Dubai Driving Test Review

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what are the steps to take during overtaking ?

- checking the center mirror - giving indicator signal - checking side mirror - looking across the shoulder for blind spots - checking center mirror again

tips to a safe travel on road:

- maintain safe distance (2 second distance) - avoid overspeeding - keep away from distractions - avoid unnecessary lane changes

rural roads speed limit:

100 km/h (no more or less than this)

parking area or service road speed limit:

25 km/h (no more or less than this)

urban single carriageway speed limit:

40 km/h (no more or less than this)

urban dual carriageway speed limit:

60 or 80 km/h (no more or less than this)

True or false: you may pass on the green light even when it has been like that for some time.

False: make sure to be prepared to slow down and stop when you see the light has been green for a while to prevent any hazards.

what is the minimum distance you should maintain in bad weather ?

about 3 seconds at least.

what is true about the green traffic light?

be ready to stop at the green light when you see it has been like that for a while or when you see a flashing green light. do not try to speed up past the light, as this causes crashes. do not accelerate and try to beat the light. but cover the brake when you see that the light is about to change.

what are some blind spot areas ?

both side doors, behind a heavy vehicle, when another vehicle is on the right side of a heavy vehicle which the heavy vehicle driver cannot see.

where does aquaplaning occur ?

during rain and floods/depth of water

true or false: you may overtake when in roundabout or junction.


true or false: proceed to the green light without scanning the road or an intersection for any potential cars.

false: ALWAYS check the opposite road or an intersection for space, before proceeding as some drivers may 'run' the red light.

true or false: you should only take mistakes made by other drivers into consideration.

false: it is necessary to also acknowledge your errors. allow yourself to react to mistakes wisely, while interpreting making mistakes by other drivers.

true or false: you may change lanes when entered a roundabout.

false: it is prohibited to change lanes suddenly after entering or passing a roundabout. you must select your preferred lane beforehand to avoid crashes.

true or false: larger vehicles take less time to stop, compared to smaller vehicles which take longer to stop.

false: larger vehicles take longer to stop, while smaller vehicles take less time to stop. in other words, the faster you go the longer it will take you to stop.

true or false: you may overtake on the hard shoulders of the road.

false: you may not overtake on the hard shoulders of the road, as this road is used by drivers who tend to speed above the legal speed limit.

true or false: you may take your eyes off of the road for more than one second when doing a head check.

false: you may not take your eyes off of the road for longer than a second.

true or false: you may travel in the left lane even when you are not planning to overtake.

false: you may only use the left lane when planning to overtake.

true or false: you should increase your beam lights/use high beam lights when you spot another vehicle.

false: you must 'dip' to low-beam when this occurs.

true or false: you may speed up when in a hurry.

false: you must always keep a slow and steady speed in order to stop on time in case of approaching a hazard.

true or false: the key to a safe drive is: to only scan the road ahead of you when the weather is bad, use your phone only when the traffic light is red, talk to your friend sitting at the front seat, speed up when you approach an exit, or an intersection, and finally, checking your mirrors only when there is traffic.

false: you must keep your eyes on the road and scan the entire traffic scene; look into the distance, sides or do a quick head check while not taking your eyes off the road, while checking your mirrors. you must be free off any distraction. in other words you should be doing nothing except driving.

true or false: you may stay close to another vehicle when in a hurry or about to make a turn to an exit. or when the road around you is clear and traffic-free.

false: you must leave plenty of distance between you and vehicles around you.

true or false: you may eat when the traffic light turns red.

false: you must not eat, text, or do anything that may distract you, for as long as your car key ignition is on, or for as long as your car is running. you may only do tasks other than driving when you are parked in a safe area.

true or false: you may park infront of the entrance of houses, residential areas, parking areas, petrol stations, hospitals, emergency stations, fire stations, police/military stations, schools, and educational institutions.

false: you must only park in areas where it is permitted. (areas with parking signs/parking lots)

true or false: it is not necessary to keep a safe space behind other traffic.

false; it is necessary to maintain a safe space behind other vehicles as the vehicle or traffic may suddenly come to a stop.

freeways speed limit:

for light vehicles - 120 km/h, for heavy vehicles - 80 km/h. the minimum speed for freeways is 60 km/h.

traffic light rules:

green - go if safe to do so. yellow - stop if safe to do so. red - stop immediately.

what should you keep in mind when the light goes green ?

make sure to scan around you (including the other roads) and only proceed accordingly when it is safe and clear to do so. (this is since drivers may outrun the red light)

where do most crashes like this take place ?

near junctions, at roundabouts, while changing lanes while overtaking, and when not maintaining lane discipline.

what are the causes of road crashes ?

not ensuring that the road is clear, not reducing speed when approaching a junction, not scanning the road or paying attention for potential cyclists/pedestrians, and lack of attentiveness on the road/distractions.

when entering a freeway: (select all that apply) 1. use the entry lane to its fullest extent 2. build speed to match speed of traffic on other other road 3. decrease your distance 4. turn beam lights on

option 1 and 2

high beam lights are not permitted to use: (select all that apply) 1. on internal roads 2. in bad weather condition 3. when approaching another vehicle from behind 4. when there are no streetlights on

option 1 and 3.

when entering a freeway: (select all that apply) 1. increase distance in order to brake safely when needed. 2. you are permitted to go below the speed limit. 3. when you have joined the line of traffic, remain in the lane you have entered and adjust your speed before you decide to overtake. 4. you are allowed to overtake right away.

option 1 and 3.

if your car breaks down you should ? 1. warn other drivers by using hazard lights 2. call the police station 3. leave your vehicle on the road and walk away.

option 1.

major junctions have diagonal yellow lines. why ? 1. to prevent junction from being blocked. 2. to improve visibility of road markings. 3. to stop speeding drivers.

option 1.

what can be done to avoid aquaplaning ? 1. reducing your speed to less than 80 km/h and maintaining a distance of 4 seconds. 2. changing lanes 3. increasing your speed to pass the bad weather 4. stopping on the side of the road

option 1.

what does this image display ? 1. rumble strips 2. pedestrian lane 3. intersection

option 1.

when approaching a junction you must: 1. maintain lane discipline and reduce speed before turning. 2. change lanes constantly 3. increase your speed for a faster turn.

option 1.

when driving on free ways, you must not: 1. park or drive on the shoulder area. 2. stop anytime 3. change lanes

option 1.

when an emergency vehicle shows up, you must: 1. give way by not entering roundabouts and moving either to the left or right once an emergency vehicle shows up. 2. keep moving along at the same speed and direction. 3. immediately stop in front of the emergency vehicle so it can make its way around you.

option 1/

what must you not do when an emergency vehicle approaches ? 1. you must not cross any signals if an emergency vehicle approaches. 2. you must not pass an emergency vehicle 3. you must not use any lanes

option 1; you may wait patiently for the vehicle to pass first, even if the traffic light is green.

in which of the following areas is overtaking not allowed in ? 1. two-way and one way roads. 2. intersections and roundabouts 3. open roads and high ways

option 2.

once you have successfully passed the flooded area, it is important to: 1. maintain low speed and look for a safe place to park 2. restore brake efficiency. 3. find a mechanic to check the condition of your brake system.

option 2.

rumble strips are meant to: 1. warn drivers that the load is falling off. 2. warn drivers of approaching hazard. 3. warn of traffic from opposite direction.

option 2.

when leaving a roundabout: 1. the right indicator must be turned on. 2. there is no need for the indicator to be turned on. 3. the left indicator must be turned on.

option 2.

you want to drive straight through an intersection where there are no lights or signs. you must give way to: 1. any vehicle driving towards you and turning left. 2. any vehicle to your left. 3. any vehicle to your right.

option 2.

except in the case of an emergency you should not: 1. get out of your car 2. increase speed 3. operate a non-motorized vehicle on or near a freeway. 4. walk on foot on or near the freeway.

option 3 & 4.

which statement is correct about the green traffic light? 1. go! 2. speed up. 3. go or proceed if safe to do so.

option 3 is correct.

if you drive through a flood, it is best to ? 1. engage the assistance of other drivers 2. engage low gear, low speed, and rev the engine while slipping the clutch. 3. engage low gear, low speed, while maintaining low engine rev

option 3.

when approaching a pedestrian crossing, drivers must: 1. slow down for pedestrians 2. stop and give way if there is a police officer. 3. stop and give way to pedestrians.

option 3.

when leaving a roundabout: 1. the right indicator must be turned on. 2. there is no need for the indicator to be turned on. 3. the left indicator must be turned on.

option 3.

you are driving in heavy traffic. your lane is blocked by a vehicle turning left. what should you do ? 1. sound your horn until the vehicle turns 2. try to drive around on the footpath/side walk to the right of the vehicle. 3. wait until the vehicle turns and then proceed.

option 3.

what do you do when there is no space for you to give way to an emergency vehicle ? 1. you park your car to the side of the road. 2. you step out of the car 3. you move along, and do the best you can to allow the emergency vehicle to use the very last lane of the road.

option 3; as the end lane of the road is created for the purpose of emergency vehicles to pass from.

which of the following is the rule for not overtaking? Select all that apply. 1. where the road is not visible 2. when the traffic movement does not allow you to proceed safely. 3. when road is clear 5. at intersections and roundabouts 4. on two-way roads 6. when vehicles infront of you or around you stop (due to a stop sign or traffic) 7. when there is upcoming traffic from the opposite road. 8. on curves, slippery roads, hills, pedestrian crossings. 9. areas where a sign forbids driver to overtake.

options 1, 2, 5, 6, 8, 9 (NOT options 3, 4, 7)

only use high beam lights when: (select all that apply) 1. on highways where there is no light 2. when the view is not clear enough to drive safely 3. during daytime 4. when turning 5. when street lights are on 6. while crossing intersection with no lights. 7. when the vehicle infront of you is driving slow. 8. when passing sharp bends

options 1, 2, 6, 8.

except in the case of an emergency you should not: 1. stop or reverse your vehicle 2. change lanes occasionally 3. drive at a speed unsafe for the lane you are traveling in. 4. give way to pedestrians/cyclists/drivers 5. stop, park or drive on shoulder, central divider, or roadside area.

options 1, 3, & 5.

when you leave a freeway: (select all that apply) 1. increase your speed 2. plan beforehand and move to the nearest lane in order to exit. you must give an early signal to other drivers. 3. don't reduce your speed suddenly; match your speed to the traffic on the road ahead while observing posted speed limits. 4. switch lanes

options 2 & 3.

when entering a freeway: (select all that apply) 1. you may use your cell phone 2. signal your intentions early and make sure other drivers have seen you. 3. do not cross painted islands separating lanes, as this is illegal and dangerous. 4. you are permitted to go above the speed limit 5. do not cut across several lanes at once (this is illegal and dangerous)

options 2, 3, & 5

which of the following will you be fined because of? select all that apply. 1. for eating near roads (outside of your car) 2. for parking at areas where there is no permission to park (for example: at pedestrian crossing, footpath, bridges, viaducts, or tunnels) 3. parking next to curves, crests of hills, next to solid lines, or where you may potentially hinder traffic signals, signs, or road markings. 4. not wearing the seatbelt (two front passengers) 5. parking in the disability area (if it does not apply to you) 6. talking to a friend in your car

options: 2, 3, 4, and 5. (not options 1 and 6)

what does this image display ?

railway or tram level crossing ahead; warn drivers that the lane in which they are traveling, or about to travel on a lane that directs to crossing of railway or tram lines.

what are the solutions to preventing crashes ?

reducing your speed while approaching a junction, making sure the road is clear before entering, and giving priority to the main road traffic.

what does this image display ?

speed hump marking; warn drivers about an incoming speed hump. (points to the direction of the travel) the pedestrian crossing is usually combined with the speed hump marking.

what are box junctions ?

the purpose of box junctions are to prevent congestion and gridlock. a driver must be highly aware when approaching this marking. you may only proceed if the exit is clear, and you must not stop on the yellow box.

what do the yellow lines in the image show?

this image shows when you can overtake. if the broken lines are closer to you, you can overtake. if they are not, you may not. for instance in this image, the purple car is permitted to overtake while the blue car is not.

what is a single vehicle crash ?

this is a type of crash that takes place when a driver does not slow down when approaching an intersection. for example: a driver sees the light remain green and attempts to pass the signal by increasing speed.

true or false: you must not follow emergency vehicles or use road shoulder lanes. (labeled SH on the image)

true, the SH lanes are created for the use of emergency vehicles only.

true or false: it is necessary to both: predict and observe what other drivers might do or are doing.

true: are they taking road rules into consideration? (this important to rethink, in order to avoid conflicts or quarrel, and be on the lookout to identify other drivers' mistakes.

true or false: you must give way to pedestrians crossing on a slip lane.

true: look carefully and beforehand to see if there is pedestrians crossing or waiting to cross. slow down and stop while warning drivers behind, indicating that you are about to stop. (use hazard lights if necessary)

true or false: you must stop and wait for pedestrians to cross even if you are turning into an intersection.

true: when turning to an intersection you must do proper scanning and make sure that the road is clear when making a left turn. a vehicle may be blocking your view.

true or false: when approaching an empty spot to switch lanes, you must scan around you for potential drivers approaching.

true: you must slow down and wait when you spot a large space for other cars to enter. this is why leaving a safe space between your vehicle and other vehicles, is more favorable.

true or false: if you cannot see the driver in the truck's mirror in the truck infront of you, you need to change your direction/lane so that the driver can see you and you can see them.

true: you need a change of direction and away from the truck's blind spots. it is crucial to be aware of these spots.

true or false: there are always blind spots, and you cannot alter that to not having blind spots at all.

true; every vehicle has blind spots that must be taken into consideration in order to be cautious. the blind spots of a car can be checked by doing a quick head check every now and then.

true or false: once you return to your right lane, you must look at the central mirrors until you see the lights of the car that you have overtaken.

true; following that, you must look at the mirrors to the right, and do a blind spot check in order to return safely.

true or false: you must give way to a motorcycle approaching from the main road and less them pass the junction.

true; only pull out your car for a turn. since motorbikes are smaller and faster, there is chance of failure to slow down when approaching an intersection.

true or false: you must always overtake from the left, and once overtaking is completed you must come back to your right lane.

true; this prevents other drivers from overtaking from the right, which can cause a crash.

true or false: do not use the pedestrian area when you hear or see an emergency vehicle.

true; when an emergency vehicle approaches, stopping and making way applies for both pedestrians and drivers.

true or false: it is better to travel at times of less traffic.

true; when roads are less busy, it is better to drive. but if you choose to drive during heavy traffic you must plan beforehand to take the least busy route.

true or false: an emergency vehicle may enter either in between, or to the left of your side.

true; you may have to move your vehicle to the right side of the lane for an emergency vehicle when there is space.

true or false: always check ahead and beside your vehicle before overtaking.

true; you must also maintain a safe distance from a vehicle in front and beside.

you must not park a vehicle 15 meters from intersections, or in front of public transport stations.

true; you must not park in areas that block or impede other vehicles, or pedestrians, from proceeding.

where does water usually gather mostly at during rain and floods ?

water tends to gather on the outside lanes first; it is better to stay in the middle lanes during this type of weather.

what is the two second rule ?

when approaching a junction, drivers must maintain a 2 second distance at all times, even when changing lanes.

when can you tell that you are aquaplaning ?

when your vehicle is not in control/non-responsive, the end of your vehicle is weaving, speed and tire pressure/condition is altered.

what is the rule about box junctions ?

you MUST NOT enter the box until your exit road or lane is clear. you may enter the box and wait when you want to turn right. it is only permitted to stop due to oncoming traffic, or by other vehicles waiting to turn right.

what does this image display ?

zig-zag zone line; indicates drivers to keep moving and not park, or stop, unless it is to give pedestrians and cyclists way.

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