absorption of iron. Vitamin C chemically reduces some of the nonheme iron found in plant foods to heme iron, which is absorbed more readily. Research indicates that as little as 25 milligrams of vitamin C -the amount in about one-quarter cup of orange juice -can double the amount of nonheme iron you absorb from your meal, and 50 milligrams of vitamin C can increase the amount absorbed about sixfold

Once alcohol is in your bloodstream, a majority of it travels to the ________, where it is metabolized.


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