Doctrines 2 - Final (Review Material)

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passive obedience of Christ*

The sufferings of Christ in His death.


The turning away of wrath by an offering. In relation to soteriology, it means placating or satisfying the wrath of God by the atoning sacrifice of Christ.

three basic imputations recognized by theologians*

This imputation of: 1) Adam's sin to the race, 2) man's sin to Christ, and 3) Christ's righteousness to believers

the effective call?*

This is the call that only the elect respond to through faith and that results in their salvation. This is God's work, though He uses the proclamation of the Word of God. The call is unto fellowship, light, liberty, holiness, and His kingdom.

second law of thermodynamics*

Through energy in the cosmos remains constant, the amount available to do useful work is always decreasing (and entropy, the measure of unavailable energy, is increasing).


To declare Righteous. NOT to make, but to announce as Righteous.


Universal redemption or unlimited atonement

The representative view*

View Adam as the representative of the whole human race so that when Adam sinned his sin became the ground of condemnation of his race. No one but Adam actually committed that first sin. The word "federal" means covenant and indicates that Adam was appointed to represent the race in the so-called Covenant of Works

proposed interpretations of 2 Peter 2:1

1) "Christian Charity" view: Peter was only recording what the false teachers claimed. 2) It means that the Lord (as Creator) "purchased" these non-elect people in the essence that He as creator possessed them.

three basic views on the extent of the atonement*

1) Arminians, 2) 4-point Calvinists - Moderate Calvinists - Amyraldians, and 3) Ultra or five-point Calvinists

Three major viewpoints on election*

1) Foresight Election 2) Corporate Election and 3) Individual, Pretemproal Election

Six points that summarize the doctrine of election*

1) God's election is grounded in His own being, 2) God's election was of individuals, 3) God's election was not based on Foreknowledge (meaning foresight), 4) God's election was before the foundation of the world, 5) Election alone does not result in the Salvation of People, and 6) Election is purposeful, Not Capricious

3 basic ideas used to summarize redemption*

1) People are redeemed from something; namely, from the marketplace of slavery of sin. 2) People are redeemed by something; namely, by the payment of a price, the Blood of Christ. 3) People are redeemed to something; namely, to a state of freedom; and then they are called to renounce that freedom for slavery to the Lord who redeemed them.

4 basic doctrines that summarize the central meaning of Christ's death*

1) Substitution for Sinners, 2) Redemption in relation to Sin, 3) Reconciliation in relation to Man, and 4) Propitiation in relation to God

two historical views of how all men sinned in Adam*

1) The federal or representative view and 2) the seminal or realistic or Augustinian view

Three basic principles of evolution*

1) The planets and stars resulted from a big-bang explosion of compressed, rotating protons and neutrons, 2) Life began completely by chance when a single cell appeared from non-living matter, and 3) Having thus begun by chance, all other living organisms have developed from that 1st and subsequent simpler forms of life, which gradually increased in complexity

central passage (book/chapter/verse) on the imputation of Adam's sin *

Romans 5:12, the only viable interpretation of "all sinned" here is that all sinned when Adam sinned

the full Christian usage of the sozo word family*

Saving from Eternal death and endowing a person with everlasting life.

Neo-orthodox view of man and sin*

Sin = Self-centeredness rather than God-centeredness. Adam was not a real individual who actually lived on this earth, yet Adam represents man at every stage of his development. The story of Adam's fall is the story of all of us ~ there is no connection between the sin of Adam and his posterity

Why did the Savior have to be both man and God?*

Since God cannot die, there had to be an Incarnation in order that there be a human nature to experience death and thus pay the penalty for sin.

theme of both the OT and NT*

Soteriology ~ the Doctrine of Salvation

Arminian view of man and sin*

Teaches that Adam was created in innocency, NOT holiness, that sin consists in acts of the will, that we inherit pollution from Adam but not guilt or a sin nature, that man is NOT totally depraved, that man has the ability to will to do good and to conform to God's will in this life as to be perfect, and that the human will is one of the causes of regeneration.

Necessary to be a creationist*

That the Biblical record is factually historical and that Adam was the 1st Man

Genesis 9:6*

The fact that man was created in the image of God is the basis for the institution of capital punishment


it means confidence, trust, to hold something as true. It must have content; there must be confidence or trust about something. In relation to salvation, one must have confidence that Christ can remove the guilt of sin and grant eternal life.

definition of sin based on 1 John 3:4*


popular view of trichotomy*

man is composed of body, soul, and spirit ~ making the Spirit superior to the Soul and the Spirit and Soul superior to the Body... it cannot be sustained Logically, Analogically, or Scripturally...

consistent meaning of the preposition anti throughout Greek literature*

"in the place of". Always has the idea of equivalence, exchange, or substitution

man's depravity*

means perverted or crooked. Means "not standing the test". Means that man fails the test of pleasing God. It is total in that 1) it affects all aspects of man's being and 2) it affects all people

active obedience of Christ*

obedience exhibited during His lifetime

Romans 3:9-18*

passage (book/chapter) where Paul demonstrates the condemnation of all people on the basis of their committing sins personally

How Acts 2:38 should be interpreted*

people should repent and then be baptized because their sins were forgiven


preplanned destiny. Marked off beforehand. Biblically it is limited to the elect people and assures their present position and future destiny

Two 2 bases of naturalistic evolution*

science and faith


seems to focus on the believer - it is the believer who perseveres . stresses the need for demonstrable fruit throughout the Christian life.

1 Thessalonians 5:23(in regards to tricotomy)*

seems to indicate the immaterial aspect of man is composed of soul and spirit while its emphasis is really on the completeness of sanctification

Hebrews 4:12 (in regards to tricotomy)*

seems to separate soul from spirit but is really talking about exposing the innermost parts of man. The verse does not say that the Word severs soul from spirit but that it pierces through to divide...

Sin nature*

sin has corrupted our entire nature

2 synonyms for inherited sin*

sin nature, and original sin

Romans 3:21-26*

the central passage (book/chapter/verses) on justification

Mark 10:15*

the crucial verse using the preposition anti with reference to Christ's work

1 John 2:2 regarding the extent of the atonement*

the death of Christ was for the Whole World.... The word "world" does not always mean all people but no dictionary gives it the meaning of only the elect

I John 1:5-10*

the most basic passage (book/chapter) on the believer's family fellowship

2 Peter 2:1*

the most difficult verse to harmonize with limited atonement


the only apostle to mention adoption

Romans 6:1-14*

the passage (book/chapter) that details the judgment of the believer's sin nature

Acts 15*

the passage (book/chapter) used in settling the matter of the end of the law at the Jerusalem Council


the realization of the truth of Eternal Security or Perseverance

Hebrews 11:3*

the verse that addresses the need for faith in establishing origins

The Jerusalem Council*

this is the event that settled the matter of the end of the law


to attribute or reckon or ascribe something to someone

the ultimate purpose of election*

to display His glory (Ephesians 1:6, 12, 14)

Adam's moral nature before the Fall*

Adam possessed unconfirmed creature holiness. Adam was clearly without sin but had a free will and a mind capable of weighing choices.

Original sin*

Adam's sin produced that moral corruption of nature that was transmitted by inheritance to each succeeding generation

required to believe that evolution could have caused by chance all life that ever did or does now exist*

An incredible amount of Faith

standard for the Christian*

to walk in the light

ordo salutis*

way of salvation - it attempts to arrange in logical order (not temporal order) the activities involved in applying salvation to the individual

passage (book/chapter) that identifies the standard for the Christian*

I John 1:7

eternal security related to the Son*

If any sin can undo a believer's salvation, and if in fact, he can lose his salvation, then Christ's death did not pay for that sin. But it did. His prayers also keep us. Christ's present ministry in heaven of praying for His own consists of two aspects: a preemptive ministry (intercession) and a curative ministry (advocacy).

Romans 5 (with reference to the Fall's historicity)*

Demands either that both Adam's and Christ's actions be true or both be legend or myth.

the actual question concerning the extent of the atonement*

Did Christ purpose by coming into the world to make provision for the Salvation of all people, realizing that the Father would mysteriously draw the elect to Himself and allow others to reject the provision made?


It is saying the same thing about sin as God does. It is having the same perspective on sin as God does. This must include more than simply rehearsing the sin, for God's perspective would also include forsaking that sin. Therefore, this includes an attitude of forsaking that sin.


It is the act of God that places the believer in His family as an Adult. It means placing us into a family to which we did not naturally belong.


It is the center and seat of Intellectual, Emotional, Volitional, and Spiritual life

formula for the process of evolution*

Mutations + Natural Selection x Time = Evolution

The seminal view*

(also called - realistic or Augustinian) ~ Adam contains the seed of all his posterity so that when he sinned all actually sinned

three arguments for the literal solar-day view of Creation*

1) The word "day" when used with a numerical adjective in the Pentateuch always indicates a solar day, 2) The qualifying phrase "evening and morning" attached to each of the 6 days of Creation supports the meaning of the days as 24hr periods, and 3) Exodus 20:11 & 31:17 state that god made everything in the days that He rested on the 7th and this pattern serves as the basis for man's weekly cycle

three reasons that God wanted to save sinners*

1) This was the greatest and most concrete demonstration of the love of God. 2) This gives God a display of His grace throughout all eternity. 3) God also wanted people who would do good works in this life and thus give the world a glimpse of God who is good.

ramifications of the truth of a universal Flood*

1) it may indicate the existence of a vapor canopy that condensed at the time of the flood that produced the 40 days of heavy rainfall, and 2) this would have caused a drastic change in the climate of the world after the Flood and certain other results. The uniformitarianism om which dating methods are based would have been affected by this.

two features of the Mosaic law that must be observed before understanding Christ as the end of the law in Romans 10:4*

1) the Mosaic Law was a unit, and 2) the Law was given to Israel

three facets of faith*

1) the intellectual (a factual and positive recognition of the truth of the Gospel and the person of Christ), 2) the emotional (The truth and the person of Christ are now seen in an interested and absorbing way), and 3) the volitional (now the individual appropriates personally the truth and the Person and places reliance on Him.)

Ryrie's evaluation of interpretations for 2 Peter 2:1

1) the word despotes can refer to Christ, 2) no price is mentioned in the context, 3) agorazo cannot refer to a salvation purchase since no real possession took place


A change of relationship from hostility to harmony and peace between two parties.

4-point Calvinists - Moderate Calvinists - Amyraldians

Calvinists who hold to universal redemption

Basic OT word for sin*


"substitutionary atonement" mean*

Christ suffered as a substitute for/instead of us, resulting in the advantage to us of paying for our sins.

the teaching of Romans 3:25 and 1 John 2:2 and 4:10 regarding propitiation*

Christ was the propitiatory offering. Christ Himself is the offering that turns away the wrath of God. He is not the called propitiator as if to allow for the possibility that He might have used some other means of propitiation outside of Himself. HE IS THE OFFERING

How does Ryrie answer the question of how much relationship exists in the word foreknowledge*

Clearly people are foreknown not their faith (Rom 8:28-29). Foreknowledge as mere perception is NOT the basis of election. Election is in harmony with foreknowledge. There is some relationship and/or decision inherent in the meaning of foreknow. It includes a decision that in turn has to involve an assurance that comes from certainty.

eternal security*

Eternal security is the work of God that guarantees that the gift of salvation, once received, is forever and cannot be lost. Preservation is quite similar.

Pelagian view of man and sin*

Everyone can live a life that is free from sin because God would not command something that is impossible (be Holy). Everyone is born in the same condition as Adam before the fall; only now man has before him Adam's bad example. Man has a will that is free and sin comes from separate acts of man's will. Exaggerates the merit of works and their efficacy in salvation.

necessary condition for salvation in the OT*


"creation ex nihilo"*

Generally: This phrase means that God did not use any pre-existing materials in creating ~ prior to the creative fiat, there was no other kind of phenomenological existence, and Technically: the expression is applicable only to the creation of inorganic substances, for God did employ previously created inorganic materials in forming the bodies of living things

Genesis 1:26-27*

God created man in His image and according to His likeness

eternal security related to the Father*

God purposed to glorify the same group He predestined, called and justified. This statement could not be made if any one of that group could lose his salvation. God's power is able to keep the believer. This power would be thwarted by a person renouncing his faith. No one, including the individual himself, can seize the believer from the safe position.

biblical perfection*

God's standard is Holiness ~ the requirement is to walk in the light - our experience should always be a growing one, growing to maturity

eternal security related to the Holy Spirit*

He regenerates. He indwells. He baptizes. He seals.

chapter of John provides the key passage on conviction*

John 16:8-11

Semi-Pelagian view of man and sin*

Man retains a measure of freedom by which he can co-operate with the grace of God. Man's will has been weakened and his nature affected by the fall, but is NOT totally depraved. In regeneration Man chooses God.

Ultra or five-point Calvinists

Particular Redemption

What do both terms for sin mean and include*

both mean to miss the mark which involves hitting another mark - not passive but active

the only way the flesh can be controlled*

by actualizing our co-crucifixion with Christ. We can experience victory not by eradication of the flesh but by walking in dependence on the Spirit to control it

biblical concept of the soul*

can mean the whole person, alive or after death; it can designate the immaterial part of a person with its many feelings and emotions; and it is an important focus of spiritual redemption and growth

James 3:9*

cautions us about cursing a fellow human being on the ground that mankind was made in the likeness of God; proper speech

biblical concept of the spirit*

does not indicate the whole person, but the immaterial part with its various functions and feelings. In Pauline though it assumes prominence in relation to the Spiritual life.

Colossians 3:10*

exhorts the believer to put on the new man that is according to the image of his Creator

NT equivalent to OT word for sin*


difference between the transmission of inherited sin and the transmission of imputed sin*

imputed sin is transmitted directly from Adam to each individual in every generation


it is NOT the same as conversion, it is convincing or refuting an opponent so that he has the matter set before him in a clear light whether he accepts or rejects the evidence

chief characteristic of sin*

it is directed against God

inherited sin*

it is the sinful state into which all people are born. This emphasizes that all people inherit this sinful state from the parents

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