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Regulatory signs provide notice to road users of traffic laws that must be obeyed. Where this sign is present, drivers must drive in the direction indicated by the arrow.

At a green light, you must give the right-of-way to any vehicle, bicyclist, or pedestrian in the intersection. If a pedestrian begins crossing the street after the traffic signal light starts flashing, wait until they have crossed the street before proceeding.

If your vehicle begins to skid, stay off the brakes. Continue to correct your steering until the vehicle is back under your control and moving safely down the road.

Begin and end the turn in the lane nearest the right-hand curb. Do not swing wide into another lane of traffic.

In this situation, you should take on one danger at a time. Rather than trying to squeeze between the bicyclist and the other vehicle, you should slow down to let the other vehicle pass, and then pass the bicyclist when it is safe to do so.

Even when you signal, you should not assume that the space you want to occupy is free or that other drivers will give you the right-of-way.

At a white painted curb, you may stop only long enough to pick up or drop off passengers or mail.

For drivers age 21 or older, it is illegal to drive with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.08% or more. Driving while under the influence of alcohol is not only illegal, but dangerous.

Even people with good hearing cannot hear well if the radio or CD player is blaring. Do not wear a headset or earplugs in both ears while driving; it is against the law

If there are oncoming vehicles to your left and a row of parked vehicles to your right, the best thing to do is to split the difference. Steer a middle course between the oncoming cars and the parked cars.

After a collision, if no one has been injured or killed and you can safely do so, you should move your vehicle out of the traffic lane.

If you must stop on the shoulder of the interstate or highway, turn on your emergency flashers to warn other drivers and stay inside your vehicle, if you can. The extremely high speed of traffic makes standing or walking along an interstate highway very dangerous.

When you follow so closely behind a truck that you cannot see the truck driver's side view mirrors, the trucker cannot see you and has no way of knowing you are there. Tailgating a truck, or any vehicle, is dangerous because you take away your own cushion of safety if the vehicle in front of you stops quickly.

If you sell or transfer a vehicle, you must report the sale or transfer to the DMV within 10 days.

You should check carefully for motorcycles when changing lanes because their small size makes it easy for them to disappear into your blind spots

If your vehicle is equipped with a lap belt and a separate shoulder belt, you are required to use both.

Drivers must obey special signs or instructions given by flaggers. They are in place to keep drivers and workers safe.

In California, it is illegal to smoke in a vehicle at any time when a minor is present.

Large trucks must often swing wide to complete a right turn. A truck making a right turn may initially appear to be turning left because of the need to swing wide. When behind a turning truck, you should pay attention to the truck's turn signal to be aware of which way the trucker actually intends to turn.

It can be hard to judge the speed of oncoming vehicles. They do not always seem to be coming as fast as they really are. Always be sure you can safely change lanes when passing on a two-lane street. If you are not sure of an oncoming vehicle's speed, wait to pass until the oncoming vehicle has passed and you are sure there is enough space for you to change lanes safely.

You may proceed in the direction that a green arrow signal is pointing if you are in the proper lane, regardless of any other signals that are displayed. Before turning, you must yield the right-of-way to pedestrians and vehicles already within the intersection.

Keep a space between your vehicle and parked vehicles. A person may step out of a parked vehicle or out from between the parked vehicles without looking. A driver may begin moving their vehicle before realizing you are there.

If your vehicle leaves the roadway, hold the steering wheel firmly, release the gas pedal, and gently apply the brakes. Wait until your speed has reduced, check the traffic, and look for a place to safely return to the roadway by merging back into traffic. Overcompensating by jerking the wheel to return to the roadway can cause you to lose control of your vehicle or may cause your car to go into other lanes of traffic.

Legal medications, both prescription and over-the-counter, can impair your ability to drive. They can be particularly dangerous when used in combination with alcohol.

You must drive more slowly than usual when there is heavy traffic or bad weather. However, if you block the normal and reasonable movement of traffic by driving too slowly, you may be cited.

Legal prescription and over-the-counter drugs can impair your ability to drive, including drugs taken for colds, hay fever, allergies, or to calm nerves or muscles. It is illegal to drive while under the influence of any drug that impairs your ability to drive safely; this law does not differentiate between illegal, prescription, or over-the-counter drugs

Even if the signal is green, you must not enter an intersection unless you can get completely across before the light turns red. If you block the intersection, you can be cited.

Minors may not use a cellular phone while driving, except for certain emergencies. Cell phones are allowed to be used by drivers over age 18, but a hands-free device should be used.

When merging onto a freeway, you should enter at or near the speed of traffic.

Never assume other drivers will give you the right-of-way. Yield your right-of-way whenever it helps prevent collisions

A diamond-shaped sign on a truck means that the load on the truck is potentially dangerous (containing gas, explosives, etc.). Vehicles displaying these signs are required to stop before crossing railroad tracks.

Passing on the right is permissible only if it is possible to do so without driving off the roadway. Never pass another vehicle on the shoulder because the other driver will not expect you to be there and may pull off the road.

This sign warns of the possible presence of merging traffic.

Regulatory signs inform drivers of specific laws that must be obeyed. Displayed laws may be about traffic direction, lane use, turning, speed, parking, or special situations. Regulatory signs are commonly white squares or rectangles with black, red, or green letters or symbols.

Vehicles displaying hazardous load signs are required to stop before crossing railroad tracks.

Respect the right-of-way of pedestrians. Always stop for any pedestrian crossing at a corner or crosswalk, even if the corner is without traffic signal lights. You should stop for pedestrians crossing at any crosswalk, whether or not the crosswalk is marked by painted lines.

It is important that you are able to see clearly through all of your vehicle's windows, including the windshield. Remove all snow, ice, and frost from your vehicle's windows and mirrors before you start to drive.damage.

Slow-moving vehicles, such as farm tractors, road maintenance vehicles, and animal-drawn carts, display an orange and red triangle on the back.

Large trucks take longer to stop than other vehicles traveling at the same speed. The average passenger vehicle traveling at 55 mph can stop within 400 feet. However, a large truck traveling at the same speed can take almost 800 feet to stop.

The "Basic Speed Law" means that you may never drive faster than would be safe in current conditions. For example, if you drive 45 mph in a 55 mph zone during a dense fog, even though you are below the posted limit, you may be cited for driving too fast for conditions.

While waiting to turn left, keep your wheels pointed straight ahead until it is safe to start your turn. If a vehicle hits you from behind, this will prevent you from veering into oncoming traffic. When parked facing either uphill or downhill, turn the wheels so the vehicle will not roll into traffic if the brakes fail.

The only way to remove the effects of alcohol from the body is to let time pass. Eating, drinking coffee, or taking a shower will not speed up this process.

If a road has four or more lanes with two-way traffic, drive in the right lanes unless you are passing or turning left. If you are on an interstate highway and are driving below the speed of the flow of traffic, use the right lane.

The speed limit for a blind intersection is 15 mph. An intersection is considered "blind" if there are no stop signs on any corner and you cannot see for 100 feet in either direction during the last 100 feet before crossing.

When turning left from a one-way street onto a one-way street, start the turn from the far left lane. Watch for pedestrians, motorcyclists, and bicyclists between your vehicle and the curb because they may also legally use the left turn lane for their left turns. Turn into any lane that is safely open.

To avoid last-minute moves, scan the road 10 to 15 seconds ahead of your vehicle so you can see hazards early. Constantly staring at the road right in front of your vehicle is dangerous.

When backing up, place your right arm on the back of the passenger seat and look directly through the rear window. Do not depend on your rearview or side mirrors as mirrors do not show directly behind your vehicle. Only drive in reverse at a low speed.

To prevent skidding on slippery surfaces, avoid especially slippery areas, such as ice patches, wet leaves, oil, or deep puddles. The safest surface for driving is a dry, solid surface.

Do not allow a person to ride in the back of a pickup or other truck unless the vehicle is equipped with seats and the person uses both the seat and a safety belt.

Trucks transporting hazardous loads must stop before they cross railroad tracks.

When parking either uphill or downhill on a road that has no curb, you should turn your wheels so that the vehicle will roll away from the center of the road if the brakes fail.

U-turns are permitted in residential areas if there are no vehicles approaching within 200 feet. They are also permitted when a traffic sign, light, or signal protects you from approaching vehicles.

Turn on your headlights when it is cloudy, raining, snowing, or foggy. If weather conditions require you to use your windshield wipers, you are required to turn on your low beam headlights.

Use low beam headlights when driving in fog, rain, or snow. High beams may reflect off of the weather and make visibility even poorer.

Within 100 feet of a railroad crossing where you cannot see 400 feet down the tracks in both directions, the speed limit is 15 mph. However, you may drive faster if the crossing is controlled by gates, a warning signal, or a flagger.

When a vehicle makes a turn, the rear wheels follow a shorter path than the front wheels. The longer the vehicle, the bigger the difference between the paths of the front and rear wheels. Therefore, long trucks often have to swing wide to complete a right turn.

The term "distracted driving" refers to driving while anything takes your eyes, hands, or mind away from the task at hand. Distracted driving is the most

When being closely followed by a tailgater, you should slow down gradually or merge into another lane to prevent a collision with them.

When entering a roundabout, you must yield to pedestrians, bicyclists, and traffic already in the roundabout.

When leaving an alley, driveway, or parking lot to enter a roadway, you must stop before driving onto a sidewalk or sidewalk area. Pedestrians and existing traffic have the right-of-way.

Use high beam headlights only when driving in rural areas and when other cars are not nearby. Lower your headlights to their low beam setting when you are following closely behind another driver.

When traffic permits, you should make room to allow vehicles to merge into your lane.

When traffic control signals are not working, a driver must always treat the intersection as an all-way stop and come to a complete stop, unless otherwise directed by law enforcement. The driver must then look and yield the right-of-way before entering the intersection.

When you sell or transfer a vehicle, you must notify the DMV within five days.

When driving, watch for warning signs of fatigue. You are too tired to drive safely if you are struggling to keep your eyes open, drifting from your lane, or turning up the radio and rolling down your windows to keep yourself awake. If you notice these signs, it is a good idea to find a safe place to park so you can refresh yourself with a short nap.

While airbags provide supplemental protection for adults in the event of a crash, they pose a severe safety risk for children. Anyone age 12 or under should sit in the back seat of a vehicle with airbags.

Do not go around or under any lowered gate at a railroad crossing. Once the gate is raised, do not proceed across the tracks until you can see clearly in both directions and are sure there are no trains coming.

While it can create special problems for large vehicles, strong wind can cause problems for all drivers. Wind can lower visibility by blowing dirt and dust into the roadway, but it can sometimes also physically move a vehicle.

A flashing red traffic light means the same thing as a stop sign. When arriving at an intersection with a flashing red light, you must come to a full stop and proceed when it is safe to do so.

You are required by law to contact the DMV within five calendar days from the date you sell or transfer the title of a vehicle to another owner. They must be notified of every title transfer.

A reflective orange triangle on the rear of a vehicle means it travels only at slow speeds. You may see this sign on roadwork equipment, farm vehicles, or horse-drawn wagons and carriages. It appears as a solid orange triangle during the day and a hollow red triangle at night.

You may not know what is on the other side of a hill or just around a curve, even if you have driven the road many times. If a vehicle is stalled just out of sight on the roadway, you must be able to stop. Whenever you come to a hill or curve, adjust your speed so you can stop if necessary.

Pedestrians who use guide dogs or white canes (with or without a red tip) must be given the right-of-way at all times.

You may sometimes turn right when stopped by a solid red light. You may never turn left or right when stopped by a traffic light with a red arrow.

You must yield the right-of-way to any emergency vehicle that is using its siren and lights. Drive to the right edge of the road and stop until the emergency vehicle has passed. If you are within an intersection, drive through the intersection first and then stop.

You must drive more slowly than usual when there is heavy traffic or bad weather. However, if you block the normal and reasonable movement of traffic by driving too slowly, you may be cited. You should match the speed of traffic, unless the speed of traffic exceeds the legal speed limit.

You should be extra careful when turning and stopping during the first half hour of rain. At this point, the oil from cars has not yet washed off the pavement and could be forming a slippery mixture with the rain.


You must come to a complete stop at a steady or flashing red traffic light. You must always obey instructions given by officers directing traffic, regardless of any posted signs or traffic signals.


Being under the influence of alcohol affects your judgment. Good judgement is necessary to react appropriately to things that you see or hear while on the road. Even if you are below the legal blood alcohol limit, consuming any amount of alcohol is likely to affect your ability to drive safely.

A blue curb indicates an area where parking is permitted only for a disabled person, or driver of a disabled person, who displays a placard or special license plate for disabled persons or disabled veterans.

In a business district, you may make a U-turn only at an intersection, unless a sign prohibits it, or where openings are provided for turns.

A driver's ability to safely operate a vehicle may be impaired at any BAC level, even a level lower than the legal limit. Any amount of alcohol can affect one's judgment and physical coordination. Driving under the influence of even a small amount of alcohol can lead to criminal charges.

This sign indicates that there is a yield sign ahead. You should begin to slow down when you see this warning sign

A five-sided sign indicates that you are near a school. Be aware and stop if children are in the crosswalk.

When driving in heavy rain at speeds as low as 30 mph, your tires may lose all contact with the road and instead ride up on a layer of water above the surface of the road. This is called "hydroplaning." If your vehicle starts to hydroplane, slow down gradually and do not apply the brakes.

A flashing red signal means "stop." After coming to a stop, you may proceed once it is safe, observing all right-of-way rules.

Maintain an increased following distance when driving on slippery roads.

A green arrow means "go." You must turn in the direction the arrow is pointing after you yield to any vehicles, bicycles, or pedestrians who are still in the intersection

When turning left from a one-way street onto another one-way street, you should begin the turn from the far left lane.

A left turn against a red light can only be made from a one-way street onto a one-way street. Signal and stop for a red traffic light at the marked limit line.

You should adjust your speed to travel smoothly with the other traffic on a roadway (provided that the other traffic is driving within the posted speed limits). Remember that vehicles moving in the same direction at the same speed cannot hit each other. Crashes involving multiple vehicles often happen when some vehicles are traveling at different speeds than others.

A person with a Class C license may drive a three-axle vehicle if it weighs 6,000 pounds or less.

When making a left turn from a one-way street onto a two-way street, start from the far left lane.

A sign that says to "yield" means that you must slow down and be ready to stop to let any vehicle, bicyclist, or pedestrian pass before you proceed. After yielding, you may follow the remaining directions on the sign.

To avoid contributing to chronic traffic congestion, you should not "rubberneck." That is, you should not slow down to look at out-of-the-ordinary things.

A solid yellow light means "caution" and signals that the light will soon turn red. You should stop at a solid yellow light if you can do so safely; otherwise, you should cautiously cross the intersection.

Avoid "rubbernecking," or slowing down to look at collisions or anything else out-of-the-ordinary. This helps to relieve traffic congestion.

A white rectangular sign indicates that you must obey the stated rule. This sign means that drivers should not pass other vehicles for any reason.

Fatigue causes errors related to speed and distance, increases your risk of being in a crash, and causes you to take more time to make decisions. When you are fatigued, you could fall asleep behind the wheel and crash, injuring or killing yourself or others.

A white, rectangular sign indicates that you must obey important rules. This sign means that drivers should allow the left lane to remain open, when possible, for passing and for faster traffic.


Alcohol and other drugs can negatively effect a number of skills needed for safe driving, including a driver's reaction time, coordination, alertness, and ability to concentrate.

If a tire suddenly goes flat while you are driving, hold the steering wheel tightly and keep the vehicle moving straight. Slow down gradually by taking your foot off the gas pedal and using the brakes lightly.

Alcohol is a depressant that dulls your judgment and makes your reflexes unreliable.

Slow down and proceed with caution if you see animals that are standing near the roadway. They may unexpectedly bolt or change direction at the last moment. Some animals travel in packs, so there may be more animals just out of sight that are also near the road.

Alcohol, in any concentration, is a depressant. It slows all nerve impulses and bodily functions, resulting in a lessening of inhibitions and negatively affecting a consumer's ability to concentrate and stay alert.

This sign warns of a reverse curve in which the road curves to the right, then to the left

Always be aware of what is happening around your vehicle. Constantly observing your surroundings to the front, sides, and rear of your vehicle will help you see problems that may require you to change speed or roadway position.

down and be alert before entering the intersection. Yield to any pedestrians, bicyclists, or vehicles in the intersection.

An eight-sided red sign means "stop."

Many roads are most slippery during the first rain after a dry spell because oil and dust on the road have not previously been washed away.

Any time that you merge into city or highway traffic, you should wait for a gap in traffic large enough for your vehicle to get up to the speed of other traffic.

After coming to a complete stop, you may turn left at a red light only if you are traveling on a one-way street and turning onto another one-way street. Only make the turn if there are no posted signs prohibiting such a turn.

At a stop sign, you must come to a full stop and check for traffic in all directions before proceeding.

You should avoid passing other vehicles on two-lane roads. Every time you pass a vehicle, your odds of being in a collision increase.

At a yield sign, you must slow down or stop, if necessary, and give the right-of-way to crossing or merging vehicles. Yield the right-of-way to any cross traffic that is close enough to cause conflict.

If you can see a collision ahead, warn the drivers behind you by turning on your emergency flashers or by tapping your brake pedal quickly three or four times.

At an intersection where traffic is not controlled by traffic signal lights, drivers are required to yield the right-of-way to pedestrians within any crosswalk, marked or unmarked. Even if there is no crosswalk, yield to the pedestrian.


Backing up is always dangerous because it is hard to see behind your vehicle. Prior to entering your vehicle, check your surroundings to be aware of any potential hazards. When you are backing out of a parking space, look over your shoulder to maintain awareness of your surroundings.

This sign warns of a dangerous downgrade or hill ahead. The hill may be very long or steep, or it may have sharp curves

Because they are larger, trucks take longer to stop than cars traveling at the same speed. Other drivers should not pull in front of a truck and then slow down or stop.

When a school bus is stopped on the road ahead with its lights flashing and its stop arm extended, you must come to a complete stop and wait to proceed until the lights have stopped flashing and the stop arm is withdrawn. You do not need to stop if the school bus is on the opposite side of a divided highway.

Before changing lanes, signal, look in all your mirrors, and look over your left or right shoulder to make sure the lane next to you is clear. Looking over your shoulder is a way to check your blind spot to be sure there is no vehicle, motorcycle, or bicycle traffic in the next lane.

A solid yellow arrow means that the protection of a green arrow is ending. If you are turning in the direction of the arrow, you should prepare to stop and yield the right-of-way to oncoming traffic before turning.

Before returning to your original lane after passing, you must make sure you are not dangerously close to the vehicle you have just passed. When you can see both of the vehicle's headlights in your rearview mirror, you may have enough room to return to the lane.

Unless otherwise posted, the speed limit in business and residential districts is 25 mph.

Before you return to the driving lane when completing a pass, be sure there is a safe gap between your vehicle and the passed vehicle. When you can see both headlights of the vehicle in your rearview mirror, it is safe to return to the driving lane.

When passing another vehicle on its left, you may move back into the right lane when the headlights of the passed vehicle can be seen in your rearview mirror. Always signal before changing lanes.

Bridges and overpasses tend to freeze before the rest of the road does. They can hide spots of ice.

California has a "Basic Speed Law," which means that you may never drive faster than would be safe in current conditions. Even if your speed is slower than the posted limit, you may still be cited if you are going too fast for conditions. When deciding how quickly to drive, drivers should take multiple factors into account, such as the speed of surrounding vehicles, the condition of the road surface, the presence of bicyclists and pedestrians, and weather conditions.

By definition, blind spots are areas that cannot be seen using your mirrors. To check your blind spots, you should look over your shoulders.

This sign indicates that the road ahead may be slippery when wet.

Children are often the least predictable pedestrians and the most difficult pedestrians to see. Take extra care to look out for children, especially near schools, bus stops, playgrounds, parks, and ice cream trucks. Be aware of children riding bikes on the sidewalk, as they may come onto the road unexpectedly.

You must stop at a solid or flashing red light, or at a signal light that is blacked out (not working). A solid yellow light means that the signal is about to turn red and you must stop if you can do so safely; otherwise, proceed cautiously. A flashing yellow light means that you should proceed with caution, but you do not need to stop.

Children who are eight years old or older, or who have reached at least 4 feet 9 inches in height, may use a properly secured safety belt meeting federal standards. Other children must be seated in a child passenger restraint system

Every time you pass another vehicle, you increase your chances of being in a collision.

Collisions are more likely to happen when one driver travels more quickly or more slowly than the other vehicles on the road. You should enter a freeway at or near the speed of traffic, unless the speed of traffic exceeds the legal speed limit.

common contributing factor to reported traffic collisions. Distractions of any sort cause drivers to miss key visual and audio cues needed to avoid a crash

Do not wear a headset or earplugs in both ears while driving; it is against the law. You must be able to be aware of all possible surrounding hazards.

If you hit a parked vehicle or other property, you must leave a note with your name, phone number, and address securely attached to the vehicle or property that you hit.

Drivers must always wear seat belts and may be cited for failure to do so.

On the freeway, be ready for changes in traffic conditions. Watch for signals from other drivers. Expect merging vehicles at on-ramps and interchanges and be prepared for rapid changes in road conditions and traffic flow.

Drivers must always yield the right-of-way to pedestrians in the roadway, even if there is not a marked crosswalk.

To prevent yourself from becoming an aggressive driver, concentrate on driving and don't take the actions of other drivers personally. Be realistic about your travel time, drive within posted speed limits, and be forgiving of other drivers using the roadway

Drivers must use their headlights any time conditions prevent them from seeing other vehicles. Conditions with lowered visibility include dust, clouds, rain, snow, smoke, or fog on or near the roadway.

Any opened alcoholic beverage container must be kept in the trunk of the vehicle, or in another place where passengers do not sit. Keeping an opened alcoholic drink in the glove compartment is specifically prohibited. However, in a bus, taxi, camper, or motor home, these restrictions do not apply to non-driving passengers.

Drivers must yield the right-of-way to pedestrians who are crossing the street in any marked or unmarked crosswalk. In the interest of safety, drivers should yield the right-of-way to people crossing any street.

A red arrow means "stop." You must remain stopped until a green light or green arrow appears. Do not turn against a red arrow.

Drivers should check their rearview mirrors often to stay aware of the position of traffic behind them.

A wet, slippery road does not allow your tires the traction they need, so it is necessary to drive more slowly on a wet road than you would on a dry road. To reduce the risk of skidding, you should avoid fast turns or stops.

Drivers should not use a cell phone without a hands-free device. For minors, it is illegal to use any cell phone while driving, except in an emergency. Even if you do have a hands-free device, it is recommended that you let calls go to voicemail while driving in order to avoid distractions.

You should enter a freeway at or near the speed of traffic, unless the speed of traffic exceeds the legal speed limit.

Drivers should signal when pulling next to a curb or away from a curb.

Before changing lanes, it is very important to check behind you. You should look over your shoulder to ensure that you are not getting in the way of vehicles in the lane you want to enter. Before changing lanes, you should also ensure that no drivers are attempting to drive into the same spot from a different lane.

Drivers turning left must yield to oncoming vehicles that are driving straight ahead. A turning driver may only proceed when they can safely turn without affecting oncoming traffic.

Listening to music through a set of dual headphones is dangerous and illegal.

Pedestrians using guide dogs or white canes (with or without a red tip) must be given the right-of-way at all times.

When parking alongside the curb on a level street, the front and back wheels of your vehicle must be parallel with and within 18 inches of the curb.

Driving directly alongside another vehicle could create a collision if the other driver crowds your lane or tries to change lanes without looking. To avoid this, you should drive ahead of or behind vehicles in other lanes rather than alongside them.

When driving, do not develop a fixed stare. Frequently check your rearview mirrors so you know the positions of vehicles near you.

Even if the light is green, you may not enter an intersection unless you can get completely across before the light turns red. If you block the intersection, you can be cited.

Before you return to your driving lane, be sure you are not dangerously close to the vehicle you have just passed. One way to do this is to look for the vehicle in your inside rearview mirror. When you can see both headlights in your rearview mirror, you may have enough room to return to your driving lane.

Even if your light is green, you should not enter an intersection unless you can get completely across before the light turns red. You can be cited if you block the intersection.

Pedestrians have the right-of-way at street crossings but must obey traffic control signals. Where a traffic signal is not present, vehicles must stop for pedestrians in a crosswalk, whether it is marked or unmarked.

Even if your traffic light is green, you must not enter an intersection unless you can get completely across the intersection before the light turns red. If you block the intersection, you can be cited.

You should always change lanes gradually and carefully. Only change lanes when necessary. Every lane change increases the possibility of a traffic accident.

Freeway lanes that are ending will usually be marked by large broken lines painted on the pavement. If you are driving in a lane marked with these broken lines, be prepared to exit the freeway or for the lane to end.

To drive quickly, pass, or turn left, use the left lane. Use the right lane when driving more slowly than surrounding traffic, entering the road, or turning right.

It is best to postpone driving until a fog clears. However, if you must drive in the fog, you should do so slowly and use your windshield wipers and low beam headlights.

Excessive speed is one of the most common contributing factors to vehicle crashes. Excessive speed does not save time and often leads to high-risk decision-making.

If a collision results in death, any minor or major injury, or more than $1,000 in damage to anyone's property, each driver involved must file a report with the DMV within 10 days. In some cases, the driver's insurance agent, broker, or legal representative may file the report to represent the driver.

When you are within 100 feet of an uncontrolled railroad crossing where you cannot see the tracks for 400 feet in both directions, the speed limit is 15 mph.

If a traffic signal is not working and no lights are showing, you should proceed cautiously as if the intersection is controlled by stop signs in all directions.

Aggressive drivers demonstrate behaviors like speeding, tailgating, failing to obey traffic signals and devices, erratic or improper lane changes, failing to yield the right-of-way, and improper passing. Some factors that may produce aggressive driving are crowded roads, unexpected delays, rushing, road construction, and stress.

If a vehicle merges in front of you too closely, take your foot off of the accelerator. This will create space between you and the vehicle ahead without requiring you to slam on your brakes or swerve into another lane.

Always drive with the general flow of traffic, within legal speed limits.

If making a right turn, you may enter the bicycle lane no more than 200 feet before the corner or driveway. Drivers of motor vehicles should not enter a bicycle lane at any other time.

It is important to check behind you before changing lanes, reducing your speed, backing up, or driving down a long or steep hill.

If multiple vehicles arrive at the same time to an intersection that is not controlled by signs or signals, the driver on the right has the right-of-way. Drivers should then proceed in the order that they arrive to the intersection.

It is illegal to park your car on a marked or unmarked crosswalk. You may park in a bicycle lane if there is not a "No parking" sign posted and your vehicle does not block a bicyclist.

If there is a bike lane, drive into the bike lane no more than 200 feet before a turn. Watch for bicyclists or motorcyclists who may get between your vehicle and the curb.

Every .02 percent increase in blood alcohol concentration nearly doubles a driver's risk of being in a fatal crash.

If two vehicles arrive at the same time to an intersection that has stop signs on all corners, the vehicle to the right has the right-of-way

This sign alerts you to the possibility of traffic merging into the main stream of travel. After checking to your side and rear, you should move into another lane, if possible, to allow merging motorists a clear path.

If you are being followed too closely by another driver, merge into a different lane. If there is no lane available for merging, wait until the road ahead is clear and slowly reduce your speed. This will encourage the tailgater to drive around you.

An animal must not be transported in the back of a pickup or other truck unless the animal is properly secured to prevent it from falling, jumping, or being thrown from the vehicle.

If you are in an intersection when you see an emergency vehicle approaching while using its flashing lights and/or siren, continue through the intersection and then drive to the right and stop. You must yield the right-of-way to any police vehicle, fire engine, ambulance, or other emergency vehicle using a siren or flashing lights.

When you have a collision, report it to DMV within 10 days if anyone was injured (no matter how slightly) or killed. You or your representative must make this report whether or not you caused the collision, even if the collision occurred on private property.

If you are not yet 21 years of age, it is not legal for you to be drinking at all. If you are pulled over and you have been drinking, your license will be suspended or revoked. In addition, you could be charged for violating the alcohol restriction on your license.

Any time you come to a place where people may cross or enter your path, or where one line of traffic meets another, you should look to the left and right sides of your vehicle to make sure no one is coming.

If you collide with a parked car or other property, leave a note with your name, phone number, and address securely attached to what you hit. You must report the collision to the local city police or, if the collision was in an unincorporated area, to the California Highway Patrol (CHP).

When approaching a railroad crossing, you must look, listen, slow down, and prepare to stop. Let any trains pass before you proceed.

If you experience a sudden tire blowout, do not panic. Grasp the steering wheel firmly and take your foot off the accelerator to allow the vehicle to roll to a stop. Lightly apply the breaks when it is safe to do so. Do not move to the shoulder of the road until the car has slowed considerably.

The only way to remove the impairing effects of alcohol is to give the body time to remove it from the body. Drinking coffee, physical activity, or taking a cold shower will not speed up this process. It takes about one hour to cancel the effects of one drink.

If you experience a tire blowout, you should slow down gradually by taking your foot off of the accelerator. Don't apply the brakes until the vehicle has slowed considerably.

Drivers should be alert to the presence of crossing guards when near a school and must always obey their instructions.

If you have been parked on the side of a road, you must yield to existing traffic when re-entering the road.

When driving during unfavorable weather conditions, avoid slamming on the brakes and making sharp, quick turns. These behaviors will make controlling your vehicle in inclement weather even more difficult.

If you see a vehicle's hazard lights ahead, slow down. There may be a collision or other road emergency ahead. Stop and give assistance if asked by anyone, or pass very carefully.

When the center of the road is marked by a solid yellow line beside a broken yellow line, passing is permitted from the side next to the broken line and prohibited from the side next to the solid line

If your vehicle has a two-part seat belt system, be sure to wear both the lap belt and the shoulder belt. Wearing either part alone greatly reduces your protection. If you have an automatic shoulder belt, be sure to buckle your lap belt as well.

Your tires do not have as much traction on loose gravel and dirt roads as they do on concrete and asphalt roads. When driving on gravel or dirt, you must slow down. It will take you much longer to stop and it is much easier to skid when turning.

It is illegal for minors to use a cell phone at all while driving, except to contact an emergency entity in an emergency situation. For adult drivers, the use of hands-free devices is permitted; however, to avoid distractions, it is advisable to make calls only if needed to call for help in an emergency.

When a stopped school bus is using its flashing red lights, approaching drivers must stop and remain stopped until the lights stop flashing. If the school bus is on the opposite side of a divided highway, drivers do not need to stop.

It is never a good idea to leave a child unattended in a car. It is illegal to leave a child age six or younger unattended in a vehicle. A child may be left under the supervision of a person age 12 or older.

If your vehicle is hit from the rear while you are in forward motion, your body will be thrown backward. Press yourself against the back of your seat and put your head against the head restraint to prevent whiplash. Maintain a firm grip on the steering wheel and be ready to apply your brakes to avoid being pushed into another vehicle.

Keeping space around your vehicle is important to ensure that you have time to safely react if another driver makes a mistake. For example, extra space around your vehicle may give you time to brake or maneuver out of the way of a vehicle veering into your lane

You may encounter unexpected conditions in a construction zone. For the safety of yourself, other drivers, and construction workers, drive with extraordinary caution.

Motorcycles can stop quickly and following them too closely endangers your life and that of the motorcyclist. If the motorcyclist makes a mistake, you need to have enough time and space to avoid a crash.

When planning to pass, do not count on having enough time to pass several vehicles at once or assume that other drivers will make room for you. When you can see both headlights of the passed vehicle in your rearview mirror, you may have enough room to return to your driving lane.

Night driving creates a unique set of problems for drivers. Due to the reduced visibility, it can be difficult to judge distance and the traveling speeds of other vehicles when driving at night. Drivers can see only as far as their headlights allow.

It is necessary to follow farther behind a large truck than you would if following a passenger vehicle because trucks have larger blind spots.

No stopping, standing, or parking is permitted next to a red painted curb. However, buses may stop in a red curb zone marked for buses.

You may never drive through a safety zone. This space is set aside for pedestrians.

On most California highways, the maximum speed limit is 65 mph. You may drive at 70 mph only if the speed limit is posted as such.

Drivers must respect and cooperate with all other road users and conform to specific rules in order to maintain order and to avoid crashes. When encountering an aggressive driver, it is safest to just get out of their way. Always avoid competing with other drivers.

Only the passage of time can remove alcohol and its impairing effects from the body.

When passing a bicyclist, you must allow at least three feet of space between your vehicle and the bicycle whenever possible. You must not squeeze the bicyclist off the road.

Only use your horn when it is necessary to avoid collisions. Do not use your horn if a driver or bicyclist is moving slowly and you want him or her to drive faster or get out of your way.

You may never drive off the paved or main-traveled portion of the road and onto the shoulder to pass another vehicle.

Orange, diamond-shaped signs are used to mark construction, maintenance, survey, and utility work areas. These signs help direct drivers and pedestrians safely through dangerous zones. Fines for traffic convictions may double in areas marked by these signs.

Low beam headlights should be used in fog, rain, and snow. The light from high beams will reflect back to the driver under these weather conditions, causing a glare that will make it difficult to see ahead.

Orange-colored signs indicate construction areas. Proceed with caution

If you start to feel tired while driving, drive to the first available rest stop or service area to take a break, nap, stretch, or change drivers. You should not rely on caffeine pills or energy drinks, as these are not a replacement for rest and may make your driving even more dangerous.

Reduce your speed and be prepared to slow down or stop for highway equipment. Driving carefully through work zones improves safety for drivers, pedestrians, bicyclists, and road workers.

It is illegal to drive while wearing a headset or earplugs in both ears

Remember that all medications, prescription or over-the-counter, are potentially dangerous and could impair your driving. Over-the-counter medicines that you take for colds and allergies can make you drowsy and affect your driving ability. It is your responsibility to know how your medication affects your ability to drive.

To prevent skidding on slippery surfaces, you should shift to a low gear before going down a steep hill. You should also follow farther behind the vehicle in front of you than you normally would. Quick stops should be avoided. Unless you have antilock brakes, pump the brakes to slow or stop.

Rubbernecking (the practice of slowing down to look at collisions or other out-of-the-ordinary things) contributes to traffic congestion and should be avoided.

Not getting enough sleep is a cause of poor driving behavior. Just like drugs and alcohol, sleepiness slows reaction time, decreases awareness, and impairs judgment.

Safe use of the interstate demands drivers be constantly alert and capable of driving at high speeds.


Signal at least five seconds prior to a changing lanes on a freeway. Always signal when turning left or right, changing lanes, slowing down, or stopping to let other drivers, motorcyclists, bicyclists, and pedestrians know your intentions.

When parking uphill on a road that has a curb, your wheels should be turned away from the curb. When parking uphill on a street without a curb or when parking downhill, your wheels should be turned toward the curb or edge of the road.

Slow down before you enter a curve because you do not know what may be ahead. Braking on a curve may cause you to skid.

Use your low beams when driving in fog, snow, rain, or mist. Light from high beams will reflect off of precipitation, causing a glare and making it even more difficult to see. Some vehicles are equipped with fog lights that should be used in addition to low beam headlights.

Some warning signs have a fluorescent yellow-green background. These signs warn of upcoming conditions, including roads with curves and sharp turns.

If your vehicle begins to skid, do not use the brakes. Braking could make the skid worse.

Tailgating is a common behavior that can lead to aggressive driving, and so it should be avoided. Drivers may face legal consequences for driving unsafely.

When making a right turn where there is a bicycle lane, you must merge into the bicycle lane no more than 200 feet before the corner and then make the turn. Be sure there are no bicyclists in your path before merging.

The color orange is used only for construction and maintenance warning signs.

Backing up is always dangerous because it is hard to see behind your vehicle. Use extra caution when backing up.

The only way to sober up after drinking alcohol is to allow time for your body to eliminate the alcohol in your system. Nothing you can do, including eating and drinking, can accelerate this process.

Anytime you want to merge with other drivers, you need to find a gap large enough for you to safely enter into the flow of traffic. You should not stop on the entrance ramp to an interstate highway unless there are no gaps into which you may safely merge.

The speed limit in any alley is 15 mph. This is always the speed limit, whether or not it is posted.

When passing another vehicle that is traveling in the same direction as you, pass quickly to resume visibility. Return to your previous lane only when you can see both of the vehicle's headlights in your rearview mirror.

This sign indicates that turns in the direction of the arrow (in this case, to the right) are prohibited.

f possible, try to only deal with one roadway hazard at a time. If you want to pass a pedestrian but an oncoming vehicle is approaching, slow down and let the vehicle pass. You may then pass the pedestrian if it is safe to do so.

This sign indicates that you may not make a U-turn. You cannot turn around to go in the opposite direction at an intersection where this sign is posted.

Downward-facing triangular signs mean drivers must yield. When approaching a yield sign, slow down to a speed that is reasonable for existing conditions and stop if necessary. If you must stop, do so at a marked stop line, if it exists.

To stay aware of hazards, you should scan the road and check your rearview mirrors every two to five seconds. Constantly staring at just the road ahead of you is dangerous. If you must drive in foggy conditions, you should use your low beam headlights, not your high beam headlights.

You must have evidence of financial responsibility, such as proof of insurance, with you whenever you drive. You must show proof of insurance, proof of registration, and your license to an officer upon request after a traffic stop or collision.

Two sets of solid double yellow lines spaced two or more feet apart are considered a barrier. You may not drive on or over this barrier, or make a left turn or U-turn across it, except at designated openings.

When driving in fog, you should slow down and use your low beam headlights. If the fog is so bad that you cannot see, pull off the road and wait for the fog to clear.

Use of seat belts is required for the driver and all passengers, including children who are over 8 years old or are at least 4 feet 9 inches tall. You must wear seat belts and shoulder harnesses even if the vehicle has airbags. If your vehicle is equipped with separate lap and shoulder belts, you must use both.

A flashing yellow traffic signal light warns you to proceed with caution. Slow

When being tailgated, create extra space in front of your vehicle and do not brake suddenly. Slow down gradually or merge into another lane to prevent a collision with the tailgater.

To avoid last-minute moves, you should scan the road 10 to 15 seconds ahead of your vehicle. This allows you to see hazards before meeting them.

When a school bus is flashing its red lights and has its stop arm extended, motorists must come to a full stop until the lights are turned off, the stop arm is withdrawn, and the bus begins moving again.

It is illegal to cross the centerline to pass when driving on hills, in curves, and in other locations where you cannot see ahead far enough to pass safely. You may not pass at street crossings, at railroad crossings, where signs indicate no passing zones, or where a solid yellow line is next to your lane. You may not pass when the vehicle in front of you has stopped for a pedestrian or when driving in work zones where passing would be hazardous.

When driving too quickly in wet conditions, your tires may lose all contact with the road surface. Loss of traction will cause the vehicle to ride on top of the water, which is called "hydroplaning." The best way to prevent this from happening is to drive more slowly in rainy or wet conditions than you would when driving during ideal weather conditions

Your safety and the safety of other drivers and pedestrians depends a lot on what you do before driving. Before moving your vehicle, you should adjust your seat, adjust your mirrors, fasten your safety belt, and secure items in and on your vehicle. Do not wait until your vehicle is moving to adjust your mirrors.

When driving within 500 to 1,000 feet of a school while children are outside or crossing the street, the speed limit is 25 mph, unless otherwise posted. Some school zones may have speed limits as low as 15 mph

Collisions are more likely to happen when one driver moves faster or slower than the other vehicles on the road. Driving faster than other traffic increases your chance of being involved in a collision. Driving more slowly than other traffic is also dangerous because it can increase the risk of a rear-end collision with your vehicle or cause other drivers to swerve to avoid hitting you.

When following a motorcyclist, allow for at least a three- to four-second following distance. Motorcycles can stop quickly and following them too closely endangers your life and that of the motorcyclist. If the motorcyclist should fall, you need extra distance to avoid the rider. The chances of a fall are greatest on wet and icy roads, gravel roads, and metal surfaces such as bridges, gratings, and streetcar or railroad tracks.

As you enter a work zone, signs and message boards will warn you of workers, slow-moving equipment, and/or closed lanes ahead. You should reduce your speed and be prepared to slow down or stop.

When making a left turn, you must yield to pedestrians, bicyclists, or other vehicles moving on their green light.

This sign warns that the road ahead becomes slippery when wet.

When making a right turn, you should begin signaling about 100 feet before the turn, reduce your speed, stop behind the limit line (if applicable), and then make the turn.

The "Basic Speed Law" states that you may never drive faster than is safe for current conditions. For example, if you drive at 45 mph in a 55 mph zone during a dense fog, even though you are below the posted limit, you may be cited for driving "too fast for conditions."

When parking downhill, turn your front wheels into the curb or toward the side of the road. Set the parking brake.

It is important to remember that driving is a privilege and that all drivers play a role in ensuring that everyone remains safe on the roadways. If you prove to be abusive of that privilege, the privilege may be revoked.

When parking facing downhill on a road with or without a curb, or when facing uphill on a road without a curb, turn your front wheels toward the edge of the road so your vehicle will roll away from traffic if the brakes fail. However, when parking uphill on a road with a curb, turn your wheels toward the center of the road so the vehicle will roll into the curb if the brakes fail.

Most rear-end collisions are caused by tailgating. To avoid tailgating, use the "Three Second Rule." When the vehicle ahead of you passes a certain point, such as a sign, count "one-thousand-one, one-thousand-two, one-thousand-three." If you pass the same point before you finish counting, you are following too closely.

When parking on a hill (either uphill or downhill) where there is no curb, you should turn your wheels so that the vehicle will roll away from the center of the road if the brakes fail.

When making a left turn, you should always begin signaling about 100 feet before the turn. You should keep your front wheels aiming straight ahead until it is safe to start your turn. This ensures that you will not be pushed into oncoming traffic if another vehicle hits you from behind.

When parking on a hill, you should always leave your vehicle in gear or in the "park" position. If there is no curb, you should turn your front wheels so that the vehicle will roll away from the center of the road if the brakes fail. If there is a curb, the front wheels should be turned toward it (if headed downhill) or away from and gently touching it (if headed uphill).

You must obey any traffic direction, order, or signal given by a traffic officer, peace officer, or firefighter, even if it conflicts with existing signs, signals, or laws.

Work zones on highways have become increasingly dangerous places for both workers and drivers. When approaching a work zone, watch for materials such as cones, barrels, signs, large vehicles, and workers in brightly colored vests to warn you and direct you.

If an oncoming driver fails to dim their high beams, you should avoid looking directly at the headlights. Instead, look toward the right edge of your lane and watch the oncoming vehicle out of the corner of your eye.

You must not pass a vehicle that is stopped at a crosswalk. There may be pedestrians crossing the street that you cannot see. Instead, stop, proceeding only after all pedestrians have crossed.

You should drive more slowly at night. You should make sure that you can stop within the area illuminated by your headlights.

You are driving defensively when you are looking down the road for potential hazards. Constantly staring at the road directly in front of your vehicle is dangerous. As you scan ahead, be alert to vehicles around you

By driving in California, you consent to have your breath, blood, or urine tested if you are arrested for suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs.

You are required to dim your headlights to low beams within 500 feet of a vehicle that is coming toward you and within 300 feet of a vehicle that you are following.

Because large commercial vehicles have large blind spots on each side, you should avoid driving beside them for long periods of time.

You may turn left onto a one-way street that moves to the left if there is no sign prohibiting the turn. You may not turn left onto a one-way street where traffic moves to the right.

This sign indicates that the right lane ends ahead. A merging maneuver will be required for drivers in that lane.

You must never turn around while on or near any curve or hill. You may not be able to see oncoming traffic or pedestrians and may cause a collision.

Bicyclists have the right to operate on the road and may lawfully be permitted to ride on certain sections of freeways where there is no alternate route and bicycling is not forbidden by a sign. Watch for bicyclists and share the road when they are present.

You must turn on your headlights any time conditions prevent you from seeing other vehicles. Other drivers may have trouble seeing you, too.


You must use your headlights at any time when conditions prevent you from seeing other vehicles and when it may be difficult for other drivers to see you. Always use your low beam headlights if weather conditions require you to use your windshield wipers.

A three-sided yield sign indicates that you must slow down and be ready to stop, if necessary, to let any vehicle, bicyclist, or pedestrian pass before you proceed. In this case, you do not have the right-of-way.

You must yield the right-of-way to any emergency vehicle that is using its siren and flashing lights. Do this by driving to the right edge of the road and stopping, taking care not to stop in an intersection. You may move again after the emergency vehicle has passed.

Any person, while operating a motor vehicle, who willfully flees or attempts to evade a peace officer performing his or her duties is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment in a county jail for not more than one year.

You should always signal when turning, changing lanes, slowing down, or stopping so that other drivers, motorcyclists, bicyclists, and pedestrians will know your intentions.

Orange warning signs are used in and around work zones. Use special caution when you see orange signs, cones, or barriers on a roadway.

You should always slow down before entering a curve. You may not be able to see hazards ahead and braking in a curve may cause your vehicle to skid.

Before you enter an intersection, look to both the left and right for approaching vehicles or crossing pedestrians. Look to your left a second time, as vehicle approaching from your left will be closer than those approaching from your right. Look across the intersection before you start to move to make sure the path is clear all the way through.

Your vehicle's blind spots are the areas that you cannot see in your mirrors. Look over the appropriate shoulder to check your blind spot when changing lanes.

This sign indicates that you are approaching a railroad crossing. You must look, listen, slow down, and prepare to stop. Wait for any trains to pass before you proceed.

Your vehicle's stopping distance increases as your speed increases. When driving at high speeds, it is important to look well ahead of your vehicle to allow yourself space to safely react to hazardous situations.

Drivers making a left turn must yield to all vehicles approaching from the opposite direction. This includes bicycles and motorcycles.


Bicycles do not have turn signals so bicyclists use hand and arm signals to alert other drivers to their intentions. If a bicyclist puts their left arm straight out, they are signaling that they intend to turn left.


White lines between lanes indicate that the lanes are traveling in the same direction. Broken white line markings indicate that it is legal to pass another vehicle when safe.


This sign marks a one-way road, entrance, or exit. If you are facing this sign, traffic is coming toward you. Turn around if you are driving toward this sign.

if you are convicted of DUI for the first time and you have an excessive BAC level, you may be sentenced to serve up to six months in jail and may be required to pay a fine between $390 and $1,000. Your vehicle may be impounded and is subject to storage fees.

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