Early Reformation

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Ideas of Early Protestants

Bible should be written in native languages (Vernacular) Priest should be allowed to marry Bible is the only true source of God's Word The pope is only a man

English Reformation

Henry VIII- King of England in the early 1500's. Was married to Spanish princess Catherine of Argon. When the Catholic Church refused to grant him a divorce, he broke away and formed the Church of England, otherwise known as the Anglican Church. (He later married 5 more times Mary Tudor(Bloody Mary)- Henry's first daughter, by his first wife; aggressively tried to restore Catholicism to England. Elizabeth I- Henry's second daughter, she was a protestant. (Started an English Golden Age) Edward VI- Henry's only surviving son, he died at a young age(Protestant)

Protestant Refomation

Indugences Church Laws, such as priests being unable to marry or to confess their sins though a priest John Wycliffe - an English scholar and clergyman he believed people should use the bible, not the church officials, to receive God's word Jan Huss- a Czech priest and professor he criticized the wealth and authority of the church. He was Excommunicated in 1410 and burned at the stake in 1415 Martin Luther: German monk and scholar , he believed that people were saved by faith in God and Jesus , not by good deeds 95 theses- a group of arguments presented by Luther against certain church practices, nailed on church in Wittenburg in 1521 What is a Protestant? Someone who believes that salvation is based on faith alone What was the Reformation? When Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses on the church door and people began to leave the Catholic church What were the "Pardons" that were sold by Catholic Priests that would forgive a person of his or her sins? Indulgences _________________nailed his 95 theses, or complains to the castle church door in Wittenburg, Germany? Martin Luther What were some of Martin Luther's main Ideas Salvation was by faith alone, Preist should be allowed to marry, the sell of indulgences was wrong After Luther was excommunicated, he f;ed to the castle of prince Fredrick of Saxony. What did he do while hiding here? Translated the bible from Latin to German Why did many German princes support Luther? They liked the idea of salvation by faith. What were two of John Calvin's teachings that were similar to those of Martin Luther? Believed in salvation by faith and that priest should be allowed to marry. What is the main idea pf predestination? is the belief that God he beginning of time who was to be saved and who not to

Catholic (Counter) Reformation

The inquisition-started in Spain, was a process of capturing, torturing, and killing non-Catholics to root out heresy The Council of Trent- (1545) The Catholic Church banned indulgences and tried to end corruption in order to bring back protestants Ignatius Loyola- A Spanish soldier who founded the society of Jesus or Jesuitus, to convert non- Catholics Index-A list of books banned for Catholics Witch Hunts- Thousands of Women were killed by both protestant and Catholics for being heretics

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