Driving Test 2

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What is the first rule of a safe and legal turn?

The first rule for a safe and legal turn is to move into the proper lane well before the turn. To turn left, move into the far left lane. To turn right, move into the far right lane.

A center lane between lanes of traffic traveling in opposite directions may be designated for

A center lane between lanes of traffic traveling in opposite directions may be designated for left turns (and U-turns where permitted). This type of lane is called a center left-turn lane. It is marked by parallel solid and broken yellow lines and is sometimes accompanied by white arrows on the pavement.

The wide white line painted across a traffic lane before an intersection is known as a

A limit line (also known as a stop line) is a wide white line painted across a traffic lane, showing where you must stop for a traffic signal or stop sign.

When you approach a roundabout, you must enter to the _______ of the central island.

A roundabout is an intersection control device with traffic circulating counterclockwise around an island. Approaching vehicles must yield to the traffic already in the circle. Always enter to the right of the central island.

A yield sign indicates that a driver must slow down and be prepared to _________ if a vehicle or pedestrian with the right-of-way is approaching from another direction.

A yield sign indicates that you must slow down and be prepared to stop if a vehicle or pedestrian with the right-of-way is approaching from another direction.

Which of the following statements about passing other vehicles are true?

Always signal before passing. Do not pull out to pass unless you know you will have enough space to pull back into your lane. Avoid passing on two-lane roads; it is dangerous. Every time you pass, you increase your chances of having a collision.

Which of the following statements is TRUE about airbags?

Always use your seat belts even if the vehicle is equipped with air bags. Air bags are a safety feature that help keep you safer than a seat belt alone. In the United States, all cars and light trucks built after September 1, 1998 are required to have air bags for the driver and right front passenger

In California, the speed limit for a blind intersection is

An intersection is considered "blind" if there are no stop signs on any corner and you cannot see for 100 feet in either direction during the last 100 feet before crossing. In California, the speed limit for going through a blind intersection is 15 mph.

Before backing up your vehicle, you should look to the front, sides, and rear, and continue to look _________ while backing.

Before backing up your vehicle, you should look to the front, sides, and rear, and continue to look to the rear while backing.

You are driving on the freeway and notice another driver using a handheld cell phone. What is the best thing to do?

Distracted driving may lead to a collision. Stay as far away as possible from distracted drivers. The condition of the roadway you are on and the behavior of other drivers can change abruptly, leaving you little or no time to react.

High-Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes are reserved for

High Occupancy Vehicles (HOV) lanes are reserved for car pools and other vehicles with more than one person in them. Signs indicate how many people must be in the vehicle, as well as the days and hours to which it applies.

Before reaching the crest of a hill or entering a curve, you must _________, and watch for oncoming vehicles.

Hills and curves on rural roads are often steeper and sharper than on highways. Before reaching the crest of a hill or before entering a curve, slow down, move to the right side of the road, and watch for oncoming vehicles.

If a car approaches you with its high-beam headlights on, you must __________ to keep yourself from being temporarily blinded.

If a car approaches you with high beams on, do not stare at the lights. Steer by the line at the outside edge of the road to keep yourself from being temporarily blinded.

If a tire suddenly goes flat while you're driving, you should

If a tire suddenly goes flat, hold the steering wheel tightly and keep the vehicle going straight. Do not brake hard. Slow down gradually. Take your foot off the gas pedal and use the brakes lightly.

If you are approaching a stop sign, you must

If you are approaching a stop sign, you must

What should you do if you are overtaking a bicycle and an oncoming vehicle is approaching at the same time?

If you are overtaking a bicycle and an oncoming vehicle is approaching, you must slow down and let the vehicle pass first. Then you can leave extra room for the bicycle.

If you plan to turn beyond an intersection, you must

If you plan to turn beyond an intersection, start signaling when you are in the intersection. If you signal too early, the other driver may think you plan to turn into the intersection and he or she may pull out in front of you.

When should you switch on your high-beam headlights?

In open country at night or on dark city streets, use your high-beam headlights whenever possible, as long as it is not illegal. However, do not blind oncoming drivers with your high-beam headlights. Dim your lights when necessary.

_________ are the most likely places for car and motorcycle collisions to occur.

Intersections are the most likely places for car/motorcycle collisions to occur. A collision is usually the result of a car driver not seeing the motorcycle and turning into the motorcycle's path.

Large electronic flashing arrow panels may be used in work zones day and night to

Large electronic flashing arrow panels may be used in work zones day and night to guide drivers into certain traffic lanes. These panels are placed on the roadway or mounted on vehicles to advise approaching motorists of lane closures.

Which of the following statements about using headlights is FALSE?

Low beams are used when traveling behind other vehicles or when another vehicle is approaching. High beams should be used in open country driving when there is no traffic in sight. High beams help a motorist see farther ahead and peripherally or at a wider angle.

You must use your high-beam headlights in all of the following situations, except

Note the word "EXCEPT" in the question! Use your high beams whenever there are no oncoming vehicles nearby. High beams allow you to see twice as far as low beams. Be sure to use high beams on unfamiliar roads, in construction areas, or where there may be people on the side of the road. However, use low beams in fog, snow, or heavy rain, because light from the high beams reflects off such precipitation and causes glare

All regulatory devices on the road tell you

Regulatory devices tell you to stop, proceed in a certain direction, or limit your speed. All regulatory devices indicate actions required by the driver. Failure to comply is subject to penalty.

What should you do if another driver tailgates your vehicle?

Tailgating is a trait of aggressive driving. If another driver tailgates you, change lanes and let the driver pass. It's safer to have the tailgater in front of you than right behind you. Don't increase your speed in an attempt to appease or outdistance the tailgater. No speed is too fast for some tailgaters.

What does this sign mean?

This symbol marks spaces for vehicles operated by or used to transport people with disabilities.

When you turn left from a one-way street onto another one-way street, you should turn into

To turn left from a one-way street onto another one-way street, begin the turn from the left lane and make the turn into any lane that is safely open. (Note that in some other states, you may be required to turn into the left lane.)

On a highway with three or more lanes going in one direction, vehicles passing others or turning left should use

When there are three or more lanes going in one direction, the middle lane or lanes are usually the smoothest. The left lane is for drivers who want to go faster, pass, or turn left. Slower vehicles and those turning right should use the right lane.

Your vehicle breaks down on a freeway. You are not able to move the vehicle off the road completely as the road shoulder is too narrow. What is the best thing to do?

When there is not enough shoulder space or if there is a guardrail or an area to safely stay away from the freeway lanes, you must exit your vehicle and stay away from your vehicle. Use your emergency flashers at your discretion according to weather conditions.

When turning left from a multi-lane one-way road onto another one-way road, start your turn from

When turning left from a multi-lane one-way road onto another one-way road, start your turn from the far left lane.

When you park and leave your vehicle on a highway or street, you should NOT

When you park and leave your vehicle on a highway or street, roll up the windows, stop the engine, lock the ignition, remove the key, set the parking brake (even if your car has an automatic transmission), and lock the doors.

When you turn off a high-speed, two-lane roadway, _______ if you have traffic following you.

When you turn off a high-speed, two-lane roadway, try not to slow down too quickly. Use your turn signals to let other drivers know your intentions. Tap your brakes and reduce your speed quickly but safely.

Lanes of traffic going in opposite directions are divided by

White lines separate lanes of traffic that are going in the same direction. Yellow lines separate opposing lanes.

Following too closely behind another vehicle is called

You should always keep a safe following distance behind the vehicle ahead so that you will have plenty of time to react to emergencies. Tailgating refers to following too closely behind another vehicle. It is a frequent cause of rear-end collisions.

It is unsafe for you to pass when

You should not attempt to pass another vehicle when you are approaching or moving through an intersection or crosswalk. [

At an intersection, you should yield to another vehicle

You should yield in each of the situations described. If you reach an intersection, yield to vehicles that reach the intersection first, that are just starting to enter the intersection, or that are already in the intersection. If you and another vehicle reach the intersection at about the same time, yield if the vehicle is on your right.

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