Early Slavs
English word "slav" originates from the word...
"sclave", which means slave
the Slavic word "slav" originates from the word...
"slovo", meaning "word", meaning people who understand each other
Medieval Croatia?
-They came first to Dalmatia and to Pannonian Croatia -First Croatian duke - Trpimir, founded Trpimirovic dynasty -First Croatian ruler- Branimir Trpmirovic -First Croatian king - Tomislav, united panonian and dalmatian duchies
Slavic people are classified into
1. East Slavic (Russians, Ukrainians, and Belorussians) 2. West Slavic (Poles, Czechs, and Slovaks) 3. South Slavic (Bosnians, Croatians, Serbians, Bulgarians, Macedonians, Slovenians, Montenegrins)
What is pacta conventa?
An agreement defining the status of Croatia in the union with Hungary Consequences: - feudalism - rise of frankopan and subic noble families - Governor of Croatia - ban
Who were the first slavs and when and where do they appear?
Antes and Sclaveni, they make their first appearance in the Byzantine records in 6th century
Oldest known slavic document
Baska tablet from late 11th century, important for Croatian literacy. Found on the island Krk, crkva sv. Lucije
They started spreading
From the early 6th century, to Central, Eastern Europe and the Balkans
Slavs' Migrations
happen in 6th century on the Byzantine borders, by the end of 6th century they settle the Eastern Alps region
What are Cyril and Methodius known for?
in 860s, they created a new, Slavic Glagolitic alphabet, there were referred to as the apostles of the Slavic world