Drug Psych Mini Test Questions

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Which is true about Viagra?

It is one of the 20 most commonly prescribed drugs in the United States

Generally, the more cannabidiol a strain of cannabis has, the less THC


Glutamate is an amino acid and it is also the major excitatory neurotransmitter in the CNS.


The average professional NBA player's salary is more than 100 times the average annual salary of a secretary


There are as many as 450 synthesized cannabinoids.


There is some rather strong evidence that use of smoked marijuana exacerbates schizophrenic symptoms.


One reason binge drinking is so dangerous is because alcohol exhibits zero order kinetics instead of first order kinetics


Rum is distilled from molasses


Serotonin is generally considered an inhibitory neurotransmitter throughout the brain and body.


Some of the synthesized synthetic cannabinoids have been declared illegal drugs in the USA.


THC and its metabolites have long half-lives and may remain in the body for many days or even weeks after use


THC is a phytocannabinoid and anandamide is an endocannabinoid


The CDC estimates that secondhand smoke is the third leading preventable cause of death in the United States behind active smoking and alcohol


The USA has about 5% of the World's population. True or false, the USA consumes about 65% of the world's supply of illicit drugs?


The area of the brain that is most involved in rational decision-making and planning in not fully developed until well into a person's twenties.


The best way to avoid drug abuse and addiction is to prevent someone from starting rather than trying to get them to stop


The blood brain barrier keeps most large, water-soluble substances out of the brain


The dose response curve measures the magnitude of a drug's effects as a function of the dose given.


The following statement (or very similar one) was made in your text: The rate of increase in diagnosis of ADHD has been so large, across recent decades, that it can't solely be due to neurological changes.


The net effect of addictive opioids is an increase in release dopamine from dopamine producing neurons.


The prevailing theory is that schizophrenia is a dopamine surfeit disease.


The synthetic cannabinoid Spice binds more fully to brain cannabinoid receptors than does THC and may produce more intense effects


The text, says, this or something similar "Unfortunately, acetaminophen (i.e., Tylenol) use also is associated with dampened positive emotions and reduced empathy for others"


Those who are age 21-25 have the highest rates of binge drinking


True or False, THC levels in sold marijuana products have increased almost yearly from 2001 to 2013?


True or False, The Dept. of Agriculture has research to indicate that fiber hemp grown during 4-6 months, has the same amount of paper as 4-5 acres as 20 year-old trees?


True or false, are there as many as three endogenous opioids?


True or false, nicotine is highly toxic, and it must be precisely controlled to prevent high toxicity


True or false, there are data to support that CBD is antioxidant, anti-convulsant, anti-anxiety, antipsychotic and neuroprotective?


True or false, women metabolize nicotine faster than men?


When a drug is called an agonist, it means the drug mimics the effects of a neurotransmitter.


Withdrawal from chronic heavy alcohol use is more dangerous than withdrawal from long-term heroin use.


Withdrawal symptoms are typically opposite to those of the direct effects of the drug.


Withdrawal symptoms to stimulants, e.g., cocaine, include depression.


XTC is often touted as enhancing empathy.


Your textbook has the following quotation by an authority in the area of critical thinking: "Critical thinking is thinking about your thinking while you're thinking in order to make you thinking better"


Which is true about vaporizing marijuana?

Vaping marijuana does not get hot enough to burn the plant material

Which is true about the mechanism of action of sedative/hypnotics?

When benzodiazepines bind to the GABA receptor, they allow more chloride to enter the cell

Which of the following is true of Implanon/ Nexplanon?

it must be inserted and removed by a health-care professional

Which of the following is NOT a typical effect of NSAIDs?

Promotes blood clotting

Which is true about drug dependence?

Psychological dependence can be more powerful than physical dependence

Which of these is one of the effects that tobacco has on the heart?

Raises blood pressure

How is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder usually diagnosed?

Reports from family and teachers

Which is true about drugs used to treat ADHD?

Ritalin is a brand of methylphenidate

Which is false about treatments for schizophrenia?

Second generation antipsychotics are about 3 times more effective than first generation antipsychotics

Which of the following treatment options for substance abuse has the greatest number of people?

Self-help groups

Which is true about caffeine consumption around the world?

Some of the countries of Northern Europe have the highest caffeine consumption in the world

One of the following will abate alcohol withdrawal symptoms sufficiently to be considered a medicine for the withdrawal. Pick it.


Which of these drugs is not typically used to help people deal with opioid addiction?


Ingesting opium gives a rapid, more intense and more addictive high than smoking opium.


It is best to take pills with grapefruit juice.


It is clearly therapeutic to reduce a fever with the earliest onset of even a marginal increase in body temperate (say 101.5 degrees F), hence prevention the progression of disease.


Jason and Jonathan are both in 1 st grade, Jason is 6 years old and 1 month and Jonathan is 6 years old and 11 months. Jonathan is more likely to be diagnosed with ADHD


Korsafoff's syndrome is associated with depletion of stores of vitamin D.


LSD and psilocybin are highly addictive and have a dangerously low therapeutic index.


MDMA works mainly at GABA receptors


Marijuana scores a "zero" on the addictiveness scale


Members of the Native American Church are legally able to use any and all drugs in their religious ceremonies


Mescaline is the major psychoactive substance in psilocybin mushrooms


Most nicotine is created synthetically in the lab and no longer comes from the tobacco plant


OTC drugs are not approved for sale unless they have no potential interactions with any other drugs


Psilocybin is the major psychoactive ingredient in peyote


Receptors are most commonly located on the axon of a neuron.


Sedative/hypnotic drugs increase the amount of time spent in REM sleep.


Sublingual drugs are administered with a hypodermic needle and injected under the skin.


The FDA does not have the authority to regulate the sale and manufacture of e-cigarettes


Which of the following is not a positive symptom of schizophrenia?

Neglect of personal hygiene

Which is not a reason that explains why tobacco is so addictive?

Nicotine has a very long half-life, so it stays in the system for months

Children and the elderly are less able to metabolize drugs and are, therefore, more sensitive to them than are adults.


Children who live in southern states are diagnosed with ADHD at a significantly higher rate than those living in western states


China, due to its large population and its propensity to drink beer, is the world's largest consumer of beer?


Chronic use of ibuprofen may increase one's risk of heart attack


Cocaine blocks re-uptake of dopamine.


Cocaine blocks sodium channels in pain pathways.


Datura is an example of a deliriant hallucinogen


Does MDMA induce "empathic effects."


Does high doses of MDMA induce toxic effects on serotonin neurons.


Drug tolerance refers to a phenomenon whereby chronic use of a drug can decrease the drug's effects


Drugs that reduce anxiety are called anxiolytics.


Ethanol induces dopamine release from DA neurons by blocking GABA's inhibitory effects on dopaminergic neurons.


Females use prescription sedative/hypnotics more than males.


From both the animal-lab and epidemiological studies, frequent intake of alcoholic beverages during adolescence increase the diagnoses of alcoholism (alcohol use disorder) during womanhood.


If you were to block the reuptake of a neurotransmitter, it would increase that neurotransmitter's effects at the postsynaptic neuron


In Uruguay, drug use or possession for personal consumption is not criminalized


Only in about 5 countries do citizens live longer than in the United States of America.


Prozac is extremely effective in treating PTSD in 75% of patients


Patients prescribed any hypnotic are more likely to die earlier than those never using hypnotics.


The alcohol beverage industry spends almost a $ 1 billion per year on all media advertising.


The average American drinks much more alcohol today than in any time in our history


The capillaries of the brain and spinal cord are leakier than the capillaries of the liver


The effective doses of all the hallucinogens are remarkably similar


The many of the drugs prescribed for treating major depressive disorder (that has been used for many years) relieves depression shortly after its administration, but its effects wane rapidly.


The rate of positive drug tests in those applying for welfare is 50% higher than that in the general population


The respiratory centers of the brainstem begin to be significantly inhibited with a single alcoholic drink


The term "spice" is used, in popular culture of drug-use, to indicate drugs such as Ritalin.


The terms "dependence" and "addiction" are interchangeable


There is no solid evidence that chronic use of marijuana (say rather consistently on a near daily basis for say decades) decreases, on average, cognitive functions such as attention span and memory.


True or false, Studies prove that vaping (using e-cigarettes) is the most effective way to quit smoking cigarettes?


An individual's risk of drug addiction increases if he or she has a parent or sibling who is dependent on drugs or alcohol


Anabolic-androgenic steroids increase the risk of liver cancer


Antihistamines can be used as sleep aids


Antitussives are drugs that suppress or prevent coughing


Which of these school-based prevention programs is the most effective in preventing drug use and abuse?

A structured, interactive, long-term program that provides information and life skills

Which is the definition of binge drinking?

A woman who consumes 4 or more alcoholic drinks on the same occasion on at least one day in the past month

As a user moves towards dependency, drug use may become a big part of his or her social identity


Buprenorphine is safer and more effective than methadone


A drug that is smoked gets to the brain faster than one that is injected.


Marijuana decreases heart rate


Which of the following is not one of the criteria listed in the DSM for substance abuse disorder?

Loss of all social interactions

Which is true about hormonal contraception?

Progestins thicken cervical mucus

Which of the following is not an example of a Z drug?


LSD is a schedule I drug


Which of the following is the most common side effect of oral contraceptives?

a change in skin pigmentation

The term "endorphin " refers to ___.

a peptide manufactured in the brain that has opioid-like effects

Which of the following is often prescribed to treat ADHD ?


There is a reasonable chance that taking doses of XTC will poison ____neurons.


Dextromethorphan is a drug designed for _________ .


One of the following is more closely associated with modern theories of addictions than the others. Pick the one that could reasonably be more associated with modern theory than the others.

indulgence and gluttony

Compared to morphine, methadone

is longer lasting

Naltrexone ______ addictive.

is not

Nicotine is to Tobacco as ___ is to poppy plants.


Your lecturer advocates ___.

that women are at grave risk from adverse effects of drinking alcoholic beverages (e.g., increased risk of breast cancer)

The recommendation of nearly all health professionals is that pregnant women drink no more than __ drinks (alcoholic beverages) a day.


Approximately how much does the average U.S. household spend on OTC products per year?


Nine months after psychotherapy against cigarette smoking, one can expect that about ___ % of those getting that therapy to be abstinent from nicotine 3 months after therapy ended.


Which of the following age group has the highest rate of current alcohol use?


What percentage of the population of the United States uses tobacco?


Approximately what percent of the population in the U.S. are considered to have substance dependence or abuse?


Which of the following is true about alcohol?

Acetaldehyde is toxic, and may cause vomiting

Which is false about caffeine?

Caffeine is found in about 5 different species of plants

Which is true about the actions of anabolic-androgenic steroids in women?

Causes enlargement of the clitoris

Of the following drugs, which one does it typically take users the longest to quit?


Which is true about the cold virus?

Cough and cold medications may actually delay healing

Which of the following is not a potential medical benefit of caffeine, coffee, tea, or chocolate?

Curing Parkinson's Disease

Which is true about dietary supplements?

Dietary supplements don't have to label the active ingredient or potential adverse effects

If there is such a thing, which of the following neurotransmitters is clearly associated with the feeling of pleasure or the feeling of doing something that is good?


There is one neurotransmitter and one neuroanatomical system associated with that neurotransmitter that is more related to the development of addictions to many, if not all, drug-addictions. That neurotransmitter is _____.


In addition to pain relief, morphine is effective against ___.


Which of the following is false regarding reproductive hormones?

Estrogen feeds back to the pituitary to increase the secretion of FSH and LH

American farmers of places like Kentucky during the early days of the colonies were the first to have developed the process of distillation allowing a high concentration of ethanol in alcoholic beverages?


An agonist binds to a receptor without producing an effect except to block other substances from the receptor


Any elevation in body temperature over 98.6 degrees is dangerous and should be treated with NSAIDs


Because they are natural, dietary supplements are safe


Benzodiazepines are more toxic than barbiturates.


Cannabis sativa has a higher cannabidiol to THC ratio


Cocaine increases the activity of GABA in the brain


Depression is a purely psychological condition with no physiological abnormalities


Drinking red wine significantly reduced the incidence of breast cancer except when the dose was 2 bottles of wine a day


Drug mules are used to carry the coca leaves down the Andes mountains.


Ethanol is water-soluble but not at all lipid-soluble


Exercise has been shown to worsen the symptoms of ADHD


Fentanyl is a stimulant similar to cocaine


If 2 drugs are taken concurrently and both are metabolized by the CYP450 enzyme system, large amounts of drug A will increase the metabolism of drug B


If longevity is a measure of the value of a nation's health-care system, it follows that the USA has clearly one of the best health-care systems in the World.


If you inject the same dosage of two drugs, one of which is highly bound to plasma proteins and the other which is unbound, the drug that is bound to plasma proteins will have more of an effect on the body than the unbound drug.


In a lecture, it was pointed out that chemists have been unable to develop synthetic drugs for the cannabinoid receptors


In context of cocaine use, formication refers to hyper-sexual interest.


Individuals who suffer from mental illness are significantly less likely to smoke cigarettes


True or false, does chronic use of opioid antagonists produce itch?


True/False, Typically, we only use 50% of our brains?


Until the development of the birth control pill, women had no contraceptive options in the United States


Viagra has been found most effective in women


When a drug is called an antagonist, it means the drug mimics the effects of a neurotransmitter.


When cigarette ads were banned in the U.S. broadcast media, the tobacco industry decreased the size of its marketing budget


Withdrawal from cocaine lasts for 2-3 months and is potentially life threatening.


XTC is a sedative.


Which is true about the use of performance enhancing drugs?

Female high school students who use steroids are less likely to play school-sponsored team sports

Name the short acting opioid agonist that is a major component in the current opioid crises


One of the following neurotransmitters is a major inhibitory neurotransmitter, i.e., causes inhibition of action potentials.


Which one of the following neurotransmitters do benzodiazepines affect?


Which of the following is not one of the reasons that alcohol use was popular thousands of years ago?

It is an antibiotic and antiviral that helped cure people of diseases such as the plague

Which is true about adenosine?

It lowers heart rate

Chronic users of marijuana develop tolerance to all of the below except:

Memory Effects

Which is false about laxatives?

Metamucil is a nerve agent which increases the firing of the nerves that run to the intestines

Which of the following is true about AOD prevention programs on college campuses?

Minimum legal drinking age laws may be the most effective way to reduce alcohol use on college campuses.

Which of the following is the drug of choice to treat opioid-induced respiratory depression?


Which opioid is a long-lasting opioid antagonist?


Which is true about the causes of major depressive disorder?

The hippocampus of someone with long-term clinical depression is smaller compared to someone without depression

Which is correct about the mechanism of action of antidepressant drugs?

Tricyclic antidepressants block the reuptake of serotonin and norepinephrine and also block the effects of acetylcholine and histamine

A neuron can decreases the number of its receptors in response to an increased amount of neurotransmitter.


About half of all Americans will meet the criteria for a mental health disorder during their lifetime


Acetaminophen is used more frequently than aspirin


Adenosine is an inhibitory neurotransmitter


Ambien use increases the risk of an auto accident


In a lecture, a graph was shown how much harm (turmoil and disease) was caused by chronic intake of a variety of addictive substances as judged by experts on the topic. True of false, addiction to alcoholic beverages was ranked as the most deleterious addiction, i.e., caused the most harm: and more harm than addiction to heroin and cocaine.


In a lecture, a graph was shown that indicated that persons who had benzodiazepines prescribed for them as anti-anxiety or anti-insomnia drugs had shorter life-spans that persons with a history of taking benzodiazepines.


In lectures, the professor, discussed the success rate of psychotropic drugs as medicines for anxiety, depression and insomnia. The conclusion was drawn that, at best , the prescribed drugs were only marginally successful in curing the listed problems.


In some states, pharmacists or other health care providers can refuse to fill a prescription for birth control pills if they do not personally believe in the use of contraceptives


In terms of pharmacokinetics, first-order kinetics refers to the rate of a drug's metabolism is proportional to the concentration of the drug.


In the 18th century Britain went to war with China in order to force them to buy opium.


In those with schizophrenia, dopamine is hyperactive in the mesolimbic pathway and underactive in the mesocortical pathway


Instead of being stored in vesicles, endocannabinoids are rapidly synthesized when needed


Ketamine was used as a surgical anesthetic on the battlefields in Vietnam


Less alcohol dehydrogenase is produced in the morning than at night


Long term heavy alcoholic beverage consumption can and often does decreases brain tissues


Loss of sleep and decreased appetite are common side effects of Ritalin


MDMA increases levels of oxytocin


MDMA may permanently damage serotonin neurons


Many benzodiazepines end with the suffice "-epam" or "-olam."


Marijuana today generally has a significantly higher THC content than the marijuana that was available in the 1960s and 1970s


Melatonin is classified as a dietary supplement, and as such is not regulated by the FDA


More Americans are dependent on marijuana than on prescription pain medications


More boys than girls are diagnosed with ADHD


Non-narcotic analgesics can alleviate a rise in body temperature (fever).


On its own, cocaine is not particularly well absorbed into the bloodstream when taken orally, because it constricts the blood vessels of the mouth and is broken down in the acidic stomach.


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