Doctrines 2 (Ryrie Questions)

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What is the gap theory, and what are its weaknesses? (Ch. 30)

Theory that there is a long period of time between Gen 1:1&2. Dependent on poor interpretation. God's command was to fill not refill. No biblical evidence for earthly punishment of Satan's sin. Darkness isn't inherently bad.

According to Ryrie, how does God's provision of reconciliation affect the entire world (338)?

They have a chance to be saved

What is the effective call (376)?*

This is the call that only the elect respond to through faith and that results in their salvation

What is the teaching of 1 John 2:2 regarding the extent of the atonement (370-71)?*

To be sure, the word "world" does not always mean all people (see John 12:19), but no dictionary gives it the meaning of only the elect.

What is the standard for the Christian, and what passage (book/chapter) identifies this standard (264-65)?*

To walk in the light of God's holiness , 1 John 1

How does Ryrie describe the effect of sin on the image of God in man (220)? (Ch. 31)

The image of God was "defaced though not erased" in man

Propitiation, as we have seen, means the placating of the personal wrath of God. Expiation is the removal of impersonal wrath, sin, or guilt.


What is the teaching of 1 Timothy 2:4-6 and 4:10 regarding the extent of the atonement (371)?


What is the most basic passage (book/chapter) on the believer's family fellowship (347)?*

1 John 1:5-10.

How does Ryrie define biblical perfection (264)?*

Ripeness, maturity or completeness

What passage (book/chapter) details the judgment of the believer's sin nature (345)?*

Rom. 6:1-14)

What is the central passage (book/chapter/verses) on justification (344)?*

Romans 3:21-26

In what passage (book/chapter) does Paul demonstrate the condemnation of all people on the basis of their committing sins personally (261)?*

Romans 3:9-18

What passage (book/chapter) states that God and man are in a relationship of enmity (336), and what does this passage clearly state regarding the object of reconciliation (338)?

Romans 5. We are enemies of God.

What is the full Christian usage of the 'sozo' word family (322)?*

Saving from eternal death and endowing a person with eternal life

What are the 2 bases of naturalistic evolution?

Science and faith

What is the Neo-orthodox view of man and sin (255)?*

Sin is defined as self centerdnes not God centerdness, the story of Adam is not seen as literal but the story of all of us failing to be perfect

How should Acts 2:38 be interpreted (388-89)?*

So Acts 2:38 may be understood that the people should repent and then be baptized because their sins were forgiven.1

What are 4 possible interpretations of Jesus' words "on this rock" in Matthew 16:18 (465)?

Some understand it to refer to Peter. Others understand Christ to be the Rock referred to in this passage as He is in other Scriptures. A modification of this view sees the rock as Peter's confession of Christ (Matt. 16:16). Perhaps the truth combines elements of both ideas; that is, the rock is Peter using the keys to the kingdom (Matt. 16:19; Isa. 22:22) in proclaiming the truth about Christ to Jews and Gentiles.

What is the theme of both the OT and NT (319)?*


How does Ryrie sum up the biblical concept of the spirit (226)?*

Spirit does not indicate the whole person, but the immaterial part with its various functions and feelings. In Pauline thought it assumes prominenece in relation to the spiritual life.

According to Roman Catholicism, who governs the true church (458)?

St. Peter, the Vicar of Christ, the pope..."1

Identify and define the 3 views on the order of God's decrees (368).

Supralapsarianism places election first (supra—above) followed by the decrees to create, allow the Fall, and then provide for the salvation of the elect. Infralapsarianism (infra—later) lists Creation, Fall, election, and then provision for the salvation of the elect. Sublapsarianism (sub—beneath) sees this order: Creation, Fall, provision of salvation for all, election of some to be saved.

What is Christ's principal work in the world today, and what verse makes this point (455)?*

The Church. (Matt 16:18)

What 2 features of the Mosaic law must be observed before understanding Christ as the end of the law in Romans 10:4 (349-50)?*

The Mosaic Law was a unit. The Law was given to Israel.

What is Ryrie's solution to the problem of the law in the NT (351-52)?

The Mosaic code contained all the laws of the Law. And today we live under the law of Christ (Gal. 6:2) or the law of the Spirit of life in Christ (Rom. 8:2). This code contains the hundreds of specific commandments recorded in the New Testament.

What is the difference between the words orge and thumos (339-40)?

The New Testament uses two principal words. Orge conveys a more settled anger (John 3:36; Rom. 1:18; Eph. 2:3; 1 Thess. 2:16; Rev. 6:16), while thumos indicates a more passionate anger

What is the character of the church in Ephesians 1:22-23, and what is the reason for its existence (456)?

The character of this group is 100 percent regenerated, and the reason for its existence is the baptizing ministry of the Spirit, which places those who believe into this body of believers

How does Ryrie answer the question of how much relationship exists in the word foreknowledge (361-62)?*

"Clearly people are foreknown, not their faith. Clearly too foreknowledge as mere perception is not the basis of election, for I Peter 1:2 includes a decision on God's part. Election is in harmony with foreknowledge, and that foreknowledge included the procedure used in work out the choice. Therefore, there is some relationship and/or decision inherent in the meaning of foreknow."

What does the phrase "creation ex nihilo" mean, both generally and technically (207)?*

"Out of Nothing"

What does the phrase "creation ex nihilo" mean, both generally and technically? (Ch. 30)

"Out of Nothing"

How does Ryrie evaluate the idea of double predestination (361)?

"This is a logical assumption, not based on biblical texts. The Bible is clear that the elect are predestined, but it never suggests that there is a similar decree to elect some to damnation."

What is the meaning of "freely" in Romans 3:24 (344-45)?

"Without any cause in us"

How does Ryrie sum up the biblical concept of the soul (225-26)?*

"soul can mean the whole person, alive or after death; it can designate the immaterial part of a person with its many feelings and emotions; and it is an important focus of spiritual redemption and growth."

According to Baptists, what are the prerequisites for membership in the church (458)?*

"the church is a company of visible saints, called and separated from the world by the Word and Spirit of God, to the visible profession of the faith of the Gospel; being baptized into that faith"

What 2 points does Ryrie make to answer the objection that election equals fatalism (362-63)?

(1) Behind the decree is an intelligen, loving Being. Behind fatalism lies only impersonal blind chance. (2) Fatalism has no place for the importance of mean. It emphasizes ends.

What are the 3 major viewpoints on election (358-59)?*

(1) Foresight Election (2) Corporate Election (3) Individual Pretemporal Election ("that eternal act of God whereby He, in His sovereign good pleasure, and on account of no foreseen merit in them, chooses a certain number of men to be the recipients of special grace of eternal salvation.")

What 6 points does Ryrie make to summarize the doctrine of election (362-63)?*

(1) God's Election is grounded in His own Being (2) God's Election Was of Individuals (3) God's election was not based on foreknowledge (meaning foresight) (4) God's Election Was Before Foundation of the World (5) Election alone does not result in the salvation of people (6) Election is purposeful, not capricious

What 4 lines of evidence support the conclusion that the church did not exist in OT times (463)?*

(1) Our Lord said: "I will build My church" (Matt. 16:18). He did not say that He would continue to add to something already in existence, but that He would do something not yet begun. (2) The church could have no functioning Head until after the resurrection of Christ; therefore, it could not exist until some time after He rose from the dead (Eph. 1:20). (3) The church could not have been an operating entity with functioning spiritual gifts until after Christ's ascension (Eph. 4:7-12). (4) The mystery character of the one body was unknown in Old Testament times (Eph. 3:5-6; Col. 1:26).

What are 4 reasons for a lack of assurance (380)?

(1) Some doubt the reality of their committal to Christ. (2) Some lack assurance because they question the correctness of the procedure they went through when they expressed faith in Christ. (3) If one does not believe in the security of the believer, then he will undoubtedly lack assurance more than once in his lifetime. (4) When

Identify and define the 5 views of the image of God in man (218-20)? (Note Ryrie's "combination view" in particular.) (Ch. 31)

o Corporeal view: Man reflects God in physical appearance. o Noncorporeal view: Man reflects God spiritually and in nonphysical characteristics o Combination view: Man reflects God in body, living being, intelligently. Sum up: the image of God in which man was created included the totality of his being as living, intelligent, determining, and moral. o Roman Catholic: Distinguishes between image and likeness. Image refers to appearance and such while likeness refers to morality. Man lost the morality aspect but can regain it through works. o Neo-orthodox view: Similar to Roman Catholic "formal" image that man didn't lose in the fall

What does "preterition" mean (362)?

passing over those not elected to Salvation.

What is the meaning of the Hebrew word qahal and the Greek word ekklesia (455)?*

qahal means simply an assembly and is usually translated in the Septuagint by ekklesia.

What is meant by death to sin in Romans 6:2-4, and what is the significance of baptism here (346)?

sin in this paragraph means separation from its domain or realm, but not the extinction of its presence. Baptism means association or identification with someone or something. Here it refers to our identification with Christ in His death so that we have been separated from the power of sin

What event (with book/chapter) settled the matter of the end of the law (350)?*

Acts 15

What is adoption, and who is the only apostle to mention it (352-53)?*

Adoption is the act of God that places the believer in His family as an adult. Paul.

How does Ryrie respond to the view that regeneration precedes faith (376)?

Although this is admittedly stated only as a logical order, it is not wise to insist even on that; for it may as well be argued that if a sinner has the new life through regeneration, why does he need to believe? Of course, there can be no chronological order; both regeneration and faith have to occur at the same moment. To be sure, faith is also part of the total package of salvation that is the gift of God (Eph. 2:9); yet faith is commanded in order to be saved (Acts 16:31). Both are true.

How should Acts 22:16 be interpreted (389)?

Arising is necessary before baptism, and calling before sins can be washed away. Thus the verse should be read this way: arising, be baptized; wash away your sins, calling on the Lord. The verse correctly understood does not teach baptismal regeneration.

What are the 3 basic views on the extent of the atonement (367-68)?*

Arminianism, Calvinism (4 & 5 point)

What is the difference between the terms eternal security, perseverance, and assurance (379)?*

Assurance = realization of the truth of eternal security. Security focuses on God-- it is God who secures our salvation.

Why did the Savior have to be both man and God (324)?*

Because God cannot die, there had to be a human nature to experience the punishment for sin

What is the only way the flesh can be controlled, and how can we experience victory (266)?*

By actualizing our crucification with Christ and depending on and walking in the Spirit

What does the expression ordo salutis mean (374)?*

way of salvation, and it attempts to arrange in logical order (not temporal order) these activities involved in applying salvation to the individual.

What theologian redefined propitiation as expiation? Identify 2 verses that contradict his denial of God's wrath. Distinguish properly between propitiation and expiation (340-41).

Dodd. Romans 1:18; 2:5; Colossians 3:6; 1 Thessalonians 1:10; 2 Thessalonians 1:7-9; Propitiation, as we have seen, means the placating of the personal wrath of God. Expiation is the removal of impersonal wrath, sin, or guilt.

What verse addresses the need for faith in establishing origins (206)?*

Hebrews 11:3

What verse addresses the need for faith in establishing origins? (Ch. 30)

Hebrews 11:3

What 3 ideas are included in the NT concept of the local church (457)?

House, region, surrounding country

What are the ramifications of the truth of a universal Flood (214)? (Ch. 30)

Implies a possible vapor canopy;

What is meant by a "mystery" in Scripture?* What 2 ideas are included in this concept?* What is the content of the mystery in Ephesians 3 and Colossians 1 (463)?*

In classical Greek, musteijon means something hidden or secret. Thus the concept of a mystery is that of a secret that only the initiated share. It also includes two ideas: (a) a time when the secret was not known followed by a time when it became known and (b) deeper or higher wisdom that is revealed to those initiated. It is that Gentiles would be fellow heirs, fellow members of the body, fellow partakers of the promise in Christ by the Gospel. That Gentiles would share in God's plan of redemption was revealed in the Old Testament (Gen. 12:3; Isa. 42:6-7), so that truth is no mystery.

What 4 kinds of faith does Scripture distinguish (377)?

Intellectual or historical faith, miracle, temporary, and saving

What are the 3 facets of faith (377-78)?*

Intellectual, emotional, and volitional

What is conviction, and which chapter of John provides the key passage on it (374-75)?*

It is convincing or refuting an opponent so that he has the matter set before him in a clear light whether he accepts or rejects the evidence. John 16:8-11,

What is confession, and what does it include (348)?*

It is saying the same thing about sin as God does.

What are the 3 arguments for the day-age view of Creation, and how does Ryrie respond to each of these (212-13)? (Ch. 30)

Day can sometimes refer to a longer thn 24-hour period: fails to recognize that Gen 2:4 uses Hebrew idiom "in that day" (2) There was no sun until the 4th day so the other 3 couldn't have been 24-hr. periods: There was light created before that and evening/morning cycles. (3) The 7th day was longer so other must have been too; not clearly stated in Hebrews 4, nothing to imply this day was longer than the others.

What is meant by the "decree" of God (359)?

Design, drawing. "The decree of God is His plan for everything."

What is the actual question concerning the extent of the atonement (367)?*

Did Christ purpose by coming into the world to make provision for the salvation of all people, realizing that the Father would mysteriously draw the elect to Himself and allow others to reject the provision made?

How does Ryrie define the flesh as it relates to man's immaterial nature (228)?

Disposition to sin and oppose God.

How does Ryrie define the heart (226-27)?* .

It is the seat of the intellectual life, emotional life, and volitional life.

What is the formula that summarizes the process of evolution?

Mutations + Natural Selection x Time = Evolution

What are 6 fallacies in the presentation of the gospel (387-88)?

(1) The Fallacy That the Gospel Primarily Concerns Other Than Sin (2) B. The Fallacy That There Are Different Gospels for Different Age-Groups (3) The Fallacy That the Truth Is in Other Than the Word of God (4) D. The Fallacy That Cleverness Will Convict (5) The Fallacy That Charm Will Assure Results (6) The Fallacy That Procedures Produce Conversions

What is Ryrie's threefold categorization of the church (458)?*

(1) There is the universal church—all believers in heaven or on earth. (2) There is the visible church—local churches in various areas, especially those I am acquainted with. (3) There is the local church—the particular assembly with which I have my primary and sustained relation.

What are the 3 basic categories of views of the atonement—with 1 representative theologian for each category (356-57)?

(1) Views that related the death of Christ to Satan (Origen, Aulen). (2) Views that consider His death as a powerful example to influence people (Abelard, Socinus, Grotius, Barth). (3) Views that emphasize punishment due to the justice of God and substitution (perhaps Anselm—though deficient—and the Reformers).

What does "redemption" mean, and what are the 4 Greek words that relate to this concept (334-35)?

1. Agorazō 2. Exagorazō. 3. Peripoioumai. 4. Lutroō.

What are 3 reasons that God wanted to save sinners (319-20)?*

1. this was the greatest demonstration of His love for us, 2. To display his grace throughout all eternity, 3. God wanted people who would do good works and reflect his glory ( however imperfectly)

What is the most difficult verse to harmonize with limited atonement?* What are the proposed interpretations of this verse, and how does Ryrie evaluate these interpretations (369-70)?

2 Peter 2:1, But, of course, even if this is an expression of what the false teachers were saying, it still can be a true statement, so it cannot be assumed to be false simply because it comes from their mouths. But more likely Peter was emphasizing the depth of their defection by pointing out that they denied the Lord who bought them. This is sometimes called the "Christian Charity" view.

What is the basic OT word for sin?* To what NT word is it equivalent?* What do both terms mean and include (239, 241)?*

Chata, "hamaranto", It includes the ideas of missing the mark of righteousness but also of actively hitting sin.


Christ was the propitiatory offering as supported in Hebrews 2:17; 1 John 2:2; and 4:10.

What are the 4 basic doctrines that summarize the central meaning of Christ's death (329)?*

Christ's death was a substitution for sinners, a redemption in relation to sin, a reconciliation in relation to man, and a propitiation in relation to God.

What was the necessary condition for salvation in the OT (321)?*


What is faith (377)?*

Faith means confidence, trust, to hold something as true.

What do the following verses indicate regarding the image of God in man (217, 220)? Genesis 1:26-27; Genesis 5:1, 3; Genesis 9:6; 1 Corinthians 11:7; Colossians 3:10; James 3:9 (Ch.31)

Genesis 1:26-27* It was planned by God; also special and deliberate Genesis 5:1, 3 Adam's image transmitted to his descendants Genesis 9:6* Concept of capital punishment 1 Corinthians 11:7 correlates the doctrine to headship Colossians 3:10* putting on the new man like the creator James 3:9* proper speech

What is the difference between the OT view of God and pagan views (339)?

God loves and is reasonable

How does Ryrie answer the objection that election makes God the author of sin (365)?

He is never responsible for us committing sin.

What is the ultimate purpose of election (362)?*

Its purpose for us is service and good works. Its purpose for God is to manifest His glory

How does Ryrie answer the objection that election is inconsistent with human freedom (364)?

Let your mind and your life concentrate on doing what is God's will and making sure you act responsibly.

What is the popular view of trichotomy, and is there any basis for this view?* Explain the role of Hebrews 4:12 and 1 Thessalonians 5:23 in this regard (224).*

Man is composed of body, soul, and spirit, making the spirit superior to the soul, and the spirit and superior to the body. Heb. 4:12 is saying the Bible pierces, not that it spilts the soul and spirit apart. Trichotomists understand spirit, soul, and body in this verse as defining the parts of man; dickitimists say they represent the whole man. If these three terms are inclusive of all aspects of man, then what place do heart, ming, and conscience have?

What is the corporeal view?

Man reflects God in physical appearance.

How does Ryrie define the mind (228)?

Mind includes both the faculties of perceiving and understanding as well as those of feeling, judging, and determining.

Should one make a sharp distinction between the words image and likeness in Genesis 1:26-27? (Ch. 31)

No clear distinction. "seems to be attempting to express a very difficult idea in which he wants to make clear that man is in some way the concrete reflection of God, but at the same time he wants to spiritualize this toward abstraction."

Does the verb bara (Gen. 1) inherently preclude the use of preexisting material? (Ch. 30)


What were the 4 foci of the local churches mentioned in the NT (457)?*

One was geographical. Another was that profession of faith in Christ. Another was the practice of baptism and the Lord's Supper. Another was the exercise of group responsibilities, like teaching.

Why does Pentecost mark the beginning of the church? Cite Scripture (466).*

Pentecost marks the beginning of the church as a functioning body by the outpouring of the Spirit on that day. Though the word "baptism" does not appear in the account of Pentecost in chapter 2, it is quite clear from 11:15-16 that the baptism occurred for the first time on that day. Since, according to Paul (1 Cor. 12:13), Spirit baptism places people in the body of Christ, and since the body of Christ is the church (Eph. 1:22-23), the church, the body, began when those first individuals were baptized at Pentecost.

Identify and define the 3 views of the transmission of man's immaterial aspect from generation to generation (220-22). (Ch. 31)

Preexistence: God created all human souls and then confined them to human bodies as punishment. Creationism: God creates the soul at the moment of conception and unites it with the body. Traducianism: the soul is transmitted along with the body through the processes of natural generation.

What does propitiation mean?

Propitiation means the turning away of wrath by an offering.

What is the Arminian view of man and sin?

We inherit polution from Adam but not guilt and a sin nature, it is in man's will to live a sinless life and this is part of his salvation

How does Ryrie define the conscience (227)?

Witness within man that tells him he ought to do what he believes to be right and not to do what he believes to be wrong.

What are the 2 conditions for enjoying family fellowship (347)?

conforming to the standard of light and confessing sin.

What does it mean to "justify" (343)?*

declare righteous.

Why is justification a cardinal doctrine of Christianity (343)?

it distinguishes it as a religion of grace and faith.

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