E202 Macro Midterm Homework 1
"A wage rising slower than the rate of inflation is actually falling."
As output (GDP) is increasing, the amount of cyclical unemployment would ____________.
Bob Wesley believes that structural unemployment should be eliminated in order for an economy to be healthy. In making this argument, which of the following relevant issues is he ignoring? A. Structural unemployment is often a result of job dissatisfaction. B. Structural unemployment is often shorter than frictional unemployment. C. Structural unemployment is short-term unemployment that arises from the process of matching workers with jobs. D. Structural unemployment will exist in an economy that is innovative. E. Structural unemployment is limited to capital-intensive industries.
All of the above
Even perfectly anticipated inflation imposes costs. Why? A. Some wages will fail to keep up with anticipated inflation. B. Paper money loses its purchasing power by the rate of inflation. C. Menu costs.
How do unemployment insurance payments LOADING... in the United States and social insurance programs in other countries increase the unemployment rate? A. They increase the opportunity cost of job search. B. They are paid as long as the unemployed person remains unemployed. C. The payments are costly and firms are forced to lay off workers. D. They decrease the opportunity cost of job search.
a. Microeconomics b. Macroeconomics c. Macroeconomics d. Microeconomics
Identify whether the following topics belong in microeconomics or macroeconomics: a. How does the price of corn change if the price of wheat increase? b. Identify the best measurement of total output in the US economy. c. How will an increase in government spending impact the inflation rate? d. The most efficient market structure is perfect competition.
If a 3-month Treasury bill pays 5.5% and the change in the consumer price index (CPI) is 4.7%, what is the real interest rate (the true return to lending)?
a. Intermediate good b. Neither c. Final good d. Final good
Indicate whether each of the following is a final good, an intermediate good, or neither. a. Coffee beans purchased by a coffee shop = b. One share of Google stock = c. A new pick-up truck purchased by a consumer d. A new home purchased by a family
Firms produce goods, however sometimes the goods may be unsold at the time GDP is computed.
Inventories are part of investment and therefore included in GDP because...
Producer Price Index (PPI)
Is an average of the prices received by producers of goods and services at all stages of the production process.
Real Interest Rate
Is equal to the nominal interest rate minus the inflation rate.
Labor Force Participation Rate
Is the percentage of the working-age population in the labor force.
D. All of the above
Real GDP per capita LOADING... is often used as a measure of general well-being. While increases in real GDP often do lead to increases in the well-being of the population, why is real GDP not a perfect measure of well-being? A. GDP does not include crime rates or income distribution. B. The costs of pollution are not included. C. The value of leisure is not included. D. All of the above
Unemployment Rate
Rises during recessions, falls during expansions and is always above zero.
Unemployment rate
Shows the percentage of the labor force that is considered unemployed.
Suppose an economy is given by the following: Population = 267 million Labor force = 136 million The number of people employed = 126.5 million The number of people unemployed = 9.5 million Given the information above, the unemployment rate is ____%
Suppose an economy is given by: Population = 289 million Working-age population = 161 million Labor force = 110 million The number of people employed = 101 million The number of people unemployed = 9 million The labor force participation rate for this economy is ____%
Cyclically unemployed
Suppose that the economy enters into a recession and that, as a result, Rusty Z. Wrench loses his job as a delivery truck mechanic and remains unemployed. When the economy recovers, Rusty's previous employer rehires him. What is the best classification for his time as an unemployed truck mechanic?
A. & D.
The BLS uses the establishment survey LOADING... to collect information on employment in the economy. Indicate one drawback of the establishment survey compared to the current population survey and indicate one advantage. A. It does not include information about self-employed people. B. It includes complete information about unemployment. C. It is based on unverifiable, self-reported survey responses. D. It is based on company payroll and not on unverifiable answers.
A. The firm purchased new machinery worth $50,000 for its production facility during that year.
The Council of Economic Advisors to the President of a country reported gross investment expenditure at $400,000 during a particular year. The group excluded from this valuation an amount of $50,000 spent by an existing domestic firm during the year. Mark, an economist, argued that this amount should have been included under the business fixed investment component of GDP. Which of the following, if true, would support Mark's argument? A. The firm purchased new machinery worth $50,000 for its production facility during that year. B. The firm exported products worth $50,000 to a neighboring country. C. The firm transferred machinery worth $50,000 from one of its closed facilities to one in operation. D. The firm sold off its existing machinery worth $50,000 and invested the proceeds in buying raw materials for production. E. The firm stalled production temporarily to lower the value of its inventory stock by $50,000.
The difference between microeconomics and macroeconomics is A. microeconomics studies how individuals make decisions while macroeconomics studies how government makes decisions. B. macroeconomics studies smaller parts of the economy such as markets and individuals, while microeconomics studies the economy as a whole. C. microeconomics studies smaller parts of the economy such as GDP and inflation, while macroeconomics studies the economy as a whole. D. microeconomics studies smaller parts of the economy such as markets and individuals, while macroeconomics studies the economy as a whole.
Y = C + I + G + NX
The equation that sums up the components of Gross Domestic Product (GDP)?
The circular-flow diagram shows that all sources of income are owned by
Total expenditure; Total Income
The circular-flow diagram shows that ________ should equal ________.
The working-age population in Concordia was estimated to be 6.5 million in a certain year. The country's labor department announced that the total number of unemployed people in the country had gone up to 460,000 during this year while, the total number of people out of the labor force decreased to 2,000,000. Oscar Lewis, a student of labor economics believes that the labor department data is flawed. Which of the following, if true, would strengthen the argument that the data understates unemployment? A. Skilled workers who were forced to shift to part-time jobs because of an economic downturn are also considered employed. B. Businesses in the country often complain about labor shortage, whether skilled or unskilled. C. The labor bureau in Concordia does not consider full-time students or retirees as people in the labor force. D. Five percent of the country's labor force consists of legal immigrants with work permits. E. The country has high income taxes, but an inefficient tax payment monitoring system.
1. Wages 2. Interest 3. Rent 4. Profit.
What are the four categories of income?
1. Consumption 2. Investment 3. Government Purchases 4. Net exports.
What are the four major categories of expenditure?
Consumer Price Index (CPI)
What index is used to measure the average prices paid by a typical family?
When a minimum wage is enacted or increased across a country, the unemployment rate A. will increase and the impacts will be spread evenly across all groups of workers. B. is not affected because the minimum wage does not affect firm hiring decisions. C. will increase some but the impacts will be much larger for some groups of workers. D. will decrease because workers will have more money which will increase demand and cause firms to hire more workers.
Households can use some of their income to purchase goods from foreigners as imports.ho
When examining the circular-flow diagram,...
All of the above
When the economy is at full employment, A. all remaining unemployment is either frictional or structural. B. the unemployment rate is greater than zero. C. the natural rate of unemployment prevails.
C. Production from a U.S. firm that operates in Mexico.
Which of the following would be included in the gross national product (GNP) of the United States? A. Production from a Canadian firm that operates in Montana. B. Production from an Hungarian citizen who works in Denver, CO. C. Production from a U.S. firm that operates in Mexico. D. All of the above are included in the GNP of the U.S.
C. GDP does not include household production or production from the underground economy.
Why is GDP an imperfect measurement of total production in the economy? A. The official measure of GDP does not include intermediate goods and services. B. The BEA does not include the value of new houses in GDP. C. GDP does not include household production or production from the underground economy. D. GDP measures total income paid to the factors of production, not production.
All of the above
Why is the unemployment rate, as measured by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, an imperfect measure of the extent of joblessness in the economy? A. Underemployed people are considered employed. B. It does not account for inaccurate responses to the Current Population Survey. C. It fails to account for illegal activities. D. Discouraged workers are not considered unemployed.
Year Nominal Average Hourly Earnings CPI 2008 $16.00 202 2009 $17.00 207 2010 $18.00 209 What is the real average hourly wage in 2009?
Your father earned $34,000 per year in 1984. To the nearest dollar, what is that equivalent to in 2014 if the CPI in 2014 is 215 and the CPI in 1984 is 104?
Gross Domestic Product GDP
the market value of all final goods and services produced in a country during a period of time
Cyclical unemployment
unemployment caused by a recession.
Efficiency Wages
"Paying good wages and keeping your people working for you is good business...Imagine that you have 120,000 loyal ambassadors out there who are constantly saying good things about Costco. It has to be a significant advantage for you." What is Costco's CEO referring to?
"The economy would operate more efficiently if frictional unemployment were eliminated. Therefore, a goal of government policy should be to reduce the frictional rate of unemployment to the lowest possible level." Eliminating all frictional unemployment A. will be good for the economy because the total unemployment will fall. B. will not be good for the economy since the presence of frictional unemployment increases economic efficiency. C. will be good for the economy since the presence of frictional unemployment increases job destruction. D. will not be good for the economy since the presence of frictional unemployment decreases job creation.