Driver Training Textbook Review

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Explain how to steer when backing with a trailer.

-check for clearance -turn wheel opposite to where you want trailer to go -straighten and turn other way -straighten and turn other way again and straighten

What is the optimal seating position behind the wheel?

-comfortably -upright and square -close enough that you do not have to lift your heel -10-12 inches from the steering wheel

Explain how marijuana can affect driving ability.

-decreases ability to recognize and react to situations -more driving errors and traffic violations -new users are effected more

An estimated _________ percent of collisions involve some form of driver inattention.


Approximately what percent of crashes are caused by driver error?


Explain the meaning of a signal light's 3 colors.

Red- stop before crosswalk & do not enter intersection Yellow- clear intersection, slow, prepare to stop Green- go, you may enter the intersection

Other than turning the steering wheel too far, another common error when backing is _____________________.

holding the steering wheel in a turned position for too long

If you are planning an extended driver, preparation can pay off in terms of _________________, __________________, and _______________.

fewer troubles fuel savings enhanced safety

The point at which the engine begins to move the car as the clutch is released is called the _________________________.

friction point

What is not a common message communicated by drivers to reduce risk?


Explain the relationship between inertia and traction. What factors effect inertia?

if vehicle turns suddenly, inertia will want it to keep moving in previous direction, decreasing traction -roadway slope -roadway surface condition -sharp turns -size/height/weight -speed

Where can the recommended tire air pressure be found?

in the owner's manual, or on a placard located on the driver's doorjamb

A space into which you can safely direct your vehicle with the lowest possible risk is referred to as your ________________.

intended path of travel

Explain the purpose of the clutch.

interrupts the connection between the engine and the transmission to allow gear changes

When shopping for a vehicle, you should __________________, _____________, and _________________.

investigate the market consider a previously-owned model consider a certified used car

The key to the Basic Speed Law is to drive at a ______________________ and _________________ speed for conditions.

reasonable; proper

The primary challenge in driving a manual transmission vehicle is learning to _________________________.

release the clutch smoothly to move forward

A frequent mistake when shifting is _____________________.

shifting into a higher gear at too low a speed

Where should the top of the head restraint be adjusted to?

slightly above your ears

Anti-lock braking systems help drivers maintain ____________________________.

steering and control under hard breaking

Define synergism and explain its impact on behavior.

the combined effect of two drugs is greater than the sum of the same two drugs taken separately -impairs a driver's ability two-fold -the combination may create all new symptoms

When passing a motorcycle or scooter, you should give the rider _____________________________.

the whole lane

_______________, _________________, and _____________ should be considered when purchasing tires.

tire quality tread life traction rating

When breaking hard, the weight of the vehicle noticeably shifts __________________.

to the front of the vehicle

Changes in _______________, _______________, and ______________ are major highway conditions that require you to adjust your speed.

traction; space; visibility

When reversing direction, you should consider _________________, _______________, and ________________.

traffic density; your speed; visibility

A solid yellow line on our side of the road means _________________________.

you may not pass

The size of your space margin depends on ______________, ______________, and _______________.

your speed; the width of your vehicle; the maneuvers you expect to perform

Define Graduated Driver Licensing and its three stages.

an approach to ease new drivers into driving through practice and skill development under low risk 1. Learner's Permit (6-12 mon)- -academic course -licensed driver in car with no other passengers -practice for 50 hrs (10 at night) -no moving violations or at-fault crashes 2. Intermediate- -unsupervised -not between 1 am and 5 am -only young passengers if family -no moving violations or at-fault crashes 3. Full License- -unrestricted at around 17 or 18 years old

What should you do when you approach your vehicle parked at a curb?

approach the driver's door from the front of the vehicle, facing oncoming traffic

When starting the engine, you should release the key...

as soon as the engine starts.

Under normal conditions, checks under the hood should be performed how often?

at least once a month or as recommended in the owner's manual

When parking uphill with a curb, you should turn the front wheels __________________.

away from the curb

Define fringe vision.

provides information about objects close to the travel path and lane position; used to judge depth and position

If you believe your brakes may have failed, your first action should be to ____________________________.

pump the brakes

Before making a turn in an urban area, most states' laws require a driver to signal at least ____________ feet before the turn.


Why should a driver not leave their foot on the clutch pedal after having shifted gears when the vehicle is in motion?

"riding the clutch" will wear down the clutch surface and cause slippage

A driver's license _____________________, ______________________, and ___________________.

- gives permission to operate vehicle on public highways -certifies that the driver knows the laws of the road -can be taken away by the state

Explain your duties if you are driving a vehicle involved in a collision.

-Assist the injured -Do not say more than you have to -Exchange info and notify insurance -Notify police and file report -Stop immediately and remain at the scene -Take responsibility if you are at fault

Explain the conditions under which a driver can be charged with driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

-BAC above 0.08% -BAC between 0.00 and 0.02% for those under 21 -Commerce driver (CDL) BAC of 0.04% -exhibits loss of normal mental or physical abilities -If they refuse to take breathalyzer-->charged on driving alone

Outline the general procedures for changing lanes.

-Check for safe gaps -Signal -Check blind spots -Steer into new lane -Cancel signal

Explain the process of securing a manual transmission vehicle.

-Come to stop with wheels straight or turned for curb -Keep clutch depressed -Shift to first gear or reverse -Set parking brake -Turn off lights, check windows -Turn off car and remove key -Check for traffic, exit, and lock doors

Explain the process of executing an off-road recovery.

-Keep a firm grip, drive straight, and straddle pavement -Ease off accelerator, steer off, & steer on when speed under control -Returning quickly: take feet off pedals, steer back slightly onto road, straighten

Explain the effect of a heavy vehicle on acceleration, turning, and deceleration.

-accelerate more slowly -turning= higher center of gravity (slow and steer smoothly) -decelerate sooner

Explain the procedures for safely approaching an intersection.

-be in the correct position and proper lane -adjust speed and search area -watch for people, signs. and other drivers

Explain the concept of separating and give an example.

-good timing -allows you to separate moving and non-moving hazards -take one hazard at a time by giving yourself better visibility and space Ex. when passing over a narrow bridge, slowing to allow the car on the opposite side to cross first minimizes risk

Explain three ways drivers can demonstrate proof of financial responsibility.

-have automobile liability insurance -deposit money in the amount required by the state -deposit bonds or other securities (title to property) to meet state requirements

What three things are related to reckless driving behavior?

-intentionally drives recklessly -knows their actions will create risk -conditions make the risk obvious and serious

Explain the benefits of breaking in a straight line.

-minimizes stopping distances -maintains vehicle balance -increases traction

Describe the basic rules to help determine when it is safe to cross a railroad intersection.

-not safe if gates are down or warning lights are flashing -stop no closer than 15 ft -no warning equipment: stop, look, listen, cross quickly -wait for the vehicle ahead to cross -check for a second oncoming train

List 3 common errors made by new drivers when changing lanes.

-not using signal -decreasing speed -moving too close to the vehicle ahead

Identify 5 common traffic-conflict situations.

-oncoming vehicles -merging and exiting vehicles -cars ahead of your -vehicles behind you -intersecting vehicles and pedestrians

Outline the basic procedure for stopping a vehicle that is going more than 30 mph.

-press brake until speed matches the next lowest gear -continue until you reach 2nd gear -press clutch down & brake once at 15 mph

Explain how to use a reference point to determine how far to pull forward when entering a perpendicular parking space.

-project sight line just under side mirror to the ground -the mirror will line up with the horizontal separating line of the next space over

How can safety belts protect vehicle occupants in the event of a collision?

-slows the occupant's rate of deceleration -keeps them in place -provides comfort, reduces fatigue, and keeps driver alert

Outline the procedure for making a two-point turn when backing into a driveway.

-turn right -back across travel lane to left -stop

Explain the key steps in safely using shared left turn lanes.

-use only to turn left -don't get in lane too soon (increase chance of being hit by traffic; use time only to search, signal, enter, straighten, and stop) -watch for vehicles pulling out of a driveway or crossing the street -yield to other vehicles in, or entering, the lane

Define hydroplaning and how it can be prevented.

-when the control of the front tires is lost when the tires skid on a layer of water -prevented by staying alert when road is wet, not driving at the beginning of a rain storm, or reducing speeds

Explain the concept of compromising and give an example.

-when tow or more objects threaten travel path -give more space to the higher risk hazard Ex. give more space to a vulnerable bicyclist than a line of oncoming traffic

Most states have BAC limits of _____________ percent for drivers under the age of 21.

0.00 to 0.02

On average, it takes the body approximately ________________ hours to eliminate the alcohol contained in one drink.

1 1/4 to 1 1/2

Name five rules that will help reduce the challenges of night driving.

1. Adjust your speed to the reach of your headlights 2. Don't drive around bedtimes or downtimes 3. Keep eyes moving 4. Look to the sides of objects 5. Protect eyes from glare

Identify 5 common errors of drivers with poor visual habits.

1. Are unaware of own speed 2. Are unaware of passing vehicles 3. Become trapped behind large of slow-moving vehicles 4. Don' prepare well for stops or turns 5. Drive with dirty lights, mirrors, and windows

Describe 3 tips to maximize reliability when shopping for a vehicle.

1. Avoid excessive mileage 2. Conduct a pre-purchase inspection 3. Look for a vehicle with a warranty

List 6 guidelines to help you avoid driving aggressively or engaging in road rage.

1. Avoid swerving through traffic unnecessarily 2. Don't use high beams 3. Don't use rude gestures 4. Leave on time 5. Stay calm 6. Use turn signals

Identify 10 items a driver should have available in case of emergency.

1. Blanket 2. Flares 3. Flashlight and batteries 4. Gloves 5. Ice scraper 6. Jumper 7. Lug wrench 8. Pliers 9. Screwdriver 10. Tire gauge

Explain the two types of liability insurance.

1. Bodily injury- for injury or death to others 2. Property damage- for property that belongs to others

List and explain 3 ways alcohol is eliminated by the body.

1. Breath- 8%; it smells 2. Sweat- 2%; it smells 3. Oxidation: 90%; removed by burning up in the liver

Explain 3 driving techniques for minimizing fuel consumption.

1. Carpool 2. Plan your route beforehand 3. Vehicle preparation (increases aerodynamics)

When you load a trailer, arrange ________ percent of the weight in the front half of the trailer.


List 5 habits you should develop when starting a vehicle engine.

1. Check the gauges 2. Ensure the parking break is set 3. Let the engine sit and do not race it 4. Place you foot on the brake before starting the engine 5. Release the key as soon as the engine starts

What are the three guidelines for assessing risk?

1. Consider the possibility of a dangerous situation developing 2. Identify possible alternative actions and consider the consequences of each 3. Prepare to change speed or direction to control the situation

List and describe 3 types of alternatively-powered vehicles.

1. Diesel- gets more miles per gallon but is not as common in the US 2. Electric- runs entirely on electricity but has less range 3. Hybrid- creates electric fuel from gas and does not need as much gas

Explain 3 benefits or knowing your route beforehand when leaving on an extended drive.

1. Fuel 2. Driving time 3. Enjoyment

List and explain 4 factors that can affect a drinker's BAC.

1. Gender- women produce less alcohol dehydrogenase= higher BAC 2. Body weight- more weight= lower BAC 3. Size of the drink- the larger the drink, the more alcohol 4. Time- drinking faster greatly increases BAC

What are the steps involved in safely approaching your vehicle?

1. Have keys or keyless remote in hand 2. Be aware of pedestrians and drivers 3. search for movement beneath and around the vehicle 4. make sure other drivers see you, and stay away from parked cars 5. approach the driver's side facing traffic

Describe the 3 steps in preparing to pass another vehicle.

1. Position yourself 3 sec. behind and search for obstacles 2. Check mirrors and ahead for traffic 3. Check for safe passing distance

What are the 4 characteristics of risk?

1. Risk is always present 2. Perceived risks (what you think you are at risk of) differ from actual risks (what you are actually at risk of) 3. Risk is affected by all road users 4. Risk can be managed

List 3 factors that affect the selection of a path of travel.

1. Roadway conditions 2. Off-road conditions 3. Traffic conditions

Identify 3 factors that may qualify you for an insurance premium discount.

1. Safe driving record 2. Two or more cars insured by the same company 3. Student/driver-training credit

How do you perform an aggressive visual search?

1. Search 20-30 sec. ahead along intended path of travel for objects or conditions that could increase the level of risk 2. Be aware of the level of traction and identify an alternative path of travel 12-15 sec. ahead through which you can avoid a dangerous situation

Explain 3 ways that being distracted can increase driving risk.

1. Slowed perception- don't see hazards as quickly 2. Delayed decisions- can't decide quickly due to lack of focus 3. Improper action- their surprise leads to bad decisions

What are the 2 rules of thumb when stopping regularly for breaks on an extended drive.

1. Stop every 2 hours 2. Or every 100 mi

List and explain factors that can effect traction.

1. Surface of roadway- concrete is better than gravel 2. Substances on road- leaves and sand can make roads slippery 3. Surface conditions- water and snow can cause a car to skid 4. Roadway design- slanted roadways can shift a car's weight

List 3 pieces of equipment needed to tow a trailer safely.

1. Trailer hitch 2. Hitch ball 3. Oversized mirrors

Describe 3 vehicle operating costs.

1. Vehicle cost- how much the vehicle itself cost on the surface 2. Operating costs- insurance, maintenance, repairs, and fuel 3. how much fuel you must buy

Name and describe 8 items on the instrument panel.

1. anti-lock brake system- your vehicle has an ABS that helps you avoid pumping your brakes 2. check engine light- notifies you if their is a problem with your engine 3. fuel gauge- the bottom left circle that monitors fuel 4. gear-selection indicator- lights up with which gear you are in 5. headlight high beam indicator- tells you if your high beams are on 6. left/right turn indicator- flashes when you have turned on your signals 7. location of fuel door- red-lit gas pump with a green arrow that tells you which side of the car the fuel door is on 8. oil-pressure gauge- center small circle that monitors oil

In vehicles equipped with a driver's-side air bag, sitting closer than ________ inches from the steering wheel increases the chance of arm, neck, or facial injury in the event of a crash.


A driver should maintain a visual control zone of at least ______________ seconds ahead.


A driver should search the highway ____________ seconds ahead.


Most people experience dips in energy between approximately midnight and 6 am, and ________ to __________.

2; 4 pm

Under most conditions a minimum following interval of __________ will enable you to adjust speed or position appropriately.

3-4 seconds

If a vehicle's speed doubles from 20 mph to 40 mph, the distance needed to stop the vehicle increases by ___________ times.


To be safe for use, our tires should have a minimum tread depth of ______________. Explain how to use a quarter to check tire tread depth.

4/32 in -place the quarter into multiple grooves -part of Washington's head should always be covered

Approximately how many people are killed yearly in motor vehicle-related collisions in the U.S.?


The overall risk of a collision increases by ___________ percent while using a cellphone.


How long does it take a new driver to reach the driving ability of the average experienced driver?

5 years

You should maintain a ____________ following distance when driving a heavy vehicle or towing a trailer.

5-6 second

More than _____ percent of all vehicle occupant fatalities occur in single vehicle crashes.


Avoid driving more than __________ miles per day.


Explain the differences between aggressive driving and road rage.

Aggressive driving: when a driver exhibits an aggressive mindset, but his or her actions are not directed towards a specific person Road rage: when a driver targets a certain individual with malicious intent

______________ vision is the 5 degree cone that makes up only 3% of a driver's total visual field.


How do you set a vehicle's side mirrors, and how do they help drivers monitor the space around their vehicles?

Driver's side: -place head against left side window -set mirror so that you just barely see the side of the car in the right side of the mirror Passenger mirror: -position head centered under the rearview mirror, or above the center console -position mirror so you can just barely see the side of the car in the left side of the mirror Mirrors allow drivers to observe objects directly behind and adjacent to the vehicle

List 5 types of vehicle failures and how you would avoid or compensate for them.

Engine failure: -proper maintenance -shift to neutral and leave road Light failure: -routine checks -slow, try different setting, turn on emergency lights, and leave road Tire failure: -keep straight, ease off accelerator, and leave road Fire: -pull off road and get far away from car Brake failure: -pump brakes or use parking brake -downshift, slow, and exit

Outline the procedure for entering and leaving a perpendicular parking space.

Enter: -look for others backing out -signal -position 8-9 feet from other vehicle -turn wheel rapidly -move forward slowly and straighten wheels -stop just before curb -cancel signal Exit: -Check -Signal -Shift to reverse and check -Back until windshield is in line with rear of cars -Back while turning -Turn wheel other way and back to straighten -Shift to drive and cancel signal

How do you perform the 3 steering techniques?

Hand-to-hand: -one hand pushes up or pulls down, while the other slides to stabilize -to straighten, both hands allow wheel to slide Hand-over-hand: -one hand pushes up past twelve and then down -lower hand crosses over and pushes past twelve and down One-handed: -not recommended -place one hand at twelve

List and explain the 4 levels of acceleration.

Idle: release pressure from brake for slow forward motion Light:slow forward motion; speed gradually increases; minimum weight shift Progressive: firm pressure to increase speed Thrust: firm push for increased acceleration; moves weight to rear; for passing faster traffic

_____________________ acceleration is used to maintain slow forward motion or allowing speed to increase gradually with minimum weight shift.


_________________ is the coming together or blending of vehicles to maintain a smooth, uninterrupted traffic flow.


Explain the purpose of the forward gears and the neutral gear.

Neutral: used when starting or stopping car 1st: getting car going (15 mph) 2nd: intermediate acceleration (25-30 mph) used when turning 3rd: 30-40 mph 4th: 40-50 mph 5th: top cruise gear and max fuel mileage for 5-speed transmissions 6th: top cruise gear and max fuel mileage for cars with 6 gears

______________ drivers who crashed after falling asleep did not detect any signs of drowsiness before the crash.

One half of

Identify 4 signs or roadway markings used with reversible lanes.

Red X- lane is closed Yellow X- vacate lane, it will be turning red soon Flashing Yellow X- use lane only to turn left Green arrow- lane is open

List and explain the 4 levels of deceleration.

Release accelerator: stops forward force Controlled/squeeze braking: enough pressure to slow vehicle, but provide minimum weight shift Threshold braking: pressure just short of brake locking; for abrupt stops Trail braking: squeeze off; gradually remove pressure from brake

______________ laws are designed to help drivers understand who should be granted the privilege of proceeding first when more than one vehicle approaches and intersection at about the same time.


___________________ occurs when a driver uses the vehicle or some other weapon to threaten or cause harm to another roadway user in response to a traffic incident.

Road rage

Explain how to perform ground viewing and how it can help reduce risk.

Shift gaze to ground: -Judge vehicles' speed--> prepares for changes in speed -See lane position--> prepares for changes in lanes -See new road conditions--> shadows of slick spots or unseen car -Locate non-motor vehicles--> shadows of children or animals

How can a Parent-Teen Driving Agreement help the teen, the parents, and the family as a whole?

Teen: -keeps them safe -makes communication with parents easier -guidelines are fully understood Parents: -stops them from worrying -allows them to easily monitor their children Family: -decreases the risk of financial or emotional losses -creates an all-around positive and relaxed atmosphere

True or False: Nearly half of all new drivers will either be cited for a traffic offense or be involved in a collision during their first 12 months of driving.


Explain the effects of uphill and downhill driving.

Uphill- -traveling speed decreases -acceleration decreases -breaking ability is better Downhill- -traveling speed increases -acceleration increases -breaking ability is worse

Define peripheral vision.

a cone shape that detects color and motion; provides information about objects that could be threats; gives sense of speed

Vehicles use the greatest amount of fuel when _______________.


Engine oil should be changed ________________.

according to the maintenance schedule in your owner's manual

When shifting gears, you should press the clutch ____________________.

all the way to the floor

When shifting gears, you should look __________________.

along your intended path of travel

Explain how to determine the proper fuel octane level for your vehicle.

check owner's manual

Signs communicate meaning using ___________, _____________, and ______________.

colors; shapes; words

When preparing to turn, you should _____________________.

complete your braking before turning the steering wheel

________________ insurance covers damage to your vehicle caused by something other than a collision.


If you begin to experience a skid, the best response is to ___________________________________.

continue to look and steer where you want the vehicle to go

What does a certificate of motor vehicle title do?

demonstrates proof of ownership

Parking in a traffic lane is called ________________ and is illegal in most states.


To avoid a collision, you can use ________________, _________________, and ________________.

evasive steering; evasive braking; evasive acceleration

How often should pre-driving checks for approaching the vehicle (outside the vehicle and inside) be performed?

every time you drive

The first ability to be impaired by alcohol or other drugs is ___________________.


When turning to the right, the contact patches of the ______________ will increase in size.

left side tires

A once ounce shot of whiskey contains ________ alcohol than a 12 ounce can of beer.


The most important protection against financial loss from a collision is ________________ insurance, which covers damages to other people.


Solid white lines are used to ______________________ and _______________________.

mark the right edge of highways; indicate areas where lane changes are discouraged or unlawful

The safest type of vehicle for a new driver is a __________________.

mid-size sedan

An odd-numbered Interstate using a single or double-digit number indicates a route that runs _____________ and ___________.

north; south

List 4 substances that can reduce traction.

paint, sand, tar, wet leaves

Areas where pedestrian traffic is heavy include ___________________, _____________________, and ___________________.

parking lots; bus stops; school zones

Explain the effects of low tire pressure on fuel economy and exhaust emissions.

under inflation of 20%= decreased fuel economy and increased exhaust emissions

A ______________ skid occurs when your front tires begin to lose contact with the road surface.


___________________ protects you and your passengers from bodily injury losses caused by an uninsured or hit-and-run driver legally liable for the damage.

uninsured motorist

The distance you look ahead is identified as your ______________________.

visual lead

Railroad advance warning signs are ____________ and ______________.

yellow; round

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