Drug Education Final Review

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Researchers estimate that illicit drug use in the United States, as measured by use in the past month, peaks at which of the following age brackets?


The period during which media attention was most strongly focused on drug use and abuse was the:


The year the American public most strongly believed that drug abuse was the nation's number one problem was:


According to surveys, the use of LSD among American high school students peaked in the:


Historians estimate that the number of narcotic addicts in the United States prior to 1914 was about:


"Apparent" alcohol consumption is based on:

Alcohol sales during a given year.

Which of the following effects is not an effect of the relevant dose or doses of narcotic drugs?

All are effects of the narcotics, given the relevant dose or doses. EFFECTS: -addiction-- a physical dependence -euphoria -analgesia -mental clouding

Which of the following is not a narcotic, opiate, or opioid drug?

All are narcotic, opiate, or opioid drugs. DRUGS: -fentanyl, opium, oxycodone, codeine

Which of the following categories in the population was more likely to politically and ideologically support the Volstead Act (passed in 1919), which imposed a national prohibition on the sale of alcohol?

Anglo-Saxons (as opposed to persons whose ancestry stemmed from eastern and southern Europe) Others that would support: -native-born americans over immigrants -protestants over catholics -rural and small-town dwellers over urban residents

Which of the following drugs generates the greatest immediate sensual appeal?


Which of the following drugs generates the most compulsive pattern of continued, abusive use in laboratory animals?


The current federal law that penalizes drug possession and sale is referred to as the:

Drug Control Act (or Controlled Substances Act).

Compare expert opinion on the dangerousness of cocaine use over the past generation, or the past 30 years or so.

In the more distant past, experts tended to underplay the dangerousness of cocaine use; today, they tend to exaggerate it.

An example of a current Schedule I drug, as defined by the federal Controlled Substances Act, is:


Of the following, the drug that is taken the most sporadically, on a once-in-a-while basis, that is, has the lowest "loyalty" rate, is:


Which of the following corresponds most closely to the pure chemical model of illicit drug manufacture and sale?


Evidence suggests that, currently, the majority of heroin used on the street in the United States comes into the country from:


The first fully enunciated "war on drugs" was launched by President:

Richard Nixon in 1971

Which U.S. president renewed President Richard Nixon's "War on Drugs"?

Ronald Reagan

Cocaine is a:

Schedule II drug

Which of the following routes of administration is the most efficient and effective in delivering a drug to the brain?


No authors of texts on drug use have included marijuana in which of the following categories:

Some writers have included marijuana as belonging in each of these categories categories include: -hallucinogen, narcotic, sedative, stimulant

The principal psychoactive chemical in marijuana is:


The psychoactive ingredient in marijuana is:


Today, the majority of the illicit drugs brought into the United States from other countries originates from which of the following regions?

There is no single region from which the majority of all illicit drugs in the U.S. originate.

In the early 1970s, which country accounted for the majority of the botanical source of the heroin used by addicts in the United States?


The Controlled Substances Act of 1970 was originally designed to:

address drug research and rehabilitation

The Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906:

addressed false claims about the contents of patent medicines on the product's label

The first psychoactive substance that American states attempted to control was


The legal drug use that is consumed recreationally by more people in the United States than any other substance is:


The only psychoactive substance that a majority of at-least-one-time users have taken during the past month is:


Which of the following drugs was the majority of perpetrators under the influence of when committing a criminal homicide?


Which of the following groups of drugs that appear in overdose statistics also makes a substantial contribution to the drugs-crime nexus?

alcohol, cocaine, and heroin

The use of certain drugs is more criminogenic than that of others, that is, it is statistically more closely related to criminal behavior. Which of the following are the big three drugs with respect to the relationship between using psychoactive substances and committing crime?

alcohol, cocaine, and narcotics

In a psychopharmacological sense, ___________.

all drinkers of alcohol are drug users

Which of the following theories emphasizes a disjunction between means and ends as the major explanation for deviance, crime, delinquency, and drug abuse

anomie theory

Drug "effects":

are nonspecific and variable

People arrested for a crime:

are significantly more likely than the population at large to have recently used one or more psychoactive drugs.

Why did a well-known pharmacologist refer to the recreational use of cocaine, crack cocaine, amphetamine, and methamphetamine as "the wild addictions"? Because, in comparison with all the other psychoactive substances, they:

are the most reinforcing, generate the greatest immediate sensual appeal, and produce the most powerful psychological dependence.

Over the past three or four decades, the illicit drug market has:

become extremely decentralized

The harm that the media attributed marijuana with causing during the 1930s was that use of the drug would cause the user to:

become insane and violent and commit rape and murder

The effect caused by smoking crack cocaine in the 1980s that the media most emphasized was:

becoming addicted or dependent on the drug

News stories in the 1960s about the harm caused by the use of LSD:

began by focusing its reporting mainly on one harm the use of the drug caused (insanity and self-destruction), but switched its attention to a second harm (chromosome damage)

Which of the following is a "kinds of people" theory

biological theories

It is virtually impossible to die of an overdose of:


The death toll—the total number of people who die as a result of a cause related to the use of the substance—is greatest for which of the following?


Which of the following drugs or drug types represent the most chemically miscellaneous group of substances?

club drugs

Late in the nineteenth century, Sigmund Freud, the father of psychoanalysis, wrote about and abused which of the following drugs?


Robert Louis Stevenson wrote Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde under the influence of which of the following drugs?


Which of the following drugs was included in the Harrison Act yet was not a narcotic or opiate


Which of the following was the most common ingredient in a number of nineteenth-century soft drinks?


"Why should people conform? After all, it's so much more fun and rewarding to deviate from society's norms and laws?" An advocate of which of the following theories would agree most strongly with this statement?

control theory

In our attempt to understand the relationship between drug use and criminal behavior, which would the researcher hypothesize is the dependent variable?

criminal behavior

Most of what drug legalizers have written has focused on

criticizing the flaws of current punitive policy

Psychopharmacologists classify ketamine as a:

disassociative anesthetic

Prior to the Harrison Act, most narcotic addicts were:

medical addicts

Reinforcement theories of drug use and abuse focus:

on both positive and negative reinforcement

Currently, the drug that causes the greatest number of deaths by overdose, in absolute numbers, is:


The earliest legislation designed to reduce or eliminate a substance that is currently illegal was aimed at:


We may divide the history of drug use worldwide into the natural era, transformative era, and the synthetic era. Which of the following was first used during the natural era?


Which of the following theories is most likely to be influenced by the cardinal rule, verify a story with two or more sources? The:

professional subculture theory

The dominant current approach to the control of illicit recreational drugs in the United States is:


The definition of the term "drug" that is central to this book is based on a substance's:


According to available, reliable information, over the past few decades, the:

purity of cocaine has increased and its price has declined.

The peak popularity of cocaine—when it was used most, according to surveys—for young adults and college students was during:

the late seventies to the mid-eighties

According to the text, the countries with the highest rates of criminal homicide are those with:

the most deeply entrenched and contentious drug trades.

A major plank in the legalizer's platform is that drug use/abuse:

will not rise significantly under legalization

According to the text, the "doomsayers" who argue that, in all likelihood, the worst-case scenario—a huge increase in harmful drug abuse—will come about under drug legalization are:


Psychopharmacologists classify Ecstasy (MDMA) in terms of its effects as a:

none of the above options: -benzodiazephine (a sedative/hypnotic), narcotic, disassociative anesthetic, stimulant

Which of the following sociological theories of deviance-and hence illicit drug use and abuse- has been disconfirmed, that is, evidence has demonstrated more or less conclusively and definitively that it is false?

none of the above; all explain at least some part of the drug use/abuse picture -options: social learning & subculture theory, social disorganization theory, social control and self-control theories, the selective interaction/socialization theory

The discussion in this chapter summarizing a study on the administration of marijuana to airline pilots followed by submitting them to coordination tests 1, 4, 10, and 24 hours after the administration of marijuana found that the deteriorating effects of the drug completely disappeared after:

none of the above; the effects of the administration of marijuana continued to deteriorate the pilots' coordination, even after 24 hours.

Alcohol is:

not mentioned anywhere in the Controlled Substances Act

Over-the-counter (OTC) drugs are:

not mentioned anywhere in the Controlled Substances Act

In Drug War Heresies, drug experts Robert MacCoun and Peter Reuter argue that it is plausible that decreasing drug penalties will:

not substantially increase use

Several states have made the possession of small quantities of marijuana a civil infraction, similar to a parking ticket. This policy is referred to as:

partial decriminalization

The term "decriminalization," which refers to the controls placed on small-quantity marijuana possession in a dozen or so states, should more properly be called:

partial decriminalization

Between 1963 and today, the per capita consumption of cigarettes in the U.S. population (age 18 and older):

has decreased

During the past 30 years or so, the number of years of potential life lost (YPLL) as a result of alcohol-related highway fatalities:

has decreased

During the past two decades, the price of cocaine sold on the street in the United States:

has decreased

In the past 30 years or so, the number of alcohol-related automobile fatalities:

has decreased

In the past 30 years or so, the percent of all automobile fatalities that were alcohol-related:

has decreased

Since the year that the sale of alcohol to persons under the age of 21 was made illegal in all states (1988), alcohol consumption by persons under the age of 21:

has decreased

During the past two decades, the purity of cocaine sold on the street in the U.S.:

has increased

The number of inmates incarcerated in jail and prison in the United States between 1980 and the early 2000s:

has increased

In the short run, that is, after 2000, the race to incarcerate offenders of all crimes and drug offenders specifically:

has slowed down

Media stories on the use of PCP in the 1970s tended to emphasize that the use of the drug would cause the user to:

have psychotic episodes and engage in self-destructive behavior.

Of all the well-known drugs, evidence suggests, which of the following ranks dead last with respect to the percentage of the U.S. population who uses it?


On a dose-by-dose basis, which of the following drugs is most likely to cause death by overdose?


Which of the following corresponds most closely to the mixed model of illicit drug manufacture and sale?


Which of the following painkillers or analgesics are not narcotics?

ibuprofen ARE narcotics: -Percodan, Dilaudid, Darvon

Between the 1990s and the year 2000, the use of club drugs:


During the 1920s and 1930s, in the years following the Supreme Court ruling on the Harrison Act (1914), which was rendered in 1919, the number of addicts who were arrested on drug charges:


During the course of the 1980s- that is, from 1980 to the end of 1989- the number of prisoners incarcerated in state penal institutions:


In the United States, over the past four decades, income inequality-according to some theories, a major factor associated with deviance, crime, and drug abuse-has:


After 1970, using, abusing, and being addicted to heroin:

increased the likelihood of committing a violent crime

Criminalizing drugs has:

increased their price

Among men, as the volume of cocaine consumed increases, the likelihood of being the perpetrator of crime:


Among women, as the volume of cocaine consumed increases, the likelihood of being the victim of a crime:


"Soporific" refers to the capacity to:

induce drowsiness and sleepiness

Anomie theory argues that drug dealers and sellers make use of the following adaptation to society's means to achieve the goal or success:


According to the text, a "Mr. Big" is one central smuggler at the pinnacle of a highly centralized illicit drug organization. This dealer controls and runs the entire trafficking operation of the global sale of:

no illicit drugs

Which of the following media assertions about the use of crack cocaine in the 1980s was later verified by scientific research?

none of the above

Which of the following assertions about methamphetamine, as reported by the media in the late 1980s, turned out to be true? The use of meth:

none of the above assertions: -had moved up the socioeconomic ladder to the point where abuse was as common among the rich as among the poor. -had marched across the country to the point where abuse was as common on the East Coast as on the West Coast. -had become the drug of choice among young people to the point where it had become the most popular and widely used drug in the country. -was "instant addiction"—one puff and you're hooked for life.

The use of club drugs is:

none of the above choices: -more widespread and common than the use of marijuana. -more widespread and common among persons over the age of 35 than among younger sectors of the population. -increasing during the 2000s faster than for any other drug or drug type. -a common precursor, gateway, or stepping stone to the use of heroin.

Which of the following media assertions about the use of crack cocaine in the 1980s was later verified by scientific research?

none of the above media assertions: -try it once and you're hooked! Once you start, you can't stop! -The use of crack immediately hurls the user into an inferno of craving and despair -crack has now infected every group and community in the country -crack is as common in the middle-class suburbs as it is the ghetto and the urban slum

The illicit drug of choice during the 1980s (the so-called "me" or "greed" decade) was:


Roughly nine out of ten inmates in state prisons are


Another term for "ice" is:


Sensationalistic stories of drug harm erupted for different drugs at different times. For these stories, match up the decade with the drug during which these stories most typically erupted.

methamphetamine from the late 1980s to the 2000s NOT RIGHT: -marijuana in the 1960s -crack cocaine in the 1950s -PCP in the 1990s

According to the text, illicit drug selling is:

mixed in its economic impact; some of what users spend on drugs enriches the economy, providing income and jobs for workers, while some depletes the economy through death, extortion, and suppressed earnings.

The administration of President Barak Obama has:

moderated or tempered the "War on Drugs" somewhat

Pharmacologically, a drug "action" takes place at the:

molecular level

The Iron Law of Prohibition states that the stricter and more intense the enforcement of the laws against recreational drug use, the:

more potent the prohibited substance will become.

Researchers have compared the tonnage of heroin and cocaine consumed in the United States and concluded that:

more tons of cocaine are used than heroin

What happens after heroin enters the body? It breaks down into:


With respect to drug effects, synergy is the _______ effect.


For which of the following uses do many physicians today most frequently write legitimate prescriptions for amphetamine?


Metabolic imbalance theory most commonly attempts to account for one particular type of drug use- _________

narcotic addiction

Compared with most of the other drugs, the margin between the ED and LD for narcotics is:


The swiftest, most efficient, and most effective route of administration of marijuana is:

smoking it.

Which of the following theories emphasized the deteriorated conditions of the community or neighborhood as the major explanation for deviance, crime, delinquency, and drug abuse?

social disorganization theory

Which of the following theories emphasizes deviant socialization as the major explanation for deviance, crime, delinquency, and drug abuse?

social learning and subculture theory

According to the thinking of contemporary economists, ___________.

some crime is economically productive, while some is not, some may be negative in its economic impact

According to the discussion on media bias, _______

some of the principles of the professional subculture of journalism pull the journalist away from bias toward objectivity, while some do not


speed up signals passing through the central nervous system (CNS).

Which drug type speeds up signals passing through the central nervous system (CNS)?


The following development did not take place in the nineteenth century:

the discovery of the addicting properties of opiates

According to records, researchers estimate that alcohol consumption was greatest in which of the following historical eras?

the early 1800s

A study compared controlled opiate users with narcotic addicts and found that the former differed from the latter in:

the frequency of use—that is, less than once a day versus more than once a day.

Drug researchers have proposed three models or explanations for the drug-crime nexus. Which one is the most adequate in explaining this link?

the intensification model

Overall, the most effective and efficient analgesics are:

the narcotics

In alcohol studies, the rule of equivalency is the principle that:

people are influenced equally by a given quantity of an alcoholic beverage—whether it is distilled spirits, wine, or beer.

Which of the following explanations for the "progression" of users from the use of marijuana to the use of more dangerous drugs focuses on properties inherent in the drug that cause this phenomenon? The:

pharmacological school

The relationship between a driver's BAC (blood-alcohol concentration) and getting into an accident that kills someone is:


The relationship between alcohol consumption and being the victim of criminal, violent behavior is:


The relationship between alcohol consumption and criminal behavior is:


The relationship between alcohol consumption and engaging in risky, deviant behavior is:


The relationship between committing a crime and being a victim of a crime is:


The relationship between smoking cigarettes and the use of illicit drugs is:


The relationship between the sale of alcohol in a given location and the likelihood that residents living in that location will be hospitalized for assault is:


The statistical correlation between the use of any and all illicit drugs and engaging in criminal behavior is:


Consuming alcohol is:

positively related to engaging in violent behavior

The correlation between drinking alcohol and illicit drug use is:

positive—drinkers are more likely to use illicit drugs than nondrinkers.

The relationship between smoking and premature mortality is:

positive—the greater a person smokes, the greater the likelihood that he or she will die prematurely.

This chapter is based mainly on which of the following sources of news media?

print sources, mainly newspapers and magazines

The National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) does not include which of the following categories of the population in its sample?


Which of the following is not considered one of the common effects of the hallucinogenic or psychedelic drugs?

psychotic episodes common effects are: -the perception of a multilevel reality -seeing the world as more fluid than it is -eidetic imagery -synesthesia

The harm reduction strategy relies on the logic of:

relative deterrence

Anomie theory argues that drug addicts use which of the following adaptations to society's strain?


Evaluations of drug treatment programs have demonstrated a failure rate of:

roughly 70-90 percent

Currently, the percentage of young adults (18-25) who have drunk at least one alcoholic beverage in the month prior to the survey is:

roughly half to three-quarters (50-75 percent)

Which of the following theories of media bias is most strongly focused on the factor of hegemony or institutional bias in stressing the slant of media drug stories? The:

ruling-elite theory

Which of the following theories emphasizes inadequate parenting as the major explanation for deviance, crime, delinquency, and drug abuse?

self-control theory

Which of the following theories emphasizes the absence of bonds to conventional society as a major explanation for deviance, crime, delinquency, and drug abuse?

self-control theory

Which of the following theories of deviance, crime, delinquency, and drug abuse bills itself as the "general theory of crime"?

self-control theory

Research has demonstrated that the use of LSD commonly causes:

sensory overload

The high or intoxication from smoking crack cocaine is:

shorter and more intense than from snorting powder cocaine

Anomie theory regards the drug addict as a:

"double failure"

Which of the following theories best explains media bias on the drug story? The:

All of the above theories contribute concepts that help to understand media bias on the drug story. Theories: -ruling elite theory -money machine theory -grassroots theory -professional subculture theory

The heroin that is derived from poppies grown in Afghanistan is shipped mainly to:

Europe, China, Russia, and Africa.

Most of the methamphetamine consumed in the United States had its origin in:


The dominant ethnic or national group that controls the international illegal drug trade is now:

None of the above; there is no single ethnicity or national group that controls global trafficking.

Which of the following drugs discussed in this text is not included in the category of hallucinogenic/psychedelic drugs?

PCP hallucinogenic/psychedelic: -psilocybin, LSD, mescaline, DMT & DET

Which of the following countries are the origin of the plant from whose leaves cocaine is extracted?

Peru, Bolivia, and Colombia

Which of the following is used by a greater number of people—heroin versus all of the other narcotics added together?

all the other narcotics added together

The illicit drug of choice (that is, the illegal drug that was most likely to be used) during the 1960s was:


According to MTF, most high school seniors believe that the regular use of heroin is:


The illicit drug of choice during the 1960s (the "psychedelic" era) was:


Over the past few decades, numerous major drug traffickers who were heads of huge smuggling operations have died, been arrested, imprisoned, or killed. What has happened subsequently?

Virtually no change took place; the drug trade continued unabated because an underling stepped in and resumed the operation.

Statistically speaking, on an episode-by-episode basis, the setting in which alcohol-impairment injury is most likely to take place is:

a bar

The most commonly used illicit substance in the United States is:


Current alcohol consumption in the United States is at:

a fairly low point compared with most other periods of history

As a general rule, illegal drugs have:

a lower continuance rate than legal drugs

Sociologists refer to an episode during which the public or the media express concern or fear from a given agent or threat that is exaggerated, out of proportion to, and less serious than its objective danger or potential damage:

a moral panic

Methadone is:

a narcotic that is used to treat opiate addiction

In order for drug use to take place, the availability of a given drug is:

a necessary but not a sufficient condition

In order for drug use to take place, the predisposition to use a given drug is:

a necessary but not a sufficient condition.

A policy of harm reduction is:

a pragmatic or consequentialist-driven proposal

In the social sciences, a theory is:

a reasoned, empirically based explanation for a set of events or condition

Approximately what percentage of the federal prison population is made up of drug offenders?

about half (roughly 50-55 percent)

The social characteristic that correlates most strongly with the use of marijuana is:


The drug policy in the Netherlands is:

de facto but not de jure legalization for marijuana and keeping the sale of the hard drugs, such as cocaine and heroin, illegal.

After 2000, the rate of use of the club drugs:


During Prohibition (1920-1933), alcohol consumption in the United States:


During the past decade or so, the use of methamphetamine has:


From interviews of arrestees, sociologists have discovered that among criminals born after 1953, the percentage who said that they had used heroin has:


From interviews of arrestees, sociologists have discovered that among criminals born after 1970, the percentage who said that they had used crack cocaine has:


From the early 1970s to today, the number of prescriptions written for the amphetamines has:


Since the late 1980s, according to the Monitoring the Future survey, the use of crack has:


Hundreds of years ago, the dominant or most popular explanation of wrongdoing or untoward behavior was:

demonology- possession by the devil or evil spirits

Conflict theory emphasizes which of the following factors in explaining deviance, crime, delinquency, and drug abuse?

differences in power among socioeconomic strata

Evidence indicates that the link between the consumption of alcohol and engaging in violent behavior is largely and substantially a result of:

disinhibition caused by the pharmacological effects of alcohol.

Which of the following has the highest concentration of "absolute" alcohol?

distilled spirits (such as gin, vodka, tequila, or Scotch)

drug courts:

divert drug offenders into treatment programs.

The author emphasizes that charges of media bias are commonly lodged by observers with particular approaches or perspectives. Which of the following is the author regarding as bias with respect to the media reporting the drug story? The extent to which these stories:

do not accurately reflect the evidence gathered and the conclusions reached by scientists.

According to the National Household Survey, between the late 1970s and the more recent survey, the use of cocaine by the American population:

has decreased

The author's position on drug use and drug abuse is that all:

drug abuse is drug use

The Marihuana Tax Act of 1937:

effectively banned all possession and sale of marijuana products

Which of the following statements is true? The amphetamines and methamphetamine are in the top five drugs with respect to:

emergency room episodes

"Punding" is a common effect of taking amphetamines chronically and abusively. What is punding?

engaging in a specific activity compulsively and repetitively, over and over again

The primary impact of the Controlled Substances Act of 1970 was to:

establish categories or "schedules" of controlled substances

In this book, we are mainly interested in drug taking:

for the purpose of getting high

Sedative/hypnotics are also called:

general depressants

The disparity in rates of incarceration is:

greater for men versus women than for blacks versus whites

A needle exchange program, which operates in some countries of Europe and some cities in the United Kingdom, is an example of which of the following policies?

harm reduction

The drug control policy that prevails in the Netherlands and Switzerland is:

harm reduction

Under federal law, marijuana

is a Schedule I drug and may not be used for any purposes whatsoever (except extremely rarely granted experimental purposes)

Drug legalization:

is not, according to Drugs in American Society, a serious proposal; it has no hope of implementation at any time in the foreseeable future.

According to the text, criminalizing illicit drugs increases the hassle factor, which:

keeps drugs hard to get, expensive, and increases the likelihood of arrest and hence decreases the rate of use of those drugs that are criminalized.

A defense of the punitive policy toward drug possession and sale is that criminalizing drugs:

keeps the level of drug use and abuse lower than what it would be under legalization

Surveys indicate that:

legal drug use (alcohol and the nicotine in tobacco) is higher than illegal drug use

In terms of number of people that drug use kills each year in the United States:

legal drugs kill many times more people than illegal drugs

The British waged two Opium Wars against China in order to:

legalize and continue the opium trade in China

Treating heroin addicts with methadone is more properly referred to as the:

maintenance model

According to the latest National Survey on Drug Use and Health, which of the following drugs is used on the greatest number of days during the prior year by past-year users?


For which of the following drugs is the market and distribution pattern most decentralized?


For which of the following illicit drugs is the total trafficked weight the greatest?


MacCoun and Reuter calculate that for which of the following substances is the elasticity index the greatest—that is, there is the greatest decrease in purchases, given a 1 percent increase in price?


Not all drugs are addicting in the classic sense of the term. Which one of the following substances is not classically addicting?


On which of the following illicit drugs is the greatest total amount of money spent in the United States?


Recent increases in overall drug use in the United States have taken place mainly in the consumption of which of the following drugs?


The distribution of which of the following drugs corresponds most closely to the agricultural model of illicit drug manufacture and sale?


In the 1990s, several media sources reported that a new heroin epidemic had gripped the United States. Toward the end of the first decade of the 2000s, that epidemic had:


MacCoun and Reuter also argue that outright legalization might:

substantially increase illicit drug use

Evidence indicates which of the following models of criminal homicide and drug involvement makes the most sense? The:

systemic model

In the past several decades, ___________.

the crime rate has decreased, but the number of persons incarcerated in prison has increased

Is cocaine addicting?

the answer to the question depends on what one means by the term "addicting"

The era during which marijuana's psychoactive effects were discovered and when it began to be used is:

the "natural" era

The first LSD "trip" took place in:

the 1940s

In which region of the country is methamphetamine most likely to be used?

the West Coast states of CA, OR, and WA

The tobacco plant is indigenous to which of the following continents or regions?

the Western Hemisphere

Routine activities theory emphasizes a motivated offender, a suitable target, and:

the absence of a capable guardian

According to social control theory, what is one of the major causes of illicit drug use?

the absence of a stake in conformity to the norms of conventional society

The social control theory of deviance, crime, and illicit drug use focuses on the following factor to explain conformity:

the actor's stake in the conventional values

Some drug effects take place over the long run; others are more short-term. Which of the following distinctions or dimensions is this difference relevant for?

the acute-chronic distinction

Which of the following theories hold(s) that deviant, criminal, and delinquent behavior (such as drug abuse) are simply "doing what comes naturally" and do not require an explanation; what needs explaining is why people do not deviate from society's norms, rules, and laws?

the social control and self-control theories

Which of the following models most adequately explains the drugs-violence nexus?

the systemic model

The drugs and drug types that are discussed in this chapter are included together because

they tend to be used recreationally by more or less middle-class persons.

More than half of all inmates in state prisons were convicted and incarcerated for which of the following offenses?

violent offenses

Shen Nung:

was a mythological figure who was neither an actual Chinese emperor nor a writer of a pharmaceutical treatise that included marijuana as a curative herb.

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