earth space final

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A star is officially formed when the collapsing cloud of dust and gas becomes hot enough that ______ ______ begins. A.Radioactive decay B.Nuclear fusion C.Gravitational collapse D.The nucleosynthesis of iron


All wind is caused by... A.Giant birds flapping their wings. B.Differences in atmospheric pressure. C.The rotation of Earth (Coriolis Effect). D.Convection


An area where a thinner, denser ocean plate dives underneath a continental plate is called a _____. A.Trench B.Subduction zone C.Rift valley D.Auto Zone


•Earth's slow wobble as it spins on its axis is called _______. A.Axial tilt B.Eccentricity C.Precession D.Obliquity


•The fossil record indicates that... A.Life on Earth has remained relatively unchanged. B.Life on Earth has changed and become less complex. C.Life on Earth has changed and become more complex.


•Which of the following characteristics of igneous rock is affected by the rate at which it cools? A.Color B.Hardness C.Crystal size D.Gas content


A _____ fault occurs when the hanging wall moves up relative to the footwall. They occur when tectonic forces cause compression that pushes rocks together. A.Reverse B.Normal C.Strike slip D.Thrust


A _____ forms when a hanging wall is forced up relative to a footwall when rock layers undergo _____ (type of stress). A.Reverse fault, compression B.Normal fault, tension C.Normal fault, compression D.Strike slip, shearing


A _____ plate boundary occurs when two plates collide head on. A.Convergent B.Divergent C.Transform


A _____ volcano occurs when magma near the crust melts or burns through the crust. They can occur far from plate boundaries. A.Hot spot B.Cinder cone C.Composite D.Shield


At a subduction zone, why does the ocean plate always slip under the continental plate? A.Ocean crust is thinner and more dense than continental crust. B.Ocean crust is made of granite and continental crust is made of basalt. C.Ocean crust is thicker and less dense than continental crust.


Earth's tectonic plates move because... A.Convection currents in the mantle cause the asthenosphere to flow. B.It rotates. C.Of ocean currents. D.The gravitational pull of the sun and other planets in the solar system.


Hubble observed that the light from most of the galaxies he observed was red shifted. This would indicate that the universe is _______. A.Expanding B.Contracting C.Expanding and contracting in a cycle D.Remaining the same size


If two different species of organisms lived at the same time in the distant past, then... A.Their fossils will be found in the same sedimentary rock layers or sedimentary rock layers of the same age at different locations within their habitat range. B.Their fossils will be found in rock layers of vastly different ages. C.Their fossils will likely be mold or cast fossils. D.The two organisms must have had a symbiotic relationship.


A _____ plate boundary occurs when two plates move apart from each other. A.Convergent B.Divergent C.Transform


Kepler's 2nd Law of Planetary Motion states that an imaginary line drawn from the center of the sun to the center of a planet sweeps out equal areas in equal periods of time. This means that... A.A planet must move faster when it is nearer the sun. B.A planet must move slower when it is nearer the sun. C.A planet's orbital speed must remain constant regardless of distance from the sun.


Kepler's First Law of Planetary Motion states that... A.Planets orbit the sun in an elliptical shape with the sun at one foci. B.Planets orbit the sun in an elliptical shape with the sun in the center. C.Planets orbit faster when they are closer to the sun in their elliptical orbit. D.Planets orbit the sun in a circular shape with the sun in the center.


Ocean crust is ______________than continental crust. A.Thinner and more dense B.Thinner and less dense C.Thicker and more dense D.Thicker and less dense


Precession... A.Changes where in Earth's orbit the seasons occur. B.Changes the duration of Earth's seasons. C.Causes the months in which each season occurs in the Northern and Southern Hemisphere to shift cyclically. D.Causes a reversal of when summer and winter occur in the Northern and Southern Hemisphere.


Tension is associated with which type of mountain? A.Fault block B.Folded C.Volcanic


The Solar Nebula Theory states that... A.Our solar system was formed by a rotating, collapsing nebula. Most of the collapsing matter collected in the middle forming the sun. The remaining swirling matter collapsed into a protoplanetary disk where it began to clump together to form planets. B.Our solar system formed when the intense gravity of the sun captured "loose" planets roaming the galaxy. C.Our solar system began as an infinitely dense, hot point that rapidly expanded to form our sun and planets.


The _______states that our solar system was formed from a swirling cloud of dust and gases. A.Solar Nebula Theory B.Big Bang Theory C.Stellar Formation Theory D.Nebular Collapse Theory


The theory of sea-floor spreading states that... A.New sea floor/ocean crust is continuously being formed at the Mid-Ocean Ridge. B.The ocean plate is always forced under the continental plate at subduction zones. C.Continents move apart as a result of rock materials in the asthenosphere flowing. D.The ocean floor contains strips of rock with iron mineral grains magnetized in opposite directions.


Tycho Brahe was an important astronomer because... A.Despite being a "naked eye" astronomer made very accurate records of star and planet positions for over 20 years. B.He discovered the moons of Jupiter. C.He built the first telescope. D.Discovered planets have elliptical orbits.


What two criteria must an index fossil meet to be useful? A.Widely distributed, existed only briefly B.Limited in distribution, existed for a long period of time C.Must be found in multiple sedimentary rock layers, existed in more than one era. D.Must be actual preserved remains, skeletons must be complete or mostly complete


When Earth's axial tilt is more extreme... A.Seasonal changes will be more extreme. B.Seasonal changes will be less extreme. C.Seasonal changes will not be affected. D.The equator receives more solar radiation. E.The poles receive less solar radiation.


When Earth's axis cycles to point at Vega, rather than Polaris... A.Earth will experience summer at perihelion and winter at aphelion. B.Earth will experience summer at aphelion and winter at perihelion. C.Earth will experience spring at aphelion and fall at perihelion. D.Earth will experience fall at aphelion and spring at perihelion.


When the north end of Earth's axis is tilted toward the sun... A.The sun's rays hit the Northern Hemisphere more directly and the Northern Hemisphere has more hours of daylight, heating Earth's surface more. B.The sun's rays hit the Northern Hemisphere more indirectly, spreading the sun's energy over a great area resulting in cooling. C.The sun's rays have less distance to travel to hit the Northern Hemisphere which results in warming.


_____ is stress that occurs when forces act to stretch rock layers. This occurs at divergent plate boundaries. A.Tension B.Compression C.Shearing D.Transforming


_______, powered by the Earth's super hot, radioactive core, appear to cause rock material in the asthenosphere to flow resulting in the movement of the Earth's tectonics plates. A.Convection currents below the lithosphere. B.Conduction of energy from the mesosphere to the asthenosphere. C.Radiation waves in the asthenosphere.


•A _______ occurs when the moon passes between Earth and the sun, blocking the sunlight from reaching Earth. A.Solar eclipse B.Lunar eclipse C.Planetary eclipse D.A total eclipse of the heart... (turn around bright eyes!)


•Tidal bulges occur on the side of Earth facing the moon and the side of Earth opposite the moon because... A.The water is pulled toward the moon more strongly than the Earth on the side of Earth facing the moon while the Earth is pulled more strongly toward the moon than the water on the side of Earth opposite the moon. B.The moon pulls the water away from Earth on one side while the sun pulls the water away from Earth on the opposite side. C.The gravity of the Jovian planets pulls the water away from Earth on one side while the gravity of the Terrestrial planets pulls the water away from Earth on the opposite side.


•Tornados are thought to form when... A.Strong updrafts in thunderstorms tip vortexes of horizontally rotating air created by wind shear vertical. B.High pressure areas become extremely strong causing rapid rotation/spinning. C.When warm ocean water warms the air above it causing it become less dense and rise into the atmosphere. D.Warm continental tropical air masses move south and meet cold maritime polar air masses moving north.


•_____ mountains form when rock layers are squeezed together and pushed upward. They occur at _____ plate boundaries. A.Folded, convergent B.Folded, divergent C.Fault block, divergent D.Fault block, convergent


•_____ occur(s) when rock layers bend due to compression stress in the Earth's crust. A.Folding B.Shearing C.Faulting D.Tension


A _______ occurs during the full moon when Earth is directly between the moon and the sun. A.Solar eclipse B.Lunar eclipse C.Planetary eclipse D.Partial eclipse


A reverse fault forms as a result of what type of stress? A.Tension B.Compression C.Shearing


A _____ fault occurs when the hanging wall moves down relative to the footwall. They occur when tectonic forces cause tension that pulls rocks apart. A.Reverse B.Normal C.Strike slip D.Thrust


An asteroid strike that blasts large amounts of ash and dust into Earth's atmosphere would have which of the following climatic effects? A.Warming climate because the ash and dust traps heat. B.Cooling climate because the ash and dust reflects sunlight. C.Cooling climate because the ash and dust blocks gamma rays. D.Warming climate because of heat energy moving from the mantle to the atmosphere.


Astronomers have been able to determine what elements stars are made from by... A.Sending heat resistant probes into stars. B.By analyzing the emission and absorption spectra of stars. C.By determining whether the light coming from stars is red or blue shifted. D.By studying the density and temperature of stars.


Compression is associated with which type of mountain? A.Fault block B.Folded C.Volcanic


Difference is atmospheric pressure that causes wind are mainly caused by... A.Surface ocean currents. B.Uneven heating of Earth's surface. C.The rotation of Earth (Coriolis Effect). D.Deep ocean currents. E.Variations in the amount of sunspots on the sun.


Most scientists believe that the mass extinction that killed the dinosaurs was caused by... A.Climate change resulting from the formation of Pangaea. B.An asteroid strike. C.Decreased volcanic activity. D.An ice age.


Precession changes... A.Earth's degree of axial tilt. B.Where Earth's axis points in space. C.How quickly Earth's axial tilt cycles. D.The eccentricity of Earth's orbit.


The Mid-Ocean Ridge, where sea-floor spreading occurs, is a _____ plate boundary. A.Convergent B.Divergent C.Transform


The _______ states that any feature, such as a fault or intrusion, that cuts across rock layers is younger than the youngest rock that is cut. A.Law of Intrusionary Age B.Principle of cross cutting relationships C.Law of Superposition D.Principle of original horizontality


The discovery of Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (leftover heat) is evidence that the early universe... A.Was very small B.Was very hot C.Was radioactive D.Was very dense


The process, that occurs in the core of stars, that combines nuclei to make larger nuclei is called _______. A.Nuclear fission B.Nuclear fusion C.Gravitational recombination D.Nucleogenesis


The type of stress that occurs when rock layers are squeezed, as when two tectonic plates collide, is called _____. A.Tension B.Compression C.Shearing


What happens to the remnants of supernova explosions that are blasted into space? A.They collapse to form black holes. B.They form nebulas from which new stars and solar systems can form. C.They are converted to dark matter. D.They form white dwarfs


When Earth's axis cycles to point at Vega, rather than Polaris... A.Seasonal changes will be less extreme. B.Seasonal changes will be more extreme. C.Seasonal changes will not be affected. D.Earth will not experience seasonal change.


Which of the following are found in the biosphere? A.Icebergs and rivers B.Fish and insects C.Islands and continents D.Nitrogen and oxygen


Which of the following best explains why hydrogen and helium are far more abundant in the universe than all other heavier elements? A.They are both formed in the core of stars through nucleosynthesis/nuclear fusion. B.They were created in massive amounts very early during the Big Bang, while all other heavier elements were created in stars and supernova explosions much later. C.Heavier elements are needed to form rocky, terrestrial planets. D.Heavier elements are more easily sucked into black holes because they have more mass.


Which of the following would occur at point A? A.Low tide B.High tide. Sun •••••A(EARTH) •••• moon C.Neap tide D.Night time


•Earth is thought to be about _______ years old. A.4.6 million B.4.6 billion C.4.6 trillion D.14 billion


•Kepler discovered that planets in our solar system move around the sun in _______ orbits, having the sun as one foci. A.Circular B.Elliptical C.Epicyclical D.Perihelical E.Aphelical


•The geological time scale was originally based on _______, and then later refined by _______. A.Absolute age dating (Radioactive dating), relative age dating B.Relative age dating, absolute age dating (radioactive dating) C.The Law of Faunal Succession, The Principle of Cross Cutting Relationships. D.The Principle of Original Horizontality, The Law of Faunal Succession.


•The universe is approximately _____ years old. A.14 million B.14 billion C.14 trillion D.4.6 billion


•_______ made observations about the moons of Jupiter and the phases of Venus which refuted the Geocentric Model. A.Copernicus B.Galileo C.Hubble D.Kepler


If a galaxy is moving toward Earth, the waves moving toward Earth would be _______ shifted.


Energy from the sun travels to Earth by which process? A.Convection B.Conduction C.Electromagnetic Radiation (Waves) D.A series of little tubes that run from the sun to Earth.


Hurricanes begin to form when... A.Strong updrafts in thunderstorms tip vortexes of horizontally rotating air vertical. B.Winds blow at different directions at different altitudes causing wind shear. C.When warm ocean water warms the air above it causing it become less dense and rise into the atmosphere. D.Cold continental polar air masses move south and meet warm maritime tropical air masses moving north.


In which regions of the universe would stars form? A.Regions with numerous black holes. B.Regions that are expanding more slowly than others. C.Regions with large amounts of gas and dust. D.Regions with high amounts of dark energy.


Larger mass stars have shorter life spans than smaller mass stars because... A.They have less fuel. B.They form from clouds of gas and dust that contain mostly helium. C.They burn their fuel more quickly. D.They have greater gravity.


Most earthquakes and volcanoes occur near _____. A.Walmart B.Rift valleys C.Plate boundaries D.Coast lines


The _______ states that in horizontal rock layers the oldest layer is at the bottom and each higher layer is younger than the layers beneath it. A.Principle of original horizontality B.Principle of cross cutting relationships C.Law of superposition D.Principle of faunal succession


The _______ states that the fossils found in rock layers of different ages are also different, reflecting evolutionary change. A.Law of superposition B.Principle of Varying Horizontality C.Principle of faunal succession D.Principle of cross cutting relationships E.Principle of embedded particles


Which of the following did not contribute to Earth becoming molten in its early history? A.The breakdown of radioactive elements deep within Earth. B.Compression of Earth due to gravity. C.Nuclear fusion in Earth's core. D.Frequent impacts by meteorites, asteroids, etc.


Which of the following statements is correct regarding the relative ages of Earth and the moon? A.The moon is much older than Earth. B.Earth is much older than the moon. C.Earth and the moon are about the same age. D.It cannot be determined whether Earth or the moon is older.


Which of the following statements is correct? A.The sun has a greater impact on tides than the moon because it has more mass. B.The sun and the moon have an equal impact on tides because although the sun has more mass, it is further away and while the moon has less mass, it is closer. C.The moon has a greater impact on tides than the sun because it is much closer.


Which two gases make up 99% of Earth's atmosphere? A.Carbon dioxide, oxygen B.Hydrogen, helium C.Nitrogen, oxygen D.Carbon dioxide, hydrogen


•Earth has seasons because... A.The Earth's distance from the sun varies because its orbit is elliptical. B.The amount of solar radiation Earth receives varies because its orbit is elliptical. C.Earth's axis is tilted which causes variations in the angle at which sunlight hits the surface. D.The sun emits differing amounts of radiation during Earth's yearly orbit.


Mercury orbits at a higher speed than Earth because... A.It has less mass than Earth. B.It is more dense than Earth. C.It smells worse than Earth. D.It is closer to the Sun's gravity than Earth. E.It has less volume than Earth.


Which of the following is not evidence that supports the Big Bang Theory? A.The light from most galaxies is red-shifted indicating the universe in expanding. B.The discovery of Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation which is leftover heat from the Big Bang. C.The abundance of the light elements, hydrogen and helium. D.All of the planets in our solar system rotate in the same plane and in the same direction.


•The force of the gravitational attraction between two objects depends on which two factors? A.Mass, density B.Density, the distance between them C.Density, volume D.Mass, the distance between them


•Which of the following is not a possibility when solar radiation (Visible light, U.V., and infrared) reaches Earth's atmosphere? A.Most ultraviolet radiation is absorbed by the ozone layer. B.Clouds reflect infrared radiation. C.Water vapor absorbs infrared radiation. D.Carbon dioxide reflects visible light. E.Solar radiation reaches Earth's surface.


•Stars are formed from ______, spinning clouds of dust and gas.


•If a galaxy is moving away from the Earth, the EMR waves travelling from that galaxy toward Earth will be _______ shifted.


How do earthquakes occur at transform and convergent plate boundaries?

Sections of plates become locked (stuck), build up stress, and then slip. The plates continue to move while the fault remains motionless.

what factors affect the gravitational attraction between two objects?

mass and distance

when the sun is to the right of moon and earth is on other side

solar eclipse

uneven heating of earth's surface causes temperatures to

warmer near equator & colder near the poles

Precession (the slow wobble of Earth's axis) causes Earth's axis to cycle between pointing toward the star Polaris and the star Vega. This causes the time of year when Earth is closest to the sun to shift from January to July and back again over a period of about 26,000 years. Earth's axis currently points toward Polaris and Earth is closest to the Sun in January. When Earth's axis cycles to point toward Vega and it is closest to the sun in July, Earth will experience...

warmer summers and colder winters

Evaporation causes... A.Cooling because evaporating molecules carry heat away from the surface from which they evaporated. B.Warming because evaporating molecules release heat to the surface from which they evaporated. C.Cooling because evaporating molecules cause the remaining liquid to become less dense. D.Warming because evaporating molecules have more kinetic energy.

•A - Evaporation causes cooling, removes heat from the surface from which it evaporates

•Which of the following determines the half-life of a radioactive element? A.The amount of pressure on the element. B.The temperature of the element. C.The amount of the element. D.The composition of the element.

•D - Half-life is not affected by temperature, pressure, or the amount of a substance.

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